Meet The Leader

Chapter 527: Fang kill

ps: Thanks to the book friend Dream Chaser Dawn's leader for the reward, congratulations on becoming the fourteenth leader of this book ^o^

Under the pressure of Chu Xiu, Yin Botong felt a sense of horror in his heart. This was a feeling of fear, which made Yin Botong feel very ashamed.

He is a martial artist of the older generation, and his qualifications in Guanzhong Punishment Hall are also much deeper than that of Chu Xiu. As a result, he is now suppressed in such a way in front of Chu Xiu. How can Yin Botong endure this?

Taking a deep breath, Yin Botong snorted coldly: "Chu Xiu, don't talk about so much useless stuff, you have abolished eight of my subordinates, you have to give an explanation for this matter."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Explain? Do you still want to explain? Well, I'll explain it to you!"

The words fell, Chu Xiu's whole body was instantly enveloped by killing intent, boundless fierceness spread all over Chu Xiu's body, a punch fell, killing immortals and killing gods, the heavens and the earth were annihilated and self-killing fists!

Surrounded by the boundless fierceness, Yin Botong was shocked.

He never thought that Chu Xiu would take action when he said it, and he had no scruples.

Seeing Chu Xiu this time, Yin Botong always had a strange feeling. It was not until now that he knew where Chu Xiu was weird. This Chu Xiu's attitude was completely different from before!

Although the previous Chu Xiu was equally energetic, in the eyes of the people in the Guanzhong punishment hall, Chu Xiu was always an outstanding figure among the junior warriors. Yin Botong, who deliberately troubled Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu actually refuted it with words within the rules.

But this time, when Chu Xiu faced him again, his attitude was extremely tough. No, it should be more appropriate to use arrogance. It was simply reckless!

This is the attitude change brought about by the difference in strength. Chu Xiu is a person who follows the rules, but he is also a person who doesn't like to follow the rules very much.

Your strength is the same as mine, then I will play with you within the rules.

But if your strength is not as good as mine, then what are the rules, just do it directly.

Now in the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, there are not many people who are qualified to talk to Chu Xiu about the rules. Obviously, Yin Botong is not that person now.

Under Chu Xiu's punch, Yin Botong was extremely horrified. His first reaction was not to resist, but to escape!

Yin Botong's figure moved, and Gang Qi spread all over his body like a gust of wind, and quickly retreated back with his figure.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu's left hand is a one-handed seal, and the wisdom fist seal is displayed, and in an instant, the realm of Astral Qi radiates out, and the earth nets the sky, imprisoning everything!

In the realm of Astral Qi of Wisdom Fist, Yin Botong's stature is not as fast as a flying dragon, not even a pheasant. He can only watch Chu Xiu's punch slamming into him, murderous like a sharp edge, tearing everything apart. !

Just at this critical moment, a figure shrouded in black robes suddenly appeared in front of Yin Botong, and said in a hoarse voice, "Heaven's Destruction and Forgetting Self-Killing Fist? Man, how about my punch?"

The voice fell, and the black-robed man also punched out, and the scarlet murderous intent around his body almost condensed into a vortex, causing the world to roar, the wind and rain changed, and it turned out to be the same killing fist!

With the fists facing each other, the murderous aura on Chu Xiu's punch was instantly torn apart by the opponent, and the powerful force came through his bones, making Chu Xiu's expression suddenly change.

A burst of magical energy rose up around him, and even carried a golden glow, which was the power of Jiuxiao's alchemy golden body.

The sound of the explosion of demonic energy came, and Chu Xiu stepped back more than ten steps. Only then did he stop his body and look at the black-robed man with a look of fear in his eyes.

The other party is also a martial arts master, and he is much stronger than the Qiao Liandong who died in his hands!

The man in black robe looked at Chu Xiu and said with a smile, "I heard Si Ming said about you, the strength of the offspring is not bad, but don't be too arrogant, don't think that if you kill a waste master, you won't be able to kill all of them. The martial arts master has taken it seriously."

Yin Botong, who was in the back, saw the man in black robe take action, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, before he came, Yin Botong did not expect that Chu Xiu would kill him.

It's just that Yin Botong is also an old river and lake after all, and he is used to being cautious. After all, Chu Xiu has the reputation of killing grandmasters in the rivers and lakes, so Yin Botong used his accumulated connections to find a backer.

Originally, he was just in case, but he didn't expect this backer to be really used.

Chu Xiu squinted at the black-robed man and said, "Who are you?"

The man in black robe stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "Second leader of the Criminal Investigation Division, Fang Sha, speaking of which, I am also your boss, but you still have the identity of a spy of the Criminal Investigation Division."

Yin Botong spent his whole life in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his connections were of course not that simple.

Fang Sha and Yin Botong were both from the bottom of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past, and they have reached their current status step by step. Although the two sides are not a life-threatening friendship, there is a huge gap between their strengths, but there are still some human feelings.

