Meet The Leader

Chapter 537: interests first

The northern part of the Yan Kingdom is the most desolate place in the whole Beiyan. It is more sparsely populated than Liaodong County. Although its area is as large as several Liaodong County, it is collectively called the northern land, and there is no plan. County.

A little further north of the Northland is the North Piaoxuecheng. The entire Northland is considered to be the sphere of influence of the North Piaoxuecheng. As for the place further north, the North Piaoxuecheng is completely deserted, only the Daguang Temple. Only the forces will establish sects in such places, and euphemistically call it honing their minds.

At this time, in a tavern in a small town in the northern part of the Yan Kingdom, Pang Hu and Chu Xiu in disguise were sitting and drinking together.

Pang Hu frowned tightly and said, "Young Master Lin, you asked me to retreat from Qilian Village. I have already retreated from Qilian Village. You said that you wanted to divide the Juyi Village Alliance, but in the end, you only turned against a small person. Now it's the last step, you When you say you want to take advantage of the situation, whose power are you borrowing?

During this period of time, my Qilian Village was broken into pieces, but some brothers were still arrested by Juyi Village, and there were hundreds of casualties. I, Qilian Village, did not have much time to wait. "

Chu Xiu poured Pang Hu a glass of wine and said lightly: "Pangzhai master, don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, this time I not only want to save you Qilianzhai, but also seriously damage Juyizhuang. This layout, of course, has to be cautious.

As for whose power you said I want to borrow, it is very simple. Since I lead Juyi Village to the north, I naturally want to use the power of the Snow City in the extreme north. "

Pang Hu was not an idiot, he immediately understood what Chu Xiu meant, but Pang Hu frowned and said, "You want to provoke Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng?

But Nie Renlong is not an idiot, and that little brat of Nie Dongliu is also very shrewd, they will not fall for it.

Juyi Village should know that their main goal now is to occupy Liaodong County and destroy my Qilian Village. At this time, it is really unwise to provoke Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north. "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Nie Renlong and Nie Dongliu are indeed not idiots, but they can't stand someone's desire for profit.

The higher you stand, the worse you fall. Dozens of forces from the Juyi Village Alliance won Liaodong County without bloodshed. Don't you want to go further?

Since ancient times, the alliance has collapsed internally, otherwise why would I let Miao Chunmao be an undercover agent?

At that time, if one faction has taken advantage of it, will other forces still be able to sit still? Can Juyi Village stop it?

I know very well about this group of people. When you let them profit, they support you immensely, but when you stop them from profiting, these people are not so obedient. "

Pang Hu took a deep look at Chu Xiu, are all these guys from the devil path so insidious?

However, in Pang Hu's view, those righteous guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. Otherwise, why did the Kunlun Demon Church lose so badly in the first place?

After drinking the wine in one gulp, Pang Hu said solemnly, "Then I will wait for a while, I hope you won't disappoint me then, I believe Mei Qinglian, the person she recommends should be right. ."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Pang Zhaizhu don't have to worry, just take advantage of this time to recover from the injury. At the last moment, there is still a fierce battle."

Pang Hu snorted coldly: "Last time I didn't expect that the hypocrite Nie Renlong was not the one who shot, but Han Baxian, who was hit hard after he didn't notice it for a while. This kind of mistake will not be made a second time!"

After he finished speaking, Pang Hu turned and left, leaving Chu Xiu to drink and drink by himself, looking at the snow scene outside the window, but Chu Xiu's eyes were colder than the snow in the north.

The enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark. As long as there is no accident this time, Nie Dongliu will never escape!

At this time, Nie Dongliu, who was far away in Liaodong County, suddenly felt cold all over, as if he was being targeted by something terrifying.

Nie Dongliu shook his head and shook off this feeling completely. At this time, some people from Juyi Village sent some information. Originally, Nie Dongliu thought that which force had found so many Qilianzhai warriors and put them on the list. Information such as beheading and inviting merit, but after seeing what was written on it, Nie Dongliu was so angry that he tore up the information directly.

"Those idiots!"

It was written on the intelligence that those forces in the alliance took action without authorization, using the pretext of searching Qilianzhai bandits to attack some forces in the north.

"The territory of Liaodong County is not enough for them to digest. These idiots even went to the north to cause trouble. What are they going to do!"

Nie Dongliu waved his hand directly and said, "Go, bring me all those unruly family leaders!"

A few days later, the heads of the six patriarchs all came to Nie Dongliu, among them Miao Chunmao.

In fact, this matter was provoked by Miao Chunmao from the very beginning.

Chu Xiu only gave Miao Chunmao one task, that is, let Miao Chunmao provoke other martial arts forces to shoot against Beidi.

In fact, there is no need for Miao Chunmao to provoke, and the leaders of some other forces are already a little moved.

