Meet The Leader

Chapter 554: deceased

ps: Thanks for the reward to the leader of the book friend Concubine Silver Cod, congratulations on becoming the 16th leader of this book ^_^

Han Kui and Song Xiao were blocked at the entrance of the Taoist Temple. They didn't have the slightest killing intent, but it was because of this that they looked weird.

The two of them are among the four blood-killing existences of the Azure Dragon Society. God knows how many people died in their hands, but as a result, they were still able to control the killing intent in their bodies and prevent it from leaking out. The most terrifying.

Song Xiao took a step forward and said with a smile: "I am being entrusted by others to be loyal, although I was kicked from the headquarters to Beiyanlai due to some accidents, but this old business can't be lost, right? Young Master Lin, Please go on your way."

Even when he was talking about killing people, Song Xiao's tone was full of joy, as if he was happy about it.

Song Xiao used a sword, Han Ku used a sword.

Song Xiao's knife was a long-handled scimitar with a huge curvature, like a crescent moon, but it was flickering with a scorching sun breath.

Han Kui's sword was a broken iron sword that seemed to be rusted, but as Han Kui's infuriating energy poured into it, a palpitating chill broke out on the long sword.

Only at this time did Chu Xiu see what kind of rust was on the long sword, it was clearly dried up blood rust!

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes. Among these two heroes who were not on the Dragon Tiger List, they were the most powerful beings in the realm of the unity of heaven and man. Together, they could kill a weaker martial arts master like Qiao Liandong with a high success rate. Yes, definitely a rival.

So now Chu Xiu is even ready to reveal his identity and use all his cards, but at this moment, a female voice suddenly came: "Slow down!"

As the voice fell, a slim and graceful woman wearing a black tight-fitting samurai uniform ran into the Taoist temple with a machete like an eyebrow embroidered.

She also wears a mask on her face, but it is not the black iron mask of the Qinglong Society, but a purple goddess mask. Although her expression is exaggerated, it gives people a feeling of sadness.

Seeing the woman, Song Xiao hurriedly said, "Miss, why did you come in? Didn't I tell you, just leave this matter to our brothers to deal with, this Lin Ye's strength is definitely qualified to rank in front of the Dragon Tiger Ranking. Ten, it's not that easy to mess with, if you accidentally get hurt in a fight later, it's not a joke."

Han Kui said directly: "Dangerous, get out!"

The woman shook her head and said, "Uncle Song, Uncle Han, please slow down, this son is my benefactor."

Chu Xiu looked at the woman, and the more she looked, the more familiar she felt.

At this time, the woman actually took off her mask, revealing a beautiful face, it turned out to be Mu Ziyi!

The first mission that Chu Xiu performed when he joined the Qinglong Club was about this Mu Ziyi, to avenge her, destroy the Yue family, and at the same time establish Chu Xiu's position in the helm of the Qinglong Club.

At that time, although Mu Ziyi was avenged, she wanted to commit suicide under the grief of her family being wiped out, but she was persuaded by Chu Xiu to come back.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu persuaded Mu Ziyi to do it smoothly. As for whether Mu Ziyi chose to commit suicide in the end, Chu Xiu never cared, but he never thought that he would see it again on this occasion. Mu Ziyi.

At this time, Mu Ziyi looked at Chu Xiu with a hint of complexity, and she didn't even understand that emotion, she just smiled at Chu Xiu and said, "I didn't expect that one day I would actually I can see you again, son."

Mu Ziyi recognized Chu Xiu, but she was very smart not to say Chu Xiu's name.

Han Kui and Song Xiao even looked at Mu Ziyi with amazed eyes. They hadn't seen Mu Ziyi smile for a long time. What was the relationship between Lin Ye and Miss?

Mu Ziyi turned to Han Kui and Song smiled and said, "Uncle Han, Uncle Song, this son is really my benefactor. Can you let me and son alone for a while? This mission is temporarily suspended."

Han Kui and Song Xiao looked at each other, nodded, turned around and exited the Taoist temple, and even went directly to the Taoist temple hundreds of feet away to guard.

The killer of the Blue Dragon Society must complete the task after receiving it. This is a matter of principle.

It's just that this kind of thing also depends on who is placed on it, and if it is placed on the lady's body, the principle can also be put down.

Chu Xiu looked at Mu Ziyi, took off the face towel from his face and said, "How did you recognize me?"

From voice to breath to habits, etc., Chu Xiu has already made changes. Under the condition of covering his face, who can recognize himself 100%?

As a result, Mu Ziyi could recognize his true identity at a glance, which really made Chu Xiu feel a little strange.

The corner of Mu Ziyi's mouth pulled out a smile and said, "If I say it's a feeling, do you believe it, Young Master Chu?"

