Meet The Leader

Chapter 556: return

Rules are dead, people are alive.

There are no unbreakable rules in this world.

Even the almost strict rules of the Azure Dragon Society can be broken as long as no one is investigating.

Mu Ziyi was the righteous daughter of Duanmu Qianshan, while Han Kui and Song Xiao were trained by Duanmu Qianshan. At this time, Mu Ziyi wanted to help Chu Xiu let go. The two of them didn't have any objections.

Chu Xiu was not polite to Mu Ziyi either. He really urgently needed to return to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to repair the injury on his Primordial Spirit.

Therefore, under the arrangement of Mu Ziyi, Chu Xiu directly disguised as a member of the Qinglong Club, and was escorted by Han Kusong and Song Xiao along the way and left Beiyan safely.

As for the reply from the Qinglong Club to Juyi Village, it was even simpler. Lin Ye ran away without killing anyone.

If your Juyi Village does not revoke the reward, we will continue to chase and kill slowly. If your Juyi Village revokes the reward, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, in the whole of Beiyan, Han Kusong and Xiaoxiao have the highest status, and no one dares to make a small report on them.

At the junction of Beiyan and Guanzhong, Mu Ziyi looked at Chu Xiu and said softly, "Young Master, go all the way."

Mu Ziyi didn't know how she felt about Chu Xiu now, maybe it was gratitude, maybe it was something else?

Mu Ziyi only knew that before she didn't recognize Duanmu Qianshan as her adoptive father, she was fighting and fighting on the rivers and lakes. Whenever she could not stand it, she would always think of what Chu Xiu said to her.

You can't live just one life and death.

Chu Xiu took off the mask of the Azure Dragon Society and handed it to Mu Ziyi: "In the past, I saved you, now you save me, you don't have to keep the things in your heart all the time.

But Miss Mu, your adoptive father's situation in the Qinglong Association is not optimistic. If there is any problem, you can come to me. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and left, Mu Ziyi looked at Chu Xiu's back, but a strange color flashed in his eyes.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu rescued her, and now she has helped Chu Xiu. It seems that the old kindness has been paid off, but for Mu Ziyi, she still can't forget Chu Xiu.

In the past, Chu Xiu's rescue of her was a help in the snow, and gave her hope when she was most desperate.

And now that she is helping Chu Xiu, Dingtian can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

Han Kui and Song Xiao didn't know Chu Xiu's identity, but Mu Ziyi knew that even if Han Ku and Song Xiao joined forces, the two of them had little chance of defeating Chu Xiu.

Although the two of them had a record of beheading the martial arts master together, only they knew how dangerous the battle was, and Chu Xiuna was the one who killed the martial arts master alone.

So even without her help this time, it is not impossible for Chu Xiu to kill him by himself.

At this time, Song Xiao and Han Kui also stood behind Mu Ziyi and looked at her, with strange colors flashing in their eyes.

When Duanmu Qianshan accepted Mu Ziyi as his righteous daughter, the main thing he valued was her tenacity.

And Mu Ziyi's hard work in the Qinglong Association, and her decisiveness and ruthlessness in carrying out the mission made many men feel ashamed, so at this time, Mu Ziyi would show such a hesitant expression to a man. Come on, this really surprised Han Kui and Song Xiao.

Song Xiao said casually, "Miss, it doesn't matter if you like this Lin Ye, the identity of the other party is worthy of you.

He is a hero of the hidden demon lineage. Although he can't see the light most of the time, he still has strength and status. If you marry him, Lord Duanmu can also get the support of the hidden demon lineage. "

After a long silence, Mu Ziyi shook his head and said, "Uncle Song, don't make fun of me, you know that's not what I meant.

Besides, you don't know him well, so things like marriage have no attraction for him. "

Han Ku and Song Xiao only knew Lin Ye, but they didn't know that Chu Xiu and Lin Ye were the same person.

Ranked fourth on the Dragon Tiger list, Chu Xiu's identity on the bright side is already second only to Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan's existence, and even if there is no accident, Chu Xiu will definitely become a powerful figure in the world in the future.

For an existence of Chu Xiu's level, marriage is indeed unattractive.

After a pause, Mu Ziyi said, "Uncle Han, Uncle Song, let's go. It's enough for the Qinglong Association to perfunctory, mainly the foster father's side. We must pay attention to the news all the time."

Han Kui and Song Xiao both nodded solemnly. For the current Qinglong Association, their situation is indeed very difficult.

Chu Xiu, an outsider who only knows the general situation, can see that the atmosphere of the Azure Dragon Society is not right, let alone their own members of the Azure Dragon Society.

So how the next thing will develop, even they themselves can't figure it out, they can only take a step by step.

A few days later, Chu Xiu had left the land of Beiyan and returned to Guanzhong.

Juyizhuang did not send anyone to pursue it.

This is not because the anger in Nie Renlong's heart has been vented, but because the people in Juyi Village thought that they had already spent a lot of money to make Han Kui and Song Xiao take action. They saved some energy and now they are waiting for Chu Xiu's death.

