Meet The Leader

Chapter 542: ambush

General Shi Han Baxian would accept Nie Dongliu as his apprentice, which once made the entire Beiyan martial artist feel very strange.

Because Han Baxian and Nie Dongliu are obviously two personalities, can such people become masters and apprentices?

In fact, there was no complicated reason for Han Ba ​​to accept Nie Dongliu as his apprentice first.

Han Baxian first entered the imperial court in his life, and then left the rivers and lakes. His actions were simple and straightforward, but he was also cheated countless times.

So this time he was looking for a successor, just to find someone with a more flexible mind, just don't let people get killed easily.

Nie Dongliu's talent is good, and his brain is enough, which is in line with Han Baxian's requirements.

Of course, it seems that these two conditions are met. There are countless rivers and lakes. The reason why Nie Dongliu can be regarded as a disciple by Han Ba ​​is because of another special feature of him, that is, he will not admit defeat.

Although in the eyes of Chu Xiu and other Nie Dongliu's enemies, Nie Dongliu was too calculating, somewhat disgusting, and he didn't even have the spirit of a warrior.

However, it is undeniable that Nie Dongliu's will is also extremely tenacious. He has been defeated countless times in his life from childhood to adulthood. Among them, Chu Xiu has suffered losses several times. As a result, Nie Dongliu did not have the slightest Depressed, he was still able to stand up again, unlike Lin Kaiyun of the Sword King City, whose mood was completely abolished after being hit once.

This trait of Nie Dongliu is very similar to that of Han Baxian. In his early years, Han Baxian didn't rely on his talent to conquer the world, but he also suffered repeated defeats and battles, which is why he has the current status of strength.

Nie Dongliu became Han Baxian's disciple mainly because of this.

At this moment, Han Ba ​​rubbed his fist first, and said, "What are you waiting for? Just do it directly, but I want to fight that Pang Hu again.

In the past, I was still in the Beiyan military when the Thirty-six Great Bandits of the North Land were exterminated, but at that time it was not my turn to take action, but I never imagined that this would not be a great reputation among the Thirty-six Great Bandits of the North Land. The big Pang Hu is so powerful.

The last time he was caught off guard and let him escape, this time he won't slip away so easily! "

The last time Han Baxian fought Pang Hu, it can be said that both of them were caught off guard.

Pang Hu didn't expect that Han Ba ​​would shoot first, and Han Ba ​​Xian didn't expect that Pang Hu's strength would be so strong.

However, this Pang Hu aroused Han Baxian's fighting spirit, and he couldn't wait to take another shot.

Nie Dongliu frowned and found nothing wrong, he turned his eyes to Nie Renlong, and after Nie Renlong nodded, Nie Dongliu said solemnly: "Go ahead, cover your breath, don't let the people of Qilian Village find us, This time, I will try not to let anyone from Qilian Village be spared!"

Everyone present nodded and lurked in the direction Miao Chunmao pointed.

The place Miao Chunmao was referring to was a large mansion in Xuelian City, which was large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and the elites of Qilian Village were all ambush here to cultivate and live in a low-key manner.

However, when everyone was about to sneak in front of the mansion, Nie Renlong stopped, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Nie Dongliu, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment, but then his expression changed, and he also felt that something was wrong.

The long street around this mansion is very quiet, extremely quiet, the surroundings are empty, there is not even a pedestrian at all, it looks very strange.

Of course, this can also be understood that Qilianzhai bought an entire street to prevent outsiders from recognizing them in order to ensure their secrecy, but in fact, this behavior is even more hidden.

Is there anything more conspicuous and idiot than this, when I have nothing to buy and hide in a street?

The people of Qilian Village are not idiots, they can't do such idiot things, so the only explanation is that there is a problem!

Whether it was Nie Renlong or Nie Dongliu, they all looked at Miao Chunmao subconsciously, because Miao Chunmao first discovered this place.

However, they found at this time that Miao Chunmao, who had always been very active, was very low-key at this time, and he actually walked at the back of the team.

The expressions of Nie Renlong and Nie Dongliu sank one after another. The two of them just wanted to let everyone evacuate, but at this moment, the long street was shining with the brilliance of an ice blue formation. The spear-like ice ice stabbed at the people of the Juyi Village Alliance!

"There is an ambush! Be careful!"

Nie Renlong roared, but it was already too late.

Those icicles were like long spears, and instantly penetrated almost 30% of the warriors present.

Under the blessing of the formation, the inside of Bingling not only becomes extremely sharp, but also has the effect of tearing the infuriating energy. It is normal to be beheaded if you are not careful.

And at the moment when the formation was activated, a dense number of warriors emerged directly from around the long street, attacking everyone in Juyi Village.

Pang Hu held a huge scarlet-red spear and headed down at Han Baxian. His mighty power was like a broken mountain. The scarlet-red qi had a scorching aura. The spear fell with the charm of falling meteorites.

