Meet The Leader

Chapter 530: Qilian Village

Mei Qinglian spent so long in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and her conclusion to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was naturally much deeper than that of Chu Xiu.

What exactly is a saintess of the Yin Demon Sect lurking in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for? Needless to say, Mei Qinglian has never succeeded. The reason is not Guan Siyu, but the two leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department, other criminals.

The reason for this is not because Guan Siyu's strength is not enough, but because Guan Siyu was too hasty when he took over the Guanzhong punishment hall.

In fact, Chu Kuangge had already decided to put Guan Siyu in the position of the hall master, but Chu Kuangge died a little too hastily. If Chu Kuangge was given enough time to help Guan Siyu establish his prestige, he would not appear. So many things now.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Sir, since the two of the Criminal Investigation Division are so obstructive, why don't you want to kill them? With the strength of the Hidden Demons, it shouldn't be difficult to kill them, right?"

If the Hidden Demons really could master the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu wouldn't need to be so secretive as he is now.

Mei Qinglian cast a glance at Chu Xiu, and said with a little surprise: "You kid has a very poisonous mind, you are going to kill him when you come up?

It's not impossible to do this, but what I want is a complete Guanzhong punishment hall, not a fragmented Guanzhong punishment hall.

Although Guan Siyu will listen to me in some matters, he is not my puppet. He is just dissatisfied that the Criminal Investigation Division did not obey all his orders, instead of wanting to get rid of the Criminal Justice Division, the real trump card of the Guanzhong Criminal Court. .

Once I do this, Guan Siyu will definitely realize that something is wrong. What should I do at that time? Even Guan Siyu was killed? "

Chu Xiu nodded, but he did not agree with Mei Qinglian's opinion.

If it is not broken, it is impossible for the hidden demons to hide in the dark forever. If they want more power, they must use extraordinary means.

After chatting with Mei Qinglian for a few more words, Chu Xiu didn't stay any longer. He left the headquarters and returned to the Kansai Land for seclusion.

I don't know when it started, in fact, Chu Xiu was used to thinking about all this from the interests of the devil's lineage.

It's not because Chu Xiu, the fake inheritor of the Kunlun Demon Sect, is so loyal to the Hidden Demon lineage, but Chu Xiu discovered that in his current situation, the identity of the Hidden Demon Lineage is much more useful than his current identity. , without any hesitation.

After returning to the land of Kansai, Chu Xiu immediately entered the retreat. One was to stabilize his current state, and the other was to cultivate the golden body of Jiuxiao to match his current cultivation level.

At the same time as Chu Xiu retreated, in the dense forest of Liaodong County, Beiyan, a huge cottage stood in the dense forest.

At this time, in the lobby of the cottage, a circle of chairs was placed around it, and two vigorous characters hung on the top of the lobby: Qilian!

Right under the word Qilian, a burly man sat on a chair covered with white tiger skin, with a gloomy look on his face.

The burly man was tall and burly, and his exposed muscles seemed to be made of steel. The most peculiar thing was his appearance, which turned out to be a red color.

At this time, the strong man looked at the people below and said solemnly: "Tell me, how much have we lost in this period of time?"

A slightly skinny warrior below said with a wry smile: "The big boss, within a month, all seven of our outposts have been destroyed, and our brothers have suffered heavy casualties. ."

At this time, another tall warrior stood up and shouted: "Lin Mutong, what are you talking about? Come back? We finally solved the Beiyan court through the relationship of the thirteenth prince Xiang Chong, and let the cottage reopen. After walking out of the dense forest in eastern Liaoning, and now you actually asked us to withdraw, isn't our hard work in vain?"

Lin Mutong frowned and said, "Otherwise, what are you going to do? Resist it? Juyizhuang teamed up with more than ten sects in Yandong to suppress my Qilian cottage. If I don't take back the power of the sub-zhai, I can only be defeated one by one.

The thirty-six tyrants in the north are a thing of the past, and now only I, Qilianzhai, still exist, and if we fight them recklessly, we have no chance of winning. "

The martial artist retorted: "The purpose of Juyi Village is to force me from Qilian Village into the dense forest in eastern Liaoning, and finally to force me out of Beiyan, or even strangle me in one fell swoop! Let's take a step back, it's convenient. Going further, to the end, I have nowhere to go to Qilian Village!

What are you afraid of? The big deal is that they will perish with Juyi Village, and everyone will die! "

Lin Mutong sneered: "He Zhan, wake up a little bit, we are no longer the thirty-six giants of the Northland, what can we do to perish with others, the fish will die and the net will be broken? I am afraid that in the end, the fish will die, but the net will be broken. It's not broken!"

A bunch of people were making noises there, but the red-faced strong man sitting in the main seat suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the original red complexion turned pale at this time.

The people who were still making noise below suddenly panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Master!"