However, Chu Xiu had already returned to the Guanzhong execution hall at this time, and the first thing to do was to contact Mei Qinglian secretly.

Before, Mei Qinglian took the initiative to come to him, but this time, Chu Xiu was replaced by Chu Xiu to find Mei Qinglian in person.

In her courtyard boudoir, when Mei Qinglian saw that Chu Xiu would appear, she was also surprised: "Why did you rush out of Juyi Village and surrounded by so many scattered cultivators so quickly?"

Chu Xiu sat down opposite Mei Qinglian unceremoniously, and said, "I naturally have my own way, but Lady Saintess, this time, you have been tricking me. It's not a good feeling to be chased and killed for thousands of miles."

Mei Qinglian spread her hands and said, "This can't be all my fault, who would have known that Nie Renlong, a hypocrite, would think highly of his own offspring. When Nie Dongliu was killed by you, he immediately went crazy.

I also found two people to pick you up before, one of them is your acquaintance, Sheng Tianyao, the enshrined 'Jiuli Sword' of the royal family of Beiyan.

He had a conflict with Juyi Village because of you last time. If he saves you this time, he can pretend to have a conflict with Juyi Village again, and then indirectly save you.

And secretly, I informed that kid Lu Jin and asked him to pick you up.

That kid has recently stepped into the Martial Dao True Pill Realm, and he is considered to be the real high-level of the Phaseless Demon Sect. At this time, it is expanding very much. He wanted to find someone to try his skills everywhere, so I simply asked him to go to Beiyan.

These two people are on and off, it shouldn't be a problem to take you out of Beiyan, but I didn't expect you to come back quietly. "

Lu Jin is Mr. Lu of the Demon Sect of No Phase. The last time Chu Xiu saw Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu had already stepped into the real dan realm with half of his feet. At this time, it is not surprising that Mr. Lu was promoted to the master of martial arts.

Chu Xiu didn't feel angry about Mei Qinglian's explanation.

You are capable and valuable, and I will protect you and protect you. Otherwise, no one will care about you even if you die.

Between Chu Xiu and the Hidden Demon, the transaction is much more meaningful than the inheritance.

How much fame and benefits he can bring to the hidden demon lineage, the hidden demon lineage will also give Chu Xiu a lot of things.

Including the Pang Hu incident this time, it is actually a transaction. If you do it, Chu Xiu will be rewarded. If you do it wrong, it will be your own waste.

This time, Chu Xiu actually succeeded, Qilian Village was saved, and Juyi Village was half-abandoned, but there were some accidents, which caused Chu Xiu to fall into it.

Therefore, Mei Qinglian was able to send two martial arts masters to rescue Chu Xiu, which was already the best of her kindness and righteousness. Chu Xiu never imagined that Mei Qinglian would come to save herself regardless of the danger of revealing her identity.

This was in line with what Chu Xiu had deduced at the beginning. Even if the Hidden Demons really would send someone to answer him, he would have to hold on for the blank time in between.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, and it is more reliable to kill yourself.

So for Mei Qinglian's explanation, Chu Xiu just nodded and didn't say much.

Mei Qinglian may also realize that this time it was indeed her own miscalculation.

It's okay to send Chuxiu there, but she didn't plan a way out in advance.

If Mei Qinglian had greeted Sheng Tianyao in advance, maybe there would not be so much trouble.

After all, this matter is Mei Qinglian's own and not the entire Hidden Demon lineage. Now that something goes wrong, Mei Qinglian also feels a little embarrassed.

Mei Qinglian coughed: "Okay, I do have some responsibility for this matter, but the things I originally wanted to give you are now out of my hands, and I should change something, but This thing is not in my hands, I can only do my best to help you fight for it, whether you can get that thing depends on the final development of the matter."

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, Chu Xiu became interested and asked, "What is it?"

Mei Qinglian tapped the table with her slender jade fingers and said, "It's a qualification, a qualification to enter Xiaofantian."

"Xiao Fantian? Is it an ancient ruin or a secret realm?" Chu Xiu asked.

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "I don't know whether that place is a relic or a secret realm, and some people even say that it is a world.

However, the existence of Xiaofantian is related to the ancient catastrophe. That place only appeared after the ancient catastrophe. It contains countless ruins and secret realms, as well as countless luck and opportunities.

By the way, I remember that you have a number of yin and yang great compassion Fus on you, you give me a bottom, how many great compassion do you have collected? "

Chu Xiu pondered for a while, but still said the truth: "Five doors."

A look of surprise appeared in Mei Qinglian's eyes: "I didn't expect you to gather the five Great Compassion Fus without a sound. It is estimated that in the history of Jianghu, you are also the one who has collected the largest number of Great Compassion Fus. .

But do you know where is the source of the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth? It's in this little fan day!

If you can enter it, maybe you will be able to collect the full version of the Great Compassion Fu of Heaven and Earth Crossing Yin and Yang! "


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