Meet The Leader

Chapter 560: I, Chu Xiu, swell

The aura around Guan Siyu has condensed to a terrifying level, as if once his aura was released, the entire execution hall headquarters would be destroyed.

An Liunian stared at Guan Siyu, while struggling to resist Guan Siyu's breath, he gritted his teeth and said: "Divine power nine changes, swallow the sky!

The root of this style is still derived from the old devil that I killed in the past, and took the fragments of the devil tome from him, but now you are using him to deal with me! "

Guan Siyu's expression remained unchanged: "The fragments of the Devil's Tome of Swallowing the Heavens are still in the arsenal, and now there are only nine changes of supernatural powers that belong to me!

An Liunian, I can tolerate you whatever you do over the years, because you are an old man in my Guanzhong Punishment Hall, a comrade who fought **** battles with Lord Chu Kuangge in the past, and a hero who made great contributions to my Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

But there is one thing you should not forget, now, I am the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

I've said this once, now for the second time, and I don't want to say it again today! "

After finishing speaking, Guan Siyu withdrew his aura, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Guan Siyu said lightly: "Madam, if you have anything to say, just say it, no one will interrupt you now."

Mei Qinglian stood up and said: "Then the slave family said that there are only three keys, regardless of status and other things, only credit, Master Chu is also qualified to go.

Chief Fang, with all due respect, in the past few years, has Chief Fang made any great achievements with the Criminal Investigation Department? The answer is none at all.

All the small things are done by the three leaders, Siming. The big things are either Mr. An Liunian or the master. Among them, the most idle one is Mr. Fang killing you.

Looking back at Chu Xiu, since he joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he has repeatedly made great contributions to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, earning fame and interests, not to mention the past, but only now, Mr. Fang, your credit, I am afraid there is no Chu Xiu. high, right? "

Fang Sha wanted to refute, but everyone could see this kind of thing that was presented in front of everyone's eyes. The credit he made during this period was indeed not as good as Chu Xiu's.

But the problem is that Fang Sha is already the second leader of the Criminal Investigation Division. He is a master of martial arts, and he has already sat in the top position.

On the top is An Liunian, who is stronger than him, and on the bottom is Guan Siyu's confidant, Shi Ming, so if there is a problem, there are people who are too difficult and too simple, and of course he will not rush forward.

Mei Qinglian continued: "And let's not talk about the issue of credit, these three keys to Xiaofantian all have their origins.

One of them was handed down from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but the other two were found by the previous hall master, Lord Chu Kangge.

So if strictly speaking, how should these two keys be distributed, should I ask Chu Yuansheng, Lord Chu Kuangge's only son? "

As soon as these words came out, Fang Sha's face turned black. In this case, just give the key to Chu Xiu directly. Is there any need to discuss it?

Everyone knows that the reason why Chu Xiu was able to enter the Guanzhong execution hall was because of Chu Yuansheng.

Therefore, if the key is handed over to Chu Yuansheng for distribution, there must be Chu Xiu's handle.

And the most disgusting thing is that Fang Sha can't refute, because Chu Yuansheng's status in the Guanzhong punishment hall is very special.

Although he didn't have any real power, just because he was the only son of Chu Kuangge, Fang Sha would treat Chu Yuansheng politely, even An Liunian wouldn't show his face.

Seeing that Mei Qinglian had left Fang Sha with nothing to say, Guan Siyu said solemnly: "It's settled, this time to Xiaofantian, I, An Liunian and Chu Xiu will go.

Don't feel wronged if you kill Fang, you are not worried that you will not be in your prime when Xiaofantian opens next time, there is a drop of the juice left by Wanzai Kongqing in the arsenal, if you take it, it can strengthen you for ten to twenty years. life span between years.

In your early years, when you were cultivating the self-defeating fist, you were attacked once, which resulted in a dark wound in your inner organs. This drop of the juice of the eternal sky can also allow you to heal the dark wound. "

Hearing Guan Siyu say this, Fang Sha's eyes still showed a hint of unwillingness.

He really wanted that drop of Everlasting Kongqing's juice in the arsenal, but as long as Fang Sha accumulated a period of merit, he could exchange it for it.

But in Xiaofantian, there are countless opportunities for luck, if he can get something more precious than Wanzaikongqing juice?

