Meet The Leader

Chapter 533: Northland 36 Giant Bandits

As the secret methods inherited from Moxintang in the past, the spiritual attainment of Inner Demon Wheel Dafa and Soul Conquering Great Nine is definitely the pinnacle of the same kind of exercises. In Chu Xiu's view, it is even better than Xiahou's imperial practice. Magic is stronger.

In the past, when Chu Xiu used the soul-suppressing Netherworld song in the Ninth Style of Destroying the Soul, it could even temporarily affect Qiao Liandong, a martial arts master. At this time, Chu Xiu had recovered to the peak, and he used the Soul-suppressing Netherworld Song to deal with He Zhan for a day. A martial artist in the unity of human beings is naturally not a problem.

Climbing up from the pile of broken chairs, He Zhan rubbed his head with horror in his eyes.

Although he was a little reckless and irritable, he still had some insight.

This guy in front of him has such a powerful mystical technique that he was already hit without even having a chance to react.

However, He Zhan still snorted coldly and said: "I will use this kind of ghost to measure, if you have the ability to take a frontal shot!"

Saying that, He Zhan rushed up even if he refused to admit defeat.

But at this time, Lin Mutong said solemnly, "I'm coming!"

Under Pang Hu's command, Lin Mutong often quarreled with He Zhan. The two were impulsive and rational, and they usually couldn't urinate in a pot.

However, when facing outsiders, they are brothers who live and die together, and are willing to give their backs to each other.

A pitch-black spear as tall as two people was held in Lin Mutong's hand, and it smashed down towards Chu Xiu with an unparalleled aura and a howling wind.

That powerful Qi machine was unbelievable that it was created by a seemingly dry and thin warrior like Lin Mutong.

This time, Chu Xiu didn't use the nine soul-suppressing styles. He just made a seal on his hands, and the magic image of Donkey Kong's divine power was displayed. The qi burst out of his body, condensing into a strange figure, half of the Buddha's light, half of the devilish energy. The evil Buddha statue fell with a palm, and the power of the Buddha and Demons intertwined and erupted, directly blasting Lin Mutong's whole body out.

Demon King Kong!

Chu Xiu, the dharma aspect of the supernatural power of the Great King Kong Mountain, had already used it in the Demon Dao Association before, and he didn't mind revealing this technique at this time.

With two consecutive moves, he defeated the two masters under Pang Hu's command, and Chu Xiu's strength was revealed.

If this was placed elsewhere, the people around would definitely be shocked by Chu Xiu's strength and would not dare to do it.

However, when it comes to these daring pirates in the past, who dared to fight against Beiyan Chaotang, although they were shocked by Chu Xiu's strength, they were equally indignant and wanted to attack Chu Xiu.

He Zhan and Lin Mutong are their brothers, what should I do now that my brother was beaten? Even if there is a martial arts master in front of them, they only have one word, that is, go!

But at this moment, Pang Hu snorted coldly: "Go back to me! Isn't that shameful enough?"

Looking at He Zhan who was still standing there dumbfounded, and Lin Mutong lying on the ground, Pang Hu snorted softly, "Did you die? Sit back for me if you don't die!"

After hearing Pang Hu's reprimand, He Zhan and Lin Mutong sat back honestly.

However, He Zhan's chair had been crushed by him, He Zhan looked around, and finally had to stand beside Lin Mutong with shy brows.

Pang Hu stood up and smiled at Chu Xiu, "Young Master Lin is worthy of being a young master of the hidden demon lineage. His strength is indeed extraordinary. This time, if I want to survive the crisis, I will rely on you, Master Lin. already."

With Pang Hu's eyesight, although Chu Xiu only made two moves, he could still see Chu Xiu's true strength.

This means that Chu Xiu is showing mercy. Otherwise, Lin Mutong and He Zhan will be seriously injured if they don't die.

Although Pang Hu didn't complain about Mei Qinglian before, he still doubted whether this kid could help them in Qilian Village.

But now that he saw Chu Xiu's strength, Pang Hu no longer had any doubts.

Any sect that can have such outstanding disciples must be cultivated as treasures, and their status is even higher than that of the martial arts masters in the sect.

Mei Qinglian sent all the most outstanding young heroes of their hidden demon lineage, but it gave him enough face.

Chu Xiu casually cupped his hands and said, "Master Pangzhai is very polite, the saint asked me to help you solve the crisis, I should do my best, but it also requires the cooperation of Guizhai. Otherwise, I alone cannot turn things around."

Pang Hu nodded and waved his hand directly: "Have a banquet! Talk while eating!"

The predecessor of Qilianzhai was the Thirty-six Great Bandits of the North Land, and the Thirty-six Great Bandits of the North Land were bandits.

A large table was placed directly in the lobby, and more than a dozen of Pang Hu's confidants were present.

Eating large pieces of meat and drinking in large bowls may have become a habit in Qilian Village, but it was the first time that Chu Xiu saw this scene, and it seemed very novel.

The way of Qilianzhai can no longer be regarded as eating meat in large pieces, it is simply a whole one.

