Meet The Leader

Chapter 549: besieged

With Chu Xiu's current cultivation, even if he didn't use his conspicuous exercises, it would be easy to kill an ordinary warrior of the unity of heaven and man.

Moreover, for Chu Xiu, he may not be able to use some exercises, such as the magic blood method just now, as long as Chu Xiu doesn't completely draw the blood out of the body and use the blood-turning sword, who can recognize this Demon Blood Dafa is coming?

Therefore, at this time, Chu Xiu also boldly used the magic blood method. Under the cover of the magic energy, no one could see the abnormality.

The other Martial Artists from Juyi Village looked at Chu Xiu blankly. The next moment, everyone screamed, turned around and ran away!

There is no escape, it is true that the current Chu Xiu is too much beyond their expectations.

Before these Juyi Village warriors also thought of the scene when they encountered Chu Xiu, so Juyi Village did not divide the people too much, only a few warriors who were in the unity of nature and man led the search.

According to Nie Renlong, Chu Xiu has been severely injured, and even his mental power has been abolished, but who would have known that even if he did not use his mental power, Chu Xiu would be so terrifying. Killing a warrior of the unity of heaven and man is like slaughtering a dog.

The owner of the village has made them miserable this time!

Chu Xiu stepped out, and a slight movement was a distance of more than ten feet. When he fell with one hand, it was a simple punch. The demonic energy erupted, and it directly crushed and smashed some of them, blowing these people abruptly!

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen warriors were all killed by Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu also frowned, and things seemed to be a little tricky.

Although he killed the people of Juyi Village, it was impossible to slaughter the entire town. The news must have spread.

Beiyan is not Western Chu, there are deep mountains and forests everywhere, and there are places to hide. At this time, Chu Xiu can predict that his own troubles will come one after another.

And things are really as Chu Xiu expected, he is indeed in trouble.

Juyizhuang searched according to the position calculated by Master Yuan Ji, and has almost calculated Chu Xiu's approximate location. Now that Chu Xiu's whereabouts are exposed, as long as Chu Xiu can't fly, it will undoubtedly be easier for the people of Juyi Village to find Chu Xiu. of.

And the most difficult thing is not that the people from Juyi Village found Chu Xiu, but other people.

In order to kill Chu Xiu, Nie Renlong was willing to give up his position as the owner of Juyi Village. This temptation was too great.

And Jianghu people are not worried that Nie Renlong will go back on it, because then, Nie Renlong will have no place to stand in Jianghu, his reputation will be completely stinky, and even Juyi Village will be unstable because of this.

Nie Renlong lived on fame, so he had to maintain his reputation all the time, and he couldn't let his reputation suffer a little blow.

If he can't keep his word, it's enough to make Nie Renlong's character in the arena collapse.

It is precisely because of this that not only many people in Beiyan Wulin want to take the head of 'Lin Ye', but also many people from Dongqi and Xichu come here specially to kill 'Lin Ye'.

Although they all know that 'Lin Ye' is powerful, and the Dragon Tiger Rankings have said that Lin Ye has a record that has taken Nie Renlong for so long, but under the greed of profit, and they know and know that Lin Ye has been hit hard, so still There are some who are not afraid of death.


In the path of Yannan Pingyuan County, Chu Xiu condensed his breath to the extreme and walked forward in a low-key manner.

He didn't even dare to use his anger too much, for fear of being noticed.

The mental power is abolished, and the perception is suppressed to the level of ordinary people. This is very annoying, because Chu Xiu doesn't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him in the dark, and he doesn't even know whether he has been exposed.

This feeling of not being in control of everything made him uncomfortable.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's figure suddenly stopped, and he looked in a direction to the side.

Not because Chu Xiu heard any movement, but because there was no movement in that direction, the silence was terrifying!

This is just a small road, so there are still some messy shrubs and so on around. Usually, there are some sparrows, insects, snakes, etc. that make some noises, but now the place is silent!

As if seeing Chu Xiu's gaze, at this moment, a loud shout came from that direction.


Following the exit of the killing word, dozens of warriors rushed out of it, waving their weapons, strangling and beheading Chu Xiu with a dazzling qi, with extraordinary power.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, and he couldn't even find a martial artist who was in the realm of harmony between heaven and man. These people are really greedy for profit, and they still want to sneak attack on themselves with this little strength?

With a punch, the demonic energy burst out, but Chu Xiu's whole body was still flashing with a golden light, like a Buddha's light, and it even gave Chu Xiu a solemn feeling while being evil.

The man at the front was torn apart by Chu Xiu's punch, his weapon was smashed to pieces, and with a bang, his body shattered into a cloud of blood!

This was a veritable explosion, and in an instant, the radius of more than ten feet was covered by the evil crimson mist.

