Meet The Leader

Chapter 524: return

After Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu left, they were about to return directly to the Guanzhong Torture Hall.

At present, the matter about the inheritance of Lu Wenhou has not been spread out. As long as they rush back to the Guanzhong execution hall in time, they don't have to worry about someone coming up with the idea of ​​inheritance.

In fact, the best way for Lu Fengxian right now is to join a top force in the world, such as the World Alliance, and find a backer for protection.

Lu Wenhou's inheritance is tempting, yes, but people like Chen Qingdi have their own martial arts, and they don't look down on Lu Wenhou's inheritance, even if it is rank nine.

It's a pity that Lu Fengxian seems to be very talkative, but he is extremely stubborn. Let alone Chu Xiu, no one can persuade him.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the forest, and the four warriors who only had the innate realm ran over in a hurry. After seeing Lu Fengxian, the four knelt on one knee and lowered their heads. The voice: "We see the lord!"

Lu Fengxian looked confused, he asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Hearing their tone, Chu Xiu suddenly reacted, speaking in such a tone, why are they so like the four of them?

Chu Xiu asked in a deep voice, "Are you people equal to Shui Wu?"

Among the four, a tall, thin, blue-faced man smiled wryly: "It's us."

At this time, Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian suddenly remembered that these people were indeed not dead.

At that time, Lu Fengxian had just merged with Lu Wenhou's true spirit. At this time, Shui Wuqi and the other four had already run out of fuel, so they could only randomly choose four people to seize the house.

Because there were too many people at that time, Chu Xiu and the others didn't pay attention to the goals they had seized.

Lu Fengxian said strangely: "What do you mean by calling me the lord now? I'm not Marquis Lu Wen, and because I caused Marquis Lu Wen's true spirit to shatter, you should seek revenge from me."

Shui Wuxiang smiled bitterly: "Time is also fate, maybe in this era, Lord Wen Hou has no possibility of resurrection, and you are eighty similar to Lord Wen Hou when you were young, and you have inherited all the things of Lord Wen Hou. Even Shenbing Wushuang is willing to recognize you as the master, it can be said that you are in the world right now, and if we don’t recognize you as the master, who else can we recognize?”

Lu Fengxian frowned and wanted to refuse.

He was used to being alone, but at this time he didn't want to accept any servants.

But at this time, Chu Xiu sent a voice transmission to Lu Fengxian: "Brother Lu, if you accept these four people, you will not suffer.

Among the four, Shui Wuxiang is good at formation and calculation, and although the combat power is not strong, it is very strange.

That Yan Chixiao and Shi Jiuling were warriors, and their own strengths were not weak. Although Xuan Jiuyou didn't know what he was good at, those who could follow Lu Wenhou in that era would obviously not be weak.

Don't look at the fact that the four of them are only in the innate realm after winning the house, but after all, they used to be beyond the level of martial arts masters. Although their strength is gone, they still have experience.

If you accept the four of them, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. "

Lu Fengxian was still quite convinced by Chu Xiu's eyes. Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "In this case, you can follow me, but first you need to change your tone of voice. I sound awkward. Since you have already taken the house, you must know some things about the current era, right?"

Shui Wu and others nodded and said: "We wait... I wait to know."

Lu Fengxian nodded, and suddenly asked, "By the way, would you make something like a jade slip for the transmission of power?"

Shui Wuxiang said proudly: "The cultivation base of my subordinates above the formation path is not inferior to those of the Daoist formation masters. Of course, something as simple as the jade slip can be made, but there is no material at the moment, so I can't make it.

Dare to ask whether the lord needs to be kept for a long time or temporarily used? If it is for temporary use, subordinates can make one now. "

Lu Fengxian said, "Use it temporarily."

Shui Wuxiang nodded, he picked a few wild fruits directly from the roadside, forced out the water in them, condensed them with infuriating energy, and outlined a few patterns on it, which turned out to be like a soft candy thing.

"My lord, this thing can only transmit gong once. As long as the gong art in it is read or three days have passed, this thing will dissipate."

Shui Wuxiang's complexion is a little pale. He is still only in the innate realm. Even if he is doing such a small thing, his true qi has been consumed a lot.

Lu Fengxian took it over, poured Jiuxiao's magic golden body into it, and handed it to Chu Xiu: "Brother Chu, you brought me here this time. , this is the old body training exercise of Lu Wenhou, "Nine Heavens Refining the Devil's Golden Body". You accept it. When Shui Wuxiang's true qi recovers, I will let him make a power transmission and give "Devil God Wushuang Halberd" to you."

Hearing this, Shui Wulian hurriedly stopped him and said: "Master! This is the inheritance method left by Lord Wen Hou, how can it be spread freely?"

Lu Fengxian didn't get angry either, he just said indifferently, "Are you the lord or am I the lord?"

