Meet The Leader

Chapter 529: punishment hall secret

Following Yin Botong's words, everyone present turned their attention to Chu Xiu.

In fact, to tell the truth, over the years, although there have been internal fights in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu is indeed the one who has done it the most.

The other people in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall fought against each other, and everyone was doing it secretly. Although there were casualties, at least they had a decent face.

And now what about Chu Xiu? However, he acted openly and abolished eight warriors in Guannan in front of everyone. His attitude can be said to be extremely arrogant.

Guan Siyu was not angry, he just looked at Chu Xiu and said solemnly: "Chu Xiu, what can you say?"

Chu Xiu knocked on the table, sighing every time he knocked, and said in a sad and angry tone: "Yin Botong, it's really chilling for you to talk like this!

If I, Chu Xiu, have two hearts, can I still sit here now?

Yin Botong, did you know that Xiang Chong, the thirteenth prince who was most favored by Emperor Beiyan, once recruited me personally and promised me a high position in the imperial court?

Yin Botong, did you know that the second prince, Lu Longguang, who was even more powerful than the crown prince in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, once made a heavy promise to let me join his command?

Yin Botong, did you know that in Western Chu, Emperor Chen Qing of the World Alliance was very fond of me, and Xie Xiaolou, his direct disciple, was even close friends?

Dongqi, Beiyan, and Western Chu, just with my current strength and reputation, Chu Xiu, the world is so big, where can I go?

The reason why I stay in Guanzhong Punishment Hall is that I, Chu Xiu, know what kindness is!

In the past, when I was at my worst, it was the Guanzhong Punishment Hall that took me in. Now, although I have a little reputation, I don't want to turn my back on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

As a result, you are now talking nonsense and messing around here, just to force me away, Yin Botong, what is your heart? "

Chu Xiu's remarks were righteous, as if he was wronged.

But in fact, he didn't say at the end why he wanted to abolish the eight warriors in Guannan.

Yin Botong snorted coldly: "Chu Xiu, don't change the subject here!

You abolished the matter of the eight people under my subordinates, what should you do in the end! "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "How do you count? Yin Botong, where were they abolished? In my Kansai land!

How come the warriors from the land of Guannan came to my land of Guanxi, don't you have a point in your heart? "

Just as Yin Botong wanted to say something more, Chu Xiu said first: "Yin Botong, you don't need to say more about your excuses, I don't want to hear it either.

I abolished eight of your men, but so what? I am the Guanxi chief punishment officer, and when it comes to their status above them, these eight people do not respect Shangguan. In the long run, the discipline of the Guanzhong punishment hall will definitely be relaxed. I am abolishing them now, also to rebuild the Guanzhong punishment hall Discipline, isn't it okay? "

Chu Xiu made it clear that he was arguing, Yin Botong looked at Guan Siyu quietly, but Guan Siyu remained expressionless and did not say a word.

Seeing this, Yin Botong was also a little anxious, and secretly gave Fang Shashi a wink.

He didn't plan to let Fang Sha deal with Chu Xiu, but in this situation, Fang Sha stood by his side and helped him talk, right?

Fang Sha coughed when he heard the words, and said in a hoarse voice: "Chu Xiu, even if you want to reorganize the discipline, it's not your turn to take action, you are a Guanxi criminal who is here to deal with Guan Nan. , this is not beyond what is this?"

Chu Xiu asked back: "Then what should I do?"

Fang Sha said: "Naturally, it is reported to the main hall."

Chu Xiu sneered and said: "It's a joke! I am a dignified Guanxi criminal officer, and I have to report to the main hall to deal with a few low-level characters. What is the majesty of the criminal officer?

Besides, if you say overstepping, the real overshooter should be Mr. Fang. What does the Criminal Investigation Division do, Mr. Fang, you should know, why are you here now? "

Fang Sha's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he was more willing to do it than to move his mouth.

Right here, Guan Siyu suddenly said solemnly: "Okay, shut up!"

Hearing this, everyone present was silent.

Guan Siyu looked at Yin Botong and said solemnly: "Yin Botong, is your Guannan land too busy? You still go to the Guanxi land to check the east and west? It's better not to worry about things that you shouldn't care about in the future!"

Yin Botong looked at Guan Siyu in amazement, not understanding why he was suddenly reprimanded by Guan Siyu.

Chu Xiu sneered secretly on the side, Yin Botong had too many calculations, but he didn't understand the most crucial point.

Since he asked Fang Sha to help him speak, it means that Yin Botong is no longer Guan Siyu's person, and it can be said that he has completely offended Guan Siyu to death.

Yin Botong wanted to refute, but he was still not confused, and finally he stifled the refutation.

At this time, Guan Siyu turned his eyes to Chu Xiu again, and snorted coldly: "And Chu Xiu, you have been causing too many troubles outside recently. When you return to the Guanzhong execution hall, do you still think you are outside?

