Meet The Leader

Chapter 553: Han cry and Song laugh

ps: Thanks to book friend Zhu Han's leader for the reward, congratulations on becoming the fifteenth leader of this book ^_^, I haven't received the reward message because of the phone problem these days, sorry.

Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Since Nie Dongliu's death, even if Nie Renlong has recovered from his maddened state, his character has become extremely irritable.

The disciple of Juyi Village was right in persuading him. Now Nie Renlong should really calm down, but Nie Renlong couldn't do it.

The son you put all your hard work into was killed, and the murderer is still swaggering about to leave, do you calm down?

Looking coldly at the disciple of Juyi Village, Nie Renlong said coldly: "Yuan Ji has run away, then find me another chancellor. Is it possible that the famous chancellor in Beiyan will make him one? I can't find it. When you arrive, then go to Fengmanlou and ask their fortune-tellers to do it at a high price!

You don't have to worry about other things at the Qinglong Club, I just want the result, I just want to see Lin Ye's head! "

With a loud bang, Nie Renlong's footsteps stopped, the ground cracked inch by inch, and the whole house was almost shaken by Nie Renlong.

The rest of the Juyizhuang warriors shivered. Now Nie Renlong is on the verge of madness. Whatever he says, then do what he does, and don't refute it.

The turmoil on the rivers and lakes has not completely dissipated, but Chu Xiu has already recovered his true energy and is ready to go on the road.

I don't know if the death of Cui Le and others has awakened the people behind, or if Nie Renlong has given up chasing and killing him, and Chu Xiu has walked for several days without encountering a single person who stopped him. None of the people arrested in Yizhuang saw it.

After traveling for several days, Chu Xiu found that he was hungry, so he went to a small town to buy some food. Even in a crowded place, no one would recognize Chu Xiu. To be precise, no one should continue to track down.

However, Chu Xiu didn't slow down his pace because of this, he was still hurrying at his limit speed, but he also didn't consume his body too much.

In the evening, Chu Xiu glanced at the sky, the clouds were dense, and he was afraid that another heavy rain would come.

Chu Xiu was not afraid of the rain, but he was a little hungry at this time, so he looked around and found an abandoned Taoist temple by the side of the road to rest and eat.

At this time, there was not only Chu Xiu in the Taoist temple, but also a few guards who ran the rivers and lakes and a group of caravans that seemed to be a small family.

The two groups of people were clearly distinguished. Those escorts were all from Jianghu and grass, and were relatively vulgar. A group of people were roasting dry food, drinking wine, and chatting loudly about Jianghu gossip.

On the other hand, the caravan of the small family has to be more disciplined, the servants are resting, and a few people dressed as stewards are talking with a young son.

This situation is quite normal, even some small family members will not spoil their children to the point where they don't understand anything.

Therefore, these small families basically let their disciples participate in some family businesses after they reach adulthood. Even if you can't do it, you still have to participate. This is a must.

But at this time, the young son of the small family seemed to be participating in the caravan for a time, and he kept complaining about this and that. When he saw Chu Xiu walking in, he snorted subconsciously, wanting to expel people.

This small Taoist temple is so big, he didn't want to be in the same room with those vulgar escorts, but there were a lot of people on the other side, and there was a conflict, and they didn't necessarily have the upper hand, so the young son It's also worth pinching your nose.

But now he sees Chu Xiu in an ordinary cloth and a ragged bamboo hat covering his face. At first glance, he is not an expert. He can still afford such a person.

But at this time, the caravan manager stopped the young master and said, "Young master, it's not easy for anyone to go out. Don't make trouble. Forgot what the master told you?"

Hearing that the steward brought out the head of the family, the young master snorted in dissatisfaction, but he didn't say anything.

Chu Xiu didn't pay any attention to them. He just lifted the face towel and started to eat dry food. He only showed his mouth, and he was covered by a bamboo hat, so no one could notice his appearance.

At this time, the guards just glanced at Chu Xiu and continued to discuss.

One of them said: "Have you heard about the devil Lin Ye? This person's reputation has been very popular recently. It is said that this person is the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Strong, the owner of Juyi Village, Nie, was willing to offer a reward to kill him, but he was unsuccessful."

"Is it true? The Kunlun Demon Sect has been extinct for so many years, how come there are so many descendants? Are you listening to too much gossip?"

"Really! You don't even think about it, if Lin Ye wasn't a descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, how could he be so powerful?

Let me tell you, I have a brother who used to be a survivor who followed Cui Le and others to kill Na Lin Ye.

That battle was a miserable one. The real Miaoxuan of Miaoyuguan was directly transformed into a mummified corpse by the magic power. Meng Gang, the 'giant general', who practiced hard work and did not lose to the monks of the Daguang Temple, was smashed to pieces. half of the bones of the body.

'Staying Playboy' Cui Le even used secret techniques to fight for his life, but ended up draining himself to death.

