Meet The Leader

Chapter 548: people who shouldn't exist

Master Yuan Ji went back and forth, but the result was a dead man, which was absolutely unacceptable to Nie Renlong.

Seeing that Nie Renlong's expression was a bit wrong, Master Yuan Ji quickly said: "Master Nie, it's not that I don't need to do mental arithmetic, but that's how hexagrams are.

Besides, Lord Nie, think that Lin Ye is from the Hidden Demon lineage. What the Hidden Demon lineage guys are best at is changing their names and surnames to hide.

I don't know which Lin Ye's true identity is, but what if his identity revealed in the hidden demon lineage is also fake? "

Nie Renlong said coldly, "Is there really no other way?"

Master Yuan Ji hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, there is still a way, but the old man is worried that you can't stand it, Master Nie."

"any solution?"

"Has your son's body been buried yet?"

Nie Renlong nodded and frowned, "Why are you asking this?"

Nie Dongliu's body was indeed not buried, but was sealed up by Nie Renlong in an ice coffin, ready to be buried with Nie Dongliu after he got Lin Ye's head.

Master Yuan Ji glanced at Nie Renlong's face, and said cautiously: "The way of divination is the most important cause and effect, then Lin Ye killed the master of the young village, and he was infected with this cause and effect. If I use the remaining blood in the main body of the young village for divination Well, the odds will be much higher.”

Nie Renlong did not speak with a gloomy expression on his face. After a long silence, Nie Renlong said, "Go and bring the coffin of the young manor."

After a while, an ice coffin was brought over, and Nie Dongliu's body lay in it.

Because Chu Xiu only shattered Nie Dongliu's heart, his body was still relatively intact.

Master Yuan Ji said cautiously, "Master Nie, shall I start the old way?"

Nie Renlong nodded.

Master Yuan Ji let out a long breath, took out a golden brush dipped in gold powder, and drew strange runes on Nie Dongliu's corpse. Finally, his hands were sealed, and the golden runes trembled. Inside Dongliu's frozen corpse, there seemed to be a sound of blood flowing, which was very strange.

The frozen qi and blood were drained by the runes, and Nie Dongliu's body gradually shrunken, which made Nie Renlong's complexion twist, but he held back and didn't say a word.

The golden runes flourished, and Master Yuan Ji's hands were constantly shaking, and the handprints were pinched and flying, but all of a sudden, Master Yuan Ji's face suddenly turned pale, his body twitched, and the whole person seemed to be a great dancer generally.

Nie Renlong frowned, this Master Yuan Ji is not an orthodox Taoist priest, how can even the shamans of the northern plains be able to do the tricks of the gods?

But before Nie Renlong could open his mouth to ask, Master Yuan Ji suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and he murmured, "Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Nie Renlong looked at Master Yuan Ji, who seemed to be suffering from a disease, and he shouted: "What's going on! Have you figured out Lin Ye's whereabouts?"

After being yelled at by Nie Renlong, Master Yuan Ji seemed to wake up, showing a strange expression like crying and laughing: "The corpse of the young village owner is closely related to Lin Ye, and I have already deduced the whereabouts of the old man. .

However, because there was still some qi and blood left, I wanted to deduce what Lin Ye's true identity was, but I saw something I shouldn't have seen! "

Nie Renlong frowned and said, "What did you see?"

Master Yuan Ji still said with an expression of disbelief: "I saw a person who shouldn't exist!

Earlier, I deduced that Lin Ye had been dead for several years through the name. I thought it was a fake name, and the deduced result was someone else.

But just now, after I calculated based on the cause and effect of the young village owner, I found that the name was not fake, but a real one. The cause and effect were implicated, that is, that Lin Ye, who had been dead for several years, killed the young village owner! "

Upon hearing this, the martial artists in Juyi Village felt a chill all over their bodies.

Then since Lin Ye has been dead for several years, who was the one who killed the young village owner before? Is it a ghost?

Master Yuan Ji continued with a terrified expression on his face: "This kind of thing is simply unbelievable, so I want to continue the deduction, I want to see how Lin Ye died, and whether he is a human or a ghost. , but in the end I saw a hand that erased everything about that Lin Ye!

Thoroughly, as if that Lin Ye was just a memory, if it was easily erased by that hand, this person was already dead and no longer existed.

So at the beginning, when I deduced the name of Lin Ye, I came to the conclusion that he had been dead for several years. My deduction was not wrong. It should be said that since the hand wiped everything from Lin Ye, he has already been regarded as a died! "

Nie Renlong looked at Master Yuan Ji and frowned.

Nie Renlong was already a little impatient with Master Yuan Ji, who was so arrogant.

What hand, erasing existence, etc., what is this? These xiangshi play these mysterious and mysterious tricks with other people, and they dare to play this trick with themselves?

Nie Renlong said coldly: "Don't talk about so much useless, I don't care what happened to Lin Ye, I just want his head! Even if he is already dead, I will kill him again! What is his current location? Where?"