Over the years, as a criminal officer, Yin Botong has not asked Fang Sha several times, but has been in contact with him all the time. This time Yin Botong asked Fang Sha's head, and Fang Sha would not refuse.

Chu Xiu squinted at Fang Sha, he had heard of this person.

Although Chu Xiu was not an old man in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he also knew a lot of secrets about Guanzhong Punishment Hall after he became the chief execution officer of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The real fighting power of Guanzhong Punishment Hall lies in the Criminal Investigation Department, and everyone in Guanzhong Punishment Hall knows this.

But looking at the three leaders, Siming, you can see that the other party is at the peak of the unity of nature and man, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong. Among the four former prison officers, it is estimated that the only one who can win against Si Ming is the Guandong prison officer Xiao Yi. .

With the strength of Siming only three leaders, one can imagine how strong the second leader and the chief leader of the Criminal Investigation Department are.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall has never been more than a bright martial arts master like Guan Siyu.

It's just that if one day the Guanzhong Punishment Hall needs to show all its strength, then it is estimated that the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not far from being destroyed.

The origin of the killing of this party, Chu Xiu, heard from Mei Qinglian that the origin of the other party is also a legend. The man was originally a young captain of the Dongqi military. As a result, he was seriously injured during the battle with Beiyan and was still in custody. Inside the pile of dead, it was Chu Kuangge who rescued him from the pile of dead and brought him back to the Guanzhong torture hall.

After recovering from the injury, Fang Sha changed his name and surname to join the Criminal Investigation Department, not only to repay his gratitude, but also to avenge him.

It was because Fang Sha later learned that the reason why his battle with Beiyan was completely defeated was because the political struggle of the Eastern Qi court was framed by others, and he was implicated by innocent people.

So after that, Fang Sha remained in the Department of Criminal Investigation, and his methods were cruel and cruel. If it was said that Si Ming was just resolute and merciless, then Fang Sha's methods could be called cruel.

And when Fang Sha stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, he once returned to Dongqi alone to take revenge and destroyed his enemies.

According to Mei Qinglian, this incident also caused some dissatisfaction with Guan Siyu, but Guan Siyu did not stop Fang Sha.

As the last guarantee of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the Department of Criminal Justice is also the real powerful trump card of Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Although Guan Siyu is the hall owner, he is not really consistent.

At least Fang Sha and Guan Siyu belonged to the same generation, but it was because of Chu Kuangge's kindness at the beginning, so after Chu Kuangge appointed Guan Siyu to be the head of the hall, he would be obedient, but in some key matters, Fang Sha also wouldn't just listen to Guan Siyu's words.

Chu Xiu did not expect that Yin Botong still had such a relationship.

Looking at Fang Sha, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Boss Fang, this is a personal grudge between me and Yin Botong. You are the chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, why bother to intervene in this matter?"

Fang Sha said in a hoarse voice: "Personal grievances? You are all from Guanzhong Punishment Hall, where do you get personal grievances? Youngsters, how long have you been in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, don't take the rules of the Punishment Hall for granted? child's play!"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "It has nothing to do with how long you have been in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Some people have joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for a lifetime, but they have done nothing. At least I, Chu Xiu, have made a name for themselves in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. , is it worth talking about qualifications?"

When Yin Botong heard the words, a touch of anger suddenly appeared on his However, he did not go to continue arguing with Chu Xiu, Yin Botong killed the other party: "Brother Fang, don't talk nonsense with him, someone broke the Guanzhong punishment hall. The rules, this matter must not be left alone, let's go to the hall master to reason!"

Yin Botong had already seen the power of Chu Xiu's punch just now, and it was so powerful that it made him feel terrified.

For such a powerful Chu Xiu, Yin Botong had lost the courage to confront him head-on.

Besides, based on his understanding of the other party, the relationship between the two parties has not reached the point where Fang Shaken will teach Chu Xiu a lesson in order to vent his anger.

Glancing at Chu Xiu coldly, Yin Botong snorted coldly and left with Fang Sha.

At this moment, Tang Ya came out, shook his head disdainfully, and said, "This Yin Botong has lived for a long time, but in the end, he only has the most slippery game, which is simply shameful."

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Don't underestimate the complaint, sometimes there are many defendants in the superior position, even if you take the lead, it may become unreasonable.

There is a thing called inertia. When someone sues for the first time, the superior does not believe it, but when the second and third, or the second and third person comes to sue, the superior will definitely think, why did someone sue you and not. to say goodbye? So do you have a problem too? "

Tang Ya wanted to refute the words, but he always felt that what Chu Xiu said was a fallacy.

But after thinking about it carefully, Tang Ya found helplessly that what Chu Xiu said was quite reasonable.

"Sir, what should we do now? Just wait for that Yin Botong to come and file a complaint?" Tang Ya asked.

There was a hint of confusion in Chu Xiu's eyes and said: "Of course I need to pack up and wait for the main hall to be summoned, but I want to see what Yin Botong can say this time."


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