Meet The Leader

Chapter 559: Guan Siyu, you have changed!

As Guan Siyu's words came out, the atmosphere in the entire council room became weird.

An Liunian said coldly, "Guan Siyu, then who are you going to leave behind, and who are you going to let go?"

Guan Siyu said solemnly: "Let Fang Sha stay behind, he is the second leader of the Criminal Investigation Division, and he has cooperated with everyone for so long, his position and strength are sufficient, and it is just right to stay in the punishment hall.

The people who went there plus a Chu Xiu, this time Xiaofantian opened, the major factions will definitely bring the younger generation of disciples to go.

Chu Xiu is now ranked fourth on the Dragon Tiger List. If 'Little Celestial Master' Zhang Chengzhen, 'King Ming' Zong Xuan, 'Jian Shou' Fang Qishao and others all went, but Chu Xiu didn't go, what would Jianghu people think? I'm locked in the prison? Does this mean that I don't take young disciples seriously in Guanzhong Xingtang? "

Hearing this, Fang Sha's face turned black.

Patronizing the disciples who value the younger generation, the old man in Guanzhong's punishment hall doesn't need to pay attention?

Fang Shadang snorted coldly, "Hall Master, I'm not convinced!"

He is not An Liunian, so he can call Guan Siyu by name. Fang Sha has only been a martial arts master for a few years, and his strength is naturally not as good as Guan Siyu's, so he doesn't dare to be so presumptuous.

Fang Sha said angrily: "Xiao Fantian opens every 30 years, because Chu Xiu is still young, so he still has time, but if I miss this time, after I am not in my prime, even if I get the chance, What's the use?

The True Pill Realm has three hundred years of lifespan, but how many people can truly live to three hundred years old? I only stepped into the true core realm when I was over sixty years old, and I am already quite young. How many years can I maintain the peak of my prime? How many 30 years can I wait in this life? "

Fang Sha's words were very aggrieved, but in fact what he said was the truth.

Theoretically speaking, the Martial Dao Grandmaster of the True Core Realm can indeed live for three hundred years, but that is only a theory. Can you guarantee that you will never fight anyone in your life and leave no secret wounds?

Therefore, there are very few martial arts masters who can live to three hundred years old.

While Fang Sha was not too old when he stepped into the True Core Realm, he was not too young either, so the peak of his prime was in the decades between now and when he was about 100 years old. After the age, his blood power will not grow any more, and even if he really got any chance treasure at that time, its effect on him is limited.

Chu Xiu laughed aside and said: "Boss Fang, it's not what I, Chu Xiu, want to fight for, but what you said is interesting, you can't wait, can I wait?

Right now, I represent the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and are competing with the younger generation of heroes such as Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan. If I don't go this time, I will be one step behind them, and I may be a big step behind them in the future!

It's not that I, Chu Xiu, are ugly, just because of my current status in the younger generation of Jianghu, if I go to other top forces in Jianghu, they would rather take away the opportunity for their own son and let me in. "

Fang Sha sneered and said, "The young man is very arrogant! If you have the ability, go there and hand over everything that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall gave you. I want to see if they will believe you! The bottom-line loyal servants of the three surnames, no matter how talented they are, no one will take them in!"

Fang Sha is also an old Jianghu, so naturally he will not be scolded by Chu Xiu's words.

Chu Xiu's talent is indeed rare in the rivers and lakes, and the Guanzhong Punishment Hall gained Chu Xiu's reputation.

But in the same way, if Chu Xiu leaves the punishment hall now, there are not many sects who dare to take in Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu first joined the Qinglong Guild, then betrayed the Qinglong Guild for no apparent reason, and then joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As a result, if Chu Xiu betrayed the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and joined other forces, wouldn't this be a family slave with three surnames.

Again and again, no more, there will probably be many people who will doubt Chu Xiu’s loyalty by then, and those forces will also be worried that if they take in and train Chu Xiu, will Chu Xiu betray them in the future, so wouldn’t they be bamboo baskets? Empty water?

Chu Xiu squinted at Fang Sha, and said coldly, "Who do you think is a slave with three surnames?"

Not long ago, because of Yin Botong's incident, Chu Xiu and Fang Sha had a fight against each other, and the opponent used the Heaven and Earth Destruction Forgetting Self Killing Fist. At that time, Chu Xiu was slightly inferior to Fang Sha in terms of strength.

However, he was chased and killed by Nie Renlong once. Although Chu Xiu's realm did not make much breakthrough in the desperate situation, he could feel that his strength had risen again.

Moreover, he faced the enemy martial arts masters several times in a row, and one of his opponents was Nie Renlong, who was on the list. When facing these martial arts masters who had condensed the true elixir again, Chu Xiu's mood also changed. These martial arts masters seem to have also It's not an unattainable existence.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger on both sides, Mei Qinglian suddenly said: "Originally, this is an internal matter of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and it is not easy for me as a female class to intervene, but from an outsider's point of view, I still have something to say. said."

