Meet The Leader

Chapter 531: ask for help

A month later, in the back house of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Han Bao stood there tremblingly, some dared not look directly at the woman in front of him.

Previously, Han Bao wanted to ask Pang Hu why the people who asked for help from Mo Dao ended up looking for Guan Siyu's wife, but only after he really met Mei Qinglian did Han Bao know the horror of the woman in front of him.

The beauty of the other party made him not dare to look directly, and the powerful aura of the other party did not dare to let Han Bao have a little bit of unreasonable thoughts.

This woman is like a poisonous rose. It looks gorgeous, but as long as you touch it lightly, the poison will kill you!

Holding the letter written by Pang Hu, Mei Qinglian chuckled and shook her head and said: "Pang Hu, that stupid big guy is still so stubborn, I told him at the beginning that the thirty-six giants in the north have no future.

If you want to go against the imperial court, you can, but you also have to find the right way. Like the high-profile thirty-six pirates in the North, who will the imperial court not destroy him? Now that you are struggling to survive and retain a little strength, why are you facing Juyi Village again? "

Although Han Bao was very dissatisfied with Mei Qinglian's use of the word lingering and panting to describe them, when he thought of Pang Hu's order before, Han Bao could only obediently say: "This time it's really not my Qilianzhai that took the initiative to cause trouble.

After the Thirty-Six Great Bandits of the North Land were exterminated, my Qilian Village had nothing to do with the Thirty-Six Great Bandits of the North Land.

This time, Juyi Village took the initiative to come to us for trouble, and more than a dozen families in Beiyan formed the Juyi Village Alliance to strangle me, Qilian Village.

And the owner of Juyi Village, Nie Renlong, is hypocritical, despicable, and shameless. He is not sure that he can beat the big boss in a single fight, and he even recruited Han Ba, the tycoon of Beiyan Wulin, to take the shot first.

The big boss fought with Han Ba ​​first, and both sides suffered some injuries. The big boss couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent me to ask the hidden demons to help.

As long as the Hidden Demons help me in Qilian Village through this crisis, if the Hidden Demons are in need in the future, my Qilian Village will definitely go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes! "

Mei Qinglian chuckled lightly, and suddenly it was like a flower in full bloom, and the whole house seemed to be a little brighter, but Han Bao still didn't dare to look at Mei Qinglian, but lowered his head even deeper.

"What is this guy Pang Hu doing with such seriousness? They are all old acquaintances. He begged on my head, and I can really ignore him? Okay, you wait here for a few days, and I will find you a reliable one. The people who come here to ensure that you Qilianzhai can survive this crisis."

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, Han Bao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was also secretly curious in his heart, what is the relationship between the head of the family and this 'Mrs. Guan'? The two seem to have a history.

Although Han Bao had gossip in his heart, he didn't dare to think about Pang Hu and Mei Qinglian in the old relationship.

Although Han Bao still admires the big boss, but after seeing Mei Qinglian, Han Bao knows that a woman like Mei Qinglian is not something that ordinary men can surrender, even his big boss Pang Hu. Same.


In the Guanxi Execution Hall, Chu Xiu's retreat.

At this time, Chu Xiu was naked, and the whole body was shrouded in boundless demonic energy. Those demonic energy were extremely pure. All meridians, all qi and blood.

Demonic energy refining, the feeling of severe pain is like Ling Chi, deep into the bone marrow, even if Chu Xiu's mental power is strong, he can't block the pain, and can only endure it hard.

Chu Xiu's figure was trembling slightly, and the sweat flowed out of the pores like water, even with a trace of blood, but he endured it and didn't make a sound.

After all, the sound insulation of this retreat place is not very good. If Chu Xiu makes any noise in it, maybe people outside will think that Chu Xiu is doing strange things while retreating.

At this moment, a black mist rose in the retreat place, and Mei Qinglian's figure came out of it, looking at Chu Xiu, who was cultivating Jiuxiao's golden body, with great interest.

Chu Xiu already felt that it was her the moment Mei Qinglian appeared, so Chu Xiu was not nervous. He was just cultivating step by step. After completing this stage of body training, Chu Xiu took back the whole body. magic.

Seeing that Mei Qinglian was still staring at him, Chu Xiu picked up the clothes beside him and put it on, and said a little speechlessly: "Sir, can you say hello next time you show up, don't be so elusive, okay? Let me be mentally prepared."

Mei Qinglian snorted softly: "You are practicing on the bed, not playing with women on the bed, what psychological preparation do you need?"

Chu Xiu smiled bitterly. How would he answer Mei Qinglian's sturdy words?

