Meet The Leader

Chapter 521: shameless

As Dong Qikun said, the rules are dead, but people are alive, and the inheritance of Lu Wenhou is the first, this kind of temptation is indeed qualified to make the ancestors of the Dong family heart.

In fact, the old ancestor of the Dong family is not too young. Although he still has a lot of life essence, his qi and blood have already reached a period of decline. At this time, let alone practice the nine-turn cultivation technique, even if it is to practice the peerless magic technique, He also couldn't step into the realm of real fire refining.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Dong family were all thinking about the Dong family.

In this generation, their Dong family is in the same position among the nine great aristocratic families, their position is awkward, and they have no successors. Let alone finding an outstanding disciple like Ying Bailu, even if they are not even in the top 50 on the Dragon Tiger list.

If they can get the inheritance of Marquis Lu Wen, then the strength of the next generation of the Dong family will be greatly improved. One day, they may be able to rank among the top nine families, and maybe they will be able to compete with the Shang Shui Ying clan!

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Dong family also became eager in his heart. He nodded and said, "Well, just do as you said."

But at this moment, a warrior from the Dong family hesitated and said, "Patriarch and ancestor, although Lu Fengxian is a loose cultivator, it is not simple.

He is the best friend of Chu Xiu from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he is also a good friend with Xie Xiaolou from the World Alliance.

I heard that Lu Fengxian has even been appreciated by Emperor Chen Qing, and Emperor Chen Qing once invited Lu Fengxian to join the World Alliance, but Lu Fengxian refused.

If we seize Lu Fengxian's chance, will we cause trouble? "

Dong Qikun looked at the ancestors of the Dong family, they really didn't know about it.

They are all martial artists of the older generation, and naturally they don't care about what happens in the younger generation of rivers and lakes.

But then Dong Qikun shook his head and sneered: "It's okay, this is Xi Chu, not the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and it's not Chu Xiu that we want to move, so we don't need to worry about the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The same is true for the Tianxia Alliance. If he, Lu Fengxian, is a member of the Tianxia Alliance, my Dong family will naturally give Chen Qingdi a face.

But Lu Fengxian has nothing to do with the World Alliance, he is just a friend of Chen Qingdi's disciple, and he doesn't deserve such a big face.

Although Chen Qingdi is domineering, he also has to abide by the rules and be reasonable, and there is no need to care about the world alliance. "

Seeing that the Patriarch was confident, the Dong family disciple didn't say much.

After all, as long as he got the practice method, as a disciple of the Dong family, he is also qualified to practice.

At this time, Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian, and the others all escaped from the tomb. Not long after they left, the entire tomb began to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head. In fact, everyone ignored it. This big tomb was also a treasure.

The people who built this tomb to suppress Lu Wenhou should have done it jointly by Taoism and Buddhism.

Inside this large tomb, there are double formation seals of Taoism and Buddhism, and all of them are the ones handed down from ancient times.

If it was rubbed down, it would be worth studying, but now it is too late, the big tomb is broken, and later people can only find some scattered runes from it, and the effect is not too big.

After Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian walked out of the big tomb, they prepared to leave first and cultivate for a while.

Chu Xiu was about to recover his strength, but he had just killed a Martial Dao master. The consumption was a bit too much, and he had already hurt some vitality, so he needed to cultivate in time.

As for Lu Fengxian, he was looking for a place to retreat to break through the realm of the unity of man and nature.

Yes, it is to break through the unity of heaven and man.

The benefits that Lu Fengxian got this time were not just the inheritance of Lu Wenhou. In the end, Lu Wenhou's true spirit fragments poured into Lu Fengxian's body, and it also brought Lu Fengxian extremely majestic power. This power has not yet been refined by Lu Fengxian, but he has I have already felt the threshold of the unity of heaven and man, and I only need to retreat and refine it.

Even Chu Xiu had to admit that Lu Fengxian's good fortune was truly unparalleled.

Chu Xiu has won a lot of good things along the way, but he has also fought more hard.

After so many twists and turns, Chu Xiu has the current realm and strength. Although Lu Fengxian encountered a lot of things, he did not have as much as Chu Xiu. As a result, he caught up so quickly. It made Chu Xiu feel a little jealous. Sure enough, there is nothing to say about luck.

Just when Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian were about to leave, the Dong family's warriors had already gathered around, and the warriors present were stunned, not knowing what the Dong family meant.

Chu Xiu frowned, suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

Dong Qikun stood up and smiled and said, "My Dong family is very grateful for coming to my mountain opening ceremony, but according to the rules, some things belong to my Dong family, so if you get my Dong family things, please hand them over. Bar."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they looked at Lu Fengxian subconsciously, and immediately stepped back.

In the tomb that suppressed Lu Wenhou, they didn't get even the slightest benefit, and they couldn't give it to them. The only one who got the benefit was Lu Fengxian.

