Meet The Leader

Chapter 536: Intimidate

The Yandong Lin Yimiao family was still a very weak family ten years ago, not to mention being bullied all day long, at least in the entire Yandong land, they belonged to the kind that could not be ranked.

Only in the past few years, Miao Chunmao has stepped into the realm of the unity of nature and man, and the Miao family can be regarded as a breath.

Although in the eyes of the real master-level figures at the top, the realm of the unity of nature and man can only be said to be good, but in the land of Yandong, the realm of the unity of nature and man is enough to be called a master, so the Miao family also A real rise.

At night, the Miao family's mansion was brightly lit, and the entire Miao family had held a feast for the past few days to celebrate their Miao family's real rise.

Miao Chunmao had already sent them news and asked them to prepare to move the Miao family to Liaodong County.

The martial arts forces in the Yandong land are not weak, and everyone's power division has been perfected, so if the Miao family wants to rise in the Yandong land, they must compete with others, compete with others, and compete with others. Weakness can only represent the rise of another force.

However, except for Miao Chunmao, the strength of the others in the Miao family is too weak. To lay the foundation, and then move the family there, so that their Miao family can truly develop.

At this time, Chu Xiu brought He Zhan and others to the gate of the Miao family, but they were stunned to find that the entire Miao family didn't even have a gatekeeper.

Chu Xiu and the others all looked at each other, is this Miao family overjoyed, or is it overly swollen, and the defense is so slack?

Of course, even if there is a defense, it doesn't matter. Anyway, in the eyes of these warriors of the unity of heaven and man, they are all false.

Pushing open the door, some of the servants along the way wanted to scold Chu Xiu after seeing it, but Chu Xiu glanced at him, and with a strong mental force, he directly let the other party stay there, unable to say a word.

After Chu Xiu pushed open the inner door of the lobby, a group of people from the Miao family discovered Chu Xiu. They were stunned for a long time, and one of the middle-aged men with a red face came out, walking towards Chu Xiu, while He shouted angrily: "Who are you? Are you impatient to break into my Miao family?"

However, before he walked in front of Chu Xiu, there was a faint light in Chu Xiu's eyes, and a powerful mental force poured into the middle-aged man's head in an instant, with a soft sound of 'bang', Like a watermelon bursting, red and white juice splashed.

Everyone present was about to exclaim, but Chu Xiu's whole body burst out with an extremely terrifying demonic energy, and the cold and deep aura suddenly suppressed the exclamations of everyone present. .

Chu Xiu put his finger in front of his face and made a silent gesture: "Shh, don't talk, no matter how loud you are, you will die."

The warriors of the Miao family who were present were suddenly silent, covering their mouths and not even daring to say a word.

At this time, Chu Xiu was wearing an expressionless black iron mask, and his body was full of demonic energy. Coupled with the terrifying corpse on the ground, he was just like those terrifying monsters in the legend who eat people and drink blood.

"Who is Miao Chunmao's son?" Chu Xiu asked.

No one at the scene said.

"If you don't say it, I'll start killing one by one."

Chu Xiu spit out this sentence in a gentle tone, but it caused everyone present to shiver at the same time, and immediately pointed out a young man.

Looking at the trembling young man, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, your life and death depend on your father, now write to your father and ask your father to return to Yandong One trip, as long as your dad made the right choice, you don't have to die."

Looking at the trembling young man writing the letter, He Zhan and Lin Mutong looked at each other. Is it that simple? It seems to be really that simple.

Miao Chunmao was still in Liaodong County at this time, but it was very simple for him to return to the land of Yandong.

Pang Hu brought the people from Qilian Village into pieces. Although the Juyi Village Alliance was still searching for them, under the deliberate low-key of Pang Hu and others, the Juyi Village Alliance had little effect.

Unlike other aristocratic families who brought a large number of people to join the alliance, because the strength of the Miao family is too weak, only Miao Chunmao came to join the Juyi Village Alliance. For this kind of search, he alone has limited effect. Therefore, Miao Chunmao was very leisurely during this time.

After getting the news from his family, Miao Chunmao didn't feel anything unusual. He thought that the Miao family members were all ready to move to Liaodong County.

So Miao Chunmao went all the way back to Miao's house, and when he just opened the door of Miao's house, he felt something was wrong.

Miao Chunmao is now the pillar of the entire Miao family. When he comes back, there should be someone in the Miao family to greet him. Why didn't he even see a figure?

However, Miao Chunmao pushed the door of the Miao family subconsciously, and what caught his eye was a group of people from the Miao family who were not tied up, but their faces were pale, and Chu who moved a chair and sat in the center. Hugh and others!

