Meet The Leader

Chapter 528: status

The difference in strength will bring about a change in mentality, which is the case with Chu Xiu now.

In the past, when Chu Xiu was weak, he had to rely on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to ensure safety. Just as Chen Qingdi gave Chu Xiu's evaluation, Chu Xiu's scheming was much deeper than that of Lu Fengxian, and he had no principles. Therefore, Chu Xiu Xiu Cai chose a reliable backer early on.

At that time, it was Chu Xiu who needed Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so Chu Xiu calculated in various ways, and then joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall as an inspector.

And now? Chu Xiu has become the fourth most handsome character on the Dragon and Tiger List, and he has the powerful combat power of the Grandmaster of Array Slash. For the current Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it is not Chu Xiu who needs to close the Punishment Hall, but the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Need Chu Xiu.

If the current Chu Xiu wants to find a capable backer, there are a lot of forces in the rivers and lakes that will happily welcome Chu Xiu.

Moreover, Chu Xiu can also choose to directly expose his identity as a demon, and completely appear on the rivers and lakes as a hidden demon.

Anyway, there are many ways for Chu Xiu to go out, and if the Guanzhong Punishment Hall forces him out of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall as the fourth person on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking List, it will really become a laughing stock in all corners of the world.

And a few days later, someone from the headquarters of the punishment hall came and asked Chu Xiu to go to the headquarters of the punishment hall.

It was Guan Siyu's disciple Yuchi who came to invite Chu Xiu. After seeing Chu Xiu, Yuchi bowed his hands to Chu Xiu very respectfully and said, "Master Chu, Yin Botong has sued you in front of the master. Xiao, so the master asked you to come and settle this matter."

Yuchi's attitude towards Chu Xiu is very respectful now, and he is treating Chu Xiu as an existence on the same level as his master Guan Siyu.

Yuchi has always been a very measured person. Although Chu Xiu was in the same generation as Yuchi when he joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall at first, but now, Chu Xiu's status is very different from his status.

Perhaps Yin Botong, who had been waiting for a long time in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, did not take Chu Xiu seriously because of his qualifications, but in the eyes of junior warriors like Yuchi, Chu Xiu's achievements were definitely something they needed to look up to.

Yuchi could see clearly that with Chu Xiu's current reputation and status in the arena, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall needed Chu Xiu far more than Chu Xiu needed the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Therefore, Chu Xiu could hear some tendencies from Fang Cai Yuchi's speech.

It was obvious that Yuchi called Chu Xiu an adult, but he was calling Yin Botong's name directly.

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Brother Yuchi, you don't have to. You and I have known each other for a long time, so wouldn't it be a matter of life?"

Yuchi just smiled and didn't speak.

Chu Xiu gave him face because Chu Xiu was not arrogant, but he couldn't take it for granted.

After instructing the Ghost Hand King and others, Chu Xiu directly followed Yuchi to the headquarters of the punishment hall.

On the way, Chu Xiu asked, "Brother Yuchi, after Yin Bo notified me of the report, did Hall Master Guan have any reaction?"

Yuchi said: "Master didn't respond, he just said to call several chief torture officers to discuss matters, and ask me to invite you."

Hearing what Yuchi said, Chu Xiu immediately had a plan in his heart.

The key to this matter is not how Chu Xiu is here, but Guan Siyu's attitude, and Chu Xiu also saw some other problems in this matter. It seems that Guan Siyu did not really say a word in the Guanzhong torture hall. Jiuding's.

The previous hall master Chu Kuangge was right, but Guan Siyu compared with Chu Kuangge not only in strength and reputation, but also in qualifications.

In addition to Wei Jiuduan, who has already returned to heaven, the other three can be said to be people of the same generation as Guan Siyu.

And besides them, there were Fang Sha, the second leader of the Criminal Investigation Department, and the mysterious leader. In the past, they only listened to Chu Kuangge's words.

Now, although Guan Siyu has become the head of the hall, it is impossible for the Criminal Investigation Division to listen to Guan Siyu's words as he did with Chu Kuangge.

In fact, Chu Xiu had already felt this before. There are so many leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department, but the only one who always follows Guan Siyu is Si Ming. Obviously, among these leaders, only Si Ming is Guan Siyu's true confidant. Will completely listen to Guan Siyu's words.

If it is reasonable to say that this time, it is true that Chu Xiu has done too much.

Chu Xiu has the confidence because of his current strength and status. As long as he doesn't kill Yin Botong on the spot, so that Guan Siyu can't come down, then the final result of this matter must be that Guan Siyu will play 50 boards each, and Yin Botong will not look for trouble. Rebuked Chu Xiu for not following the rules.

But now Yin Botong has found Fang Sha, which is a trump card for Yin Botong, but in Chu Xiu's view, this is a foolish move.

Yin Botong is Guan Siyu's direct subordinate as the punishment officer, but now you are colluding with the second chief of the Criminal Investigation Division. What does this mean? Is it because I, Guan Siyu, acted unfairly?

