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Chapter 547: Lin Ye is dead!

Since the battle between the Demons and the Demons in Fuyu Mountain, the Demon Dao has been on the rise, but the Hidden Demons are still very low-key.

This is the strategy of the hidden demon lineage. It is good to let the Ming demon lineage such as the Moon Worship Cult come to show the limelight. The hidden demon lineage or the low-key accumulation of strength is the most important.

However, as Lin Ye's identity spread throughout the rivers and lakes, the Hidden Demons also gained a lot of limelight, and Fengmanlou even ranked Lin Ye's identity on the Dragon and Tiger List, ranking on the Dragon and Tiger List. The seventh place was even higher than Lu Fengxian and Yan Feiyan.

The battle that Chu Xiu killed Nie Dongliu would not actually add much to his record on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, after all, Nie Dongliu was already ranked outside the top ten on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings at that time.

But in the end, Chu Xiu was able to escape Nie Renlong's desperate pursuit, and even caused Nie Renlong to be directly hit hard, which was amazing.

Although Nie Renlong's injuries were mainly caused by his rage and his own backlash, he was able to escape in Nie Renlong's state, and almost consumed Nie Renlong to death. Feng Manlou ranked him seventh on the Dragon Tiger List. .

In fact, there are not many magic Dao Junjie on the Fengmanlou Dragon and Tiger List, which is also the result of Fengmanlou's deliberate suppression.

For example, Ye Tianxie of Xie Jizong, the other party refined the Blood Flood Dragon Inner Pill, and cultivated it into the Blood Flood Dragon Heart Sutra with his own body. Feng Manlou should be able to easily calculate that Ye Tianxie did not reach the top five on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. , at least in the top ten, but Feng Manlou turned a blind eye.

There is also the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult. Although she has no experience of fighting the enemy alone in the battle between the demons of Fuyu Mountain, her Gu insects have also caused a lot of casualties. There is no such thing as a simple one.

Feng Manlou knew about these things, but Feng Manlou did not rank them all on the Dragon Tiger List. This was not because Feng Manlou was unfair, but because of the situation.

Right now, the righteous path is strong, and if all the dragons and tigers are on the list of demons, what would it be like? So some deliberate suppression is inevitable.

But like what Chu Xiu has done now as Lin Ye, and Nie Renlong has already spread the bounty all over the rivers and lakes, if such a magic Dao Junjie, whose life is worth the position of the owner of Juyi Village, can't be placed If you list the dragon and tiger list, it is too unreasonable.

But at this time, none of these Chu Xiu knew that he was hiding in a barren mountain in Yannan to recuperate.

In the two moves against Nie Renlong, Chu Xiu was only slightly injured by the shock, and it was only a minor injury.

The real trouble in Chu Xiu is the loss of his mental power.

On the premise that his mental power has almost been exhausted, Chu Xiu has overdrawn his mental power and used the Dafa of the Inner Demon Wheel. This is simply worse for Chu Xiu's spirit, and even now Chu Xiu has hurt his soul. , if one gets it wrong, it is likely to leave permanent damage.

So after a month of training, Chu Xiu went straight out of the customs, ready to go back to the customs.

No matter how much he repairs this kind of injury on the Primordial Spirit, it is useless. It is better to return to Guanzhong first and then find a way.

However, because of the injuries on the foundation of the Primordial Spirit right now, Chu Xiu was not only unable to use his mental power, but his perception was even suppressed to a level similar to that of ordinary people, which was a little dangerous for the current Chu Xiu.

The perception of a martial artist is undoubtedly very important. Otherwise, if someone sneaks a sneak attack from behind, you will not notice it at all. If you wait until the attack is already in front of you before you think of defending or making a hard fight, it will be too late by then.

Chu Xiu didn't know that Nie Renlong made such a big move in order to kill him, but Chu Xiu could vaguely guess that Juyi Village would most likely want him in Beiyan.

Chu Xiu is only abolishing mental power and perception, not martial arts. He is not afraid of people from Juyi Village. Chu Xiu just finds it troublesome.

If Juyi Village wanted him, he would definitely kill another batch.

It was a trivial matter for him to be entangled. What Chu Xiu was afraid of was that his original identity would be exposed.

And if Chu Xiu took off his mask now, it seemed inappropriate to return to the Guanzhong execution hall with his original appearance, which would also lead to suspicion.

You must know that Chu Xiu is now being punished and facing the wall, everyone in the Guanzhong punishment hall knows it, and naturally he can't hide it from the outside world.

As a result, Chu Xiu suddenly appeared in Beiyan now. If someone with a heart scrutinized it, they would speculate about some clues.

Of course, Chu Xiu is not helpless. In fact, the easiest way is to not use Lin Ye's identity, nor Chu Xiu's identity, but go back to the Guanzhong execution hall incognito.

So Chu Xiu sneaked into a small town at night, stealing an ordinary sackcloth, slightly modified his appearance, put on a face towel and a hat, and casually found an ordinary long sword With his back behind his back, although this look is a bit strange, it is not noticeable.

