Meet The Leader

Chapter 552: Dharma Signs belonging to Chuxiu

This battle was wrong from the very beginning. Cui Le and others underestimated Chu Xiu and overestimated themselves.

One wrong step, one wrong step, Cui Le and others have already stepped into the gate of hell.

At first, they wanted to ambush Chu Xiu, but now, it was Chu Xiu who took their lives.

Chu Xiu looked back, everyone couldn't see the expression on his face, but they could only see the scarlet eyes.

As Chu Xiu stepped forward, wisps of demonic energy drifted away. Even though the warriors wanted to escape, once they were entangled in that demonic energy, they were all shocked and their blood was drained by the demonic energy.

The blood and demonic energy lingered around Chu Xiu, making the terrifying aura around him grow stronger and stronger, as if the demonic **** had descended.

The warriors present finally couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately fled to the surroundings, but Chu Xiu came straight to Cui Le.

This fellow is the mastermind, others can leave, but he has to stay here!

Cui Le gritted his teeth, his whole body shone with qi, his hands quickly formed a seal, and thousands of strange flowers bloomed. Every qi flower contained powerful qi fluctuations, and all of them rushed towards Chu Xiu!

In the face of this kind of offensive, the boundless blood energy behind Chu Xiu condensed into a dharma image of the King of Suppressing Prison, and when a seal fell, everything returned to nothingness!

Cui Le suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, with a look of astonishment on his face.

At this moment, Meng Gang's whole body was shining with dazzling golden light, and at the same time, wisps of blood were burning. His whole person was like the incarnation of a giant spirit, and he rushed towards Chu Xiu, shouting at him: " Brother Cui! Let's go!"

And at the same time, there were several other warriors around who also didn't escape to attack Chu Xiu with Meng Gang, and everyone used their cards.

Cui Le is not a hypocrite like Nie Renlong, he is a real villain, but a villain will have a few real friends.

Meng Gang has a bad temper, he only offends people, so he has no friends, only enemies and those who hate him.

Cui Le is one of the few people who can endure his stinky temper and be friends with him, and after Meng Gang offended others, Cui Le relied on his own connections to help him solve it.

No matter whether Cui Le regarded him as a friend or not, for Meng Gang, Cui Le was his friend, his only friend.

Benevolence, righteousness and morality, Meng Gang lacked three.

He is not a good person, and he has never saved people by acting as a chivalrous person. On the contrary, he has also been a bandit and killed many passing businessmen.

In this life, he has only one word of righteousness left to live up to. At least when he was in the military, he never betrayed his own Paoze, and when he was a bandit, he never betrayed his brother.

Now that his friend is in danger, Meng Gang can also work hard for a righteous word!

A hint of coldness flashed in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the seal of the King of Suppressing Prison fell, along with the power of blood and qi that was collected by Chu Xiu with the magic blood method. Gang's arms were smashed to pieces, and the other warriors who had not reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man were directly killed by this powerful one seal!

Seeing this scene, Cui Le couldn't help tearing up.

These people are his true best friends. Before Cui Le said that he wanted to jointly manage Juyi Village with them, he was not lying to them. Cui Le really thought so.

After wandering for half his life, Cui Le also wanted to have his own foundation, to build a future for his descendants and his friends, but unfortunately he made a mistake, and this mistake will be all in vain!

With Meng Gang in front of him, he can escape, and there is a certain chance of escaping.

But Cui Le never took this last step. Instead, he roared angrily and inserted his hand directly into his heart, and a large amount of fresh blood flowed out in an instant.

Those fresh blood flowed to the ground, but it evolved into a strange blood-red giant flower, as tall as a person, and the scarlet petals were extremely magnificent, shining with ferocious blood-colored brilliance.

If this kind of flower comes from Buddhism, it will be easy to recognize it.

It is called Manzhu Shahua, also known as the other side flower, blooming on Huangquan Road, mourning the dead!

The other side of the flower is in full bloom, shrouding Chu Xiu, it represents the power of death, and it is the power of **** that Cui Le draws with his own life as the power.

Under the blooming flowers of the other side, the blood energy melted and the demonic energy dissipated. Even Chu Xiu felt heart palpitations from that power!

This is no longer a secret technique to fight for life, it is simply a trick to perish.

At this moment, the dharma appearance of the prisoner Ming King behind Chu Xiu suddenly changed a little.

The boundless blood energy and demonic energy were integrated into it, transforming the King Ming phase into the Buddha phase, but the Buddha phase was blood-colored all over, and the scarlet color made people feel chills.

The boundless demonic energy was transformed into a magic knife in the hands of the Buddha. Judging from its appearance, it was somewhat similar to Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance.

The blood-colored Buddha is holding a magic knife, this is the dharma image that belongs to Chu Xiu alone, the image of killing demons and Buddhas!

