Meet The Leader

Chapter 535: Vicious enough

Although Juyi Village has set Qilian Village as its target, Juyi Village has never underestimated Qilian Village, whether it is Nie Dongliu or Nie Renlong.

As the only survivor of the Thirty-six Great Bandits in the North, Qilianzhai's strength needs to be said, and it is definitely not weak.

So this time they held a banquet and drinking here just to celebrate their temporary advantage, but the people who thought about Qilian Village took the initiative to flee.

Everyone present looked at each other in dismay. They were all ready for the next few fierce battles, but who would have thought that they would win so easily this time.

After being stunned for a moment, a middle-aged warrior in a black brocade suit with a very good appearance suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "Zhuangzhu, young villa owner, since Qilian Village has already fled, is this the case? It means we can take over the territory of Liaodong County?"

Nie Dongliu frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

These guys really can't support the wall with mud, and they have just gotten a little bit of benefit and are about to share it.

The most important reason why Juyi Village was able to form this so-called alliance is naturally because of Juyi Village's reputation, and the other point is because of interests.

Juyizhuang promises that as long as it is a land that is laid, Juyizhuang does not need one, and all of them will be distributed to these forces, of course, the premise is that these forces will not leave the alliance.

This is also the cleverness of Nie Renlong. Juyi Village will always be the Juyi Village that opens the door for the people in the rivers and lakes. It is not their Juyi Village that invaded and attacked other sites, but other people in the alliance. Power does.

The bad reputation is carried away by these forces, which will damage the reputation of Juyi Village itself, and once the Juyi Village needs it, the alliance will assemble immediately. In this way, the face is all there, why not do it?

So now this martial artist's request is correct, but he seems a little too eager, which makes Nie Dongliu feel a little uncomfortable.

Nie Renlong smiled and said, "Don't worry, Patriarch Miao, it should be yours, and you are absolutely indispensable. I will ask someone to investigate later. If the people from Qilian Village really quit Liaodong County, we will start to discuss. How to distribute the land that has been laid.”

The Miao family where the Miao family's head, Miao Chunmao, is located in Yandong, but the background is not too strong, not a big family.

The reason why the Miao family was able to rise was because Miao Chunmao, a master of the unity of nature and man, was born, so Miao Chunmao couldn't wait to divide the territory at this time, so as to strengthen the strength of his Miao family.

Hearing Nie Renlong say this, Miao Chunmao also smiled and cupped his hands: "Don't blame the village owner, he is a little anxious."

Nie Renlong waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just human nature.

After all the others were sent away, Nie Dongliu snorted coldly: "These people are really impatient, they haven't completely wiped out Qilian Village yet, they just want to share the profits. It's good."

Nie Renlong said indifferently: "Everyone in the world values ​​profit, if there is no profit, who will come to do things for you? Dongliu, remember, the best use in this world is actually these people who have desires in their hearts, on the contrary, those who really have no desires. Those who don’t ask are the hardest to deal with.”

Nie Dongliu said solemnly, "Yes, the child has been taught."

However, Nie Dongliu paused and said, "Father, what is the situation in this Qilian Village, why did you suddenly back off?

I have investigated, Pang Hu is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. I am even afraid that the Qilian Village will be forced into a hurry, and the other party will die. Why does Pang Hu suddenly retreat now? Will there be any fry? "

Nie Renlong stroked his beard under his jaw, thought for a moment, and said, "People's hearts can change. After the annihilation of the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North, the current Pang Hu is no longer the old Qilian cavalry master Pang Hu. .

And this time, Pang Hu should have noticed the difference in strength between the two sides. Even if he doesn't think about himself, he still thinks about other Qilianzhai warriors. It's not good for him to fight the Juyi Village alliance with me to the end. It is normal to retreat.

But it doesn't matter even if there is a fraud, anyway, after waiting for so long, it's not bad in the past few days, send someone to the dense forest in Liaodong to find out, let's take a shot. "

Nie Dongliu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell someone to do it now."

When the people from Juyi Village inspected the Qilian Village in the dense forest of eastern Liaoning, they found that it was indeed empty.

Juyi Village has already promised, and they don't want all the sites in Liaodong County, all of which are owned by other martial arts forces in the alliance.

The leaders of these martial arts forces are not idiots. Juyizhuang is shrewd, but they are not stupid. Naturally, they know what Juyizhuang is thinking.

However, staying in the Juyi Village Alliance all the time is not harmful to them.

