Meet The Leader

Chapter 525: looking for trouble

Chen Qingdi is still domineering, and some people even suspect that Chen Qingdi is not far from the realm of real fire refining.

At the level of a Martial Dao Grandmaster, every step in the cultivation base is as difficult as reaching the sky, let alone one step up.

Chen Qingdi was born in the grass, and if he could step into the realm of real fire refining at this time, the alliance in the world would be really incredible.

However, compared with the domineering Chen Qingdi, the Dong family lost their reputation this time, and played a clown-like role there.

Originally, the Dong family disregarded the rules of the Kaishan Festival and grabbed the opportunity of the junior warriors, which was already a very discredited matter. As a result, the two martial arts masters of the Dong family were also humiliated by Chen Qingdi on the spot. The scene was called a miserable.

It can be said that the Dong family has lost its reputation this time, and it is destined to become the laughing stock of the rivers and lakes. It will be laughed at for a few years, and even the disciples of the Dong family will not be able to lift their heads when they walk in the rivers and lakes.

They have seen Martial Dao masters who regard death as home, but it is really rare in the arena to beg for mercy in a low voice like the ancestor of the Dong family.

After learning about the situation, Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian went to retreat first.

It's just that Lu Fengxian is retreating to attack the realm of harmony between man and nature, while Chu Xiu is to restore his vitality first. Chu Xiu has been patronizing and hurrying along the way, and he hasn't even rested yet.

But at this time, the ghost hand king said hesitantly: "Sir, I have something to tell you."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? Those martial arts forces in the Kansai region have started to make trouble again?"

The most important thing in this arena is the idiot who is greedy for profit and doesn't care about anything. It stands to reason that with Chu Xiu's current strength and status in the rivers and lakes, the land of Kansai should be very quiet, but it can't stand someone for a little benefit. He was overwhelmed, so if this kind of thing happened, Chu Xiu would not be surprised at all.

The Ghost Hand King shook his head and said, "It's not the martial arts forces in the Kansai Land, but the people from the Guannan Branch."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Is it Yin Botong's people? What did they do?"

Among the four branches of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Guanbei Chief Punisher Chu Simo was on his side because his adopted son Chu Xiaode joined Jiufentang.

The Guandong criminal officer Xiao Yi is the most powerful, but he has always remained neutral and did not help each other.

Only this Yin Botong was in trouble with Chu Xiu everywhere.

In fact, Yin Botong can't think about it. It's true that Chu Xiu abolished his disciple and killed another one of his disciples, but Yin Botong himself is a cold-blooded person. In all honesty, he didn't pay any fees to his two disciples. How much blood.

Moreover, Yin Botong and Wei Jiuduan had fought all their lives. Now that Chu Xiu helped him kill Wei Jiuduan, Yin Botong should also thank Chu Xiu.

In the end, Yin Botong was always thinking about grievances and grievances, and naturally he didn't like how Chu Xiu was not pleasing to the eye.

The Ghost Hand King said from the side: "My lord, you have been out for a long time this time, and the land of Guanxi has been without owners for a long time, so there are some arresting heads affiliated to the land of Guannan to track down smuggling, often crossing the border to track down Guanxi. Some forces at the junction of the west and Guannan, even if those forces are in my Kansai territory, they are still investigating them, and they have also started to extort those forces, and the martial arts forces at the junction of my Kansai and Guannan are miserable. He has complained to me many times.

Therefore, it is not good for me to continue to receive the respect of those forces. This incident has also caused the reputation of my Kansai branch in the border area to drop. "

Chu Xiu said with a gloomy expression: "The people from Guannan came to my land in Guanxi to investigate smuggling. They were the ones who crossed the border, and they were the ones who broke the rules. Why don't you just keep watching like this and let them be arrogant?"

The Ghost Hand King smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, we can't do anything either. The people in Guannan said that the clues were traced from Guannan and spread all the way to Guanxi. We can take over if we want, but You need your warrant, sir, because they also came with Yin Botong's warrant.

Therefore, when you are not there, we and the people in Guannan can't get angry. Yan Bugui wanted to take action, but I was stopped by me.

It's not that I don't want to be tougher, it's that you are not there. Once we start, the matter will be unclear, and it will become unreasonable. Even I suspect that the guys in Guannan are so arrogant, they are forcing them. Let's go.

So I've been waiting for you, my lord, to come back to take care of this. "

Hearing that, Chu Xiu nodded, patted the Ghost Hand King on the shoulder and said, "I misunderstood you, you are mature and serious, it is right to do so, that guy Yin Botong is probably thinking of this."

Yin Botong had been in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for so many years, and he was very familiar with the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He should have known that crossing the border was a violation of the rules, but he still did it, obviously bullying Chu Xiu's absence. There is no one in the entire Kansai region who can talk to him on an equal footing.

The Ghost Hand King asked: "Then, what should we do now, my lord?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "I will retreat for a while, and keep my eyes on the border between Guanxi and Guannan. If people from Yin Botong come here again, you can tell me."