The red-faced strong man waved his hand and sneered: "It's okay, the strength of 'General Shi' Han Baxian is really not bragging.

However, Han Baxian also got hit with my Chi Yan Divine Palm, which is also uncomfortable.

Juyizhuang, Nie Renlong, a hypocrite who dared not shoot, but attracted Han Ba ​​to shoot first, but it doesn't matter, even if the two of them shoot together, a certain is not afraid!

In the past, the great factions such as the imperial court and Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north have all carried on my Pang Hu, and now they want to kill me, it is not that simple! "

This red-faced strong man is none other than the last survivor of the thirty-six giant bandits in the North, the owner of the Qilian Iron Cavalry, the ‘Red-faced Heavenly King’ Pang Hu!

In the past, when Chu Xiu was in Wei County, he dealt with Han Bao and others under the Red-faced Heavenly King Pang Hu, and also borrowed the strength of many Han Bao and others.

However, after Chu Xiu left Wei County, he had already revealed Pang Hu's location to Han Bao and others, and instructed Han Bao and others to find Pang Hu.

However, it seems that there has been a deviation in the plot. Pang Hu's Qilianzhai did not know why at this time, but he actually met Juyizhuang, and judging from its appearance, he was forced to the extreme.

Looking at the people below, Pang Hu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said solemnly: "There is no way, let's take back all the people from the other branches for the time being, but we have to leave some people outside to stare at Juyi. Be careful with Zhuang's movements."

He Zhanlue said a little unwillingly: "The big boss, is it possible that we can only make concessions?"

Pang Hu snorted coldly: "Of course this matter is not over, but right now, with the strength of my Qilian Village, I can only fight Juyi Village recklessly, and the consequences are not very good.

You are all old brothers who have followed me for decades, and I will naturally not let you die with me. "

He Zhan and the others immediately said, "Head of the family, when have we Qilian Iron Cavalry ever been afraid of death? In the past, even if it was the Beiyan court, we would have dared to challenge it, let alone a Juyi Village now."

Pang Hu waved his hand and said: "Okay, you are not afraid of death, but I don't want to take you to death with me. I have never asked for help in my life, and now I can only ask for help."

He Zhan was stunned and said, "Who is it?"

Pang Hu's face was a little unsightly, he hesitated for a while before he said, "I want a woman, a woman of the hidden demon lineage."

What Pang Hu was entangled with was that he was going to beg a woman, but the people below were concerned about the fact that the big boss was going to beg someone in the magic way. They really didn't know that the big boss actually had a relationship with the magic way.

Lin Mutong said hesitantly: "As far as I know, the hidden demon lineage is not easy, they are hunted down by the Zhengdao sect, and their relationship with the Mingmo lineage is not good either, we have a relationship with them, will we? Will it cause trouble?"

Although the reputation of the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land is not very good, it is only a matter of the Beiyan court. In other places, they don't care who the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land are.

As for the hidden demon lineage, it was rejected by the entire rivers and lakes.

Pang Hu said with a light snort, "My Qilianzhai has already reached the time of life and death, how can I manage so much? Whether he is a demon or an evil Laozi is ready to sacrifice his face to ask for help, you are still not happy. ?"

Hearing what Pang Hu said, no one else said a word.

In the old days of the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land, Pang Hu was not the strongest among the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land, but his character was the most stubborn, and he really didn't ask for much.

"Han Bao, it's up to you to go this time."

Following Pang Hu's words, Han Bao stood up and said respectfully, "Yes, the master!"

At this time, Han Bao already has the cultivation of the Three Flowers Gathering Dingjing, which is already a bit incredible for his talent.

In the past, Han Bao was Pang Hu's personal guard. After joining forces with Chu Xiu, Han Bao earned a lot of gold and silver resources in Shangmang Mountain. He could have continued to be king and hegemon in Shangmang Mountain. But he was loyal to Pang Hu, and he found Pang Hu with something from thousands of miles away, which moved Pang Hu quite a bit.

Therefore, among Pang Hu's subordinates, although Han Bao's strength is not as good as Lin Mutong, He Zhan and others, he is the most worthy of Pang Hu's trust.

Abandoning the others, Pang Hu handed a letter to Han Bao and said, "Go to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and give this letter to Guan Siyu's... madam, Mei Qinglian, you can say whatever she asks you, you don't need to tell her. hide.

Tell her that as long as she helps me solve the crisis in Qilian Village this time, if she needs to hide the devil in the future, my Qilian Village will also go through fire and water, and will never refuse. "

When it was mentioned that Mei Qinglian was Mrs. Guan Siyu, Pang Hu suddenly paused, his tone became a little strange, as if he had eaten a fly.

Han Bao was curious to ask something, but Pang Hu glared back at him: "If you want to go, you can go. Why do you ask so many questions?"


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