Meet The Leader

Chapter 520: Dong Qikun's calculation

ps: Thanks to the book friend gluttonous de Tie for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

The seal that suppressed Lu Wenhou had been broken, and the entire sealed land looked like it was about to collapse.

Lu Fengxian held the Divine Soldier Wushuang and walked towards Chu Xiu with a hint of confusion, but Chu Xiu took a step back quietly, and the momentum around him was condensed to the extreme.

It's no wonder that Chu Xiu was nervous. In fact, when Lu Fengxian moved, everyone present also subconsciously retreated.

Although they watched Lu Wenhou's true spirit shatter, but at the level of Lu Wenhou, there are too many incredible things to happen. God knows whether Lu Fengxian will be taken away.

Lu Fengxian also reacted at this time, he smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu, I'm really fine, Lu Wenhou's true spirit has been completely shattered."

Chu Xiu silently used the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique to look at it. After finding no abnormality, he said, "Have you obtained the inheritance of Lu Wenhou?"

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "You can say the same thing, but I guess Lu Wenhou himself doesn't really want to pass it on to me.

And I also got some vague memories, but I can't recall them at all. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including Fang Qishao and Ying Bailu, looked at Lu Fengxian with strange eyes. This was a big chance!

That is the inheritance of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou, and now Fang Qishao still holds the unparalleled magic weapon belonging to Lu Wenhou. It can be said that all the benefits have been obtained by Lu Fengxian this time, even Fang Qishao and Ying Bailu are a little jealous Lu Fengxian was lucky.

In fact, among the people who entered the land that suppressed Lu Wenhou's seal this time, not counting the three martial arts masters such as Dong Qikun, Lu Fengxian was not outstanding at all.

The ones who really stood out were Chu Xiu, who killed the martial arts master, and Ying Bailu, who showed his unparalleled cultivation.

In the end, neither of them got the inheritance, but Lu Fengxian got everything. I have to say that sometimes luck is more important than strength.

Chu Xiu pointed to the jade pendant on Lu Fengxian's chest doubtfully and said, "What is this?"

Everyone can see that without this jade pendant, it is estimated that Lu Fengxian would definitely be taken away by Marquis Lu Wen this time. It is precisely because of this jade pendant that Lu Fengxian turned things around.

Lu Fengxian took out the jade pendant, but at this time there was already a crack on the jade pendant.

Touching the cracks on the jade pendant, Lu Fengxian's expression was a little distressed: "This is the jade pendant that my mother asked me from the temple on the mountain when I was young, and it was consecrated by an eminent monk.

When I was young, I was frail and sickly, so my mother asked me to wear this jade pendant at all times, saying that it would keep me safe throughout my life. "

Chu Xiu was a little speechless. Lu Fengxian was born with divine power. Even if he had never practiced physical exercises, his strength was not inferior to those of martial artists who had practiced physical exercises. As a result, he was frail and sickly when he was young?

But Chu Xiu was even more surprised by the origin of this jade pendant. He said strangely: "Brother Lu, who was the eminent monk who gave you this jade pendant? You don't really think that ordinary things can resist Lu Wenhou's. Really smart, right?"

Lu Fengxian is a person with good luck, and Chu Xiu is very sure, so he also wonders that the person who gave Lu Fengxian the jade pendant should be a reclusive monk, at least the level of Master Tanyuan.

However, Lu Fengxian shook his head with a wry smile and said, "That 'high monk' is a high monk in the eyes of ordinary people, but in fact he does not know martial arts.

The last time I went back to Beiyan to visit relatives, I wanted to see the master, but the temple was deserted.

I asked the villagers around, and they said that the master was very old, and the little novices who received him also disliked the lack of pilgrims in the temple and were too poor, so they went to the big temple. Passed away for several years. "

Chu Xiu was silent, everyone was gone, and it was estimated that nothing could be found.

However, it is clear that this jade pendant is a treasure. It can protect Lu Fengxian for the rest of his life and dare not say it, but it is not a problem to keep him safe for a while, just like it is now.

Looking at the crumbling hall around him, Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Brother Lu, let's go, this place is about to collapse."

Lu Fengxian nodded, the others still wanted to rummage here to see if there were any treasures, but seeing that this place couldn't last for long, they had to grit their teeth and turned around and ran out.

At this time, in the outside world, Dong Qikun and Xu Tingyi's faces were a little ugly, and they were forced to come out.

At this time, the ancestor of the Dong family also came here with other Dong family members, making a cautious defensive posture.

When they found such a large tomb during the opening of the mountain, of course not all the warriors of the Dong family entered it, but some people returned to the Dong family to report the news.