After instructing the Ghost Hand King, Chu Xiu went to retreat first.

While retreating to recover his vitality, Chu Xiu also tried to practice the Jiuxiao alchemy golden body.

Because only Lu Fengxian practiced alone in the original plot of this exercise, coupled with Lu Fengxian's character, he naturally would not share these things about the exercise with others, so in the original plot, the description of this exercise It's also very vague.

At this time, Chu Xiu let out a sigh of relief after reading this exercise.

Sure enough, although this exercise is very strong, it has a strong Lu Wenhou atmosphere, and its nature is very rough.

Jiuxiao means nine layers of heaven, and this Jiuxiao refining demon golden body also has a nine-layer realm.

Each realm needs to be washed with powerful demonic energy and quenched with demonic energy as described in the exercises. Let’s not talk about the pain in it. If you practice this exercise with less physical strength, you will directly experience the pain. When the magic energy is quenching the body, first make yourself crippled.

The higher the level of the exercises, the better. Although the level of some exercises is high, not everyone is qualified to practice.

For example, Chu Xiu's three swords of Abi Dao, ordinary people would train themselves into a lunatic, but only those with strong will like Chu Xiu who still have the most precious Buddhist glazed golden silk in their bodies dare to use them at will.

And the same is true of this Jiuxiao alchemy golden body, the requirements for practitioners are too high.

The Dong family also delusionally wanted to win this practice. Even if the Dong family got the golden body of Jiuxiao, there are not many people who are qualified to practice this practice based on the level of the Dong family.

Although a martial arts master like Dong Qikun can forcibly cultivate a few levels by virtue of his cultivation, he has also cultivated to about the third level, and his physical body will not be able to withstand this kind of power.

Lu Fengxian was born with divine power, and there would be no obstacle to cultivating the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon, and Chu Xiu had the power of King Kong, and his own physical body was not weak, so he was naturally qualified.

Moreover, although the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon is simple and rude, and the training conditions are rough, its power is also exceptionally powerful. Every step will increase its own strength, and it will also have magic energy to protect the body. After the ninth level, it is possible to achieve an indestructible demon body. Rebirth from a severed limb is normal. It is like practicing to the realm of Lu Wenhou. It is an existence that cannot be killed. It even requires the joint efforts of Taoism and Buddhism to suppress its physical body.

Right now, Chu Xiu has both the Buddhist body training exercises and the demon body training exercises. I don't know what the situation will be when the fellow practitioners come out. The immortal golden body and the immortal demon body?

However, Chu Xiu didn't care. He was a fellow practitioner from the three schools of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons, but he didn't worry about things like the backlash of the practice.

Just after Chu Xiu's retreat for a few days, the Ghost Hand King came and knocked on the door of Chu Xiu's retreat place, and whispered: "Sir, those people in Guannan have crossed the border again!"

A cold expression flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes: "Take me there!"

At this time, at the junction of the land of Guanxi and the land of Guannan, in front of the Liu family mansion, Liu Chengqian, the head of the Liu family, was speaking in a low voice to several Jianghu catchers in the Guanzhong execution hall.

The Liu family only belongs to a small family in the Kansai region, and Liu Chengqian, the head of the family, is only in the inner realm.

The few Jianghu catchers said indifferently: "Patriarch Liu, we are investigating someone smuggling contraband to the land of Western Chu, and the source may point to your Liu Would you like to explain this matter, Patriarch Liu? Of course, it’s okay for Clan Master Liu to not want to explain, but our brothers have come all the way from Guannan. We can’t go home empty-handed with so much energy, right? Or, Clan Master Liu, please tell me about this Just quit it for now?"

Liu Chengqian forced a smile and said, "How much do you want?"

In fact, Liu Chengqian is used to this kind of thing, because this is not the first time.

The rivers and lakes in Guannan have been blackmailing their small families in the borderlands for a while. This is the third time for the Liu family. Now the power in the borderlands can be said to be full of complaints, and it is also against Chu Xiu. He cursed in his heart.

They are all forces belonging to the land of Kansai. According to Chu Xiu's request, they offer him a lot of offerings every month. As a result, they are being bullied to the top, but Chu Xiu dare not even give a shit. Let it go, how can I make them look up to it?

At this junction, there are many forces that think that Chu Xiu is a squatter, and they can attack the martial arts forces in the Kansai region. When facing outsiders, they will be discouraged.

The few Jianghu catchers in Guannan looked at each other and said indifferently: "We don't want much. There are eight brothers here, each of whom is 10 taels of purple gold, and 80 taels is enough."

Upon hearing this, Liu Chengqian's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly said: "Several, so much purple gold, my Liu family really can't get it."

In fact, the Liu family before the 80 taels of Zijin still exists, but these people have come to the Liu family three times within a few months, how can they get these things?

When the Jianghu catcher heard it, he sneered: "Can't you take it out? Well, then let's go back to the Guannan Punishment Hall with me!"


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