Meet The Leader

Chapter 558: Domineering Hall Master Guan

In Lu Fengxian's opinion, these three points raised by Feng Buping are somewhat unreliable.

It is difficult to find the secret method that can repair the Yuanshen, and even more difficult to find the spirit medicine of the ninth-rank level. As for stepping into the martial arts master within two years, it is estimated that no one in the whole world would dare to boast about this.

The master of martial arts is different from other realms, and it needs to be enlightened.

Once he had an epiphany, he merged with the world, condensed Zhendan, and entered the realm of a master.

But if you can't figure it out, it is very possible even if you are stuck in the realm of the unity of heaven and man for the rest of your life.

There are quite a few martial artists in the arena who have reached the peak of the unity of nature and man early, and are only half a step away from becoming a martial arts master, but in the end, they have never been able to take that half step for a lifetime.

Although Lu Fengxian had confidence in Chu Xiu and believed that Chu Xiu would definitely become a martial arts master in the future, but two years was too fast.

However, Chu Xiu seemed to be indifferent at this time. He waved his hand directly and said, "Fengshen doctor, just treat as you said. Hidden dangers or something will be discussed later."

Let’s not talk about whether I can step into the martial arts master within two years. I may encounter some opportunities when I enter Xiaofantian this time.

Feng Buping nodded, took out the array plate, golden needles and other items to start repairing Chu Xiu's primordial spirit.

The biggest difference between the gods of the rivers and lakes and the ordinary doctors is that they can use more means, and they can even use all kinds of tricks you can't think of to heal your injuries.

Feng Buping's reputation was not blown out. If Chu Xiu's injury healed on his own, it is estimated that he would not be able to recover to the peak in a year and a half.

However, in Feng Buping, it took Chu Xiu less than ten days to restore his mental power to the peak state, but the hidden dangers are still there. If the current Chu Xiu does not eliminate the hidden dangers, then His spiritual attainments can only stay on this level forever.

After more than 20 days like this, Chu Xiu was still in seclusion, while Yuchi personally came to inform him to go to the main hall to discuss matters.

This time, even Yuchi was very strange, because his master didn't say why he was looking for Chu Xiu to discuss matters.

From Yuchi's point of view, Chu Xiu had been in seclusion during this period of time, and it seemed that nothing had happened. This time, it was possible that something about the Guanzhong torture hall failed, and he had to hide it from him.

Chu Xiu almost guessed that it should be Mei Qinglian who successfully persuaded Guan Siyu.

Otherwise, there are only three places to enter Xiaofantian in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so it would be fine if all the three martial arts masters go there. Why do you need to find him, Chu Xiu?

After stepping into the headquarters of the punishment hall, Xiao Yi and the other three prison officers were all there. Except for Yin Botong, Xiao Yi and Chu Simo took the initiative to say hello to Chu Xiu.

In fact, Xiao Yi and the others are a little puzzled now, and they don't know why Guan Siyu brought them here.

Several of them are high-level officials in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and they also know some things about Xiaofantian, but they have never imagined that they can enter it.

It is true that there are extra keys in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but they are reserved for the three martial arts masters.

For example, some great sects with deep heritage can give the keys to some younger warriors and let them enter them to find opportunities for themselves, but obviously they are not so generous in the punishment hall.

After a while, the three chiefs of the Criminal Investigation Department entered the lobby together. This time, the three chiefs, Si Ming, did not follow behind Guan Siyu, but came in with the other two chiefs.

This is the first time Chu Xiu has seen An Liunian, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Department.

An Liunian was a tall, thin middle-aged man with pale skin, a kind of morbid pallor, with sunken eye sockets with a hint of shadow.

His whole body was shrouded in black robes, only five long swords were on his back, but they were all wrapped in ordinary scabbards, so he couldn't tell the details.

An Liunian is very low-key, so low-key that not only few people outside the world have heard of his name, but even some people in the Guanzhong torture hall don't know him.

Even in the Criminal Investigation Department, the people in charge of most of the affairs are the second leader Fang Sha and the third leader Si Ming, but he is the big leader who often sees the dragon but does not see the end, and no one knows what he is doing.

Chu Xiu didn't know much about An Liunian before, but he also got the information about An Liunian from Mei Qinglian.

It's no wonder that Guan Siyu's current strength can't make the Criminal Investigation Department completely obey his orders. It is true that An Liunian's generation is too big. In theory, he is even older than Guan Siyu.

In the past, when Chu Kuangge was still there, An Liunian and Chu Kuangge were colleagues.

But at that time, Chu Kuangge's advantage was too obvious. As long as he wasn't blind, everyone knew who should be handed over to the position of Hall Master. So even if An Liunian wanted to fight, he couldn't fight, so he finally gave up on his own initiative. this position.

