Meet The Leader

Chapter 539: Nie Renlong's heart

Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng belong to Beiyan Great Sect, and the distance between them is not too far.

Normally, there would be some friction between Juyi Village and Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, but this is normal, and the friction is not serious, and both sides are restraining.

The same is true now, even if Bai Hantian is angry at Juyizhuang's people who cross the line to do things, he will not be provoked by Chu Xiu to fight to the death with Juyizhuang.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "City Lord Bai, I'm not provoking, you want peace here, but Juyi Village doesn't want peace.

The snow city in the extreme north has been inherited for thousands of years. It has passed the time of crazy expansion. The most important thing is to keep its foundation first, and then develop it step by step.

But Juyi Village has only been established for a few decades. Nie Renlong also wants to lay a solid foundation for Juyi Village before his death. To be precise, now Juyi Village is in great need of expansion.

Believe me, this time is not a misunderstanding. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people in Juyi Village in person to see if they are willing to give you punishment for those who broke the rules and give you an explanation.

If Juyi Village really doesn't have such intentions, then City Lord Bai will treat me as a provocation and can drive me away at any time.

But if what I said is true, then I would also ask City Lord Bai to prepare early and nip the ambition of Juyi Village in the bud as soon as possible. At this time, when you and I join forces, the North Piaoxue City will definitely not lose. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu didn't talk too much, and left his current residence to Bai Hantian. He turned around and left without any intention of provoking.

The expression on Bai Hantian's face in the back did not change. Although he would not be so easily provoked by Chu Xiu, he also couldn't understand the current Juyi Village.

So Bai Hantian was going to meet Nie Renlong to see what he meant.

What Bai Hantian didn't know was that as long as he went to see Nie Renlong according to what Chu Xiu said, the two of them would probably end up unhappy.

If there is no Chu Xiu, Bai Hantian will only send Bai Jihu to discuss with Juyi Village, and will not go out in person.

But now with Chu Xiu's words, Bai Hantian couldn't help but want to take the initiative to take a look and see what he meant by the snow city in the extreme north.

The two Martial Dao masters discussed these things together, and either succeeded or failed. Both sides were face-to-face people, and there was no room for turning back when they met.

Moreover, Chu Xiu knew that most of the Juyi Village could not explain what Bai Hantian wanted, because no matter who was right or who was wrong, as long as Nie Renlong decided to give in half a step in front of Bai Hantian, his so-called Juyi Village Alliance would definitely be unpopular. stable.

In an alliance that has just been established for a few days, everyone can only fight against the wind and only see the benefits. Once there are setbacks, the consequences will be tragic.

After Chu Xiu left, Bai Wuji snorted softly: "I feel that the man of the devil's way is right, Juyi Village should be suppressed, otherwise the father and son surnamed Nie will be in trouble. Know what your last name is!

Since Nie Dongliu worshipped Han Baxian as his teacher, he has become more and more high-profile, and Juyi Village has also begun to show a strong aggressiveness.

At this time, if we join forces with Pang Hu's Qilian Village, we can really give Juyi Village a serious blow. "

The relationship between Bai Wuji and Nie Dongliu has never been better.

Previously, Bai Wuji's ranking on the Dragon Tiger Ranking was not as good as Nie Dongliu's, but only in the land of Beiyan, Bai Wuji's reputation was also great, not inferior to Nie Dongliu.

But in the end, as Bai Wuji was severely injured by Shen Bai's sword, he retreated and cultivated diligently, and Nie Dongliu worshipped Han Baxian, a martial arts tycoon in Beiyan, as his teacher, so the reputation gap between the two sides has been widened, even in the Beiyan, most people also think that he is not as good as Nie Dongliu as Bai Wuji.

Bai Wuji was severely injured by Shen Bai's sword last time. He was indeed not as arrogant as before, but he still thought that he was no worse than Nie Dongliu.

He Bai Wuji couldn't compare to Shen Bai, he couldn't compare to Chu Xiu, who abolished Shen Bai, couldn't he compare to that Nie Dongliu who only plotted in secret?

Bai Hantian waved his hand and said, "Wuji, sometimes you are too aggressive, some things should be aggressive when they should be aggressive, and cautious when they should be cautious, now is not the time to be aggressive.

I will personally talk to Juyizhuang Nie Renlong about this matter. Nie Renlong is not an idiot, I believe he will give me an explanation. "

Hearing Bai Hantian say this, neither Bai Wuji nor Bai Jihu said a word.

Bai Hantian has been in charge of the North Piaoxue City for so many years, and he naturally has concerns in his heart.


Liaodong County, in a mansion near a small town in the north, this place was originally a temporary hiding place for Qilian Village, but it was recently discovered by the people of Juyi Village. After Juyi Village strangled the remnants of Qilian Village, this place was Convenience has become the temporary residence of Juyi Village.

