Meet The Leader

Chapter 523: soft

He seriously injured Dong Qikun with one punch, and subdued the ancestor of the Dong family with one move. Chen Qingdi was more powerful than everyone present imagined.

For most of the Martial Artists present, the Martial Dao Grandmaster is already unattainable for them, but in the hands of Emperor Chen Qing? The two martial arts masters were like children, vulnerable to a single blow!

Xu Tingyi didn't move, he was not calm, but he didn't dare to move.

Although he had promised Dong Qikun to stand on their side just now, under Chen Qingdi's mighty power, Xu Tingyi was so frightened that he didn't even dare to let go.

Chu Xiu looked at Emperor Chen Qing, and he had a hunch that although Emperor Chen Qing was still in the realm of Martial Dao, he was probably not far from the realm of real fire refining, and he might even have half footed into this realm. in the boundary.

In the old days of the Magic Alliance, Wei Shuya's attack on the mountain ghosts of the Moon Worship Cult was also a move like crushing the enemy.

Although Chen Qingdi has not reached the realm of Wei Shuya now, the strength of the Dong family is not as good as that of the mountain ghosts in the nine gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult.

At this time, the silence was terrifying.

Chen Qingdi shot and watched the audience, his domineering arrogance could not be described in words.

Dong Qikun, who was severely injured and vomited blood, did not dare to say another word, and the ancestor of the Dong family, who was carried by Chen Qingdi in the air like a dog, did not dare to say any more nonsense.

Seeing Chen Qingdi's eyes, the ancestors of the Dong family knew that what Chen Qingdi just said was not a threat to him, but that he would do what he said!

Although the Dong family and the world alliance are in Western Chu, the Dong family rarely deal with the world alliance.

One is the nine great families that have been passed down for a long time, and the other is the arrogant force that has recently risen. It is amazing. Regarding the World Alliance, the Dong family has always maintained a respectful attitude and did not provoke it.

In the past, the Dong family only thought that Chen Qingdi's domineering was domineering, but he still had to abide by some rules of the rivers and lakes, but when they saw them today, they realized that this Chen Qingdi was domineering. He was simply moody and acted like a lunatic. , to the extreme without any scruples!

He had never considered if the Dong family was really slaughtered, whether the other nine great families would come to him to ask for an explanation, whether the World Alliance would be damaged because of it, and what would Xichu Wulin think of the World Alliance.

It seems that in the eyes of Emperor Chen Qing, there is only one result, that is, those who obey me prosper, and those who oppose me perish!

Feeling the meaning of Emperor Chen Qing, the ancestor of the Dong family smiled bitterly and said: "Meng Lang of the Dong family, this is my Dong family's fault, and it is my Dong family that is wrong, please let the master Chen ignore the villain and let me go. Dong family once."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, and the Dong family's warriors were even more embarrassed and flushed, wishing to find a crack to dig in.

In the arena, who doesn't want to be ashamed? But now the soft words of the ancestors of the Dong family can be said to be soft to the extreme, as if he threw his face on the ground and stepped on his feet actively. If it spreads out, their Dong family will be a laughing stock from now on!

Compared with the Dong family that they have inherited for thousands of years, the world alliance has only been around for less than a hundred years. Compared with the ancestor of the Dong family, although Chen Qingdi is powerful, his generation is much younger than that of the ancestor of the Dong family. He and Dong Qikun are the same generation.

As a result, the ancestor of the Dong family is now soft on Chen Qingdi in a tone that is almost pleading, and the loss of face is not ordinary.

In fact, only the ancestors of the Dong family knew that compared with their lives, what was their face?

This time the Dong family refuses to accept the softness. In the future, their Dong family's site will really change their surname!

Chen Qingdi sneered, waved his hand, and threw the Dong family's ancestors aside, said lightly: "Remember, next time you talk about it, who is this person, what kind of character, you should know, this is the face. I don't need you to give me something, and you are not qualified to give me face!"

The two martial arts masters of the Dong family did not dare to say a word, and Xu Tingyi lowered his head even more, expecting that Chen Qingdi would not see him, but at this time Chen Qingdi also turned his eyes to him and said lightly: " Are you also on the Dong family's side?"

Xu Ting said quickly, "Don't get me wrong, Alliance Leader Chen, I'm not a member of the Dong family, but I'm in the Dong family right now, and I can't help myself. I also hate the Dong family for bullying the small."

Chen Qingdi sneered, but did not break Xu Tingyi, he just sneered: "Idiot! Do you think I am dissatisfied with the Dong family's bullying of the small? The key to the problem is not the big bully, but who he bullied. Junior of the family! Go away, next time you will show some bright spots!"

Hearing Chen Qingdi say this, Xu Tingyi was relieved and quickly 'go away'.

At this time, Emperor Chen Qing turned his attention to Chu Xiu and others.

Looking at Lu Fengxian, Chen Qingdi said with a smile: "Boy, what did I say at the beginning, if you are willing to join the World Alliance and worship me as your teacher, how dare those wastes of the Dong family dare to **** the opportunity in your hands?