Like this kind of relic, the Dong family usually leaves half of the people outside to respond. In order to prevent any changes, everyone was wiped out.

The people brought by the ancestors of the Dong family were received outside.

At this time, the expression of the ancestor of the Dong family was also a little ugly, and he snorted coldly: "Qi Kun, so many disciples of my Dong family are there, as the head of the family, you left so many disciples and fled alone, this is how you are. Is it the responsibility of the head of the Dong family?"

Dong Qikun's face turned a little red. At that time, he really couldn't think so much. He only thought about his own life. But now that Dong Qikun's face was called out in front of so many people.

Dong Qikun couldn't help but tell the difference: "Ancestor, it's not that I don't want to save my disciples, but you didn't see that scene, that is the true spirit of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou. The real fire refining **** realm can't stand it.

If I escape first, I can still retain a piece of strength. If I am in it, I am afraid that even I will stay there! "

The best way to cover up one's cowardice is to exaggerate the strength of the enemy, which is what Dong Qikun does now.

In fact, Dong Qikun was far from being unstoppable, but he was really frightened, so he subconsciously chose to escape first.

However, the ancestor of the Dong family is also an old man. He could see what Dong Qikun was thinking at a glance. He couldn't help but snorted: "The real fire can't stop the spirit? You are still as strong as the real fire. Have you played against each other? Why don't I know?"

Just when Dong Qikun wanted to say something, he saw that many warriors had escaped from the tomb, and many of them were from the Dong family, which made Dong Qikun heave a sigh of relief.

He quickly called a warrior over and asked, "How is the situation inside?"

The Dong family's martial artist gasped heavily, and immediately told everything that happened, but after listening to it, the Dong family's ancestor turned red with anger.

"Waste! Dong Qikun, that's how you are the head of the family? You are the first to run away when you encounter some crisis, and you leave the opportunity to others out of thin air!"

In the eyes of the ancestors of the Dong family, if Dong Qikun did not go out, then there is no reason why a junior can take the inheritance of Lu Wenhou, but Dong Qikun, a martial arts master, cannot.

Dong Qikun's face turned red, but he still lowered his head and said solemnly: "Old Ancestor calm down, there is no room for recovery.

Ancestor, don't forget, this is the opening ceremony of my Dong family, and the things I found are also my Dong family's. "

Hearing what Dong Qikun said, the surrounding Dong family warriors and Xu Ting immediately understood what he meant. Dong Qikun was going to disregard the rules and seize the inheritance belonging to Lu Fengxian!

It stands to reason that the rules of the Kaishan Festival are who gets the things, as long as they can take it away, they can take it away. If the found things have to be handed over, who will come to participate in the Kaishan Festival? Go play yourself.

So what Dong Qikun is doing now is disregarding the rules.

Xu Tingyi, who was on the side, didn't speak. He was an outsider. With so many people from the Dong family here, he would definitely not be able to get the benefits, so he only needed to be a spectator with peace of mind.

The ancestor of the Dong family frowned at this time: "But the rules of the mountain festival..."

Dong Qikun sneered: "Ancestor, rules are dead, but people are alive!

That is the ancient magic **** Lu Wenhou's practice and the unparalleled nine-turn magic For these things, breaking the rules once is worth it, and it is also worth bearing a little infamy! "

The ancestor of the Dong family is an older generation of warriors who abide by the old rules.

But Dong Qikun was inciting at this time: "Patriarch, that is Lu Wenhou's inheritance method! Not to mention the unparalleled magic weapon, Lu Wenhou's inheritance method must be above rank nine!"

The words Jiuzhuan Gongfa instantly tilted the balance in the hearts of the ancestors of the Dong family, because their Dong family did not have the Jiuzhuan practice.

The exercises on the rivers and lakes are actually divided into three grades from one to nine.

Generally, it is an ordinary one to turn to the third rank, and it is in the hands of most loose cultivators and some small sect families.

Four to six turns is already a good exercise, and a martial artist who has no chance background can't get it.

As for the rank seven-to-ninth-rank exercises, generally only people with a deep legacy of chance and some great forces can get it.

As for the Peerless Cultivation Technique and the Supreme Cultivation Technique, except for some people with great luck and luck, only the powers of the level of Daguang Temple are qualified to have them.

The strength of their Dong family is not weak, but the strongest exercise in the Dong family is only rank eight. Although it is not weak, it is not strong.

If you can get the inheritance of the magic **** Lu Wenhou, it will be a rank nine rank existence. People like Ying Bailu and Fang Qishao don't care, because they can choose from more than one rank nine practice.

But for the Dong family, even if they gave up their current practice and modified Lu Wenhou's practice, it would be worthwhile.


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