Meet The Leader

Chapter 522: Chen Qingdi!

Chu Xiu's words are arrogant when placed on other people. If the martial arts master says he will kill, he will kill. Who do you think you are?

But on Chu Xiu, who had just killed a martial arts master, this was the truth, and no one would take Chu Xiu's words as a joke.

And it's not just Chu Xiu. Now Fang Tianhuaji Wushuang has recognized Lu Fengxian as the main body, and feeling the aura on Fang Tianhuaji, even Dong Qikun feels a little depressed. Although Lu Fengxian is only in the Five Qi Dynasty, he After all, he has just obtained the inheritance of Lu Wenhou, so Dong Qikun is really uncertain whether he can exert the power of such a rank nine magic weapon.

However, Dong Qikun's words have already been said. If he wants to let go at this time, he will lose all face.

So Dong Qikun said directly to Xu Ting next to him: "Brother Xu, do a favor and suppress these two junior warriors together, haven't you always wanted to borrow my Dong family's She Shenyu to strengthen your spiritual power? Today you help I, I will lend you the Shenyu Jade for a year!"

Xu Ting's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he couldn't help standing beside Dong Qikun.

Sheshen Jade is a treasure handed down by the Dong family. Cultivating around it has the effect of strengthening your spiritual power. Even if you don’t know any spiritual and mysterious methods, Sheshen Jade will passively enhance your spiritual power.

It's just that this jade is getting smaller and smaller. In the past, the jade of the Dong family was as big as a fist, but now it is only the size of a quail egg.

Xu Tingyi's mental strength is a shortcoming. He has long wanted to borrow the Dong family's She Shenyu, but even the Dong family himself dare not use it indiscriminately, so how could he lend it to Xu Tingyi? At this time, Dong Qikun finally returned generously, but Xu Tingyi didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Seeing this scene, everyone present shook their heads, Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian seemed to have no other way out except to admit defeat.

Chu Xiu had a record of beheading martial arts masters, and Lu Fengxian also had magic weapons in his hands, but those were three martial arts masters, and they were no match for them.

But at this moment, Xie Xiaolou suddenly stood up and said: "Three, Brother Lu is the person my master favors, you won't give the face of Guanzhong Xingtang, you won't give the face of Sword King City, my master's Face, don't you give it?"

Dong Qikun and others all frowned. To be honest, the strength of the World Alliance is definitely not comparable to that of Sword King City, but Chen Qingdi's power in this acre of Western Chu is much stronger than Sword King City.

He was able to tell Fang Qishao to stay out of his own business, but he really didn't dare to say that to Chen Qingdi's disciples.

However, with the Jiuzhuan exercise in front, a disciple of Chen Qingdi should not try to scare away Dong Qikun.

Looking at Xie Xiaolou, Dong Qikun smiled and said, "Young Master Xie, although you are the disciple of Alliance Leader Chen, you have to be reasonable in doing things. It depends on what kind of thing it is.

Today you said that Lu Fengxian is the person favored by the leader of the Chen alliance, and my Dong family gave it face. Tomorrow you say that Zhang Fengxian is the person favored by the leader of the Chen alliance, and I will give the face again.

Although the power of Alliance Leader Chen is great, but it is not so great, right? He does not allow others to move the people he is optimistic about? There is no such domineering thing in the world, which is against the rules. "

Dong Qikun's words made everyone around him despise him. They didn't realize that Dong Qikun, the head of the Dong family, was so shameless.

You must know that what Dong Qikun is doing now is extremely domineering, and what he is doing is breaking the rules. As a result, he is still here saying that others have broken the rules.

Xie Xiaolou was immediately flushed by Dong Qikun's words. He was not good at words. At this time, he didn't know how to refute Dong Qikun.

But at this moment, a deafening voice suddenly sounded like a thunderous roar.

"Dong Qikun, you said that you are not going to give some face? You dare to say this in front of my disciple, who gave you the courage?"

As the voice came, there was a rumbling sound in the distance.

Everyone looked up and saw that the trees in the distance were torn to the ground one after another, and a black shadow came quickly, like black lightning, almost in front of Xie Xiaolou in the blink of an eye, it turned out to be a head He is almost as tall as a person when squatting, the divine horse is an incomparably elegant black tiger!

The black tiger squatted in front of Xie Xiaolou, stretched out his paws and patted Xie Xiaolou's back, as if to comfort him. After seeing the black tiger, Xie Xiaolou's eyes suddenly revealed A touch of joy came.

But seeing this black tiger, the expressions of everyone present changed.

In a place like Xichu, there are actually quite a few black tigers in the wild jungle, but with such a terrifying speed and being so close to Xie Xiaolou, there is only one, and that is the one raised by Chen Qingdi, the leader of the World Alliance. That spirit beast black tiger!

