Meet The Leader

Chapter 534: catastrophe

After Chu Xiu finished speaking, everyone present was shocked and angry.

Their Qilian Village used to be prestige in the past. When the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North were still there, they dared to challenge the Beiyan court. Who would have thought that they would be regarded as stepping stones now.

He Zhan angrily slapped the table and cursed: "Bastard! The shameless guys in Juyizhuang said they wanted to exterminate the bandits, and they gave Liaodong a quiet place. The co-author was that they wanted to develop their power, but they took me. Qilian Village is an excuse!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason.

Juyi Village has never been so benevolent, otherwise Juyi Village would not have developed as it is now.

The Moon Worship Cult is standing in Western Chu, and the Evil Supreme Sect is also in the Northern Plains. If Juyi Village really wants to kill the people, why don't they go to the Moon Worship Cult? Wouldn't it be better to find a weaker evil extremist sect directly in Xianyuan?

Besides, in other words, you are now only people from Qilian Village, not the Thirty-six Giant Bandits in the North Land. In the past, when the Thirty-six Giant Bandits in the North Land were at their peak, how dare Juyi Village come to trouble you? "

Everyone present nodded, but at this time Lin Mutong suddenly asked: "Lin Gongzi, since Juyi Village wants to develop, why does it come to the northeast instead of other places?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It's very simple, because Juyi Village can't afford to offend the people on both sides.

To the west lies the Huangfu Clan of Yanxi Pingyao. Although the Huangfu Clan is not too strong, as the oldest of the nine aristocratic families, the Huangfu Clan still has a lot of trump cards.

To the south is Yannan Shenwumen. Although Shenwumen is not strong, Yan Huainan is a world leader, and Juyi Village does not want to provoke Yan Huainan.

Therefore, as long as Juyi Village has the intention to develop towards these two sides, they will directly be beaten back by them.

In the northeast direction, Liaodong County is vast and sparsely populated, close to Yandong, and Qilianzhai was born in the thirty-six giants in the north. This is a good excuse in itself. If I were Nie Renlong, I would also choose this direction as the target. "

Pang Hu said solemnly from the side: "Then Young Master Lin has a way to break the game? Juyi Village has joined forces with more than ten forces to make a move. In terms of numbers, Qilian Village is not as good as me.

Nie Renlong's fellow slipped and didn't let go. Although I had the strength to deal with it, he rarely took any direct action. Han Baxian, the tycoon of Beiyan martial arts, was Nie Dongliu's master, and this time they even invited Han Baxian. I fought against him and both lost, and I may have suffered more.

Now my Qilianzhai is not as good as the other in terms of high-end combat power and numbers. "

Hearing that even Han Baxian made a move this time, Chu Xiu couldn't help but ask: "Nie Dongliu also participated in this time?"

Lin Mu Channel: "Of course, and the one who planned to destroy my Qilian Village branch was Nie Dongliu himself!

Nie Renlong, the old man, has also spared no effort in accumulating a reputation for Nie Dongliu. Even this time he took action against me in Qilian Village. Most of the plans were arranged by Nie Dongliu. "

There was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, this time he not only came to help, but also to take revenge.

Pang Hu looked at Chu Xiu with some doubts. When he mentioned Juyi Village, why did Lin Ye look murderous? It seems that this young handsome man recommended by Mei Qinglian is really reliable. He has already entered the role so quickly, standing on their side of Qilian Village, and regards Juyi Village as a hater.

Chu Xiu thought for a while, and said solemnly: "If you want to break the game, you need three steps, retreat, divide, and take advantage of the situation, but the world is impermanent, even those fortune-telling masters of Taoism can't take one step and count three steps, I also It can only be done step by step, and if there is a problem in the middle, it will be repaired.”

Everyone present glanced at each other. In fact, most of them didn't know what Chu Xiu meant.

For these guys who came from robbers, they are generally good at two things, killing and robbing things.

It's not that the thirty-six giants in the northern land are all idiots, but most of them have such a personality. They firmly believe that strength is more important than strategy. When their strength reaches a certain level, they can ignore any strategy.

Although this is actually the case, it is a pity that the previous thirty-six giants of the North Land were not strong enough to this extent, so they were wiped out.

And the current Qilian Village is also the same. Under the premise of insufficient strength, it can only rely on strategies and calculations to make a comeback.

Pang Hu knocked on the table and said, "What do you mean by concession?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It means literally, avoid the edge for a while, and give in first, so that we can exchange for a little bit of life."

As soon as Chu Xiu said these words, everyone present exploded.

He Zhan stood up directly and said: "Absolutely not! The big boss has been with us for so many years, and it is hard to get a foothold in this Liaodong County, but now you are telling us to give up these foundations and give up directly, what is this?

