Meet The Leader

Chapter 538: take advantage

The middle-aged man who slammed the table had blue eyes, very magnificent and strange.

This is a manifestation of the Bai Family's Ice Soul Divine Eyes after they have cultivated to the point of completion. In the entire Bai family in the northern snow city, there are very few people who can have this kind of cultivation. This person is the current city owner of the northern snow city. Bai Hantian, the head of the Bai family, 'Flying Frost in the Sun'.

The martial artist who was crying to him at this time were some martial arts forces in the North. Under the provocation of Miao Chunmao, the forces under the Juyi Village Alliance had not less invaded their turf resources.

The martial arts forces in the North are not too weak, but the population in the entire North is too sparse, so this also leads to the same sparseness of the local martial arts forces, and the distance is too large. the weaker.

Extreme North Snow City is not affiliated with these sect forces, but the entire Northland is the territory of Extreme North Snow City. Because of his name, isn't this provoking him to the extreme north of Snow City?

However, Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north and Juyizhuang are both big forces in the land of Beiyan. Once a war begins, the consequences are unimaginable, so Bai Hantian is better prepared to be cautious.

He comforted the people from the small forces: "Don't worry, everyone, the North is my sphere of influence in the Northern Snow City, and Juyi Village has broken the rules here, so I will naturally ask them for an explanation. , give you a fair one."

Hearing what Bai Hantian said, several people present had to nod and retreat.

At this time, the door of the inner hall was pushed open, and Bai Jihu, a martial artist from the Bai family, walked in together with Bai Wuji.

Bai Wuji hadn't stepped into the rivers and lakes for a long time, but at this time he already had the cultivation level of the Five Qi Dynasty, and his previous arrogance was all gone, and his expression became much calmer.

In the past at the Divine Armament Conference, Bai Wuji was severely injured by Shen Bai's sword from Canglan Sword Sect. That sword not only severely damaged Bai Wuji's body, but also severely damaged his state of mind.

However, Sai Weng lost his horse and knew that he was not a blessing. Without that sword, Bai Wuji would still look down on the heroes of the world.

Since then, Bai Wuji has been working hard to cultivate in seclusion, and he never interacts with his former friends. Except for retreating in the snow city in the extreme north, he went to the extreme northern wasteland to cultivate and sharpen his physical will, so now Only then did the cultivation level advance by leaps and bounds, crossing the Three Flowers Gathering Summit and the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm one after another.

"Father, what are those people from the forces coming to do? Do you want to fight the autumn wind again?"

Bai Wuji didn't like the martial arts forces in the north. In the past, these forces often used the excuse to come to the North Piaoxue City to pay tribute to some rare things they found, but in fact they were of no value.

As a great faction in the north, the North Piao Xue City naturally cannot just accept things without returning gifts, so every time the North Piao Xue City suffers more.

Extremely Northern Snow City didn't say anything about this. Anyway, their family has a big business, and they don't care about this. They only need the absolute respect of these sect forces.

However, Bai Wuji's character is a bit strong and domineering. In his opinion, since the Snow City in the North has the strength anyway, why do you give those forces so many good looks? If you are not convinced, hit them until they are convinced.

Bai Hantian shook his head with a gloomy face and said, "It has nothing to do with them, it's Juyi Village."

With that said, Bai Hantian told Bai Jihu and Bai Wuji the matter.

Hearing this, Bai Wuji said coldly, "Juyi Village has developed quite well over the years, and it seems that he is also expanding a lot, and he even wants to wrestle with me in the North Piaoxuecheng!"

Although Bai Chuhu seemed impulsive and reckless, he was much calmer than Bai Wuji.

Wen Yan Bai Jie Hu said solemnly: "Patriarch, this matter needs to be treated with caution, after all, it was only the forces of the Juyi Village Alliance who took action, but Juyi Village did not take action in person.

Nie Renlong is shrewd and cunning. They are still chasing people from Qilian Village. At this time, they came to provoke me in the snow city in the extreme north. It is not like what Nie Renlong can do. "

Bai Wuji snorted coldly and said, "Whether it was Nie Renlong's instigation or not, it was the people of their Juyi Village who did it. If there was no Juyi Village to support them, would these small forces dare to provoke me in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north? "

Bai Hantian didn't talk to him, he just thought with a sullen face.

At this moment, a servant suddenly came to report that someone wanted to see Bai Hantian.

Bai Hantian frowned and said, "Who is that person?"

The servant who reported the report hesitated for a moment and said, "That person claims to be from the Hidden Demon lineage, and his strength is not weak."

Of course, Bai Hantian, the city lord of the Snow City in the North, could not be seen by any cat or dog. Chu Xiu wanted to see Bai Hantian, but on the premise that he could not use his identity, the identity of the hidden demon was the most useful.

Bai Hantian frowned and said, "The Hidden Demon!"