"Just now you cultivated the golden body of Lu Wenhou's Jiuxiao Refining Demon?" Mei Qinglian asked a little curiously.

Chu Xiu nodded.

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "The cultivation conditions for this method are too harsh, you can practice with your physical quality, but if it is someone else, I'm afraid it's easy to ruin yourself first.

Although this kind of cultivation technique is called Rank 9, it is the inferior of Rank 9. There are not many people who can cultivate it to the peak. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "There is no strongest practice in this world, only the strongest people. In fact, it is unreasonable to evaluate the practice according to the level.

Some people can reach the peak with one-turn exercises, while some people are still useless even if they have nine-turn exercises in their hands.

Therefore, in my opinion, any practice should not only be based on its level, but by who is cultivating it. "

Mei Qinglian looked at Chu Xiu in astonishment, but she did not expect that Chu Xiu would have his own opinions on martial arts, and what he said was very reasonable.

Martial Dao Grandmaster was actually an honorific title at the beginning, not referring to strength.

It's just that for most of the martial artists, they only have their own opinions on the martial arts after they have stepped into the real pill realm, so the martial arts masters gradually become another martial arts real pill realm. kind of name.

Therefore, under the True Core Realm, as long as you have unique insights into martial arts, you can actually be regarded as a martial arts master.

At this time, Chu Xiu also questioned Mei Qinglian: "The saintess came to find me, but what happened to the hidden demon lineage?"

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "It's not about the hidden demons, but some of my own personal affairs, and I want to ask you for help."

With that, Mei Qinglian told Chu Xiu about the Qilian Village.

In the end, Mei Qinglian said: "Pang Hu is an old friend of mine in the past, he is begging me now, but I can't turn a blind eye.

But I can't get away from here, so I can only let you run this way. Facing Juyi Village, what Pang Hu and the others lack is not their strength, but their brains.

Let the bandits who know how to fight and kill all the time face the Juyi Village Alliance. Sooner or later, people will be killed. It is up to you to help them. It is estimated that they are in another situation.

And I seem to have heard that you and Juyizhuang also have a lot of grudges. This time, you can also teach the people of Juyizhuang a lesson. After returning, there will be no less rewards from my side. "

After hearing what Mei Qinglian said, a strange look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

When he fooled Han Bao to find Pang Hu, he was actually just using Han Bao. He didn't expect that he would be able to continue dealing with Pang Hu one day, but in fact Chu Xiu almost forgot about Pang Hu.

And now the development of Qilian Village is also quite different from the original plot.

In the original plot, Pang Hu led his Qilian iron cavalry to recuperate in the dense forests of Liaodong. When he was strong enough, he began to come out again and plundered the land of Liaodong in Beiyan, which brought a lot to the Beiyan court. The troubles, and finally dispatched a large part of the force to suppress.

And now Pang Hu does not know what was affected by it, but he is not as mad as in the original plot, but he is obediently recuperating in the dense forests of Liaodong, and has steadily developed his forces. The relationship between the thirteenth prince Xiang has reached a settlement with the Beiyan court.

It's just that God didn't want to let Pang Hu's men have a good time. Juyi Village even joined more than ten forces to enter Liaodong. If he wanted to completely kill Qilian Village, he was about to push Pang Hu to the extreme.

And in the original plot, Chu Xiu didn't even remember that Juyi Village had formed an alliance or something. Now it seems that there should be a deviation in the plot.

Chu Xiu thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Sir Saintess, this is not a good job, it's true that Juyi Village has a grudge against me, but now there are two martial arts masters in Juyi Village, Qi Lian. Zhai has been suppressed to the extreme by the other party, so what if I go alone? It is difficult and difficult to reverse the world.”

Mei Qinglian rolled her eyes and said, "If it's simple, can I still come to you? Don't think it's a chore, the benefits you can get afterwards will be beyond your imagination.

You don't know how Pang Hu is. He rarely asks for help, and he hates to owe favors the most. If you help him this time, Pang Hu will feel that he owes you a lifetime of favors. As long as you don't deliberately trick him to death, if you If there is something that needs Pang Hu to take action, he will never refuse.

The power of Qilian's iron cavalry is also extraordinary. It was an existence that could compete with the five armies of Beiyan Zhenguo in the past, and it was definitely stronger than you imagined. "

Chu Xiu moved his muscles and bones, and there was a look of thought in his eyes.

Chu Xiu is no longer the 'Junior of the Demon Dao' who could only follow orders. With Chu Xiu's strength and ability, he has the right to refuse and negotiate conditions, even if the other party is Mei Qinglian, the saintess of the Yin Demon Sect. .

So now Chu Xiu is just thinking about how good this matter is for him and whether it is worth his shot.


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