Meet The Leader

Chapter 516: Master of Fighting

The pressure brought by the martial arts master to Chu Xiu was not ordinary, but Chu Xiu was still able to stop it.

If the top three on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings were to go all out, they would be really strong against the martial arts masters. At least now, although Qiao Liandong can bring pressure to Chu Xiu, the pressure is not greater than that of Chu Xiu. As powerful as Zong Xuanshi.

On the other side, Qiao Liandong saw that his shot was only suppressing Chu Xiu, and he had not been able to defeat Chu Xiu. Qiao Liandong's complexion had become a little ugly.

Sometimes the older generation of warriors actually don't want to fight with the younger generation of warriors, the reason is very simple, it is not cost-effective.

These older generation warriors fought with younger generation warriors, you deserved to win, and they had to carry a reputation for bullying.

But if you lose, you will become a stepping stone for the younger generation of warriors, and you will be accused of getting older and more useless, and your reputation will be dissipated.

Although Qiao Liandong didn't lose now, he was a master of martial arts after all. As a result, he still failed to suppress Chu Xiu with so many moves. He even felt the strange gazes of other martial artists.

Feeling the gazes of others, Qiao Liandong shot even more violently, the blood-colored knife gang slashed like a torrential rain, but he still couldn't help Chu Xiu.

These knife gangs were either chopped to pieces by Chu Xiu's direct resistance, or they were offset by Chu Xiu's use of Dugu Yin and other defensive measures. Although it looked a little embarrassed, Chu Xiu could at least block it.

Moreover, it is actually a bit of a disadvantage to fight Chu Xiu here, because this place suppresses his spiritual power, making his Tianzi Wangqi and some subtle and mysterious methods temporarily unable to perform, so Chu Xiu will inevitably lose a part of his combat power.

If Chu Xiu made a full effort, he wouldn't even need to be embarrassed.

And Chu Xiu can hold it here, but Qiao Liandong is really hot.

The blood-colored long sword in his hand burst out with endless fierce and fierce sharp edges, and he slashed it down. In an instant, the blood-colored sword was extended and spread, and a river of blood gathered in the air, shrouded towards Chu Xiu!

The knife cuts the river of blood, and the world is afraid of extinction!

The incomparably huge blood river stretched nearly a hundred feet, and the might was so terrifying that it didn't give Chu Xiu the slightest leeway to dodge.

In an instant, the Buddha's light erupted all over Chu Xiu's body, and the phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata behind him merged with him, bursting out with an incomparably dazzling brilliance.

The Great Dharma of the new day was displayed. This time, Chu Xiu burned almost all of his strength. He held the fearless seal, the Dharma was solemn, and the boundless Buddha's light shone out. When he fell, he lifted the blood river and followed him. Its deadlocked!

"Break me!"

Qiao Liandong roared, and the powerful qi burst out all over his body, arousing the power of heaven and earth, and even causing the surrounding heaven and earth to make a burst of vitality.

The Buddha's light shattered, the phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata shattered, and Chu Xiu's figure retreated one after another, retreating several dozen feet, and retreated directly to the corner of the palace.

For the current Chu Xiu, there is still a big gap between him and the martial arts master.

The masters and strong masters condense the Martial Dao Zhendan and communicate with the world. No matter how strong the manpower is, they can't compete with the power of the world. When Qiao Liandong suddenly broke out, Chu Xiu really couldn't resist it.

Qiao Liandong stepped forward with a knife with a murderous look on his face.

Chu Xiu looked up, and suddenly saw the passage he had made earlier, he said solemnly to Lu Fengxian: "Brother Lu, don't worry about me for now, you go to guard that Fang Tianhuaji first, don't let it fall into others. hands."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Xiu directly squeezed the inner binding seal, turned around and fled towards the corridor that he had hit before.

Seeing Chu Xiu's actions, Qiao Liandong hesitated for a while, but he followed after.

On the Wen Hou inheritance side, it seems that the winner cannot be determined for a while, and even if there is a winner, Dong Qikun and Xu Ting are still there, and the two of them will inevitably have to experience a battle.

So it's not too late to come back to compete with them after he kills Chu Xiu.

Thinking like this, Qiao Liandong just hesitated for a moment, and immediately chased after Chu Xiu.

Lu Fengxian in the back frowned, but she wasn't too worried.

He knew Chu Xiu's character. Generally, Chu Xiu would never put himself in danger. Since Chu Xiu said he was sure, then he must be sure.

At this time, in the corridor, even though Chu Xiu burst out with the power of the inner bound seal, Qiao Liandong, who was behind him, was chasing after him.

No matter how fast the inner binding seal is, it is still unable to get rid of a martial arts master like Qiao Liandong.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't even think about getting rid of Qiao Liandong.

Continuing to run forward for a quarter of an hour, a palace appeared in front of Chu Xiu's eyes, Chu Xiu jumped directly into it, and the one who appeared in front of him was Yan Chixiao who was imprisoned here.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was back, Yan Chixiao couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you back?"

