Meet The Leader

Chapter 532: Liwei

ps: Thanks to book friend Zhu Han for the reward of 30,000 starting coins

Speaking of which, Chu Xiu and the Thirty-Six Big Bandits in the North still have a lot of fate. After all, Chu Xiu was able to gain a foothold in Wei County by cooperating with Han Bao and others.

So now, Chu Xiu didn't mind helping Pang Hu once, of course, provided that Mei Qinglian didn't tease him.

"By the way, Lord Saintess, I'm now banned by Guan Siyu. How can you tell me to do something? At least help me get rid of the ban first." Chu Xiu suddenly thought of this.

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said: "This time I asked you to go mainly because of your brain, not to let you do it, and you don't need to use your current identity to go.

And this time Pang Hu is begging me to take action from the hidden demon lineage, and you just happened to use your identity as a demon. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then during the time I left, the land of Kansai can trouble you to take care of the lady of the Holy Maiden, don't wait until I come back, but I was bullied to the head by others. already."

Mei Qinglian waved her hand casually: "Don't worry, what happened last time won't happen again, you made such a big noise, as long as Yin Botong is not an idiot, after seeing Guan Siyu's attitude, he will definitely not regenerate. It's over, and Guan Siyu will not tolerate him a second time."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "If that's the case, then take me to see Han Bao. After all, that person is also my old acquaintance."

Mei Qinglian said in surprise, "You still know that guy?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "I have had some dealings."

Mei Qinglian didn't have much gossip about Chu Xiu's previous problems. After Chu Xiu put on a mask and dressed in black, he followed Mei Qinglian to see Han Bao.

Han Bao, who had been anxiously waiting for a few days, was immediately excited when he saw Mei Qinglian leading a mysterious man in black and a mask.

Han Bao has never been in contact with people in the magic way, and he didn't even know the difference between the clear and hidden demons before.

But after listening to Pang Hu explain it to him in detail, Han Bao wanted to come, the master of the hidden demon lineage must be just like the person in front of him, appearing incomparably mysterious, but powerful and possessing unique skills.

But when Chu Xiu walked in, Han Bao suddenly felt that the person in front of him seemed to be the only one in the world?

Although for Han Bao, the world of harmony between man and nature is also a master, but for their current predicament in Qilian Village, the state of harmony between nature and man seems to be nothing.

Han Bao cautiously said: "Sir, is this the person you brought to help me in Qilian Village?"

Mei Qinglian nodded and said, "Yes."

Han Bao hesitated: "But this lord only has the unity of heaven and man?"

Mei Qinglian glared at her: "Why, you still look down on the person I found for you?"

Han Bao quickly waved his hand and said, "No no no! That's not what I meant, I just..."

However, Han Bao was interrupted by Mei Qinglian before he could finish speaking.

"Pang Hu finally begged me once, of course I won't perfunctory him.

This is Lin Ye, who is the most handsome among the younger generation of my hidden demons. "

When Han Bao heard the words, he was stunned for a moment. The co-author is not only the unity of heaven and man, but also the younger generation of warriors?

Mei Qinglian said lightly, "Do you know Zhang Chengzhen?"

Han Bao nodded.

"Do you know Zong Xuan?"

Han Bao continued to nod.

"Do you know Chu Xiu?"

Han Bao nodded frantically this time, of course he knew Chu Xiu.

To be honest, Han Bao never imagined that the boy who was ostracized by the family in the Chu family in Wei County in the past would become the fourth best young man on the Dragon and Tiger List.

Hearing that Chu Xiu is now serving as the chief execution officer in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Han Bao still wanted to go to Chu Xiu to catch up, but he just gave up on this idea in his mind.

First, the identities between him and Chu Xiu are very different now. It is unknown whether Chu Xiu can think of him.

The second is that he came with a mission. The rise and fall of Qilian Village is in his hands. Han Bao dare not mess around, so as not to cause any trouble.

At this time, Mei Qinglian pointed at Chu Xiu and said indifferently, "There are geniuses in Taoism, geniuses in Buddhism, geniuses in Guanzhong Xingtang, and naturally there are also my hidden demons.

Lin Ye's strength is not inferior to Zhang Chengzhen, Zong Xuan and Chu Xiu. If it wasn't because Pang Hu personally came to beg me this time, do you think I would send the most outstanding Junjie hand from the younger generation of my hidden demons to help him? As a result, you are still not satisfied? "

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, Han Bao quickly said: "Satisfied, of course satisfied!"

Having said that, Han Bao also looked at Chu Xiu a few times, but the more he looked, the more he looked like an expert.

Of course, Han Bao didn't know how strong the younger generation of Junjie was. Anyway, he just heard that the top five on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings all had the strength to rival the martial arts masters.

Since Mei Qinglian said that this Lin Ye can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan, compared with him, he must be able to compete with the master, so inviting him is equivalent to bringing back a martial arts master, and the task of being a master can be considered complete.

Thinking like this, Han Bao had no choice but to say goodbye to Mei Qinglian, and took Chu Xiu to prepare to return to Liaodong.