Master Yuan Ji shuddered violently, hurriedly asked for a map of Beiyan, and drew an area on it: "It should be here, I can't deduce the details too much, but according to Lin Ye's speed, He couldn't leave here for a while."

Nie Renlong picked up the map, let someone lift the ice coffin and left, but Master Yuan Ji let out a long sigh and sat on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Master Yuan Ji looked at the treasures that Nie Renlong gave him, but Master Yuan Ji showed a smile that was even uglier than crying. This time he lost a lot!

The blood just now spurted out the ten years of Master Yuan Ji's lifespan.

God knows what secrets there is on Lin Ye, and what kind of terrifying existence is that big hand that erases a person's traces. Anyway, he just glanced at it, and the punishment was even more severe than his peeping into the secrets. It even cost him ten years. Shouyuan.

The dead thing that Nie Renlong gave him could not make up for his lost lifespan. Anyway, Master Yuan Ji was unlucky this time.

He had already decided that he would take his things later, leave Beiyan, go to Western Chu, and seek refuge with one of his fellow Daoists in Longhu Mountain.

Although that person is not a high-level person in Longhu Mountain, he is also a disciple of the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain. Within the scope of Longhu Mountain, there is absolutely no one like Nie Renlong who forcibly forces him to tell fortunes, right?


In the small town in Yannan, Chu Xiu covered his face and walked forward without saying a word.

In the past few days, Chu Xiu has been on his way with all his strength. If he is not hungry to the extreme, he will not even eat. Anyway, at the current state of Chu Xiu, let alone a few meals, even if he does not eat for a few days. Eating is no big deal, but now Chu Xiu's mental power has been abolished, and he must maintain his physical strength at its peak.

However, when they were about to leave the town, dozens of warriors from Juyi Village were approaching, led by a warrior from the unity of nature and man, who quickly checked the warriors passing by on the road one by one.

Master Yuan Ji can only calculate the approximate position of Chu Xiu, and it is impossible to accurately pinpoint Chu Xiu's body, but for Juyi Village, this is enough.

For Beiyan, whose martial arts are not as prosperous as in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, there are not too many warriors in the realm of the unity of nature and man, especially those who can cultivate to the realm of unity of nature and man as a loose cultivator, all of them have names and surnames characters.

So now Juyi Village just needs to investigate some unfamiliar warriors of the unity of nature and man. Even if Juyi Village offends people because of this, Nie Renlong can't control that much.

Anyway, warriors from loose cultivators can't afford to offend Juyizhuang. If Juyizhuang offends some martial artists of the great faction because of this, those people will probably not have the same knowledge as Nie Renlong when they see Nie Renlong's crazy appearance now.

In such a small town, the warriors of the unity of nature and man are extremely conspicuous, but in order to prevent someone from covering up their breath, the people from Juyi Village still carefully checked.

Chu Xiu naturally wanted to cover his breath, so the only cultivation he showed was the Three Flowers Judging Realm, but in the eyes of the people in Juyi Village, Chu Xiu's cultivation was still very conspicuous.

So after seeing Chu Xiu, the martial artist of the unity of heaven and man came over in cupped his hands and said, "This brother, I am investigating the remnants of the devil's way in Juyi Village. Convenient, take off the face towel and let me see your appearance."

Looking at the person in front of him, Chu Xiu sighed.

The martial artist in Juyi Village suddenly felt that something was wrong, what did this guy sigh?

Of course, Chu Xiu sighed for a reason. He originally wanted to return to Guanzhong in a low-key manner, but he didn't expect to kill again, and it would cause a lot of trouble. It was really troublesome.

The martial artist suddenly froze, feeling as if he was being targeted by something terrifying.

Just when the martial artist wanted to say something, the seemingly ordinary ronin in front of him burst out with the magical energy of rushing into the sky!

The martial artist in Juyi Village was startled, and while exclaiming, he immediately stabbed at Chu Xiu with his sword, and a light blue qi burst out.

But Chu Xiu just stretched out a hand, a hand with a monstrous demonic energy, and easily pinched on the long sword, with a loud bang, even if the long sword was shattered!

The fellow cultivator's supernatural power of King Kong and Jiuxiao smelted the magic golden body. At this time, Chu Xiu's physical strength could not be said to be able to rival the divine soldiers, at least the ordinary treasure soldier Chu Xiu did not pay attention to it.

The martial artist wanted to step back in horror, but at this moment, the blood in his body suddenly boiled and trembled, as if it was about to pour out of the body, which made his figure immediately freeze there, although only In just a short moment, Chu Xiu's punch, which was stained with fierce demonic energy, had already slammed out, passing through the chest of the Juyizhuang martial artist!

In an instant, the blood mist flew, and the Juyizhuang warrior fell to the ground with an unbelievable look in his eyes, and made a 'dong', which woke up the other Juyizhuang warriors.


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