Miao Chunmao's first reaction was to run.

But before he could make any move, Chu Xiu said lightly: "If you run away, I will kill your whole family. If you stay, there is still a chance."

Miao Chunmao's movements froze, he turned to close the door, and whispered angrily to Chu Xiu: "You are from Qilian Village? It's not your family's fault, you Qilian Village ignore the rules of the rivers and lakes, do you really care about anything? ?"

The Miao family used to be low-key. Except for one Qilian Village, Miao Chunmao really couldn't think of anyone else who would do such a thing, and Miao Chunmao never thought that Qilian Village would do such a thing. .

It's not that Miao Chunmao was innocent, but that even when Qilian Village was the thirty-six giants in the North, what they plundered were the imperial court and some major caravans, like threats against family members. The next thing, Qilianzhai really hasn't done it before.

Moreover, Miao Chunmao subconsciously thought that even if Qilian Village wanted revenge, it would definitely be revenge on Juyi Village. How could he be noticed by the other party as his little Miao family?

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The rules of the rivers and lakes? Qilian Village is about to be forced to death by your Juyi Village Alliance, so what are the rules of the rivers and lakes?

There has never been a reason in the rivers and lakes that you can only kill my whole family, but I can't kill your whole family. "

There was a hint of bitterness on Miao Chunmao's face, and he said sullenly: "Everyone, I, Miao Chunmao, admit it, and I want to kill or scrape as you please, but please leave a trace of blood to my Miao family.

And even if you really cut down the roots of my Miao family, it doesn't make much sense except to let out a bad breath. It is Juyi Village who wants to destroy you, not my Miao family. Even if I die, the result will be the same. "

If Miao Chunmao was a ruthless person, he could just walk away and tell Nie Renlong about the incident, crying that he had made such a great contribution to the alliance, and as a result, the entire family involved was killed, etc.

It doesn't matter if Nie Renlong is a hypocrite or not, even if he is just for fame, he should treat Miao Chunmao who sacrificed so much for the alliance.

It's a pity that Miao Chunmao is not a cruel person. He can't let go of his family, his wife and children.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Of course I know that killing one of you or killing your family can't solve any problem, otherwise do you think you can still stand here alive now?

I also give you a chance now, a chance to not die. "

"What chance?" Miao Chunmao asked.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "It's very simple, stand on my side, and ambushed at Juyi Village. You can do whatever I tell you to do."

Miao Chunmao's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly said: "You are asking me to die again! Besides, if I really become an undercover agent, it would be equivalent to offending the entire Juyi Village, and the entire Beiyan has no place for me. land!"

Miao Chunmao is also an old man of Yandong Wulin. He can see how Juyi Village has risen with his own eyes, so Miao Chunmao knows exactly what kind of person Nie Renlong is.

If he betrayed him, the end would definitely be miserable, miserable.

Chu Xiu said coldly: "Beijing Yan has no place to live, so he will go to Eastern Qi and Western Chu, why, the world is so big, can't it hold you?

This is a multiple choice You have no chance to choose, go undercover, you may die and your family can live.

If you don't go for it, I will send you and your whole family on the road. You should be able to know which one you should choose. "

Cold sweat broke out from Miao Chunmao's forehead, and finally Miao Chunmao could only helplessly nodded in agreement.

Promise, I will die later. If you don't agree, you will die now, so how to choose is very simple.

Chu Xiu stood up and said, "Don't try to tell Nie Renlong about this, and let him rescue your family. I will arrange for people to stay here. Once things change, they can at least die with your Miao family. Killing people is faster than saving people, even if the opponent is a martial arts master.

Besides, the next task I will give you is not difficult. You just need to secretly and casually provoke the helpers of Yandong Wulin to go to the extreme north. It is better to follow some martial arts in the extreme north. There are conflicts between forces, remember, the greater the conflict, the better! "

Miao Chunmao is not stupid, he immediately thought of what Chu Xiu was thinking, and looked at Chu Xiu with a hint of shock, this Chu Xiu, he obviously wanted to make things worse!

Chu Xiu looked back at Lin Mutong and the others and said, "The differentiation has been successful, then it's time to take the last step. This step will take a little longer. Lin Mutong, you should lead someone to guard here. If something goes wrong, immediately Tu Miao's family is full! He Zhan and Han Bao will return to Liaodong County with me."

Among Pang Hu's subordinates, this Lin Mutong is a relatively rational person, so I can rest assured that it is left to him, Chu Xiu.

As for He Zhan, this guy is impulsive and irritable. Although he is loyal to Pang Hu, he is prone to bad things. It is better to take it with him and only be responsible for doing things.


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