After all, there are all kinds of people who walk in the rivers and lakes. Some people may hide their appearance because of their strange appearance, or because they are fighting with others, so it is normal to cover up their appearance.

Dressed up like this, Chu Xiu was able to rush on the road in an open and honest way, ready to return to Guanzhong.

At this time in the Juyi Village, Nie Renlong's face was pale, and his breath was depressed to the extreme, but he did not go to retreat to recover, but stared at an old man in Taoist attire in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master Yuan Ji, take it seriously. Can't you figure out the whereabouts of the devil?"

The old man in Taoist attire in front of him is a well-known physiognomist in Beiyan. Yuan Ji, a loose man, is nicknamed 'Three Days Without Exhaustion'. It is said that Yuan Ji is a good looking man and can calculate anything that happened to the other party within three days. There are absolutely no omissions, so that's why it got such a nickname.

At this time, Yuan Ji said with a bitter look on his face: "Master Nie, you let me figure out a person's whereabouts out of thin air. It's a fairy, not a scholar.

Besides, the person you want to calculate is a great master of the realm of harmony between man and nature. When a warrior reaches the realm of harmony between man and nature, he can already borrow a trace of the power of heaven and earth. Although there is only a trace of it, it also means that he has a trace of power and strength When heaven and earth are in harmony, deducing a warrior in this realm is just like deducing heaven and earth, and the difficulty is even more than a hundred times that of a warrior in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty.

There is also the old man, but I heard that Lin Ye's mental power is very strong, and even you have already been recruited. My generation of physicists who practice fortune-telling are most afraid of encountering warriors with strong mental power. If one is not careful, Not to mention the news of the other party, it may be directly counterattacked.

Since Lin Ye can make you suffer mentally, the difficulty of divination is probably no less than that of a martial arts master. I really can't do it. "

Nie Renlong said solemnly: "Master Yuan Ji, don't worry, Lin Ye's mental power is indeed very strong, but when he played against me, his mental power was exhausted, and he was even severely injured. Bi, you go to fortune him, absolutely safe.

You can't predict Lin Ye in his heyday. Now a Lin Ye who has suffered mental damage and is seriously injured, can't Master still predict? "

Yuan Ji hurriedly complained: "But the village owner, there is nothing right now, what can I do fortune-telling, and..."

Yuan Ji was interrupted by Nie Renlong before he could finish speaking.

Nie Renlong said in a low voice, "Master Yuan Ji, do you know the pain of losing your son? Do you know the pain of dying after you spent half your life cultivating hope?"

Master Yuan Ji didn't speak, but he secretly said in his heart, I don't have a son, so of course I don't know.

He really wanted to have a son, but doing a divination calculation would be regarded as spying on the secrets of heaven, forcibly interfering in the cause and effect, and he would be punished by heaven, so this line of physicists was destined to commit five evils and three deficiencies.

Master Yuan Ji himself was destined to have no children and no daughters, and he was destined to grow old alone, so even if he secretly raised more than a dozen young concubines, he is now living like a monk. Since he is destined to have no children, other things, he Too lazy to think, too lazy to do.

Nie Renlong said in a flat tone: "You can't understand this kind of despair and pain. Now I just want revenge. For this reason, I would rather take the position of the owner of Juyi Village. Master Yuan Ji, you said, I still What can't be done?

Master Yuan Ji, you can do the math for me if you don't want Then you might as well do the math for yourself, do the math, can you come out of my gathering today! righteous! village! "

There was no murderous intent in Nie Renlong's eyes, he just stared straight at Master Yuan Ji, but he saw that his whole body became cold, and his heart suddenly became cold.

It wasn't until this moment that Master Yuan Ji realized that the man in front of him was no longer the amiable, corporal Li Xian's Juyi Village Master Nie. He was just a mad father who wanted to avenge his son.

In order to avenge his son, Nie Renlong could give up the position of the owner of Juyi Village. At this time, he could naturally disregard his reputation and prevent himself from getting out of this Juyi Village.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, so Master Yuan Ji hastily said: "Master Nie, don't be in a hurry, it just so happens that I have made great progress in my cultivation recently. Even if there is no birth date or anything related, just deducing the name can deduce some clues. , but it will definitely be a little unclear, please don't blame the villa owner."

Nie Renlong nodded, waved his hand, and immediately someone moved a lot of purple gold, medicinal pills and other things to Master Yuan Ji's side.

But seeing these things, Master Yuan Ji's pressure was even greater.

Obviously, if he can't calculate anything, then these things are his life money!

Therefore, Master Yuan Ji did not dare to be careless. He took out the compass and the map, and ignited three precious incense sticks. He concentrated his energy and began to deduce the seal.

The atmosphere in the entire room was extremely depressing. Except for Nie Renlong, the other martial artists in Juyi Village didn't even dare to breathe.

After a long while, Master Yuan Ji suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise, "Master Nie, are you sure that the devil's name is Lin Ye? According to the results of my deduction, Lin Ye is simply a guy who has been dead for several years!"


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