It is said that Lin Ye is nine feet tall, with green face and fangs, and has the appearance of a demon. Just one look at you will take half of your soul away. It is even more terrifying than the strength of a martial arts master! "

"Hahaha! Third Youngest Yang, you are bragging there again! Your brother, your relatives, who were qualified to follow the **** to kill Lin Ye at the beginning, the weakest are the five qi Chaoyuan realm, you are even innate. A guy who is not even in the realm, has a master of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm as his brother? Even if you lick your ass, everyone will despise you!"

That old third Yang blushed and said: "Do you know the balls? Do you think that the masters will look down on others like you? My brother and I have been playing since childhood. Although I am not strong now, but every time The next time I go back to my hometown, everyone will invite me to drink, and a third brother shouts at every sip!"

The guards around laughed suddenly, and the Taoist temple was full of joy.

The young son of the small family curled his lips in disdain and whispered: "Vulgar! It's unsightly! It's unreasonable to lift a demon so high!"

At this moment, everyone present suddenly felt a chill all over their body, even if they lit a bonfire, they could not dispel the chill.

Chu Xiu also put down the dry food and raised his head.

This is not what he did. Although Chu Xiu's mind is not big, he will not go to the bottom of the rivers and lakes just because of a few words of the ignorant.

At this time, there was a cold wind of hunting and hunting outside the Taoist temple. The door of the Taoist temple was blown open, and two people wearing black clothes, wearing black iron hats with dragon patterns on their heads, and black iron masks on their faces walked in.

The two people were dressed the same, but the difference was that the mask on one's face was painted with the pattern of the crying star, the mask was also a sad crying face, the other was painted with the pattern of Tianfuxing, and the mask was a Happy smiley.

Chu Xiu took a deep breath. He was very familiar with this outfit. After all, he had stayed in the Azure Dragon Society for so long. These two people turned out to be the two helmsmen of the Azure Dragon Society!

The escorts and the people from the small family were so frightened that they didn't even dare to let out the air.

For those who are at the bottom of the rivers and lakes, the Qinglong will be too far away from them, especially the existence of the rudder master level, that is simply a legend.

The two walked into the Taoist temple, and the Tianfu helmsman wearing a smiling face smiled and said: "Lin Ye, Young Master Lin, you are very courageous, you have killed so many people, and you still dare to show up here. Is this really about to kill Beiyan? Admiration, admiration! He really deserves to be a rookie of the hidden demon lineage, with courage and courage!

Let me know, next is the newly appointed Beiyan Tianfu helmsman of the Qinglong Association, Song Xiao, I didn't expect to take over a big job when I first came to Beiyan, not bad, not bad. "

Compared with Song Xiao's talkative appearance, who always likes to repeat some tone particles, the helmsman who cried and divided the helm that day was much more low-key, he just said lightly: "Heaven cried and divided the helmsman, Han Kui."

Song Xiao's name is Song Xiao. He has been laughing all the time, but Han Kui has not cried, but the guards and the young son of the small family who were present were almost crying.

What the **** did they do before? They even discussed Lin Ye's gossip in front of Lin Ye, especially the young son, he even said something about the devil, at this moment he suddenly felt that he was still alive, and that he could breathe because of luck~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Song Xiao looked at those people, smiled and said: "You guys are not going fast, are you waiting to watch the fun? I am very principled, and I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, but if you stay there, you will be accidentally injured. That has nothing to do with me."

Hearing Song Xiao's words, those guards and the people of the small family immediately fled the Taoist temple, and even threw away their bodyguards and goods.

Chu Xiu didn't say much, he just looked at the two of them, squinted and said, "How did the four major blood killings of the Qinglong Society downgrade to become the helmsman?"

These two strange guys are not simple. Although they are only in the realm of heaven and man, they are the second of the four most powerful killers under the masters of the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Society. They are called the four Blood kill.

The remaining two are "I'm lucky" Song Ixing, "I don't have my life" Song Iming, these four usually shoot in twos, and the reason they can be called the four **** killings is because of them. The two have joined forces, and both have had a record of beheading a martial arts master!

Killing the master of martial arts with the unity of heaven and man, even if they shot together, this record is amazing enough, so as long as Han Ku and Song Xiao are together, or Song Wexing and Song Weming shot together, Wei Neng feels that Equivalent to a martial arts master.

Nie Renlong also made a lot of money this time. With Juyi Village's family background, they couldn't invite Martial Dao masters, and even if they were invited, only those dragon heads were at the level of martial arts masters in the Azure Dragon Society. , Chu Xiu may have left Beiyan long ago.

So Nie Renlong retreated and asked for the next best thing, and invited Han Ku and Song Xiao. Fortunately, these two recently, for some unknown reason, were downgraded from the four blood kills at the headquarters of the Qinglong Association to become the helmsman, otherwise Nie Renlong would not have come here. What about two people?


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