If you can solve the problem by admitting it, we have already admitted it to Juyizhuang, so what are you doing here? "

Chu Xiu spread his hands and said in an indifferent tone: "Concession is not a confession, and the land of Liaodong is actually not suitable for development. It is vast and sparsely populated, and there are enemies on all sides. In the south there is the Huangfu family, and in the north there is the Snow City.

Which of these forces has a favorable opinion of Qilian Village? It doesn't matter if no one does it now. Once someone does it like now, Qilianzhai won't even have a place to run.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not from Qilian Village. The Holy Maiden asked me to help. I am here, and I will also come up with the idea. As for whether to use it or not, it is up to you all voluntarily. "

Pang Hu frowned and thought for a moment, then he slapped the table and said, "Okay, just do as you said, Young Master Lin. From now on, my Qilianzhai will follow your command!"

There is no need to use people without suspicion. Pang Hu himself is not good at these things, and someone is good at it.

Of course, what Pang Hu believed was not Chu Xiu, but Mei Qinglian.

He believed that Mei Qinglian would not cheat him even if he didn't help him, so Mei Qinglian sent Chu Xiu here at this time, which proved that Chu Xiu must have the strength to turn things around.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Since this is the case, then ask Pangzhai Master to lead his brothers to break up into pieces, abandon Qilianzhai, and all retreat to the extreme north, but don't enter the extreme northern snow city. The site must be kept extremely low-key, so that the second and third steps can be carried out.”

Pang Hu nodded and waved his hand directly. After the banquet, all the warriors who belonged to Qilian Village all withdrew!

In fact, the number of people in the entire Qilian Village is not too many, only nearly ten thousand people, and among them are the elites of Qilian Iron Cavalry at the beginning, in fact, there are less than a thousand people, so it is extremely easy to retreat and hide.

At this time, outside Liaodong County, in a manor, Nie Renlong and Nie Dongliu, as well as more than ten warriors of the unity of heaven and man, were also in it. The banquet was much more refined.

Nie Renlong was sitting in the main seat, Nie Dongliu was sitting beside him, and the people around were the commanders of some martial arts forces in Yandong Land. At this time, they were constantly complimenting Nie Dongliu.

"This time, thanks to the clever plan of the master of the young village, the layout is impeccable, and the gang of bandits and murderers can be completely suppressed."

"Yeah, according to the layout of the young village owner, I will wait step by step, and it will not be long before I can completely nibble away the Qilian Village."

"Juyizhuang has such outstanding people as the young master, which is a blessing for Juyizhuang, and also a blessing for my Yandong Wulin.

In the recent period of time, the owner of the young village has accumulated a lot of money and has not made a name for himself in the rivers and lakes, so that Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian have stepped into the top ten of the dragon and tiger list. After this incident is over, the young village owner will definitely be able to step into the dragon and tiger. Top five! "

These people did not compliment Nie Renlong, but they all complimented Nie Dongliu. It was not because they were ignorant, but because they knew that this time the movement of Juyi Village was so big that Nie Renlong himself planned to push Nie Dongliu out.

As the owner of Juyi Village, Nie Renlong's own strength is not mentioned, his reputation is big enough, so now some false names, Nie Renlong no longer needs.

On the contrary, it was Nie Dongliu. Now he is not even in the top ten, so Nie Renlong must push him back to the top ten again, so that Nie Dongliu is qualified to compete with the younger generation of heroes~www And this time, Nie Renlong also had some intention of testing the school Nie Dongliu.

He was just such a son, and the future of Juyi Village had to be handed over to Nie Dongliu.

In the past, although Nie Dongliu had the experience of collaborating vertically and horizontally to exterminate some gangsters and gangsters, those were just petty troubles.

This time, Juyi Village has joined forces with more than ten major forces in Yandong, as well as two martial arts masters, Nie Renlong and Han Baxian. These people are all under the command of Nie Dongliu, which is a world of difference from before.

But what is worthy of praise is that Nie Dongliu's performance this time was really good. Although his performance was not amazing, he was cautious in his layout and played steadily. He removed all the branches of Qilian Village, and finally forced him into Senshan in Liaodong. In the old forest.

The only thing that went wrong was that Han Ba ​​first fought Pang Hu, the 'Red-faced Heavenly King'.

In the past, Pang Hu was not the most famous one among the thirty-six giants in the North, but who would have known that his strength was so strong that he would be able to fight Han Ba ​​first and lose both.

But it doesn’t matter, Qilianzhai is already at the end of the force, and Juyizhuang can completely destroy it by swarming up. The reason why the Juyizhuang Alliance has not taken action is because it is easy to force the opponent to die. Although according to Nie Dongliu’s calculation, Even if the fish dies, the net will not be broken, there will only be a few cracks in the sky, but Nie Dongliu has a cautious personality. It is better to have less losses. It is better to have less losses. Step by step is the safest way.

At this moment, someone from Juyi Village suddenly came to report that Qilian Village had all been evacuated, which immediately shocked everyone present.


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