Meet The Leader

Chapter 551: break with force

ps: There is an appointment at night, update in advance~

When the power is strong to a certain level, it can break through all methods.

Now Chu Xiu doesn't use martial skills, but simply raises the power to the extreme. Although it is a waste of energy, it is really useful, and the people who inspire Chu Xiu are Zong Xuan and Chen Qingdi.

Zongxuan only cultivated a seal of the King of Ming, but he changed the seal of the King of Ming in a thousand ways and evolved into a world-shattering cultivation base.

No one knows what martial arts Chen Qingdi has practiced, but last time at the Dong family, the punch Chen Qingdi defeated Dong Qikun, the head of the Dong family, impressed Chu Xiu deeply.

One punch breaks through all methods, destroys the dry and rotten, and no one can stop it!

The current Chu Xiu only borrowed its true meaning, and he couldn't comprehend that powerful fist meaning, but with the blessing of Chu Xiu's strength, this punch already had a little taste of Chen Qingdi.

And Master Miaoxuan over there saw that Chu Xiu smashed his whisk and long sword so easily, and he suddenly screamed: "Disciples! Form a formation to help the teacher!"

The role of the female disciples of Master Miaoxuan is not only to have **** and sleep, but they themselves are the objects of dual cultivation of Master Miaoxuan, but they are not the cauldrons blindly asked for, but the dual cultivation of yin and yang. , and can even be borrowed at a critical moment.

When his female disciples heard the words, they immediately formed seals, fought in a row, and poured their inner strength into the body of the previous person, increasing one by one, and finally pouring it into the body of Master Miaoxuan.

Although the whole process seems to be relatively complicated, the speed is extremely fast. Obviously, Master Miaoxuan does not practice or use this trick less often on weekdays.

He squeezed out two seals with both hands, and Miaoxuan uttered the truth, which instantly resounded in Chu Xiu's ears like a thunderous explosion, which was similar to the Buddha's lion's roar and Chu Xiu's outer lion seal.

But now Chu Xiu's mental power is in a state of overdraft and trauma, but his foundation is still there. All the sound of thunder pierced through his ears, and Chu Xiu's figure just moved a little before returning to normal.

At this time, the two seals of Master Miaoxuan had already been pinched out. One clear, one turbid, and two turbulent qi turned into the power of yin and yang and Tai Chi appeared in front of him, trying to block Chu Xiu.

But under Chu Xiu's invincible punch, the giant shield formed by the power of yin and yang tai chi suddenly shattered!

But at the same time, the momentum of Chu Xiu's punch finally dissipated, and he couldn't take another step forward.

Although Master Miaoxuan blocked Chu Xiu's punch, he was still hit hard by this force. He and the dozen or so female disciples behind him spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes flashed with horror. color.

Chu Xiu has never been a person who sympathizes with flowers and jade, and he is almost the same as destroying flowers.

Therefore, Chu Xiu didn't show any mercy in this blow. The real Miao Xuan was seriously injured, but the female disciples behind him were even more seriously injured, and some were even killed by Chu Xiu on the spot.

After all, Master Miaoxuan was a master of the realm of harmony between man and nature, and among the female disciples under his command, few even stepped into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm.

Seeing that Chu Xiu had already stepped forward, Master Miaoxuan was so frightened that he lost his mind, and he didn't even care about the female disciples who had been killed, and fled wildly in one direction.

Chu Xiu secretly burst out the power of the inner binding seal, and he almost took less than three steps to appear behind the real Miao Xuan, and wanted to punch him to kill, but at this time, a strong man was all over his body. With a wild beast-like aura, he collided with Chu Xiu with a fist, and the qi burst instantly, and the two figures quickly retreated back, but Chu Xiu only took three steps back, while the strong man retreated. dozens of steps.

This strong man's name is Meng Gang. He is not a martial artist in Yannan, but a loose cultivator in Yanxi.

This person once joined the military, worked as a bandit, and went to Huangfu as a guest, but it was not long.

Because of his stinky temper, he easily offends people, so he usually offends the people around him within a short period of time in every place, and in the end he has no choice but to leave.

Cui Le is one of the few people who can stand his bad temper, so the two naturally became friends.

Among Meng Gang and Cui Le, few came to help Cui Le not because of profit, but only because of friendship.

Chu Xiu looked at Meng Gang and squinted, and his figure rushed towards Meng Gang again, with Buddha light protecting his body, but the outside world was filled with demonic flames, like a **** and a demon.

One punch after another, Chu Xiu was crushing Meng Gang with his physical body.

At the beginning, Meng Gang could barely resist, but later, Meng Gang's body made a crackling sound, causing him to vomit blood from Chu Xiuhong's mouth in the end, and even his arms were completely twisted. !

At this time, Cui Le, who had already slowed down, shouted: "Everyone, let's do it together!"

The voice fell, Cui Le stretched out his hand, his slender fingers beat one after another, and an ice flower bloomed.

There is only an ice flower the size of a palm, but there is no trace of qi in it, as if it was completely born between this world.