Walking in the rivers and lakes, strength is very important, understanding is very important, luck is very important, but backing is also very important, how is it, do you regret it now? "

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "Thank you Senior Chen for your help, but I'm used to wandering under the sun, and I also have a master. I can only thank Senior Chen for your wrong love."

Chen Qingdi also shook his head. If Lu Fengxian changed his mind and wanted to join the World Alliance, he would not be Lu Fengxian, and Chen Qingdi would not appreciate him so much.

At this time, Emperor Chen Qing turned his attention to Chu Xiu again, and Chu Xiu just cupped his hands at Emperor Chen Qing and said, "I have seen Senior Chen."

Chen Qingdi nodded, looked at Chu Xiu for a while, raised his eyebrows and said, "You are Chu Xiu? I always hear that kid from Xie Xiaolou mention you, I heard that you also killed a grandmaster this time? It's a bit of a waste, but after all, you are a martial arts master, you are not bad, very good."

Xie Xiaolou looked at Chen Qingdi in surprise. Others didn't know, but he knew Chen Qingdi's character.

Can make Emperor Chen Qing say two good words in succession, but there are not many in the rivers and lakes. The same is true of Lu Fengxian at the beginning. Since Emperor Chen Qing said that Chu Xiu is good, then he is really good.

At this time, Chen Qingdi looked at Fang Qishao again, and he said with a strange look: "You doll with a sword is also very good, the guys in Sword King City are very pleasing to the eye, and you are rare. What people dislike is that I don’t know whether Sword King City will regret choosing you as its heir in the future.”

Fang Qishao widened his eyes and touched his chin. Is Chen Qingdi praising him or praising him? Why does he feel a little off?

But Fang Qishao didn't think too much about it. Anyway, Emperor Chen Qing said that he was also very good. Even Fang Qishao was a little excited to be affirmed by such fierce people.

Chen Qingdi waved his hand and said: "Come with me, go to the World Alliance to cultivate for a while, don't worry, don't say that you have the inheritance of the devil Lu Wenhou, even if you have the inheritance of the Kunlun Devil Sect, no one dares to come to my world. The alliance eliminates the devil and guards the road!"

Having said that, Chen Qingdi was about to leave beforehand, and the Dong family disciples avoided them one after another, with awe in their eyes.

Just when Chu Xiu passed by these Dong family members, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Senior Chen, you offended the Dong family very much this time, and you have stepped on your feet, but you are afraid that someone will be unconvinced by their mouths, and they will come again in the future. If you want to make trouble, it is better to cut the grass and get rid of the roots!"

As soon as these words came out, the people of the Dong family were all stunned. The ancestors of the Dong family and Dong Qikun scolded Chu Xiu in their hearts. This fellow is simply vicious to the extreme. House weeds and roots!

Chen Qingdi glanced at Chu Xiu in amazement, and laughed: "You little doll has a very poisonous mind, and you are better at doing things than me!

But it doesn't matter, I've done cutting grass and rooting, but today I'm in a good mood, so I'll let them go for a while. If they don't know what to do, I don't mind changing the name of this place. "

Hearing this, the ancestors of the Dong family and Dong Qikun breathed a sigh of relief.

It is also fortunate that Emperor Chen Qing's actions depend on his own anger and anger. If he were more rational and more ruthless, he might have done something that killed the Dong family!

After Chen Qingdi left, the Dong family ancestor and Dong Qikun looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes.

Now that Emperor Chen Qing is gone, do they dare to take revenge? Dare to go to the trouble of the world alliance?

At that moment, Chen Qingdi had already left a huge shadow in their He seemed to be a man like a demon, so powerful that they couldn't take revenge!

After leaving the jungle, Chen Qingdi said to Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian: "You two little babies, go back to the World Alliance with me directly, as I said, as long as you are in my World Alliance, even if you get the Kunlun Demon Sect Inheritance, other people dare not attack your ideas!"

Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian looked at each other, Chu Xiu stood up and cupped their hands and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Alliance Leader Chen, but I'm going to go back to the Guanzhong torture hall with Brother Lu. The land in Guanzhong is based between the Three Kingdoms, and there is no power around it. I believe that with the strength of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, no one will come and make any plans."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Chen Qingdi didn't force it, he just nodded and said, "You can go back to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. That guy Guan Siyu is not weak either. The most important thing is that you have Chu Juxia in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Yu Yin is here, other forces want to come to Guanzhong Punishment Hall to grab something, but they need to weigh it."

Having said this, Chen Qingdi turned his gaze to Lu Fengxian again, and said solemnly: "Little baby, do you really not consider taking me as a teacher and joining the World Alliance?

Having a backer and not having a backer in this arena are two different things. Look at that little girl named Chu. His mind is deeper than yours and his strength is stronger than you, but he still joined the Guanzhong torture hall and found a good one. backing. "

Lu Fengxian shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Senior Chen, I'm a little embarrassed for you to invite me again and again, but I really don't want to be here."

Hearing what Lu Fengxian said, Chen Qingdi didn't force it any more. After Xie Xiaolou said goodbye to Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu, the two groups left directly.


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