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Chapter 543: must kill target

"These **** demons!"

Nie Renlong looked at Chu Xiu, who was wearing a black mask. If Bai Hantian hadn't stopped him at this time, he would have even wanted to tear up Chu Xiu.

God knows how Pang Hu hooked up with these demons. If he had found out that there were other people intervening here, Nie Renlong would have been a hundred times more careful.

It is because the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, and they have no intentions to calculate, that they are so miserable in Juyi Village.

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't care about Nie Renlong's gaze, but was staring at Nie Dongliu.

In fact, Chu Xiu wanted to attack Nie Dongliu from the beginning, but he was preempted, and that person was Bai Wuji.

When Bai Wuji and Nie Dongliu were both in the Xiantian realm, the two had already fought several times, but Bai Wuji didn't take advantage.

This time, Bai Wuji was silent for so long, he didn't think he was worse than Nie Dongliu.

Seeing Bai Wuji rushing towards him with a gun, Nie Dongliu said coldly, "You guys are doing a good job with this trick of Piao Xuecheng in the extreme north, but you even teamed up with the bandits from Qilian Village to attack me at Juyi Village.

This time, it was my Juyizhuang who did not check for a while and suffered a loss. This account will be reckoned in the future! "

Bai Wuji sneered, "Nie Dongliu, what are you doing with so much nonsense? Do you still want to have a future? Whether you can leave today is unknown!"

The words fell, and the long spear in Bai Wuji's hand slammed down directly with the icy cold wind.

Nie Dongliu's Qiankun Lingyun hand stretched out, holding Qiankun in his hand. In an instant, countless qi circling and falling like silk threads, Bai Wuji's powerful and heavy shot was directly fixed in the air, and he couldn't move it at all. point.

Bai Wuji's expression suddenly changed, how could Nie Dongliu's power be so great?

But before Bai Wuji's surprise was over, Nie Dongliu's hands burst into golden dazzling qi.

His hands were directly on top of Bai Wuji's spear, and the golden qi burst out, he grabbed the spear and slammed it, directly throwing Bai Wuji out.

And Nie Dongliu's figure didn't stop, and he fell with a punch, just like Haoyang's scorching sun, his power was fierce and domineering.

This is not Juyizhuang's practice, but Han Baxian's Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong!

In Bai Wuji's eyes, the cold light of ice soul bloomed, and the ice soul divine eye was cast out by him, coming straight to Nie Dongliu's mind, trying to freeze his primordial spirit.

However, Nie Dongliu's whole body is protected by Haoyang Gangqi, and the power of the Ice Soul Divine Eye has not been fully exerted, it has been offset by Nie Dongliu's Haoyang Gangqi.

Han Baxian's Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong was definitely not comparable to Chu Xiu's Jiuxiao's golden body, and even the power of Donkey Kong.

However, the only advantage of Haoyang Jiuji Profound Art is that it is comprehensive, and there is hardly any obvious weakness.

Nie Dongliu's punch fell with unparalleled power, and directly sent Bai Wuji flying, smashing the surrounding houses.

Bai Wuji roared angrily, the spear in his hand was swung to the extreme by him, and the icy astral qi stunned the soul, with Bai Wuji as the center several dozen meters, as if flying frost in June, extremely cold.

However, when facing Nie Dongliu, even though Bai Wuji attacked with all his strength, he still couldn't help him.

Nie Dongliu's golden qi shone in his hands, and the power of Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong was exerted to the extreme by him. Bai Wuji, who was also good at melee combat, was suppressed to the extreme by Nie Dongliu.

Moreover, Nie Dongliu's Qiankun Lingyun hand is also a combination of rigidity and softness. Combining the two, its strength is obviously far superior to that of Bai Wuji.

At this time, Bai Wuji's heart was also full of frustration, even more serious than when he was defeated by Shen Bai's sword last time.

After all, Shen Bai was just a stranger, while Nie Dongliu and Bai Wuji had been fighting since childhood, but now the gap has widened.

Bai Wuji roared, and the spear in his hand was stained with a blood-colored radiance, and the cold blood condensed, stabbing towards Nie Dongliu like a giant dragon!

Nie Dongliu shook his head and said, "It's useless, Bai Wuji, you've never admitted defeat since you were a child, but do you know where your biggest flaw is? That is, you can't see yourself clearly!

In the past, I didn't fight you to the end, that was because I didn't want to fight those indifferent fights, it was meaningless, but when you really fight, do you really think you can beat me? "

The words fell, the universe in Nie Dongliu's hand was reversed, and the golden qi directly condensed into a vortex, circling and strangling, and even smashed the long spear in Bai Wuji's hand, causing Bai Wuji to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his body retreated.

A murderous intent flashed in Nie Dongliu's eyes.

In the past, no matter how Nie Dongliu fought with Bai Wuji, Nie Dongliu would keep things under control to a certain extent, because he didn't want to make things worse.

Extremely North Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village were both of the Northern Yan faction. At that time, the two sides had not yet bordered, and there was not such a big conflict. At that time, if Nie Dongliu killed Bai Wuji, Extremely North Piaoxuecheng would definitely be defeated. I will never die with Juyi Village.

