Meet The Leader

Chapter 544: despair

In fact, Nie Dongliu was very similar to Chu Xiu in some respects.

But the only difference is the two people's understanding of power.

In the face of a powerful force, any calculation is useless, so most of the time, Chu Xiu is absolutely too lazy to use his head when he can use his fists.

On the other hand, Nie Dongliu was different. He was a little too superstitious about his methods. Even though he worshipped Han Baxian as his teacher, he didn't learn Han Baxian's arrogance.

Looking at the top five on the Dragon Tiger list, who relied on conspiracy to gain the upper hand? Even a person with an extremely stubborn personality like Zong Xuan can smash any conspiracy layout with his Ming Wang seal.

Nie Dongliu couldn't see through this, and put most of his energy on his conspiracy calculations, so facing Chu Xiu at this time, Nie Dongliu had almost no room to fight back.

Of course, even if he devotes himself to practicing hard, it is not very useful, because Nie Dongliu's own talent is not so amazing, but if his strength is stronger, at least there is room for struggle, unlike the present In general, there is no chance to even struggle.

But these are all irrelevant, because today he Nie Dongliu will definitely die!

With his arms crippled, Nie Dongliu was basically completely half-crippled. Seeing Chu Xiu's figure approaching quickly, a look of despair appeared in Nie Dongliu's eyes.

He never thought that he would die in such a place. It should be said that his defeat this time was somewhat inexplicable.

Originally everything was calculated, but as a result, he was ambushed inexplicably, and inexplicably jumped out of this demonic guy, showing killing intent to himself.

Nie Dongliu could feel that the murderous intention revealed by the other party was definitely the kind that would completely put him to death, as if he had a deep hatred with him.

But the crux of the problem is that Nie Dongliu doesn't remember what kind of grievances he had with the person in front of him. Why did the other party kill him so persistently?

But now is not the time to think about this, Nie Dongliu has only one thought in his mind now, escape!

But Nie Dongliu, whose arms were crippled, and Nie Dongliu, whose blood essence had been burned, even if he escaped, where could he escape?

Seeing that the figure covered in demonic flames was approaching, Nie Dongliu's eyes were full of despair.

At this time, everyone on Nie Dongliu's side had seen the situation, but no one could help him.

There used to be a lot of people in the Juyi Village Alliance, but now the number of people in the North Piaoxue City plus Qilian Village is far more than the Juyi Village Alliance.

Moreover, Han Ba ​​was first entangled by Pang Hu, and even if he wanted to make a move, he had no chance.

Seeing that Nie Dongliu was in crisis, Nie Renlong's aura had completely turned violent, his eyes were splitting, he glared at Bai Hantian, and said coldly, "Get out of the way!"

He only had a son like Nie Dongliu, and Nie Renlong had put a lot of effort into Nie Dongliu.

It can be said that Nie Dongliu is not only his son, but the hope of Nie Renlong's future, the hope of inheriting Juyi Village.

Now he wastes so much energy to make plans and lay a solid foundation for Juyi Village. Who is this all for? Not for Nie Dongliu.

Now if Nie Dongliu is dead, who will he leave all this to? Is it possible to leave it to those warriors in other Juyi Village? Juyi Village can only be surnamed Nie!

Bai Hantian squinted at Nie Renlong and said indifferently: "Master Nie, don't worry, you and I haven't decided the winner yet. The struggle between the juniors will be resolved by themselves first."

Bai Hantian was actually happy to see Nie Dongliu die, especially after seeing Bai Wuji lose to Nie Dongliu.

The major sects on the rivers and lakes often look not only at the present, but also in the future, which is the outcome of the next generation.

I am not as good as you in this generation, but if I can cultivate an outstanding disciple in the next generation, that will be the time to really decide the outcome.

Bai Wuji's strength and ability were not bad, but compared to Nie Dongliu, it was a lot worse.

Therefore, Bai Hantian was also worried about whether the next generation, Bai Wuji, would be able to fight against Nie Dongliu when he took over the North Piaoxue City.

"Go away!"

Nie Renlong shouted angrily, his whole body qi and blood burned directly, he fell with one palm, covering the sky and the sun, the heavens and the earth are in the clouds, and the stars are picked up by hand!

The endless energy of heaven and earth and the power of qi and blood condensed into it, and that powerful force made Bai Hantian's complexion change suddenly. Is this guy crazy, and he is so desperate?

He didn't know before that Nie Renlong, a hypocrite, was willing to sacrifice so much for his son, to burn his blood essence so quickly, he was sure that his vitality was severely damaged.

Nie Renlong wanted to work hard, but Bai Hantian didn't want to.

Therefore, the moment Nie Renlong made his move, Bai Hantian immediately squeezed the seal, and countless icy qi condensed around him, like a mirrored ice palace, densely packed, covering his figure and retreating.