But the ice flower appeared on top of Chu Xiu's head in an instant, bursting with a bang, and thousands of cold beams shot out like needles, heading straight for Chu Xiu!

The boundless magic flames rose up, and the ice needles were melted by the magic flames before they touched Chu Xiu's body.

However, these melted ice needles turned into cold fog, pervasive, and even made everything around Chu Xiu frozen, like a cold winter, and even Chu Xiu's true qi felt a little sluggish!

At this time, other warriors also rushed over, and Miao Xuan, who had just been frightened by Chu Xiu and fled wildly, also danced with his hands, and his qi evolved into a two-meter array, and smashed it towards Chu Xiu.

The dark night sky was already engulfed by various colors of Gang Qi. Within a radius of 100 meters, the raindrops were completely shattered by Gang Qi before they fell to the ground. This strike was extremely powerful.

Martial Dao masters will have more advantages in the face of this kind of group battle. With Martial Dao True Pill in the body, Martial Dao Master can burst out his most powerful power without any scruples, and Martial Dao True Pill will naturally quickly extract the world. vitality to supplement this consumption.

Now that Chu Xiu is going all out, his explosive power is not inferior to some weaker martial arts masters, but his recovery ability is much worse than that of martial arts masters.

So for Chu Xiu, there is only one chance!

These people must be completely defeated at one time!

In an instant, Chu Xiu's eyes were red, and he had already stepped into the realm of ecstasy.

Chu Xiu squeezed the seal in his hand, the Buddha's light all over his body was dazzling, and the demonic energy was overwhelming. The Demonic Vajra image was displayed, and the incomparably evil Vajra Vajra image directly shrouded all the people present. King Kong suppressed the demons, and was extremely powerful. Luo Huoxin, the magic flame is soaring!

Two completely different powers were exerted to the extreme by Chu Xiu, not the combination of hardness and softness, but the two points of Buddha and devil.

The endless astral qi shattered in the suppression of the Buddha's light, and those warriors who rushed up were blasted away by the boundless magic qi, and the weaker ones even directly entered the body and were killed on the spot.

In the powerful Gang Qi storm, Chu Xiu's complexion was also slightly pale.

The blow he just made was really all-out, directly pushing his own strength to the extreme that his fleshly body could achieve, so that he could block the combined blow of these people.

At this time, Chu Xiu's figure didn't stop, and ran directly towards the real Miaoxuan.

There are too many of these people, and their strength is generally good. Chu Xiu can't give them a chance to gather again, and they must be completely defeated!

Miao Xuan Zhenren was clutching his chest and gasping for breath.

In fact, in the blow just now, besides the consumption of True Qi, Master Miao Xuan was not seriously injured.

Among these people, Master Miaoxuan is notoriously cunning. As soon as he saw that something was wrong, he immediately changed the offensive to defensive, so he was not injured at this time.

But seeing that Chu Xiu came straight to him again, Master Miao Xuan was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Among these people present, Cui Le is the most powerful, and the organizer is also Cui Le. If Lin Ye wants to kill him, he should kill Cui Lecai first. Why are he staring at him?

If Master Miaoxuan knew that it was because he was tall that attracted hatred, it was estimated that Master Miaoxuan would not even have the intention of scolding his mother.

Just now, Master Miaoxuan had already seen the strength of Chu Xiu, so he would never dare to confront Chu Xiu. The two instruments were wrapped in infuriating energy, and his entire body was floating like catkins in the wind, wanting to evacuate quickly.

But at this moment, wisps of demonic energy were lingering behind him. In an instant, Master Miaoxuan felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and the burning pain suddenly made Miaoxuan feel Zhenren Xuan snorted, his figure stagnant.

The boundless demonic energy shrouded the real Miaoxuan, and strands of demonic energy penetrated into the body of the real Miaoxuan, pulling out the power of his blood. The pitch-black demonic energy was mixed with scarlet blood. Ordinary colors look so strange and indescribable.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes, and at this moment he suddenly had another understanding of Demon Blood Dafa.

Stepping forward, Chu Xiu put his hand on the head of Master Miaoxuan, and the boundless demonic energy erupted in an instant. Countless qi and blood were forcibly pulled out of Master Miaoxuan's body, and his whole person became a ghost. The jet-black mummy fell to the ground, and there was no human form.

Chu Xiu has always thought that the magic blood method is to draw qi and blood, and as an auxiliary practice, it provides power for the blood-turning sword.

Only at this time did Chu Xiu realize a new way of using it.

The magic blood method, the magic word is in the front, the blood word is in the back, the combination of the two, the power that can be exerted is equally overbearing!

At this moment, Cui Le and the others felt a chill in their hearts when they saw the corpse that was no longer in human form beside Chu Xiu.

With so many of them ambushing and besieging, they even let this guy kill a warrior who is in the realm of the unity of nature and man. How strong is this Lin Ye?

Cui Le's heart sank even more, this was not in line with his plan at all!


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