Meet The Leader

Chapter 557: Xiaofantian

It was the first time that Chu Xiu had heard about this Xiaofantian. He had never heard these three words before.

However, looking at Mei Qinglian's attitude, it was obvious that this place was extraordinary.

Moreover, Mei Qinglian said that this place could allow Chu Xiu to gather the whole world to sign the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang, which really made Chu Xiu very moved.

No one knows how powerful it is, the powerful magic art of Heaven and Earth Crossing the Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu, because no one has ever assembled this art.

However, according to other people's speculations, the lower limit is 9 ranks. After collecting all of them, this practice method is likely to reach the level of the supreme practice method or the peerless divine art.

Seeing Chu Xiu's expression, Mei Qinglian smiled and said, "If it's just this, then I don't need to be so cautious.

The existence of Xiaofantian is not a secret to the top of the entire Jianghu, but the conditions for entering it are very harsh, but there are countless opportunities.

Since the ancient catastrophe, Xiaofantian has appeared, and countless people have entered it, but they have never fully explored it.

My Holy Sect Supreme Dugu went in, and when he came out, he created a world-shattering magic art.

Ning Xuanji, the 'immortal' of Chunyang Daomen, also went in, and realized the magic of heaven, and his cultivation base reached the sky.

This is far away. Nearby there is the guy who worships the moon and teaches Ye Shaonan. After entering Xiaofantian, he has finally completed the Heart Sutra that he has not made progress in for decades, and Chen Qingdi of the World Alliance is also there. Xiaofan honed his unparalleled boxing will to the peak within days.

In short, this is a very magical place. After entering it, the chance does not say that you can soar to the sky 100%, but it can provide you with a step to the sky. Can you take this opportunity to soar to the sky, then It depends on your own strength and fortune.

Xiaofantian is opened every 30 years, and the location of each opening is different. Except for the first three hours of opening, you can enter at will, and you need a specific key to enter at other times.

Therefore, if you want to enter Xiaofantian, in addition to relying on the illusory luck, you can only rely on the key.

These keys are all in the hands of the top factions and some strong people on the rivers and lakes, and the ones scattered on the rivers and lakes are very rare. "

Chu Xiu asked: "Is there a key in the hand of the Holy Lady?"

Mei Qinglian rolled her beautiful eyes and said, "If I have the key, do you think I can still get it to you?

With the power of my Yin Demon Sect in the past, the key is naturally there, and there is more than one handle, but my Yin Demon Sect has undergone great changes in the past, and I am the only one left, and the key has long been taken away.

When I said that I could win you the key to Xiaofantian, I meant the key owned by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Don't look at Guanzhong Punishment Hall's inconspicuous strength now, but the kindness and connections left by Chu Kuangge in the past are absolutely unimaginable. Now Guan Siyu holds three keys, all of which were left by Chu Kuangge in the past.

Under normal circumstances, this time Xiaofantian opened, and only three people entered the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Guan Siyu, Fang Sha, the second leader of the Criminal Investigation Department, and a big leader you haven't seen before, the 'Five Dharma Sword' An Liunian. ! "

Mentioning the name An Liunian, a murderous intent flashed in Mei Qinglian's eyes.

Mei Qinglian had said before that without the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department, she would have been able to control the Guanzhong execution hall long ago. Fang Sha and An Liunian were the biggest obstacles in front of Mei Qinglian.

Mei Qinglian said: "My current status cannot compete for Xiaofantian's key, nor can I enter it, but you can.

The days when Xiaofantian opens are not far away. During this time, if you go to recover from your injury, I will try my best to tell Guan Siyu and ask him to give you the key.

You have just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and it is unrealistic that you can be promoted to a martial arts master once you enter Xiaofantian.

But I can guarantee that if you can get some similar opportunities, at least you can lay a good foundation for you to step into the martial arts master. "

Chu Xiu nodded when he heard the words, if this Xiaofantian was really so miraculous, then his injury this time was worth it.

"If that's the case, then I'll go back to recuperate first, and wait for the good news from Lady Saintess."

With that said, Chu Xiu left directly.

His primary task now is to heal the injury on his Primordial Spirit, otherwise, even if he gets this opportunity to enter Xiaofantian, he will not be able to exert his strongest strength.

Only a few of his confidants knew that Chu Xiu went to Beiyan. Others in the Kansai region thought that Chu Xiu was still in seclusion.

When Chu Xiu returned to the land of Guanxi, he first went to find no one else, but Lu Fengxian.

Before, Lu Fengxian was also in retreat to practice the Jiuxiao Refining Demon Golden Body and the Demon God Wushuang Halberd, but he had already left the retreat and noticed that Chu Xiu was not there.

However, Lu Fengxian was not a talkative person. Even though he noticed that Chu Xiu was not there, he didn't say much.

At this time, seeing Chu Xiu's appearance, Lu Fengxian immediately saw Chu Xiu's abnormality.

"Brother Chu, are you injured?"

Chu Xiu nodded, followed by Lu Fengxian's Xuan Jiuyou and interjected: "Hey, Chu Xiu, you are unlucky enough this time, the foundation of your primordial spirit has been damaged, no matter where you put this kind of injury, it's not that easy. healed."