At this time, in a loft of the mansion, Nie Renlong was sitting by the window, wearing a white fox fur, with a pot of tea being boiled on the table, admiring the snowy scenery outside.

Nie Renlong stepped into the arena when he was more than ten years old. After going through the dangers of the rivers and lakes, he calculated and fought, and it took half his life to get the foundation of the current Juyi Village.

Along the way, some people have failed him, Nie Renlong. Of course, he Nie Renlong has also failed other people. The right and wrong has long been unclear. The one who swore at Juyi Village back then swore to act as a chivalrous person and fight for righteousness. Nie Renlong, a young hero of the Demon Guard Dao, has long since died in an unknown year. The only person alive now is the scheming owner of Juyi Village.

Staring at the snowflakes falling outside the window, Nie Renlong held a teacup in his hand but didn't drink it.

This time, Nie Renlong was only in control of the overall situation in the attack against the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North, and some of the details were all handled by Nie Dongliu.

Although Nie Renlong is not old, he is not young anymore, so he must let Nie Dongliu completely control Juyi Village in his lifetime, and he has enough prestige and reputation in the rivers and lakes, so that Juyi Village can really be in the world. Beiyan took root and lasted for thousands of years.

Fortunately, this son of his is also good enough. At least now, it seems that Nie Dongliu has done well enough, even beyond his imagination.

Right now, those young heroes in the arena, whether it is Zhang Chengzhen, Zong Xuan or Fang Qishao, all rely on their own talent to get to this point, and there is only one Chu Xiu who has risen from the wild.

Nie Dongliu didn't have such talent, and Nie Renlong didn't care either. In his opinion, some things were 70% human and 30% heaven.

Thinking of him, Nie Renlong was penniless when he was young, just a stupid boy from a rough background, and now he is also the owner of Juyi Village in the Six Gangs?

Nie Dongliu's starting point was much higher than his, and his son's future achievements should also be higher than him.

At this moment, there was a sound of going upstairs from below, and Nie Dongliu's expression was a little gloomy. As soon as he sat in front of Nie Renlong and wanted to say something, Nie Renlong waved his hand, poured a cup of tea for Nie Dongliu, and said solemnly. : "Don't panic, there is stillness in every major event, the sky hasn't fallen yet, why panic? Have a cup of tea and talk slowly.

Remember, if you are in charge of Juyi Village in the future, you must not show this appearance in front of anyone. You must hide your emotions and anger in your heart and not show your face. "

Nie Dongliu nodded, drank the tea, and then said coldly, "Father, those people really should be punished, I have told them not to cross the border to the North, but they are still sneaking around. Go ahead, follow my yang and yin, and you should be killed!"

Nie Renlong also frowned, rubbing his beard on his lower jaw and said, "It's a bit difficult to handle, the interests are in the first place, don't say it's you, even if I say it, this group of people may not listen.

The alliance has just been formed, and I, Juyi Village, actively invited them to join. This group of people is somewhat pampered and arrogant.

But this matter can't be forced. If they are subordinates of my Juyi Village, you can kill one or two.

But these people are not my Juyizhuang's subordinates now, let alone kill them, once your attitude is tough, it will cause instability in people's hearts.

Now send someone to stare at them, find an opportunity, make some noise to warn them, don't let them do too much. "

Nie Dongliu nodded.

He just said that this group of people should be killed, but he was actually angry, and he also knew that this group of people could not be killed now.

Just when Nie Dongliu was about to say something, a heroic voice suddenly came.

"Brother Nie came to Liaodong, why don't you stop by my North Piaoxue City to be a guest? But look down on me, someone white?"

The voice fell, and a figure wearing a white tiger skin cloak came to the second floor with a burly figure and blue eyes. It was Bai Hantian.

Seeing Bai Hantian coming, Nie Renlong and Nie Dongliu secretly said bad things at the same time, it is estimated that the other party is here for this matter.

However, the expression on Nie Renlong's face did not change, he still smiled and said: "Brother Bai, don't take offense, I have been doing too much in Juyi Village recently, so I can't spare any time, I will definitely go to the pole next time when I have time. Beipiao Snow City personally visited."

The smile on Bai Hantian's face subsided: "There are too many things? I know, you are busy occupying my Northland territory, right?"

Nie Renlong said with a wry smile: "Brother Bai, you misunderstood, these things are just made by some forces under my Juyi Village Alliance, I was talking to Dongliu about this just now, I will find an opportunity to restrain them. "

Seeing that Nie Renlong didn't hide it, the expression on Bai Hantian's face became better, he nodded and said, "Since you said so, Brother Nie, then I won't pursue it any more.

Hand over all the hands-on guys in your alliance, and I will go back and have an account with the martial arts forces in the north, and this matter will be over. "

However, when Nie Renlong heard this, his expression suddenly changed.


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