The power of Chu Xiu may have awakened their hearts that were blinded by greed. Some people's eyes finally showed a look of horror, but it was already too late.

Chu Xiu rolled past like a giant beast in the wild. After a while, only a pile of terrifying stumps remained in the path, and Chu Xiu left with a blank face.

There are many ways to kill people, some good and some bad.

Chu Xiu's killing methods can actually be made to look better. There is no need to make it look like a corpse scene, but he also wants to shock the latecomers and make the idiots in the back look good. Don't think about those who don't have one, otherwise there will be only one life, and if you die without a whole corpse, don't blame yourself for being ruthless.

Half an hour after Chu Xiu left, dozens of people came to this path. However, the strength of these dozens of people was much higher than those of the previous ones. Among them, there were several martial artists in the unity of heaven and man. as much.

Seeing the terrifying scene on the path, the expressions of the dozens of people changed slightly.

A middle-aged man in Taoist attire snorted coldly, "That devil Lin Ye is really ruthless and cruel. These people acted too hastily. Before we got there, they acted first, and they ended up being poisoned by that devil!"

The middle-aged man in this attire is Miao Xuan, the master of Yannan Miaoyu Temple, with several glamorous Taoists behind him.

The reputation of his Miaoyu Temple in Yannan is also not small, but he is not an orthodox Taoist. He cultivates the way of double cultivation, which is rare in Taoism. He is the only man in the entire Taoist temple, and the others are His female disciple can also be said to be the object of his double cultivation.

The one at the front, who was only in his thirties, wore a brocade robe, had a handsome appearance, and held a folding fan, said solemnly, "Everyone, you have all seen Lin Ye's methods. This devil is worthy of being able to help Beidi. The remnants of the thirty-six tyrants turned the tables, and even the existence of the owner of Juyi Village almost perished with him. It was very difficult to deal with.

I have to work together at this time, so that I can kill this Lin Ye, you can rest assured, as long as you kill Lin Ye, after I become the owner of Juyi Village, you will all be heroes of this battle, Juyi Village, I Share it with you all! "

This guy who looks like a young man is actually in his fifties, not much younger than Nie Renlong.

His name is Cui Le, and his name is not small in the land of Yannan. He is nicknamed 'Living Playboy'. When he was young, he was also a rare young hero in the land of Yannan. Although he was born in a loose cultivator, his own talent was Not weak, I heard that he once had a fate with a princess of Beiyan, and almost became a concubine of Beiyan.

But later, I don't know why, and the matter was over, Cui Le has been hanging out in the land of Yannan all the time, but he can be considered to have a wide range of friends, but he has made a lot of friends in the land of Yannan.

Although Cui Le was a loose cultivator in the first half of his life, he had lived a very unrestrained life.

Now he is no longer young, and even his carefully preserved appearance has a hint of old age, which also makes Cui Le feel a sense of crisis. He is afraid that he can't be like this anymore, and he should find someone for himself and his descendants. Way out.

It was just this time that Nie Renlong was even willing to take the position of the owner of Juyi Village when he heard that Juyi Village wanted to hunt down Lin Ye, which also made Cui Le's heart move.

So he took advantage of the contacts he had made over the years to prepare to join forces for this vote and kill Na Lin into Juyi Village!

These people present are also warriors from Loose Cultivation. If they join Juyi Village like this, I believe that Nie Renlong will not refuse, but they will be bound to some extent.

And if they followed Cui Le to kill Lin Ye this time, then Juyi Village was not owned by Cui Le alone, but belonged to all of them, and they would undoubtedly be much freer.

So whether it's for friendship or for the future, most of the contacts that Cui Le made are willing to help him.

Behind Cui Le, a sturdy man with a cultivation of the unity of nature and man said in a loud voice, "Brother Cui, you have also seen Lin Ye's strength. It's very difficult. What should we do now?"

There was a hint of coldness in Cui Le's eyes and said: "Brother Meng Gang, don't worry, then Lin Ye is now ranked in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger list.

But don't forget, that guy has lost his mental power now, he is a blind dragon and a tiger without ears.

Look at these traces of the fight on the ground, these guys are not too far from the ambush to the place where they died, what does this prove? It proved that Lin Ye didn't discover the whereabouts of these people until he was so close to them.

I'm afraid this fellow's perception is really useless, we speed up our journey, find a place in front of Lin Ye, and kill him in one fell swoop!

Brother Miaoxuan, you are the best at arranging formations. This time, you have to be a little more aggressive and get a reliable killing formation! "

The Master Miaoxuan laughed loudly, hugged a plump Taoist nun beside him, kneaded it in front of her bulging chest, and said with a smile, "Brother Cui, don't worry, I'm very good wherever I am. Reliable, if you don’t believe me, ask these disciples of Pindao?”


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