As the owner of the Bai family in the snow city in the extreme north, Bai Hantian naturally knew the difference between the hidden demon lineage and the clear demon lineage, but because of this, he wondered why the hidden demon lineage would find him.

In fact, the snow city in the extreme north is different from the sects of the Daguang Temple that regard the line of magic as life and death, and they cannot be regarded as a line of pure righteousness.

For the snow city in the north, they don't care about whether you are a positive or a demon when they treat a force, but to see if you have strength and whether it can bring benefits to the snow city in the north.

Most of the Hidden Demons are some extreme lunatics. Bai Hantian knows this, and he also does not want to deal with the Hidden Demons.

But now that everyone has taken the initiative to come to the door, if you still don't see it, you will really offend the other party to death.

"Bring it in." Bai Hantian said solemnly.

After a while, Chu Xiu followed Bai's people into the lobby, and bowed to Bai Hantian: "I have seen City Lord Bai."

The dazzling blue light in Bai Hantian's eyes erupted, and he suddenly looked at Chu Xiu.

But at the same time, Chu Xiu's Inner Demon Rotation Dafa was used to the extreme. With the power of Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa, the powerful spiritual force turned into a vortex and deep pool, directly strangling the power of Bai Hantian's Ice Soul God's Purpose.

The exercises in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north are very strange. Their exercises mainly follow the melee attack route, and their martial arts are violent and fierce.

But who would know that there is such a subtle and mysterious method in Bai's secret practice method, which makes many people suspect that this ice soul Shenmu is not a practice method of Bai's lineage at all, but that they came from other places. come.

Because there is only such an exquisite and mysterious method, the Bai sect in the snow city in the extreme north will naturally not regard it as a major cultivation method. Therefore, when it comes to the strength of spiritual power, although Bai Hantian is a master of martial arts, he still takes it seriously. Not as good as the current Chu Xiu.

Putting away his mental strength, Chu Xiu laughed in a hoarse voice: "The Ice Soul God's Eye is indeed well-deserved, but I am a guest anyway. Is the Bai City Lord using the Ice Soul God to entertain guests?"

Bai Hantian said coldly: "Although I am hospitable in the North Piaoxue City, the guests must also obey the rules. Wear a mask, disguise your breath, and cover up. This is not the way to be a guest!"

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "City Lord Bai, forgive me, I'm really sensitive and I just don't want to expose it. If I take off the mask today, we won't be able to talk about it."

Bai Hantian snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

The things about the hidden demon lineage are very clear to people of Bai Hantian's status.

He also knew that there were a lot of people from the hidden demon lineage in the rivers and lakes hiding in secret. These people may be heroes of the righteous way and disciples of the great faction during the day, but at night they may become remnants of the demon way.

Many people in the arena are aware of these things, but few people go to investigate, because it is not worth it.

Those guys from the hidden demon lineage are hiding too deep, and they are so troublesome that they may not be able to find anyone.

If these people are willing to hide, let them hide. After all, the small tricks in the dark are difficult to make a big deal. As long as the Demon Cult doesn't have another Dugu and only me, then the mice in the dark will not be able to make any waves.

There has only been a Dugu Yume in the Jianghu for thousands of years, how can it be so easy to have another one? The general trend of the world is ebb and flow, and now it is not the turn of this group of people in the devil's way to show up.

So Bai Hantian just snorted coldly, but didn't try to force Chu Xiu to reveal his original appearance, he asked coldly, "I'm the same as your hidden demon, and I won't break the Are you coming to me? What are you going to do?"

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "To be honest, I don't actually represent the Hidden Demons, but from Qilian Village."

A strange look appeared in Bai Hantian's eyes and said: "Qilianzhai? Qilianzhai is actually colluding with your hidden demons?

If this is the case, you should leave as soon as possible. My North Piaoxuecheng has a grudge with Qilian Village, and now Qilian Village is about to be strangled by Juyi Village, what else is there to talk about? "

In the past, the Beiyan court joined forces with Beiyan Wulin to strangle the thirty-six giants in the north, and the snow city in the extreme north was the one that contributed the most. Who made them the snow city in the north?

Therefore, strictly speaking, there is a grudge between the North Piaoxuecheng and Qilian Village.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "The hatred is already in the past, and even Qilianzhai is no longer in the heart, what are you struggling with, City Lord Bai?

And this time I came not only for Qilian Village, Juyi Village is in the limelight right now, as far as I know, they are not satisfied with occupying Liaodong County and destroying Qilian Village. Juyi Village's goal! "

Bai Hantian squinted at Chu Xiu and said, "It seems that you already know some things, so you can't wait to provoke them?

However, your provocation is also useless, the shots are some forces under the Juyi Village Alliance, not the Juyi Village itself.

Everyone is a sect of Beiyan, how can I go to Juyizhuang to fight to death because of this matter? As long as Juyi Village gives an explanation, this matter is over.

If you want to provoke me to kill each other between Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village, it's not good to be an idiot! "


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