Later, Chu Kuangge died unexpectedly and prematurely. Logically speaking, this position should also be his turn.

But in the end, Chu Kuangge thought that An Liunian's personality was a bit extreme and gloomy, and it was easy to go to extremes in doing things. It would be okay for him to be in charge of the Criminal Investigation Department, but it would be inappropriate for him to be in charge of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so he gave this position to Guan Siyu.

In the early days of An Liunian, he was a little unconvinced and uncooperative with Guan Siyu. After all, Guan Siyu was completely a junior in front of him at that time, and it was later than him to step into the realm of martial arts masters. Why should he bow his head and become a minister?

However, when Guan Siyu showed his strength in the later stage, and also led the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to its current position, Guan Siyu's prestige in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is getting bigger and bigger, even if An Liunian is not convinced.

However, even though An Liu was about to end his life and wanted to continue to compete with Guan Siyu for the title of Hall Master, the Criminal Investigation Department was still his one-third of an acre of land.

As long as he is still alive in An Liunian, the Criminal Investigation Division must be in his hands. He can take care of everything, but Guan Siyu should not try to circumvent what he does to the Criminal Investigation Division.

Chu Xiu squinted at An Liunian, thinking to himself that Guan Siyu was more concerned about the overall situation, for fear of causing losses to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so he did not choose to fight An Liunian to the end.

But this is also Guan Siyu. In his Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu can't bear to have such a strong master who doesn't obey his orders.

If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first be safe inside. If you can't even clench your own fists, what are you going to use to fight with outsiders?

After almost all the people came, after a while, Guan Siyu also walked in with Mei Qinglian.

It stands to reason that this is a discussion within the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Although Mei Qinglian is Guan Siyu's wife, she is always an outsider. It is not appropriate for him to appear on this occasion.

However, Xiao Yi and the others didn't seem to see it, and didn't say much.

This is not the first time Guan Siyu has done this kind of thing, and they are all used to it. At this time, they can only offend Guan Siyu, and they will not be stupid enough to talk too much.

But at this time, An Liunian said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Guan Siyu, what do you bring a woman to discuss matters in the punishment hall? After being a hall master for several years, after being complimented by others, it swells up, even what is his own name? Forgot all?"

Everyone present suddenly froze, and the air seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

In recent years, Guan Siyu and An Liunian rarely meet each other, because as long as the two of them meet, it will inevitably happen.

Guan Siyu is forbearing enough, enough to consider the overall situation, but An Liunian is very resentful that Guan Siyu has become the hall master, so he has never called Guan Siyu the hall master over the years.

Pulling Mei Qinglian to sit down, Guan Siyu said coldly: "What about the proceedings in the punishment hall? The rules of the punishment hall do not stipulate that women are not allowed to participate. If the rules really do not allow it, then I will change the rules. Now, I am the Hall Master!"

Chu Xiu glanced at Guan Siyu in surprise. Hall Master Guan was rarely so domineering. Could it be because his woman was next to him this time, so he was so hard-hearted?

Of course, Guan Siyu is also qualified to be tough. Let’s not talk about anything else. At least the last time Guan Siyu fought with Xiahouzhen, the Nine Transformations of Supernatural Powers directly crushed Xiahouzhen. From this point, we can see that Guan Siyu’s cultivation is definitely not that simple. Although he has not yet reached the realm of real fire refining, he is definitely a leader in the realm of martial arts.

An Liunian snorted coldly: "What's the matter with you bringing everyone here?"

Guan Siyu said solemnly: "Of course, I want to discuss who can enter Xiaofantian."

An Liunian frowned and said, "What do we need to discuss about this kind of thing? There are three keys left by me in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. It just so happens that all three of us can enter."

Guan Siyu said: "I know there are only three, but I don't plan to let all three of us enter it, but need to leave one person to guard the Guanzhong execution hall.

Xiaofantian only opens it once in 30 years. The last time we opened the Guanzhong torture hall, there was only one key, which was entered by Lord Chu Kuangge when he was young. The Guanzhong torture hall was guarded by the old hall master.

Although we are not as good as the chaos in Guanzhong now, we still have to leave one person to guard it for the sake of safety. "

Upon hearing this, An Liunian and Fang Sha's expressions changed slightly.

Guan Siyu is the hall master, he must go, so there is one person between An Liunian and Fang Sha who can't go.

But Xiaofantian opens it once every 30 years, which can be said to be their only chance.

In the last 30 years, Fang Sha was still a younger generation of warriors and was not qualified to enter. An Liunian was not a martial arts master at that time, and he was not as good as Chu Kuangge, so he was also not qualified.

If he did not enter Xiaofantian this time, then in the next 30 years, An Liunian and Fang Sha would no longer be in their prime.

ps: I wish everyone a happy Tanabata~


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