Shui Wuxiang smiled bitterly and did not continue to stop.

He also discovered that although this Lu Fengxian was different from Lord Wen Hou in overall personality, he was very similar to Lord Wen Hou in some details, such as his stubborn personality.

Whatever Lord Wen Hou decides, no one can dissuade him. Now Lu Fengxian is the same. As long as it is what he decides, no one can stop him.

This kind of character is extremely decisive, but I don't know if it's good or bad. After all, in ancient times, if Lu Wenhou listened to Shui Wuxiang's advice and kept a low profile for the time being, he would not have fallen into this field.

Chu Xiu didn't show any kindness to Lu Fengxian either, he took over the teaching materials and said, "Thank you Brother Lu, I just need a top-notch body training method right now, so I won't be more polite to you, but the devil is unparalleled. No need, I use a knife, and it is too time-consuming to modify the Fangtian painting halberd at this time."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Lu Fengxian did not force Chu Xiu the exercises, and the two of them took Shui Wuqi and the other four all the way back to the Guanzhong execution hall.

In the headquarters of the Guanxi Punishment Hall, upon hearing the news of Chu Xiu's return, the Ghost Hand King specially brought people out to greet him.

Before Chu Xiu entered the door, the Ghost Hand King laughed and cupped his hands: "Congratulations to the Grand Master of the Array, and stepping into the fourth place on the Dragon Tiger List."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Is this thing already spread out?"

The Ghost Hand King nodded and said, "It's been around for a long time, my lord, your reputation in the arena is getting louder and louder."

Chu Xiu was afraid of any accidents along the way, so he always followed Lu Fengxian on the road with all his strength, but he didn't care about the news outside. Feng Manlou's movements were quite fast.

The King of Ghost Hands cupped his hands at Lu Fengxian again and said, "I'm glad to hear that Little Wenhou has obtained the inheritance of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou."

Lu Fengxian also politely greeted the Ghost Hand King.

"Okay, let's go in and talk."

Greeting everyone to enter the hall, Chu Xiu asked the ghost hand king about what happened recently.

A series of events that happened after the inheritance of Lu Wenhou's place has spread all over the world in a few days, and the prestige is not small.

Among them, the most outstanding one is Chu Xiu, the grand master of slashing. After becoming the little celestial master Zhang Chengzhen, another younger generation of warriors who beheaded the master of martial arts in public, so Chu Xiu was also promoted to the fourth place on the Dragon Tiger list.

The fourth place before was an extremely mysterious guy, Li Feilian, the Soul Reaper.

The number of times this person shot on the rivers and lakes is very limited. He shot eleven times and killed ten people. The only time he used two knives to kill was the genius of the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen, and finally made the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen. Beaten down, devastated.

Although the title given to him by Jianghu people seems a bit cliché, it is really vivid.

Chunyang Daomen chased and killed him for a long time because of his own disciple's death, but found nothing.

But I don't know if it is because of the pursuit of Chunyang Daomen. In the past two or three years, Li Feilian has not appeared in the arena, and there is no record of records, so he can only make room for Chu ~ And this time, Li Feilian not only gave way to Chu Xiu, he also gave way to Ying Bailu, dropping directly to sixth, Ying Bailu returned to fifth place on the Dragon Tiger list.

In that big tomb, winning Bailu forcefully against Chu Xiu, the two sides did not decide the outcome. With the strength shown by winning Bailu, he was just behind Chu Xiu, and he only lacked such an amazing record as Chu Xiu.

As for Lu Fengxian, his ranking has not changed.

The reason is very simple. Although Lu Fengxian has been inherited, he has no record. The Billboard looks at fame and record, and neither is indispensable.

However, everyone also believed that Lu Fengxian's strength would skyrocket after obtaining the inheritance of Wen Hou, and it would be a matter of time before he would rise in the rankings.

This was just a change among the juniors, and Chu Xiu didn't care too much.

In fact, when Chu Xiu is in this position, he really doesn't care about rankings such as the Dragon and Tiger Rankings.

Not only Chu Xiu, it should be said that there are the top five in the Dragon Tiger List, such as Ying Bai Lu and others, they no longer care about the ranking of the list.

Their own strengths are all placed here, who is stronger and who is weaker? This kind of thing is just a pleasure to watch.

On the contrary, the warriors in the back are fighting for fame and fortune for a ranking position every day, and the fight is lively.

In addition to the changes that occurred on the Dragon Tiger List, this time it was Chen Qingdi who really made his name, and the Dong family who was unlucky.

Chen Qingdi hasn't shot for a while. People in Jianghu are forgetful, and some people have even forgotten Chen Qingdi's former prestige.

As a result, when Chen Qingdi made his move this time, it was well known in all corners of the world. One could not help but sigh that Chen Qingdi was still the same Chen Qingdi.


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