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Chapter 545: Crazy Nie Renlong

What Chu Xiu cultivates is the magic way, and he naturally knows what it is like to go into the devil.

God knows how much Nie Renlong valued Nie Dongliu. He killed Nie Dongliu himself, and even the provocative Nie Renlong went into trouble?

Thinking that he killed Xiahou Wujiang on Fuyu Mountain, Xiahou Zhen was just furious, and his reaction was far less violent than that of Nie Renlong.

Or this is the difference between one son and having many sons.

At this time, Nie Renlong looked at Chu Xiu. Although he didn't even say a word of killing, the killing intent around him was condensed to the extreme, even to the point of affecting the surrounding celestial phenomena.

The weather that was originally sunny is now cloudy, and the atmosphere is simply suppressed to the extreme.

Chu Xiu frowned and said to Bai Hantian, "City Lord Bai, you and I joined forces to kill Nie Renlong. After that, not only will you lose a risk in the north, but you can even let the Piaoxue City in the extreme north become the master of Liaodong!"

Bai Hantian thought about it for a while, then suddenly laughed twice, and then immediately said loudly: "The disciples of Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north obey the order and withdraw immediately!"

Chu Xiu's eyes shrank sharply, this scene was something he didn't expect, Bai Hantian, a seemingly arrogant, ignorant guy, actually played such a trick on him!

Bai Hantian actually thought very simply, his goal had been achieved, and he didn't want to fight with Nie Renlong anymore.

After this battle, Juyi Village has been completely crippled, especially without Nie Dongliu, the heir, it is easy to cause instability within Juyi Village.

Therefore, Juyi Village has been abolished, and even in this life, he has no qualifications to challenge him in the extreme northern snow city. If so, why is he still trying to kill Nie Renlong?

Moreover, for Bai Hantian, Qilian Village is also not a good thing. After Juyi Village is solved, if Qilian Village is crippled again, it is best if they both lose, which is great.

So at this time, Nie Renlong was in a state of madness, and he was already in a state of madness. Bai Hantian wished that he would lose both in a fight with this demonic fellow and Qilianzhai, so he didn't bother to intervene.

And most importantly, Bai Hantian was afraid that if he killed Nie Renlong, it would affect his reputation for Snow City in the North.

Although Bai Hantian knew that Nie Renlong was a hypocrite at all, most people in the arena didn't know it, and they thought that Nie Renlong was still the unparalleled chivalrous Nie Zhuangzhu.

So if Bai Hantian kills Nie Renlong, it is estimated that there will be many people who scold him in the rivers and lakes. Although it will not make Bai Hantian lack a piece of meat, it still doesn't feel so good.

At this time, without the action of the warriors from the snow city in the extreme north, the warriors on the Qilianzhai side immediately fell into a hard battle.

Han Baxian also fell into a frenzy because his disciple was killed, pressing Pang Hu to fight.

Although Han Baxian was not so angry that he was directly enchanted by Nie Renlong, but the disciple he had just accepted was killed in front of his eyes, one can imagine how Han Baxian was feeling now.

Feeling Nie Renlong's murderous gaze, Chu Xiu secretly thought that something was wrong, and the demonic energy all over his body erupted, and he quickly stepped back.

What is his strength, Chu Xiu actually has some numbers.

When facing a weaker martial arts master like Qiao Liandong, Chu Xiu still had the courage to fight him to the death, but now facing a martial arts master like Nie Renlong, who is on the top of the list, to fight with him is simply courting death. Especially now that Nie Renlong is still in a state of rage.

Seeing Chu Xiu fleeing, Nie Renlong's figure moved like a dragon, and a vertical figure appeared behind Chu Xiu, holding the universe in his hand, stirring the situation!

In an instant, all the energy of heaven and earth in Chu Xiu's body was mobilized, and the power of heaven and earth turned into a vortex and kept pulling, pulling Chu Xiu in the direction of Nie Renlong.

Nie Renlong's eyes were red in the back, and a palm fell, and the pitch-black magic energy merged into the giant palm, which was a hundred feet in size, and fell towards Chu Xiu like a hill!

There was no way to avoid it, Chu Xiu's demonic energy was prosperous, and as soon as the appearance of Moruo King Kong appeared, he directly resisted Nie Renlong's palm.

But the result was like Chu Xiu crushed Nie Dongliu just now, and now Nie Renlong is crushing him too!

When the palm fell, the Vajra Phase of Moruo shattered directly. Chu Xiu was slammed back a few steps, and he held back before he spit out blood.

After being enchanted, this Nie Renlong's power simply increased exponentially!

If he missed a hit, Nie Renlong squeezed the stars in his hand, and countless qi slammed down the power of heaven and earth like stars, and the power was unparalleled.

In Chu Xiu's eyes, the sun, the moon, and the stars were spinning, and he used the last trace of his spiritual power to push out the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique. The moment Nie Renlong pinched the stars and fell, he immediately changed his position and started dodging, but he could only be bombarded. He fled around, and soon the ground was full of messes.

Looking at Bai Hantian who was still watching the excitement, Chu Xiu said coldly, "Bai Hantian, you gave up an opportunity to eradicate the enemy, and you will regret it in the future.