Lu Fengxian frowned and did not speak, but at this time Dong Qikun looked at Lu Fengxian with a smirk and said, "Little friend Lu, take something and hand it over, do you want me to name it?"

Lu Fengxian's expression remained unchanged, "What do you mean, Master Dong? According to the rules of the Kaishan Festival, all things that can be taken can be taken directly, and those that cannot be taken are owned by the Dong family."

Dong Qikun said lightly: "Oh, that's right, since that's the case, then I'll leave you here, Lu Xiaoyou, so you can't take it away?"

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of everyone present changed. Seeing what Dong Qikun meant, he was preparing to completely break the rules and be a rogue.

Everyone present looked at Lu Fengxian with a hint of sympathy.

The strength of Lu Fengxian's luck was indeed envied by them. Among so many people, he was the only one who had obtained the inheritance of the demon **** Lu Wenhou.

But no matter how strong the luck is, it can't be stronger than a fist. Right now, the Dong family's fist is big, and it is clear that they are going to steal the inheritance of warmth from you. What can you do, Lu Fengxian?

At the level of the Dong family, they can abide by the rules, but even if they break the rules and rob the inheritance of the junior warriors, they will just be scolded by others, so what can they do? It won't hurt the muscles anyway.

Chu Xiu said coldly from the side: "Patriarch Dong, you have broken the rules of Kaishan Festival, aren't you afraid of being spurned by other martial arts forces in Western Chu?"

Dong Qikun cast a glance at Chu Xiu and said lightly: "Spoiled? My Dong family has been based in the arena for so long, why have I been afraid of being scolded? Chu Xiu, I know you and Lu Fengxian are friends, but you'd better not get involved in this matter. .

Your most sensible choice now is to persuade your friend to hand over both Wen Hou inheritance and Shenbing Wushuang, and then you can leave safely. Otherwise, you can leave, but Lu Fengxian is afraid that he will stay in my Dong family. Been a guest for a while. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows. It seems that the reputation of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is really not very loud in the arena, and the Dong family has no fear at all.

Of course, Chu Xiu would know later that the Dong family was already greedy for profit, and they were not the only ones who were not afraid of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The Dong family has gone too far in this matter, and even Fang Qishao, who didn't intend to speak out before, couldn't help but say: "Hey, I said that what your Dong family did is a little too inauthentic? You do this, next. When your Dong family holds a mountain opening ceremony again, who will come to help?"

Dong Qikun glanced at Fang Qishao and said lightly: "It turns out that it is Mr. Fang from the Sword King City. You don't need to worry about my Dong family, Mr. Fang, and this matter has nothing to do with the Sword King City."

Sword King City is stronger than his Dong family. Usually, when Fang Qishao comes, Dong family will definitely give a face and serve delicious food.

But now, it's fine if Fang Qishao doesn't speak, even if Fang Qishao speaks now, the Dong family will not give this face.

Fang Qishao frowned, and there was a rare gloomy look in his eyes.

In fact, Fang Qishao is different from the other disciples who talk about the Sword King City all He really rarely takes out his sect to oppress people, but today is the first time someone is so disrespectful. Give him face, and blatantly ignore Sword King City.

Ying Bailu on the side did not speak, just watched silently.

The Shang Shui Ying family and the Dong family are one of the nine great families. Although he is not used to the behavior of the Dong family, Ying Bailu will not stop it.

Yan Feiyan on the side was willing to help Lu Fengxian with a few words. After all, Lu Fengxian also saved her just now, but after seeing what happened to Fang Qishao, Yan Feiyan held back those words.

This time, the Dong family is determined to take the inheritance from Lu Fengxian. They don't even give the Sword King City face, let alone her Yuenv Palace. You must know that Yuenv Palace's strength is not comparable to the sword. Wangcheng, even the Dong family itself, is incomparable to the Yuenu Palace.

Chu Xiu raised the Tianmowu in his hand and said lightly: "People want face, trees want bark, I didn't expect that your Dong family didn't even want a face this time.

Dong Qikun, to give you face, you are the master of martial arts, the head of the Dong family, if I don’t want to give you face, master of martial arts, it’s not like I haven’t killed it! "

Lu Fengxian also raised the Divine Weapon Wushuang in his hand and did not speak, but the black Lilong above the Divine Weapon Wushuang let out a low dragon roar, and a fierce breath burst out in an instant. The momentum even changed Dong Qikun's complexion.

It was not until this time that Dong Qikun realized that he should not regard Chu Xiu as an ordinary martial artist of the unity of heaven and man.

Although no one knows how Chu Xiu killed Qiao Liandong, this is Chu Xiu's real record. If he insists on intervening in this matter, his deterrent power is not inferior to that of a real martial arts master.


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