There are only chickens and ducks, and there is a whole roasted tiger among them, and there are countless other mountain treasures such as bear paw and venison.

Pang Hu poured a bowl of wine for Chu Xiu, drank it all in one gulp, and said solemnly, "Young Master Lin came to my Qilian Village from thousands of miles to help, and everyone stood up to express their gratitude."

The bandits in Qilian Village were best at drinking, and they raised their wine bowls one by one.

He Zhan and Lin Mutong were even more eager to try.

They were defeated by Chu Xiu before, and now they still feel a little humiliated.

Can't beat you, it's always okay to drink, right?

However, after Chu Xiu just drank a lap politely, he used his inner strength to suppress his drinking power, put down the wine bowl and said, "Pangzhai Master, it's time to talk about business."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Pang Hu also put down the wine bowl, He Zhan and Lin Mutong could only look at each other depressedly, and both put down the wine bowl.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The current crisis in Qilian Village is not about the situation, but why Qilian Village is in such a crisis. We must first find the source before we can do things well."

Pang Hu frowned, "What does Young Master Lin mean?"

Although Pang Hu actually looks rude, he is not stupid.

In the past, the thirty-six major bandits in the Northland were all wiped out, leaving only Pang Hu to survive. This was not because he was cowardly, but because Pang Hu was more sensitive to the crisis, so he avoided the crisis in time and gave the thirty-six to the Northland. The six giants have preserved such a trace of power.

But this time, Juyizhuang forced him to look like this, but Pang Hu was really confused and couldn't figure out the situation.

Chu Xiu paused and said: "Pangzhai master recuperates in the dense forest of eastern Liaoning, recovers his strength, and also befriends the thirteenth prince Xiang Chong, which relieves the pressure on the court. This is a good move."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Pang Hu's face also showed a hint of color.

Originally, Pang Hu planned to continue his old job after cultivating his health, but last time he accidentally met Xiang Chong and made friends with him, so he used Xiang Chong to prevent the court from chasing him, the thirty-six in the north. The remnants of the giant pirates.

The last time Pang Hu met Xiang Chong, it was Xiang Chong who followed the master of the hidden demon lineage. On the bright side, Sheng Tianyao, who was enshrined by the royal family, came to help Chu Xiu, so the encounter between Xiang Chong and Pang Hu was actually considered a Chu Xiu indirectly contributed.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "But the next road, Pang Zhaizhu, you have taken the wrong way."

Pang Huyi frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Liaodong land is not suitable for development in the first place. After you regained your strength, Pangzhai Lord, you entrenched around Liaodong County and established branch villages. To plunder, but to collect filial piety from passing merchants, but it also caused some people to be dissatisfied."

Pang Hu snorted coldly: "Someone has done enough benevolence and righteousness. Although I am a bandit in Qilian Village, I also obey the rules. They pass by Liaodong County. As long as I receive the money, I will keep them safe along the way. Even if they can spend more money, I can let my brothers **** them all the way to their destination, are they still dissatisfied?"

In fact, Pang Hu still dropped out of school with Chu.

After Han Bao returned to Qilian Village, he naturally talked about how he had lived over the years. Among them, his cooperation with Chu Xiu gave Pang Hu a great inspiration.

Pang Hu was not stupid in the first place. After the destruction of the Thirty-six Giant Bandits in the North, Pang Hu was also reflecting on what was the reason for the destruction of his own thirty-six Finally Pang Hu came out A conclusion, the demise of the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North was not because they plundered the imperial court and the major martial arts forces, but because they did not obey the rules, broke the rules, and offended all who could be offended. Join forces to destroy.

So this time, Pang Hu learned from the way Chu Xiu and Han Bao cooperated in Mangshan Mountain, charging tolls, not so excessive.

And Pang Hu also added a bodyguard service. As long as the money is paid, the bandits from Qilian Village can even make a cameo appearance as a bodyguard.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Pangzhai master, you misunderstood what I meant, the dissatisfaction I said was not the dissatisfaction of the caravans passing by, but the dissatisfaction of Juyi Village, because you, Pangzhai Master, blocked the Juyi Village. road!"

"What's the meaning?"

Chu Xiu dipped in the wine and drew the general topography of Beiyan on the table: "Juyi Village has been developed by Nie Renlong over the years, not to mention the famous Beiyan Rivers and Lakes. Although the strength is not strong, but The reputation is very big.

Nie Renlong is a master of reputation management. Ordinary people seek profit first and then get a name, but Nie Renlong is good at using fame to win benefits. Now that Juyi Village has enough reputation, Nie Renlong naturally wants to gain some practical benefits. .

However, in the name of benevolence and righteousness, Juyi Village can do such a thing as destroying the family and destroying the family? Therefore, the easiest way is to create an alliance, and Juyi Village, as the leader of the alliance, will do something. After success, as long as Nie Renlong's methods are appropriate, the alliance will not be disbanded, and it will still take Nie Renlong as the leader. host.

Looking at the actions of Juyi Village now, it is obvious that their goal is to go north, and the Qilian Village of Pang Village has become the goal of the Juyi Village Alliance. What they must eliminate is a stepping stone! "


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