The northern land is not all the territory of the North Piaoxuecheng, so what if they occupy some?

Now they are no longer alone, but mixed with Juyi Village. Could it be that they are still afraid of Snow City in the North?

With this kind of mentality, the group of people were provoked by Miao Chunmao, and they immediately began to slash and then play, and even they themselves did not realize that it was Miao Chunmao provoking them.

Nie Dongliu looked at the six people in front of him, and said with a gloomy expression: "Who asked you to invade the North without authorization? Do you know that this will anger the snow city in the extreme north?"

Everyone present glanced at each other, and some of them said hesitantly: "Young master, it's not enough, with such a large area of ​​​​the North, how can you manage all of the snow city in the extreme north?"

Nie Dongliu snorted coldly: "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if this matter is known to the North Piaoxuecheng, it will inevitably lead to misunderstanding, our current goal is not the North Piaoxuecheng, why bother Going to make trouble with the snow city in the extreme north?

This matter will be put aside for the time being, but from now on, you can't cut it first and then play it again, and cross the border to go to the north. "

Although in terms of identity Nie Dongliu is much higher than the heads of these patriarchs, but in terms of seniority, he is a junior in Jianghu after all, and Nie Dongliu has to maintain his own reputation, so he is not good at this time to control these patriarchs. The door began to reprimand, only to remind.

Although the people present agreed well in their mouths, they were a little disinterested in their hearts.

When they were willing to join the Juyi Village Alliance, they were looking for a backer, and they didn't have to worry about being annexed by it.

Now they can be regarded as people from Juyi Village, but Nie Dongliu told them not to provoke Snow City in the extreme north. This move felt a little cowardly, which made several people present a little uncomfortable.

After going out, several people present glanced at each other, and someone asked, "Since the young village owner has ordered, then we can only stop?"

Miao Chunmao laughed and said: "Everyone, I can't control if you want to stop, but I won't stop.

My Miao family has a weak foundation, which is different from yours. This time, I took the risk to join the Juyi Village Alliance, just to give my Miao Jiabo a future. Otherwise, why would I go to Qilian Village to fight to the death?

Now that the benefits are at hand, how could I just let it go?

The owner of the young village is a little too cautious. The north is so big, how can the snow city in the extreme north be managed?

Besides, what am I waiting for to join the Juyi Village Alliance? To put it uglier, one is for profit, and the other is to find a backer.

If Juyi Village can't even handle the snow city in the extreme north, then what's the point of our alliance? It's better to just break up. "

After he finished speaking, Miao Chunmao turned around and left, but at this time a cold sweat was already oozing out of his forehead.

Chu Xiu asked him to say these words, but if Nie Dongliu heard these words, he would probably be more fortunate.

Now Miao Chunmao can only gamble. Among these people, there is no one who is so loyal to Juyi Village.

However, in fact Miao Chunmao bet right, and the remaining five people's expressions are also uncertain, and they don't know what they are thinking.

If all six of them stopped, then this matter would be fine.

However, Miao Chunmao still has to do it. If they don't do it, wouldn't they just watch others make a profit?

So the others gritted their teeth and prepared to continue, but this time they had to be careful not to be discovered by the people of Juyi Village Anyway, the law does not blame the public, and they are not a gathering The subordinate of Yizhuang, but the alliance, even if it is discovered, it is estimated that there will be no punishment.

Therefore, under the provocation of Miao Chunmao, almost half of the forces in the Juyi Village Alliance are secretly occupying the territory of the North, and there are many conflicts with the local martial arts forces, but they are all blocked. They worked together to suppress it, and it did not spread to Nie Dongliu.

After all, the people in Juyi Village are using them as allies, and it is not easy to investigate, so as long as these people want to keep a low profile, it is not a problem to hide it for the time being.

However, they are not a problem here, but the news has already spread to the snow city in the extreme north.

The snow city in the extreme north stands in the center of the northern land. It is a huge city of thousands of feet completely made of ice and snow. .

Extremely North Piaoxuecheng is the private city of the Bai family and is not open to the public. In the entire Extremely North Piaoxue City, only the Bai clan and servants belonging to the Bai clan are present.

Perhaps it has something to do with the regional climate. Whether it is the Bai clan or other servants in the North Piaoxue City, they are extremely martial. Some junior warriors don’t even need their elders to supervise their cultivation. After that, he will take the initiative to hunt all kinds of wild beasts in the extreme northern wasteland.

At this time, in the city lord's mansion in the center of the snow city in the extreme north, a majestic and burly middle-aged man wearing a robe made of white tiger skin was sitting on the main seat. There were several warriors below him crying to him. Said that the face of the middle-aged man is even more ugly.

In the end, the middle-aged man slapped the table and shouted angrily, "Juyi Village! You guys are deceiving people too much!"


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