But at this time, An Liunian said coldly: "Since it's not easy to intervene, then ask your gender to intervene! Since you know that you are an outsider, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Guan Siyu looked at An Liunian and said coldly, "Madam, everyone listen to you."

An Liunian looked at Guan Siyu and shouted: "Guan Siyu! Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing now? You let a woman express her opinion here on such a big thing?"

An Liunian was really angry at this time.

In fact, Fang Sha is not his person, but he is also not Guan Siyu's person. It's just that neither of them wants to completely surrender to Guan Siyu, so Fang Sha can't go now, and Guan Siyu didn't target himself, so An Liunian can keep his mouth shut.

But now An Liunian finds that Guan Siyu has really changed.

Over the years, An Liunian has never really surrendered to Guan Siyu, but he can be considered to be convinced of Guan Siyu.

When he just took over the punishment hall in Guanzhong, Guan Siyu was really unselfish. For the law of the punishment hall, he even abolished his own disciples. This also allowed many martial artists in Guanzhong punishment hall to see Guan Siyu's attitude. The atmosphere of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was instantly positive, and no one dared to violate the law again.

After all, Guan Siyu dared to do such a ruthless attack on his own disciples, what was wrong with them?

And later Guan Siyu joined forces to let the other three countries recognize the status of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and lead the Punishment Hall to develop to this unprecedented status. Although An Liunian did not surrender to Guan Siyu, he was really convinced, at least he was replaced by him. To be this hall master, An Liunian asked himself that he couldn't be as talented as Guan Siyu.

Therefore, An Liunian has been keeping a low profile over the years. Even the Criminal Investigation Division is only in charge of a general situation. Although he has not surrendered, he has not gone to make trouble for Guan Siyu, and even watched Guan Siyu put his confidant, Mingan, in the recent arrest. It doesn't matter if the Criminal Division is the three chiefs, which is also An Liunian's attitude.

After all, he is also a member of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he was also trained by Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so he is happy to see Guanzhong Punishment Hall grow stronger one day.

As a result, I don't know when it started, but Guan Siyu began to change. Not only was he not so keen to expand the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but he was eager to defend it and installed his own forces in all aspects. The iron-faced judge back then now has his own selfishness. .

As for when all this started, it only started after the woman of unknown origin appeared beside Guan Siyu!

Mei Qinglian's eyes were pitiful, and she put on a pitiful expression: "The slave family just can't bear to watch Guanzhong Punishment Hall fall into infighting because of this trivial matter, so I just want to say a few words of justice.

Since the big leader is unwilling, the slave family will not talk about it, and don't affect the harmony. "

I don't know why, seeing Mei Qinglian like this, An Liunian was not angry, and his heart was full of anger, he slapped the table directly, pointed at Mei Qinglian and roared: "You are still a demon girl. Dare to provoke here!? Do you have the qualifications to speak here?"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, now An Liunian's state is obviously wrong.

This An Liunian looks like the kind of introverted, calm and gloomy person.

As a result, in front of so many people, he couldn't control his emotions, which was obviously wrong. If it was said that there was no Mei Qinglian's hands and feet, Chu Xiu would not believe it.

But what is even more strange is that The three martial arts masters present did not notice how Mei Qinglian was doing, and neither did Chu Xiu.

Now that his mental power has recovered, he can use the Heavenly Seeing Qi Technique to see, but using the Heavenly Seeing Qi Technique on such occasions, Chu Xiu is not only pitting Mei Qinglian, but also pitting himself.

When Guan Siyu saw this scene over there, the momentum around him was condensed to the extreme, and he seemed to be transformed into a black hole vortex.

Everyone present was incomparably horrified. They had all seen Guan Siyu's shot. Even when Xiahou Town came to the door because of Chu Xiu's incident last time, Guan Siyu never showed such a terrifying aura!

An Liunian's face also showed a look of surprise.

He hadn't seen Guan Siyu take action for a long time, even if it was the last time Guan Siyu fought Xiahouzhen, An Liunian didn't watch it.

It was not until he felt Guan Siyu's breath again that An Liunian knew how powerful Guan Siyu was.

When it comes to breaking through the martial arts master realm, An Liunian is more than ten years earlier than Guan Siyu, but now Guan Siyu's strength may have already left him behind!

Most people in Jianghu think that Guan Siyu's strength is not worthy of his ranking in the Billboard.

Not only people in Jianghu think this way, but also people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, like An Liunian, who think that Guan Siyu can have such a ranking is entirely due to the lingering shadow of Chu Kuangge.

As a result, it was only now that An Liunian knew that Guan Siyu was not worthy of his ranking, at least Guan Siyu was not as weak as he thought!


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