On the way, Han Bao asked Chu Xiu curiously: "Dare to ask which faction Lin Gongzi belongs to in the hidden demon lineage?"

Previously, Han Bao thought that the Hidden Demon lineage was just a sect, but Pang Hu didn't give Han Bao some popular science until he came. It turned out that the Hidden Demon lineage also had factions.

But looking at the appearance of Lin Ye and Mei Qinglian in front of them, it seems that the two are not from the same sect.

Chu Xiu laughed twice, his voice a little hoarse: "If I said I was from the Kunlun Demon Sect, would you believe it?"

Han Bao's expression changed slightly, he forced a smile and said, "Young Master Lin is joking."

No matter how little Han Bao knows, he knows that the Kunlun Demon Sect is a taboo in all corners of the world, and its identity is much more sensitive than that of the Hidden Demons.

But for some reason, Han Bao always had a strange feeling that the person in front of him seemed to know him.

But Han Bao didn't think about it so much. Right now their Qilian Village was at a crisis time. Han Bao didn't have time to chat with Chu Leisure.

Although Chu Xiu had stayed in Beiyan for a long time, he had never been to such a northern place.

Liaodong County is close to the extreme north. In the four seasons of the year, almost half of the time is covered by snow, especially in the dense forests of Liaodong, which are covered by snow all year round and are very desolate.

At this time, in the lobby of Qilian Village, Pang Hu and the people under him had a heavy expression on their faces.

During the time that Han Bao left, their situation in Qilian Village became more and more difficult.

Two fists are no match for four hands. The number of people in the Juyi Village Alliance is too large, to the extent that they are simply unable to compete.

At this moment, someone from outside came in and reported: "The head of the family, Brother Han Bao is back with someone!"

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone present immediately burst into ecstasy, and the reinforcements have finally arrived!

Pang Hu also nodded and said, "Invite someone in."

Everyone looked at the door and looked forward to it, but when they saw that what Han Bao brought in was only a mysterious warrior of the unity of heaven and man, everyone present was stunned.

After co-authoring Han Bao on such a trip, he brought a martial artist of the unity of heaven and man? What's the use of this? Although the warriors of the unity of nature and man are not weak, they are not lacking in Qilian Village.

Like Lin Mutong and He Zhan and several other Pang Hu's henchmen, they are all masters of the unity of nature and man.

Pang Hu also had doubts in his heart, but he still let Chu Xiu sit down first, and then asked Han Bao: "Han Bao, is this the reinforcement you brought?"

Han Bao hurriedly said: "That's right, this is the young master of the hidden demon lineage, Young Master Lin Yelin, who can compete with the top five masters on the Dragon Tiger List."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present became even more strange.

Co-authoring this Lin Ye is still a martial artist of the junior generation?

As for what Han Bao said, that Lin Ye could match the top five on the Dragon and Tiger list, they were listening to it as a joke.

If the top five on the Dragon Tiger list are so easy to compare with, what's the point of Fengmanlou making this list? Do you really think that Zhang Chengzhen and others are vegetarians?

He Zhan slapped the table angrily, stood up and snorted coldly: "Han Bao, I think you've lost your head, right? Go all the way to the punishment hall in Guanzhong, and you will bring back a realm of harmony between man and nature. The martial artist, are you playing with my brother Qilianzhai’s life?”

Han Bao looked The person was given to him by Mei Qinglian, and he wanted to bring back a martial arts master, but she didn't give the saintess, what's his business?

Just when Han Bao wanted to explain, Chu Xiu sat on the chair and said with a strange smile: "Why, you all look down on me and dislike my low strength?

It's really ridiculous, you Qilian Village have already been forced to be destroyed by others, and you are still picking and choosing here. If it wasn't for the Holy Maiden, you thought I really wanted to take care of your Qilian Village. life or death? "

"Boy, you are courting death!"

He Zhan roared angrily, the qi burst out from his body, and his body was like a fierce tiger, rushing towards Chu Xiu, and a punch fell, and the tiger roared in the mountains and forests in an instant, with unparalleled power.

Pang Hu, who was sitting at the top, frowned and wanted to stop him.

Not to mention whether this person can help him in Qilian Village, just saying that Lin Ye was sent by Mei Qinglian, Pang Hu couldn't watch him get hurt.

He Zhan is his general, and he was born in a loose cultivator. Although he is not bad, his temper is fiery and irritable. During this time, he was also suppressed too hard, so when Chu Xiu spat out a casual sentence at this time, he immediately became angry. Upwelling, it exploded directly.

But before Pang Hu could take action, the next scene made everyone present widen their eyes.

I saw the boundless darkness condensed in Chu Xiu's eyes, like a deep vortex, the inner demons wheeled out Dafa, and the spiritual power was condensed into reality by Chu Xiu, forming three transparent strings in front of him.

As Chu Xiu flicked gently, the demonic sound calmed the soul in an instant, and issued a piercing scream at the soul level. The three invisible strings shattered, and He Zhan's whole body also screamed, and his figure flew upside down. went out and smashed the chair.

Soul Soul Nether Song!


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