With a single slash, the boundless demonic energy condensed into a sharp edge, smashing the blood-colored other side flower directly, turning it into countless blood-colored stars and dissipating in the night sky.

Cui Le was not dead yet, he looked at Meng Gang and opened his mouth, but there was no sound.

But Meng Gang could see one word from his mouth, that is: escape!

After spitting out this word, Cui Le's body fell to the ground with a bang.

The other side flower is the flower of death, and only with one's own death can the other side flower bloom.

Cui Le has cultivated this flower for half his life, but when he uses it, it will be his death.

Meng Gang didn't escape, he just stared blankly at Cui Le's body.

After Chu Xiushe's killing demons and Buddhas dissipated, he stepped out and appeared in front of Meng Gang's eyes. He said lightly, "I admire people who talk about loyalty."

When a normal person says this, the next sentence must be: Because you are loyal, so I will not kill you.

But then Chu Xiu said: "Since you are so loyal, then I will send you on the road. Since you can't be born on the same day in the same year and the same month, then go and die in the same year, the same month and the same day."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Xiu directly shattered Meng Gang's heart, and Meng Gang did not resist, perhaps for him now, resistance is meaningless.

Looking at the corpse in that place, Chu Xiu's expression did not change, but hurry up and leave.

For Chu Xiu, there are only those he can kill and those who cannot kill in this world.

Although he admires these loyal guys, but if you are my enemy, I'm sorry, I still want to kill you.

In the absence of perception, it is not easy for Chu Xiu to feel well and consume a lot of energy, so he must first recover to the peak.

And Chu Xiu didn't expect that with so many exercises on his body, it was the Donkey Kong supernatural power that he was the first to cultivate to a great success, condensing his own dharma.

Originally, Chu Xiu thought that he needed to reach the realm of martial arts masters to be able to comprehend and condense the dharma image, but he did not expect that this time he was blessed with the soul, and actually realized the image of the killing demon Buddha.

The foundation of Donkey Kong's divine power lies in physical practice, but its true essence is the Dharma that he has condensed.

However, it is estimated that even if the former creator of Donkey Kong's power appeared, he would no longer recognize Chu Xiu's Donkey Kong power. He was a good Buddhist orthodox practice method, but it turned out to be extremely evil and messy by Chu Xiu. .

Just when Chu Xiu was hiding and regaining his strength, the death of Cui Le and others caused an uproar.

That's all for the group of people who died before, most of them are nameless people, but Cui Le and others are not unknown people.

'Liu Huazi' Cui Le, the master of Miaoyu Temple, Miao Xuan, and 'Giant General' Meng Gang, these three are all masters who can be named in the land of Beiyan.

The warriors of the unity of heaven and man are all well-known and surnamed existences. Even among the warriors of the unity of heaven and man, these three are considered masters. In the end, they died in the hands of Chu Xiu, and they also took ten. The rest of the lives of others.

It was like a basin of cold water, which was poured directly on top of everyone's heads, and it also calmed down those who were going to kill Lin Ye in exchange for his future.

It was only now that they thought about it seriously. If Lin Ye was really that easy to How could Nie Renlong take out the position of the owner of Juyi Village and offer a reward?

Even if Nie Renlong was confused, he couldn't be so sloppy.

Cui Le and others are dead, but they are also considered infinite merits.

Because of their deaths, they saved a bunch of guys who were about to die.

At this time in Juyi Village, Nie Renlong was frantically throwing vases, tables and chairs, everything he could see in front of him.

Failed, failed again, where did this guy Lin Ye come from, how many lives did he have, and why couldn't so many people kill him?

The disciples of Juyi Village all looked at Nie Renlong with palpitations.

Since Nie Dongliu's death, this villa owner, who used to be extremely calm and always indifferent to his anger and anger, seems to have changed his mind. His temper has become extremely irritable and extremely terrifying.

After a long while, Nie Renlong roared: "I don't believe that I can't kill a demon junior with all my strength in Juyi Village!

Go and find Yuan Ji, let him continue to calculate Lin Ye's position, then go to the Qinglong Club, and ask them to kill Lin Ye at a big price! "

At this time, a disciple of Juyi Village said with a wry smile: "Master, please calm down, Master Yuan Ji has already left, and he is probably going to leave Beiyan at this time.

You also know the rules of the Qinglong Association. If we had asked the members of the Qinglong Association to assassinate Lin Ye before that, it would still be possible, but now that Lin Ye's reputation has spread, if the Qinglonghui is invited, the price may be high. It will not be much lower than assassinating a martial arts master.

And you know the rules of the Qinglong Club. Once the situation changes, resulting in the death and injury of the Qinglong Club, the account will be counted on our Juyi Village. The owner, please think again! "


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