During the recent period of time, you have honestly stayed in Kansai to reflect on me, and you are not allowed to step out of Kansai! "

After finishing speaking, Guan Siyu waved his hand directly and said: "Okay, this matter is here, let's go."

Everyone present had a mysterious look on their faces, only Yin Botong's face was a little ugly.

An idiot could see that Guan Siyu was actually protecting Chu Xiu this time.

Obviously Chu Xiu abolished people, but Yin Botong was reprimanded once.

Although Chu Xiu was also punished to reflect, but this was nothing to Chu Xiu at all.

Chu Xiu had just stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature. At this time, he just needed to retreat to sort out his strength and lay a solid foundation. The so-called introspection should be regarded as retreat. Anyway, Chu Xiu did not intend to go out again.

After everyone left, Chu Xiu hadn't left the main hall. At this time, Yuchi suddenly came out and said in a low voice, "Master Chu, Master asked you to come over."

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly and followed Yuchi to Guan Siyu's study.

At this time, Guan Siyu's face was neither happy nor angry, as if he was not the one who reprimanded Yin Botong and Chu Xiu before.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Guan Siyu sighed suddenly, and suddenly said, "Do you understand what happened before?"

Guan Siyu's words were a bit unclear, but Chu Xiu nodded and said, "I see, it seems that in the entire Criminal Investigation Department, apart from the three chiefs, Si Ming, the other two chiefs don't seem to have much respect. Your Majesty."

Guan Siyu sighed again and said, "Since I took over the position of Hall Master, I have been trembling with fear, and finally developed the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to such a degree, but unfortunately for some people, it is actually a fluke for me to sit in this position."

In the past, when Guan Siyu took over as the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it could not be said that it was a fluke, it could only be said that Chu Kuangge had a good eye.

But at that time, Guan Siyu's authority was not the greatest in Guanzhong's execution hall, but Chu Kuangge chose Guan Siyu to be the hall master, which was very puzzling.

It's just that Guan Siyu succeeded in the end. He successfully developed the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to such a degree that this kind of puzzling turned into approval.

It's a pity that there are still some people who don't recognize him Guan Siyu in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but let's not talk about the strength of these people, just based on their qualifications, they are not inferior to Guan Siyu.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The Guanzhong Punishment Hall can have its current scale, in addition to the foundation of Chu Juxia, it also needs your help, Hall Master.

Some people just don't know how to lift, and need to beat for a while. "

Guan Siyu narrowed his eyes and said, "I've already beaten it, but I don't need a second time.

Chu Xiu, in the past, you have changed from a hunted person to the current Guanxi judge. The Guanzhong Punishment Hall can give you a lot of things. I just hope you don't betray the Punishment Hall.

The punishment this time is the lightest punishment I can give you. "

After listening, Chu Xiu also lowered his head and walked out.

Guan Siyu just said that some people need to be beaten, but Chu Xiu was beaten in a blink of an eye.

In fact, Chu Xiu's behavior this time was somewhat unruly. It was all due to sophistry. Guan Siyu was able to stand on his side entirely because Yin Bo was confused and went to join forces with people from the Criminal Investigation Department.

After leaving Guan Siyu's place, Chu Xiu originally planned to return directly to the land of Kansai, but he did not expect Mei Qinglian to walk out of the path, with a smile on her beautiful face: "Come to the main hall once~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Are you not going to come to see me? Chu Xiu, you really have no conscience."

Chu Xiu smiled bitterly: "Madam, if I came to see you, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate, but I just came out from Hall Master Guan."

Mei Qinglian waved her hand and said, "Come with me, don't worry, Guan Siyu is very worried now, and he has no time to take care of you."

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, Chu Xiu directly followed Mei Qinglian to her house.

After closing the door, Mei Qinglian chuckled softly: "This time your reputation in Western Chu is not small, and you have even killed a martial arts master."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "You don't need to make fun of me, Lady Saintess, you know my strength, the martial arts master I killed was just a weak loose cultivator, and I still used some means to remove him. beheaded.

When I met a real martial arts master, I still had no choice but to run for my life. "

Mei Qinglian waved her hand and said, "You don't need to be too modest, with your current strength, you can already be on par with Zong Xuan, Zhang Chengzhen and others.

I am lucky to have you in the younger generation of my hidden demon lineage, otherwise no one would be able to compete with Zong Xuan and Zhang Chengzhen.

The little girl from the worship of the moon is very mysterious. Besides, she is a person from the clear demon lineage, so it does not represent my hidden demon lineage. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "By the way, Lady Saintess, Guan Siyu is still unable to fully control the Guanzhong Execution Hall. Is it because of the people from the Criminal Investigation Department?"

Mei Qinglian snorted softly: "Or what do you think? I can deal with Guan Siyu, but I can't deal with other people. If there weren't those unsightly guys, Guanzhong Punishment Hall would have long been the secret of my hidden demons. Branch, do you still need to be as careful as you are now?"


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