The palm that fell like a star fell, and the powerful impact caused the ice mirrors in front of Bai Hantian to shatter one after another, and his whole person was also blown away directly.

But at this time, Nie Renlong did not pursue the victory, but went straight to Chu Xiu.

Nie Renlong grasped the universe with both hands, and two forces, one clear and one turbid, condensed around him, stretching for hundreds of feet, like two big dragons, winding down towards Chu Xiu!

Chu Xiu frowned, this Nie Renlong is really desperate for Nie Dongliu's son, he is not afraid that people will not save him, but trap himself in it?

Bai Hantian is also a waste, as long as he dares to do his best to resist Nie Renlong, wait until he kills Nie Dongliu and then sneak attack behind him, Nie Renlong will definitely die, and this battle can even completely destroy Juyi Village!

Chu Xiu is definitely not bragging, but he really has the strength to match the martial arts master, or the strength that can cause damage to the martial arts master.

Chu Xiu may be no match for Nie Renlong in a frontal battle, but a sneak attack from behind is not a problem.

It's a pity that Bai Hantian really didn't live up to his expectations and wasted such a good opportunity.

Seeing that the two giant dragons were about to attack, Chu Xiu's eyes showed a surging murderous intent.

Today, Nie Dongliu must die, and no one can stop him!

In an instant, the murderous intent in Chu Xiu's eyes dissipated, and Chu Xiu performed the Great Way of Reincarnation of Inner Demons and the Great Way of Destroying Souls to the extreme, making Chu Xiu's eyes empty and deep, like two abyss.

The invisible spiritual power condensed the invisible lyre in front of Chu Xiu, and as Chu Xiu waved the strings, a strange sound resounded through the world.

In the past, when Chu Xiu used the soul-suppressing ghost song, Chu Xiu had never overdrawn all his spiritual power, and this was the first time.

The soul-suppressing ghost song, which was originally invisible and formless, resounded in everyone's ears at this time. To ordinary people, the sound was just a little intoxicating, but to Nie Renlong, the sound penetrated deep into the soul, making him The momentum of the whole body dissipated, and the breath became more and more sluggish, and even the two great dragons of Astral Qi could no longer be controlled, trembling constantly, and they were about to shatter.

The soul-suppressing and ghostly song is so powerful that it can even cause people to be swept away from the soul in silence and suppressed into the ghostly world.

At this time, Chu Xiu's soul-suppressing ghost song was fully displayed, and his complexion was already pale, but with the mask, others could not detect it.

Nie Renlong's eyes were a little sloppy, his breath was completely depressed, and the two great dragons shattered!

But at this moment, Nie Renlong suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and with a long whistle, completely interrupted the Netherworld Song. With a snort, a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The fact that Nie Renlong was able to break free from the Netherworld Song did not mean that his mental power was stronger than that of Chu Xiu, but that his willpower was simply too strong, even so strong that he could break free from the mysterious magic of Chu Xiu's essence with willpower alone.

But it doesn't matter anymore, after a short delay, Nie Dongliu's death is coming!

Chu Xiu stepped out and came to Nie Dongliu's body in an instant. The powerful demonic energy directly shattered the body-protecting qi in front of Nie Dongliu's body. Shatter it completely!

Looking at Chu Xiu in front of him, Nie Dongliu's mouth moved, but he was exhausted without spitting out a word.

Those who know you the most are often your enemies. Chu Xiu killed Nie Dongliu with his own hands. Perhaps at the moment of Nie Dongliu's he already recognized Chu Xiu. Recognized, but none of that matters anymore.

After his death, the grievance between Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu was completely settled.

Without Chu Xiu, with Nie Dongliu's not-so-weak strength and his scheming, in the future, under the leadership of Nie Dongliu, Juyi Village would definitely be more brilliant than it is now, but now, Juyi Village is already a great place. There is no successor.

So the grievances between Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu were settled, but the grievances between him and Nie Renlong were not yet settled.

At this moment, Nie Renlong looked at Nie Dongliu's corpse on the ground with a dull expression, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The son that he had cultivated for more than 20 years died here like this? Just when he was about to gradually transfer the power of Juyi Village to Nie Dongliu, Nie Dongliu died here?

This result is absolutely unacceptable to Nie Renlong!

His youth set foot in the rivers and lakes, and even the brothers who had gathered together in the past were killed by him. What did Nie Renlong do? Maybe it's just for the oath he made to stand out when he was humiliated when he was young!

With the power of Juyi Village now, Nie Renlong's oath in the past has been fulfilled, but he is still not satisfied.

He was born in the grass, but he didn't want his lineage to always be born in the grass.

Juyizhuang Jianghu Juyi, but the person who organized Juyi must have the surname Nie!

But now with Nie Dongliu's death, all this has become a mirror image, which makes Nie Renlong feel a sense of despair.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Nie Renlong's eyes gradually became extremely crimson, and even the colorless qi around him was slightly darkened. This is a sign of enchantment.


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