And although Chu Xiu is not so honest, he has nothing to do with the complicated old people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Chu Xiu will always be Guan Siyu's subordinate. In this way, how will things develop? There are some numbers.

After following Yuchi to the Guanzhong execution hall, Chu Xiu went straight to the council hall.

The other torture officers in the council room had already arrived. Yin Botong snorted coldly after seeing Chu Xiu, but did not speak.

Although Chu Xiu's punch didn't hurt Yin Botong, it had already spread, and some people even said that if he hadn't made a final shot, Yin Botong would definitely suffer a big loss from Chu Xiu this time.

Chu Simo smiled at Chu Xiu and said: "Master Chu has made great achievements in the world this time, and he has stepped into the fourth place on the Dragon and Tiger List. It is really gratifying to congratulate him."

Chu Xiu also bowed back and said: "Master Chu, you are welcome. You and I are both surnamed Chu. It feels awkward to call each other like this. Master Chu is a senior, so just call me by my first name."

Xiao Yi, who was on the side, also laughed and said, "I heard that you have a good relationship with that boy Fang Qishao? That boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it's thanks to you that you can stand it."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Master Xiao still knows Fang Qishao?"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Don't forget, I was also born in Zanwangjianlu. When that kid from Fang Qishao was young, people from Sword King City brought him to several other great sword sects named Dese. The younger generation is actually showing off.

It's just that although that kid's sword is strong, his mouth is a bit more sloppy. I was almost annoyed by the disciples who were sitting in the Forgotten Sword Lodge and tried desperately with him, but I stopped him.

But that kid's entry is really terrifying. I am also an old man. The juniors of the past have now surpassed the old guy like me. "

In fact, Xiao Yi's age is not too old, his actual age is only about forty years old, and he is already at the peak of the unity of nature and man, and has the potential to impact martial arts masters in the future.

But compared to Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu, the younger generation of heroes, Xiao Yi seemed a little mediocre.

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Extraordinary people have their own unique qualities. There is nothing wrong with Fang Qishao's current personality. It's better than some people who like to play in the dark."

Having said that, Chu Xiu also glanced at Yin Botong, obviously implying that Yin Botong was doing things while Chu Xiu was not in the Kansai region.

"And Lord Xiao, you don't need to belittle yourself. With Lord Xiao's strength, it's only a matter of time before you step into the realm of martial arts masters."

Xiao Yi snorted and said, "That's the realm of martial arts masters. There are so many warriors in the world, and I don't know how many people want to step into this realm, but how many people can break through this bottleneck? I'm someone Xiao. His heart is not so high, and he is content to keep his current strength.”

After chatting a few words with Xiao Yi, Chu Xiu also saw Fang Sha, the second leader of the Criminal Investigation Department.

However, Fang Sha just sat there, but never spoke.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that from the seat, it could be seen that the people present were divided into two positions.

Xiao Yi is neutral, but he has always supported Guan Siyu, so he sat on the left with Chu Simo.

Fang Sha sat on the right with Yin Botong, but Fang Sha did not show how close he was to Yin Botong.

After a while, Guan Siyu brought Si Ming, the three chiefs of the Criminal Investigation Division, into the chamber, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Siming glanced at everyone in the hall, but he did not choose to sit beside Fang Sha, but sat beside Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows secretly. It seemed that what he had guessed before was correct. The Guanzhong Punishment Hall was not one and the same, and the same was true of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Looking around at the people in the hall, Guan Siyu said solemnly: "Today, I brought everyone here, and I believe you all know why.

Infighting is strictly prohibited in my Guanzhong Punishment Hall, this is the bottom line of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

For so many years, I Guanzhong Punishment Hall has been based on the gap between the Three Kingdoms. Every step I take can be said to be walking on thin ice. Infighting, which consumes one's own strength in vain, is absolutely not allowed to happen!

Yin Botong and Chu Xiu, tell me, how should the matter be resolved? "

Chu Xiu looked indifferent and didn't speak, but Yin Botong stood up directly and cupped his hands to Guan Siyu: "Palace Master, Chu Xiu abolished my eight Jianghu headhunters. People in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

This guy is so cruel to his own people, but you can imagine what he thinks. It is estimated that some people have made a little fame in the arena, and their wings are hardened, so I don't need to be sent to the punishment hall. In my eyes, I am afraid that in the bottom of my heart, I already have a second heart! "

As soon as these words came out, even Chu Xiu looked at Yin Botong with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Jiang is still old and hot. This guy has been fighting Wei Jiuduan for so long in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. In addition to being narrow-minded, his mind is also very sinister, and his words directly change the personal grievance between him and Chu Xiu. Became Chu Xiu disrespect Guanzhong punishment hall, with two hearts.

And the crux of the problem is that Yin Botong is not wrong, Chu Xiu really thinks so.


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