But now, Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north has united Qilianzhai to pit them in Juyi Village once, causing them to suffer heavy losses from the mighty alliance of Juyi Village. The two sides have already forged a deadly feud. Keep it up!

But at this moment, the surging demonic energy emerged behind Nie Dongliu. Nie Dongliu turned around abruptly. Behind him, a bizarre magical image formed entirely of astral energy appeared. With Buddha light.

Nie Dongliu was shocked by the powerful force, and the strongest force of Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong burst out to resist.

The boundless golden aura enveloped Nie Dong, making him look like a little sun.

However, under Chu Xiu's Moruo King Kong phase, the golden aura around Nie Dongliu's body suddenly shattered. Nie Dongliu himself vomited blood and looked at the person in front of him in horror.

"It's him!"

Nie Dongliu recognized the identity of the person in front of him. Of course, he did not recognize Chu Xiu, but Lin Ye.

In the past, on the battlefield of Fuyu Mountain's battle between the righteous and the devil, it was this person who killed Xiahou Wujiang, making Xiahouzhen extremely angry.

At this moment, Nie Dongliu also understood everything, not Qilian Village hooked up with the North Piaoxuecheng, but Qilian Village hooked up with the Hidden Demon!

It's just that Nie Dongliu still vaguely remembers that when he was fighting against the demons in Fuyu Mountain, this person was only in the realm of five Qi Chaoyuan, but now he has reached the realm of harmony between heaven and man, and the strength he has shown is so terrifying. , was startling.

After reporting it, Nie Dongliu turned around and ran away without saying a word.

With Nie Dongliu's current strength, he would definitely have the confidence to challenge some martial artist Nie Dongliu, who is in the realm of the unity of nature and man.

But this person in front of him is the target of the hidden demon lineage. When he is in the realm of harmony between man and nature, he is afraid that he can rival the master of martial arts. If he fights recklessly, it is called courting death.

However, Nie Dongliu didn't pay attention. At this time, Chu Xiu's eyes were also flashing with a cold murderous intent, and the look he looked at was almost exactly the same as that of Nie Dongliu looking at Bai Wuji.

The grudge between Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu had been forged from the very beginning, but he did not forget his miserable appearance when he was chased by Juyi Village.

Chu Xiu has never been a broad-minded person, and he must avenge this revenge.

It's just that after so many visits, either the timing was wrong, or Nie Dongliu was slipping away, and Chu Xiu never found a chance to kill him.

This time, both Nie Renlong and Han Baxian were entangled, and Nie Dongliu was helpless. It can be said that it was the best time for Chu Xiu to take action. If Nie Dongliu is not dead this time, it can only be said that he is also lucky. The person in the body even has stronger luck than Lu Fengxian.

Looking at Nie Dongliu's figure, Chu Xiu formed seals on his hands, and his spiritual power turned into boundless threads, entwining layers upon layers, rushing towards Nie Dongliu, entwining his primordial spirit.

Nine major types of soul capture · Wire the soul net!

In the past, when Chu Xiu's mental strength was weak, he could only use this Soul-Shattering Net to snoop on news, but at this time, Chu Xiu used the Soul-Sharing Net again, but Nie Dongliu's figure suddenly stopped, and he felt his own soul. It's almost going to be pulled out of the body by the other party!

Nie Dongliu roared angrily, his whole body was full of He even burned his blood directly, and completely got rid of the soul net, but he was extremely decisive.

Unfortunately this is still useless.

Chu Xiu's figure was approaching, his hands were sealed, and a powerful and fierce aura condensed into a statue of the King of Suppressing Prison.

This record of slaying the prison and Prince Ming's phase prestige is extremely powerful. When the seal fell, even the vitality of the heavens and the earth made a loud noise. It really had the powerful charm of the prince of Ming's slaying the prison and killing the demons.

In fact, among these dharma aspects of Donkey Kong's power, the one that Chu Xiu imitated the most should be the Mora King Kong dharma.

Because he is a fellow practitioner of the Devil and Buddha himself, Chu Xiu can use at least 90% of his power. After all, the rest are the signs condensed by others. It is a bit difficult for Chu Xiu to experience their charm. of.

And this type of prison-suppressing Ming Wang Xiang Chuxiu can now use nine points of strength and one point of verve, thanks to Zong Xuan.

Zongxuan's famous seal is only the one-style seal of the king of Ming, but Zongxuan has evolved the simplest form of the seal of the king of Ming into countless uses, among which there is the king of slaying prison.

When Chu Xiu fought against Zongxuan, he realized the horror of Zongxuan's seal of the king of slaying the prison, and he also had some understanding of it, so at this time he used Zongxuan's seal of the king to suppress the prison Complemented.

Under the appearance of the king of slaying the prison, Nie Dongliu's whole body was burning with blood, Qiankun Lingyun's hand moved the universe, and the golden qi was intertwined with the power of qi and blood. He wanted to block this seal, but in Chu Xiu's prison Under the appearance of King Ming, in less than three breaths, Nie Dongliu's body shattered, his blood dissipated, and his arms were twisted and shattered because he couldn't bear this powerful force. Boom!


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