As one of the four generals under Lu Wenhou in the past, Xuan Jiuyou was good at the Yuan Mystery Technique, and he could see the details of Chu Xiu right away.

The four of them have recovered some of their cultivation since this time, and they even reached the Three Flowers Gathering Summit.

However, Xuan Jiuyou and others' attitude towards Chu Xiu was far inferior to that of Lu Fengxian.

In the eyes of the four of them, Lu Fengxian has obtained the inheritance of Lu Wenhou, that is, the reincarnation of Lord Wenhou, who is their lord, what is Chu Xiu? Even though he has a good relationship with Lu Fengxian and is a close friend, Xuan Jiuyou and the others still treat Chu Xiu with a proud look, and they are still a little dissatisfied with Lu Fengxian's handing over the Jiuxiao alchemy golden body to Chu Xiu.

Lu Fengxian frowned slightly. This seemed to be the most serious injury to Chu Xiu since he knew Chu Xiu, and it even hurt the foundation.

"Then what are you going to do, Brother Chu? It just so happens that the Fengshen doctor is in Kanxi right now. I'll take you to see the Fengshen doctor."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "That's what I mean too."

Lin Ye's mental strength was severely damaged, and Chu Xiu, who has been in seclusion all the time, was also severely damaged. This kind of thing is too coincidental, and it is easy to think of something.

Chu Xiu didn't believe in the wind and injustice, but he believed in Lu Fengxian. With Lu Fengxian's important relationship, there was no reason for the wind to stab this matter out.

Moreover, this is the land of Kansai, and it is Chu Xiu's territory. Even if the wind is uneven, even if he has other thoughts, he can't make waves.


In the medical hall of Jianzhou Mansion in Guanxi, strands of pale golden qi in Feng Buping's hands penetrated into Chu Xiu's body, checking Chu Xiu's injuries.

It has been a while since Feng Buping came to Kansai. Compared to when he was in the Valley of the Dead, he was actually more convenient in Kansai.

In this one-third of an acre in Guanzhong, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is still very deterrent.

Chu Xiu helped Feng Buping to open such a medical clinic in Jianzhou, and the Jianghu arresting head of the Central Punishment Hall maintained order here, which was much more convenient than when Feng Buping was in the Valley of the Dead.

So when Lu Fengxian brought Chu Xiu to the diagnosis and treatment, Feng Buping immediately pushed the warriors who were queuing outside and gave Chu Xiu the first priority.

Of course, there is a reason for Lu Fengxian, but most of the reason is because Feng Jiping itself is now on Chu Xiu's territory.

Feng Buping is just a peculiar temper, not an idiot. Of course he knows how good he is and who is protecting him now.

Aware of the damage to the foundation of Chu Xiu's Yuanshen, Feng Buping's complexion changed a little.

There was a lot of uproar about Lin Ye's affairs at Beiyan's side before, and everyone in the rivers and lakes knew that.

And Chu Xiu was sentenced to face the wall before, and everyone in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall knows this.

Feng Buping has never heard of the fact that facing the wall and thinking about it can cause overdraft of the primordial spirit or even damage to the foundation. There is obviously something wrong here.

However, Feng Buping didn't say much, just pretended not to notice.

He doesn't care who Chu Xiu is or what secrets he has, he only knows that Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian are good Now that he is still seeking a living on Chu Xiu's territory, that's enough.

Sometimes it’s better for people to be a little confused, don’t say what they shouldn’t say, and when they’ve seen what they shouldn’t, they should pretend they didn’t see it.

When Feng Buping stopped, Lu Fengxian hurriedly asked, "Feng Shenyi, how is Brother Chu's condition?"

Feng Buping took a deep breath and said, "Master Chu's situation is not very optimistic, and the foundation of his primordial spirit has been damaged.

Although I can heal this kind of injury, but with my current ability, it will leave hidden dangers, which will have a certain impact on the growth of the primordial spirit in the future. "

Lu Fengxian frowned. He knew that Chu Xiu was good at the Primordial Mystery Law, but now Chu Xiu's Primordial Spirit has been damaged by hidden dangers, which is equivalent to breaking Chu Xiu's future cultivation path in the Primordial Mystery Law.

However, Chu Xiu didn't care. The words of these gang practitioners are all virtues, and they never say anything to death.

So Chu Xiu just asked indifferently: "Is there any way to make up for this hidden danger?"

Feng Buping nodded and said, "Yes, but the conditions are a bit harsh.

The easiest thing is that, Master Chu, you can step into the realm of martial arts masters within two years. At that time, the injury has not yet been fixed. When you are promoted to martial arts masters, you can use the vitality of heaven and earth to refine your foundation without leaving hidden dangers.

The second is that Master Chu, you can find some secret techniques for repairing the primordial spirits, but these secret techniques are the most scarce, even more scarce than the offensive and defensive primordial secret techniques.

The third is that Master Chu, you can find a ninth-rank elixir, or it is specifically aimed at the primordial spirits, and it will also be effective after swallowing and refining. "

After hearing what Feng Buping said, Lu Fengxian's brows furrowed even more, because each of these three conditions was extremely harsh.


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