Chu Xiu paused and said, "Of course I believe that women's feelings are sometimes very accurate."

Mu Ziyi said in a low voice: "Actually, it's not just the feeling, a person disguised as another person, even if they change their body, there will still be some similarities.

I am very impressed with you, Young Master Chu, so I can recognize it. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "If I remember correctly, I actually only met once."

Mu Ziyi stared at Chu Xiu and said, "It's only once, but Young Master Chu, you are my benefactor, the benefactor who helped me avenge the annihilation of the family, and even brought me back from despair, so I will not forget it. about you."

Chu Xiu was slightly surprised, he smiled and said: "I'm not really a good person, and it's not that I haven't done things like repaying kindness.

But you still have to be kind. At the beginning, I destroyed the Yue family just because of the task, and you also took out something as a bounty, so it is not a kind of kindness.

As for what I said to you, if you listened to it and lived, that was your destiny. If you can't think about it and die, then I'm sorry, I don't have the heart to save a person whose heart is dead. "

Chu Xiu did things with a strong utilitarian nature most of the time. As he said, it is not that he did not do things like repaying kindness.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know what chance Mu Ziyi had gotten over the years, but now the two of the four blood-killers of the Qinglong Guild are respectful to her, shouting one after another, and even giving up because of Mu Ziyi's words. task, obviously her identity is very unusual.

But because of this, Chu Xiu didn't fool Mu Ziyi, exaggerating the events of the year and so on.

As he said, it's better to be kind sometimes, otherwise the organs will be exhausted, and in the end you may find out that you are the one who suffers.

Just like Nie Dongliu in the original plot, Lu Fengxian was already his friend, but Nie Dongliu turned a future strong friend into a stranger enemy.

Sure enough, after hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mu Ziyi's eyes suddenly showed a look of expression. Chu Xiu was still the same Chu Xiu, and even though he was in the midst of a crisis, Chu Xiu still did not change.

Although the current Mu Ziyi is different from the past, in her mind, Chu Xiu is still the tall figure who killed the Yue family in a lighthearted manner and helped her avenge the annihilation of the family.

If Chu Xiu now sees her relationship with the Qinglong Association, she will repay her favor and ask her to do something, although Mu Ziyi will agree for her past kindness, but she will inevitably be disappointed.

Chu Xiu asked: "I'm curious, what have you been doing all these years, you actually joined the Azure Dragon Society, and it seems that your status is not low."

In fact, not only is Mu Ziyi's status not low, but her current strength is also not low. Chu Xiu can feel that Mu Ziyi now has the cultivation base of the Five Qi Dynasty.

Although compared to the current Chu Xiu, the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm is nothing, but according to Mu Ziyi's strength at the beginning and her age now, this is not easy.

Mu Ziyi said softly: "The Yue family was destroyed by you, Young Master Chu, and I will get my revenge, so I still go through the rivers and lakes one by one. If a woman wants to stand on the rivers and, then I will do more than a man. fiercer.

Later, I accidentally met the people of the Qinglong Association. Because of you, Young Master Chu, I had no ill feelings towards the Qinglong Association, so I decided to join the Qinglong Association.

But at that time, Mr. Chu, you had already fallen out with Qinglonghui, and Tiansin Fenrui also changed to a new helmsman, so he started to clean up the old man of Tiansin Fenrui before. I was a newcomer and performed well, so He won the appreciation of the new helmsman, and was rewarded to go to the headquarters of the Qinglong Association for a period of training, and during the period, he would also receive the guidance of the masters of the headquarters.

When I was at the headquarters of the Qinglong Association, I got to know Duanmu Qianshan, the second dragon head of the Qinglong Association, and I worshipped him as the adoptive father, so I broke away from the sub-rudder, and Uncle Song and Uncle Han were brought out by the righteous father. , they are loyal to them, so they will obey me and call me Miss. "

Hearing Mu Ziyi's words, Chu Xiu was really surprised. He didn't expect that Mu Ziyi would become the righteous daughter of Duanmu Qianshan.

When it comes to the name of Duanmu Qianshan, most people in Jianghu are unfamiliar.

One is because Bu Tiannan, the big dragon head of the Qinglong Association, is too high-profile, and it doesn't look like a killer at all, while Duanmu Qianshan is very low-key, even so low-key that he rarely shows up in front of outsiders, so he In the arena, there are not even a few famous dragon heads who are at the bottom of the Qinglong Association.

In fact, Duanmu Qianshan is very important to the Qinglong Association. It can even be said that the importance of Duanmu Qianshan to the Qinglong Association is even higher than that of Dalong’s first step in the south of the sky. , just relying on Bu Tiannan's madman-like behavior, I am afraid that even if the Qinglong is not destroyed by Bu Tiannan's hands, it will be torn apart in his hands.


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