Sure enough, when everyone looked at the place where the black tiger came, a figure also stepped slowly, stepped out, and then crossed a distance of several dozen meters.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in black, with a tight black robe wrapped around his burly body, his arms exposed, and a pair of gauntlets on his forearms with golden dragon patterns on them. The sun was still twisting, and it was not a common thing to see, and he also wore a belt with the same golden dragon pattern around his waist, looking at the existence of the same origin as the arm armor.

The scarlet cloak floated behind him, not showing any evil, some were just boundless domineering, and the momentum was so overwhelming that everyone present felt breathless!

Underworld Alliance Chen Qingdi! With a pair of iron fists, Chen Qingdi, who defeated thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

When everyone present saw Chen Qingdi, no one would pay attention to Chen Qingdi's appearance, but could only feel the extreme aura on Chen Qingdi's body.

Xie Xiaolou was stunned when he looked at Chen Qingdi, and he said, "Master, why are you here?"

This time, it was precisely because Chen Qingdi was too lazy to come here that he sent Xie Xiaolou here, but why did Chen Qingdi come in person now?

Chen Qingdi said lightly: "Did you use the Baipi Dao I gave you? I left a mark on it, as long as you use it, I will naturally notice it.

I have nurtured your kid for so long. Wouldn't it be a pity if something was killed outside without understanding? "

Hearing what Chen Qingdi said, Xie Xiaolou was suddenly stunned. He used some life-saving things that Chen Qingdi gave him in that big tomb, but he didn't expect that there was a mark belonging to Chen Qingdi on it.

Although his master said something awkward, but he was very protective of him, Xie Xiaolou was used to it, and naturally converted Chen Qingdi's words into a meaning of concern.

Dong Qikun and the ancestor of the Dong family looked at each other, and they never thought that this time they would recruit Chen Qingdi.

Although they kept saying that even Chen Qingdi had to obey the rules, but now that Chen Qingdi stood in front of them, they couldn't say a word of these words.

Just when Dong Qikun was about to say something, Chen Qingdi suddenly turned around, looked at him, put his left hand on the head of the black tiger and gently stroked it, but the handsome black tiger was at this moment. Squinting, like a kitten, he shook his head and enjoyed Chen Qingdi's stroking.

Being stared at by Emperor Chen Qing, Dong Qikun instantly felt a powerful momentum attacking him like Mount Tai, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Dong Qikun swallowed and said, "Chen..."

Before the words could be said, Chen Qingdi waved his hand and said coldly, "You said you were not going to give me face? Did you say that I didn't follow the rules? Did you say that I acted domineering?"

Dong Qikun hurriedly said: "Lord Chen, listen to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Chen Qing took a step forward, and the ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch, within a radius of several hundred meters, like an earthquake!

A punch was thrown, and the whole world seemed to stand still in an instant, like a picture scroll, but the next moment, everything was shattered under that punch, God blocked the killing God, and the fist shattered the mountains and rivers!

Dong Qikun's complexion suddenly changed, and countless swords and stars were raised above the long sword in his hand. Before he could fully display his sword power, everything was shattered by Chen Qingdi's punch, the qi burst, and the blade shattered. Dong Qikun was directly blasted several dozen feet away by Chen Qingdi's punch, knocking down more than ten giant trees in It stopped, and a large amount of blood spurted out, even though he was seriously injured!

Retracting the punch, Chen Qingdi said coldly: "There is something you said right, a certain is so domineering!

You dare not give me face just because you are such a waste, why should I, Chen Qingdi, need you to give me face? What face are you giving me? "

This punch shocked everyone present. No one would have thought that Dong Qikun, who is also a true martial arts master and a martial arts master, would be so... vulnerable in the hands of Emperor Chen Qing!

At this time, the ancestor of the Dong family seemed to have reacted. Looking at Dong Qikun, who was seriously injured and vomiting blood, the ancestor of the Dong family shouted angrily: "Chen Qingdi! This is my Dong family, you..."

Chen Qingdi's gaze turned to the ancestor of the Dong family. His figure moved, and some weak people couldn't even see Chen Qingdi's figure, but the next moment, Chen Qingdi appeared in front of the ancestor of the Dong family. .

The old ancestor of the Dong family made a seal with his hands in horror. After all, he is the martial arts master of the older generation, and there are still some ways to press the bottom of the box.

The boundless bright stars condensed, and every little star condensed into a battle, trying to block Chen Qingdi.

But Chen Qingdi slapped it directly, and in an instant, the qi burst, and the stars shattered!

Chen Qingdi's right hand was pinched on the neck of the ancestor of the Dong family, and the dragon pattern in the golden gauntlet was twisted like a pattern, which directly blocked the infuriating energy of the ancestor of the Dong family, making him look like an ordinary person at this time. He was held up by Chen Qingdi's neck and stretched his legs helplessly.

Staring at the ancestor of the Dong family, Emperor Chen Qing said in a calm voice: "Old man, what do you want to say? What if this is your Dong family? The nine great families have lost your Dong family, and the Wang family's Li family. Believe it or not, someone can make this place no longer surnamed Dong tomorrow?"


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