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "I'll bring you a great gift!"

Before Yan Chixiao could react, Qiao Liandong also appeared in the hall, he was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then he sneered: "You want to rely on this monster to resist me? Suppress Wen Houzhi. In that great hall on Earth, the three monsters have not gotten any benefit from me by joining forces!"

Yan Chixiao's skull burst into flames, and he roared, "Who do you say is a monster? Can't you find death?"

Chu Xiu said lightly to Yan Chixiao: "There seems to be something wrong with your plan. Your three companions are being beaten in front of you at this time, and they are almost unable to resist. Now I will help you attract one, we Killing him together can also reduce some pressure on your three companions."

Yan Chixiao suddenly sneered at this moment: "Do you really think I'm an idiot? Although I was in the hands of Lord Wen Hou in the past, although I was responsible for the hands, not the brains, I could also see that it was obvious that I was Your junior has a grudge against that fellow, but now you want to take advantage of me and pull me into the water, there is nothing so cheap in the world!"

Seeing that Qiao Liandong had come up with a sneer, Chu Xiu said quickly: "This is not a use, but mutual benefit. You want to resurrect Lu Wenhou, as long as you don't take me as a body, I don't care whether you are dead or alive.

On the contrary, the people on your side are now at a disadvantage. If I hadn't helped you attract one, your three companions would have been defeated.

No matter what, you and I now have a common enemy, and if you kill him, you will definitely not suffer. "

Yan Chixiao was slightly hesitant. Although he was not stupid, he was not good at moving his head. He also didn't know how to make a decision.

At this moment, a clone of Shui Wuxiang suddenly emerged from the ground and shouted: "Yan Chixiao! Help him!"

On Shui Wuxiang's side, he and Zhi Jiuling were just struggling to resist, while Xuan Jiuyou was getting weaker and weaker. of.

Shui Wuxiang's clones are countless in this sealed land. After he noticed the movement here, he immediately made a decision for Yan Chixiao.

Hearing what Shui Wuxiang said, Yan Chixiao did not hesitate. He waved the four iron chains in his hands and feet, burning hot flames and smashed directly at Qiao Liandong!

Qiao Liandong snorted coldly, and the blood-floating sword in his hand slashed all the chains directly. Although he failed to cut them off, it was clear that Yan Chixiao's offensive had no effect on Qiao Liandong.

However, Chu Xiu had already taken this opportunity to take the initiative to take the initiative. He stepped out one step and entered the realm of selfless killing. The demonic energy in his body had been raised to the extreme, and when he was slashed with one sword, the demonic energy surged into the sky, like a demon god.

There was a killing intent in Qiao Liandong's eyes. The better Chu Xiu's performance, the stronger his murderous intent towards Chu Xiu.

Since both sides have torn their faces, he must kill Chu Xiu today.

Qiao Liandong of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in a remote place doesn't care, but looking at the strength that Chu Xiu has shown now, how terrifying Chu Xiu will be in the future, there is no need to say more.

If he doesn't kill Chu Xiu today, he will be a big trouble for his confidants in the future!

Qiao Liandong suddenly stepped on the In an instant, the sea of ​​blood rose under his feet, and the blood-colored silk threads condensed from countless qi were entwining towards Chu Xiu, and the blood-floating sword in his hand was awe-inspiring. The sword's stance slashed towards Chu Xiu, the blood-colored edge pierced through the heavens and the earth, like opening the sky!

At this moment, a mysterious light burst into Chu Xiu's eyes, and the stars of the heavens, the earth, and the stars were constantly rotating in his eyes, which seemed incomparably miraculous.

Heaven's Hope!

When he was in the pool before, Chu Xiu found that his spiritual power was suppressed, which means that Chu Xiu couldn't perform the Yuan Mystery Method and the Emperor's Breathing Technique.

However, when Chu Xiu was dealing with Yan Chixiao before, he found that the suppression of mental power here had disappeared.

Chu Xiu guessed that this situation should be related to Yan Chixiao and others. In fact, Yan Chixiao had already removed part of the seal in the hall, and even the chains of his limbs had been torn apart.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a chain on Yan Chixiao's waist, Yan Chixiao should be able to join forces with Shui Wuxiang and the others at this time.

So at this time, Chu Xiu chose to lead Qiao Liandong here, not only because he was going to join forces with Yan Chixiao to strangle Qiao Liandong, but also because only in this place, Chu Xiu's power could reach its peak!

Under the Emperor's Wang Qi technique, Chu Xiu's knife was not fired, but his body was walking back and forth in the boundless blood lines, and none of those dense blood lines could touch Chu Xiu.

Qiao Liandong's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and it was this feeling again!

The last time in the Valley of the Dead, Chu Xiu used this trick to scare him away, but Qiao Liandong will not make the same mistake again!

So this time Qiao Liandong did not retreat, but slashed towards Chu Xiu without stopping!


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