Han Baxian's golden astral qi condensed all over his body, and as he clasped his hands together to form a seal, it smashed down like a giant hammer, causing the heaven and earth's vitality to explode.

Both sides attacked with all their strength, the qi dissipated, and they were evenly matched!

And the moment Pang Hu made his move, Bai Hantian also made his move.

Bai Hantian didn't use weapons, but as he fell palm after palm, snowflakes fell between the surrounding heaven and earth. Those snowflakes were densely packed, like the edge of a sword, tearing people's qi and weakening people's qi. Blood is amazing.

The universe in Nie Renlong's hands flowed, and the power of heaven and earth blocked those snowflakes under his control. Looking at Bai Hantian, Nie Renlong shouted angrily: "Bai Hantian! Are you crazy? You actually joined forces with the Qilianzhai bandits to deal with my Juyi Village? "

In fact, the moment the formation appeared before, Nie Renlong already suspected that it was Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north.

Because that formation is the signature formation of the extreme north snow city, the ice killing formation.

However, Nie Renlong still couldn't understand. If it was because of the previous incidents, there should be no reason for Jibei Piaoxuecheng to take action against him at Juyi Village, because it was not worth it.

As a result, Nie Renlong guessed wrong now. Not only did the North Piao Xuecheng make a move, but this move was to kill him!

Bai Hantian said blankly, "It's because I'm not crazy, that's why I shot.

Nie Renlong, if you stay in your Yandong land and develop your Juyi Village, I will naturally be too lazy to go against you.

But this time, you invaded the Northland by me. In this matter, I always want to explain to those sects in my Northland! "

Although in fact, the North Piao Xue City shot is completely afraid of the expansion of Juyi Village, but on the surface, the North Piao Xue City can't say that.

In the dark, the North Piao Xue City is for its own interests, but in name, the North Piao Xue City is seeking justice for the forces under its command. It is not only the Juyi Village Club, but the extreme north Piao Xue City. Snow City will do the same.

Nie Renlong frowned while defending, he didn't believe Bai Hantian's nonsense.

The North Piaoxuecheng has not yet reached such a level of atmosphere, and Ken will come to Juyizhuang for the sake of the martial arts forces on his own territory.

The most important thing is that Nie Renlong didn't understand how the North Piaoxuecheng hooked up with Pang Hu. You must know that the two had no connection at all, and even had a grudge before.

Nie Renlong's Qiankun Lingyun hand was exerted to the extreme by him, attacking less and defending more, not that he was really no match for Bai Hantian, but that Nie Renlong's mental power at this time was placed elsewhere on the battlefield.

With the power of Qilianzhai and the snow city in the extreme north, their Juyizhuang alliance is already at a disadvantage, not to mention that they were attacked by the formation before and killed a large number of people.

Now Nie Renlong no longer has to think about strangling Qilianzhai, he should think about how to get out.

"Bai Hantian, do you really want to stay with me in Juyi Village in the North Piaoxuecheng?" Nie Renlong shouted angrily in a low voice.

Bai Hantian shook his head indifferently and said, "Of course not. Even if you have no intentions, I can't kill you, and I can't destroy your Juyi Village, but you want to leave so easily, but it's not so easy."

If Bai Hantian could destroy Juyi Village, he wouldn't mind his next ruthless attack.

But now if he really wants to fight with Nie Renlong to the it is still unknown whether he can do it, and the North Piaoxuecheng side will also suffer some losses.

Therefore, the safest thing at the moment is to seriously damage Juyi Village, so that in more than ten years or even decades, Juyi Village will not dare to go north again!

Nie Renlong let out a long sigh and said solemnly, "Bai Hantian, this time I admit defeat, but I want to know who I lost this time!

Since Qilianzhai suddenly retreated, something was wrong. There must be someone secretly making arrangements. Who is it? This kind of secret calculation is not your style. Pang Hu is a reckless man, and he has no such brains. Who is calculating my Juyi Village? "

The people who attacked their Juyi Village had simple means, but they caught the biggest loophole of their Juyi Village, which is the vulnerability of the alliance.

Extremely North Piaoxuecheng was obviously pulled in, and there was no such person in Qilian Village before, otherwise Qilian Village would not have sat and watched as several of their branch villages were strangled by the Juyi Village Alliance.

There was a strange look in Bai Hantian's eyes. Although he was teaming up with Qilian Village now, he didn't like Pang Hu.

So when Nie Renlong asked, Bai Hantian turned his eyes to the other side, hehe smiled and said, "It's that one, Lin Ye, the genius of the hidden demon lineage, you should have heard of his name.

This time, Pang Hu asked for the head of the hidden demon lineage, and the hidden demon lineage sent this one.

During this period of time, the person who has been fighting with you in Juyi Village has never been Qilianzhai, but this one. "

Bai Hantian just intends to severely damage Juyi Village and stifle his ambitions. He can't control the rest. On the contrary, Bai Hantian is happy to see the Juyi Village Alliance and Qilian Village fight to the death.


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