And what I hate the most is someone who is not trustworthy, Bai Hantian, sooner or later I will ask you for an account of what happened today! "

Bai Hantian didn't care about Chu Xiu's threat in the slightest. If it was said by the Wuxiang Demon Sect or the martial arts master of the Yin Demon Sect, it would be fine. Why is he Lin Ye?

Even if Lin Ye has the same achievements as Zhang Chengzhen, the little Tianshi, the Tianshi Mansion will not destroy the faction for Zhang Chengzhen's sake. Bai Hantian heard Chu Xiu's threat, but it was just abusive in anger. .

But in fact now Chu Xiu has indeed started to curse in his heart.

The Heavenly Son's Breathing Technique also requires mental power to perform, but when Chu Xiu used his full strength to perform the Netherworld Song, his mental power was almost drained, so now Chu Xiu has only used the Heavenly Son's Breathing Technique a few times. , I already had a splitting headache, and I couldn't hold on anymore.

Bai Hantian took Chu Xiu seriously this time. According to Chu Xiu's character, he will definitely remember this matter, until the extreme north snow city is destroyed!

In fact, it was not Chu Xiu's carelessness, but Chu Xiu didn't expect that Bai Hantian's brain circuit would be so clear, that Bai Hantian could give up such a situation that could destroy Juyi Village.

Chu Xiu shouted at Pang Hu: "Pangzhai master! Get out!"

Pang Hu wanted to escape with the people from Qilian Village, but Han Baxian said coldly: "Want to leave? Kill my disciple and just want to leave? Leave something behind!"

Han Baxian's whole body shone with dazzling golden light, his fists and palms were fingerprints, and all kinds of martial arts were at his fingertips.

At this time, Nie Renlong was already surrounded by black demonic energy. Although he was caught in a state of madness, for the time being, Nie Renlong had not been attacked, and his own strength had risen to a state even stronger than when he was at his peak.

When that palm fell, it was really like a mountain topping the top. The powerful Qi blocked all the dodging places around Chu Xiu, forcing Chu Xiu to resist.

However, when his mental power was exhausted, with Chu Xiu's current strength, even if he was willing to reveal his original identity and take out all his cards, he would still be unable to stop Nie Renlong.

With a loud bang, Chu Xiu's body shattered, and he was blasted out by Nie Renlong, and a strand of blood flowed out from the mask.

Sensing the strength of that power, Chu Xiu's entire body instantly rose with blood mist, secretly forming an inner **** seal, and the speed and power exploded to the extreme, looking at his appearance, it looked like a magical blood escape.

If ordinary people encounter such a situation, they will definitely not choose to chase. When the speed explodes to the extreme, people in the back who want to chase must choose to use secret techniques to catch up. In this way, it becomes mutual consumption. Some are not worth it.

But at this time, Nie Renlong's sanity was gone, and there was only one obsession left in his mind, and that was to kill Chu Xiu!

So at this time, Nie Renlong didn't care about anything else at all. His whole body was burning with qi and blood. Gang qi and demonic qi lingered behind him. His speed exploded to the extreme, and he was chasing after Chu Xiu.

Nie Renlong doesn't know the secret technique of speed, but he is a master of martial arts after all, and the power brought by burning qi and blood is much higher than that of Chu Xiu, so the speed is not inferior to Chu Xiu's burning qi and blood plus the inner seal, almost In an instant, the two of them disappeared.

Bai Hantian murmured from behind: "Mad man! I didn't expect this guy Nie Renlong to have such a crazy Behind Bai Hantian, Bai Wuji really wanted to ask his father, if he was raped If someone is killed, can he be like Nie Renlong and do everything crazy to avenge himself.

But after thinking about it, Bai Wuji still didn't ask this sentence.

Nie Renlong has only one son like Nie Dongliu. He has put too much effort into Nie Dongliu, so he is so crazy at this time.

But Bai Hantian was not the only son. If Bai Wuji died, it would be a big deal to cultivate another son.

The North Piao Xue City has been inherited for thousands of years, and its roots are deep. As long as the heir is not so idiot, even if it is mediocre, there will be no accident in the North Piao Xue City.

If this sentence were asked, both sides would be embarrassed, so Bai Wuji rationally didn't say anything.

At this time, on Pang Hu's side, he and Han Ba ​​first had a real fight.

Han Ba ​​dared to fight for his life first, could he not dare?

Therefore, Pang Hu's side also directly began to fight for his life. The two sides fought fiercely for dozens of moves, and it turned out to be a lose-lose ending.

Although Han Baxian was angry that his disciple was killed, he was not Nie Renlong after all, and he was willing to go all out for Nie Dongliu, so after he was injured, Han Baxian did not continue to shoot, and had to watch Pang Hu lead the people away.

The rest of the Juyizhuang warriors looked confused.

The owner of the young village is dead, and the owner of the village has disappeared, so where should he and others go?

Only Bai Hantian showed a smile at the scene, and he was the final winner in this battle.

Juyizhuang and the bandits from Qilianzhai fought a one-off battle. This time around, he was completely peaceful around Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north.


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