Backed by a big tree, it is good to enjoy the shade. In the past, although these forces were naturally not weak, they could not be compared with the top forces in the world such as Shenwumen and Huangfu, but now if they stayed in the Juyi Village Alliance, they would face this situation again. When they became top forces, they also had some confidence.

At this time, in a restaurant in a state house in Liaodong County, more than ten elite warriors from Qilian Village, including Chu Xiu, He Zhan, Lin Mutong, and Han Bao, gathered together. Han Bao reported to Chu Xiu about his recent episode. information detected by time.

Pang Hu had already taken most of the Qilianzhai warriors to hide in the north, avoiding the pursuit of Juyi Village, while He Zhan and other Juyi Village elites were asked by Pang Hu to obey Chu Xiu's orders.

After Han Bao finished talking about the situation, He Zhan snorted coldly: "Now, as you wish, my Qilianzhai has given up all my foundations, and I am being tracked like a lost dog. What do you say now?"

Chu Xiu didn't care about He Zhan's tone, he just said lightly: "The higher you stand, the worse you will fall. Let this group of people be happy for a while now, and they will naturally cry when the time comes.

Since the concession has been successful and Juyizhuang has no doubts, it should proceed to the next step, which is differentiation.

Although the Juyizhuang Alliance seems to be powerful, any alliance is scattered. Everyone is united because of interests or certain goals, but in the final analysis, each is selfish and prioritized, but still It's all yourself. "

Saying that, Chu Xiu took out a stack of materials and said, "This is the information for joining the forces of Juyi Village. We don't need to use too much. We just pick one for differentiation and let it be used by us. That's fine."

Lin Mutong frowned and said, "Luring or what?

Chu Xiu glanced at the forest channel: "Just based on the current appearance of Qilian Village, what can you use to tempt others? Idiots know that at this time, they must be on the side of Juyi Village, and of course we want to coerce.

Among these forces, the biggest loophole is the Yandong Miao family. The Miao family itself is not strong, and its background is very weak. It is only because of the emergence of Miao Chunmao, a master of the unity of nature and man, it has risen because of this. .

In the Juyi Village Alliance, most of the forces were personally invited by Nie Renlong, and only Miao Chunmao volunteered to join.

This person is so eager about this matter because he wants to occupy a foundation in Liaodong County, so that their Miao family can have more background in their rise.

It is best to deal with such a person. The family is his painful foot. Hold his whole family and let him be used by us. If he is disobedient, let his whole family die, simple and straightforward. "

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, everyone present immediately shuddered.

It's not because Chu Xiu said something like killing the whole family, but because of the tone in which Chu Xiu said this.

The bandits from Qilianzhai are not good people, especially when they were the thirty-six giants in the North, they also killed a lot of people.

But they kill only to compete for looting, not like the current Chu Xiu, who said this in an unusually flat tone, as if killing the whole family is as simple as eating and drinking, this look can't help but make them feel in their hearts Chilled, he secretly thought in his heart that Lin Ye was the most outstanding disciple in the young line of Mo Dao, and his heart was really vicious and vicious.

At this time, they understood why those sects of the righteous way were clamoring to eliminate the demons and defend the way all day long, not because they were full, but these guys from the demon Really **** horrible!

But at this time, Lin Mutong hesitated and said, "Young Master Lin, what if Miao Chunmao disregarded his family and went to inform?

We did this, did we break the rules of the rivers and lakes, after all, it was not the family's fault. "

Chu Xiu glanced at Lin Mutong in surprise. These guys from the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land were so pedantic and worried about the rules of the rivers and lakes?

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The sentence itself is just a joke.

Your family enjoys the benefits that you robbed, but when someone seeks revenge, you say that your family cannot be harmed. Isn't this a joke?

I am from the Demon Dao, and you all know what the reputation of the Hidden Demon lineage is, so I don't care about the rules. If you are worried about your reputation, then you can leave this matter. "

Lin Mutong hurriedly said, "No problem, just do as you said, Young Master Lin."

At the moment, the head of the family has said that everything must be done according to this Young Master Lin's instructions. As a result, if something goes wrong because of his own advice, he can't afford it.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Since that's the case, then let's go to Yandong Land with me first."

Everyone present looked at each other and nodded, but at this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Chu Xiu became a little different.

The guys from the bandits themselves are not good people, they are very vicious, so they didn't take Chu Xiu seriously at first, even if He Zhan was defeated by Chu Xiu with one move, he still felt a little bit in his heart. Not convinced.

However, when Chu Xiu revealed his plan just now, everyone realized that the viciousness that these bandits understood was incomparable to this Lin Ye.


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