Fang Sha stood up and said coldly, "Hall Master, I still don't accept it!

Over the years, I have made countless contributions to Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If there are other things, I can give him a junior, but the qualification to enter Xiaofantian, I can't let it go!

If one of my martial arts masters is not qualified to enter it, why is he Chu Xiu a junior? Or is it that we have fought hard for the Guanzhong torture hall for a lifetime, and can't match the credit of his junior during this period of time? "

Guan Siyu frowned. He didn't seem to expect Fang Sha to be so persistent. After he showed his attitude, the other party still had to go.

Just when Guan Siyu wanted to say something, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Boss Fang, you are a martial arts master, meaning that as long as you are a martial arts master, you are eligible to enter it?

Well, today we don't mention status, influence and credit, only strength, you and I fight, if I win, this opportunity is mine, do you dare to fight? "

The expressions of Xiao Yi and the others who were present were suddenly startled. How dare Chu Xiu dare to challenge the master of martial arts?

Although they knew that Chu Xiu had once killed a martial arts master, that person was only a loose cultivator, and his strength was limited.

Mei Qinglian also looked at Chu Xiu with a slightly surprised look, when did this guy expand so much?

In fact, Chu Xiu doesn't need to speak. Since Mei Qinglian has persuaded Guan Siyu to replace Fang Sha with Chu Xiu, in the end, no matter what, this key belongs to Chu Xiu. Now Chu Xiu takes the initiative to speak. If you lose, it will be self-defeating.

Chu Xiu squinted at Fang Sha, Mei Qinglian was right, he was really swollen, and he wanted to vent his anger at being chased and killed by Juyi Village.

After fighting with Nie Renlong, Chu Xiu also discovered that the so-called master of martial arts is not an unattainable existence.

When Chu Xiu was far away from the realm of martial arts master, because of his strength, he would naturally have a sense of awe.

This is not cowardice, but instinct, an instinctive awe of power.

An ant-like little person shouting that man will conquer the sky all day long and that he wants to go against the sky is just a joke.

When you have the strength close to the sky, you are qualified to go against the sky.

Now that Chu Xiu has killed a martial arts master, and even fought against a martial arts master like Nie Renlong, who is on the list, he really has the qualifications to inflate, and he also has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with the martial arts masters.

Didn't Fang Sha keep saying that he was a junior? Then Chu Xiu will also tell Fang Sha that the so-called seniors and juniors do not look at their seniority and age, but their strength!

Fang Sha was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "This is what you said! Hall Master, you have all seen it, it was Chu Xiu who offered to fight with me, not me. Big bullying!"

Guan Siyu frowned and looked at Chu Xiu: "Are you really ready?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Of course, there are people who will always be unconvinced."

Guan Siyu waved his hand and said, "If this is the case, then you will have the last battle, but remember, don't get hurt."

Fang Sha smiled and said, "Don't worry, Hall Master, I will pay attention to what I do."

Chu Xiu also said lightly: "I will also be measured."

Fang Sha is a master of martial arts, and Chu Xiu also has the strength to kill masters of martial arts. The two people's fights are extremely destructive, so they moved directly to the innermost martial arts field in the main hall.

This place is usually used for cultivation by martial arts masters like Guan Siyu, and it is full of defensive formations.

Fang Sha stared at Chu Xiu, he didn't know where this kid got the courage to dare to challenge him.

You must know that in the previous conflict with Yin Botong, he helped Yin Botong to fight against Chu Xiu.

Although Chu Xiu blocked his punch, Fang Sha was a little surprised, but at that time, Chu Xiu was still far behind him in terms of strength.

Although Fang Sha admitted that in the same realm, he would be a lot worse than Chu Xiu, but now the two of them are in a big realm.

It's just been closed for a few months, is it possible that this Chu Xiu can still make a breakthrough? Anyway, Fang kill is unbelievable.

However, although Fang Sha's mentality is so thought, after standing still, Fang Sha is the first to shoot, punching out, the boundless killing intent has condensed into the essence, and the scarlet murderous intent has gathered behind Fang Sha. Demon God's phantom, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed and self-defeating fists will be killed with all their strength!

Fang Sha is a battle-hardened leader of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Although he had some contempt for Chu Xiu in his heart, he didn't show any mercy in his hands, and he made all his efforts.

Fang Shao has seen things like capsize in the gutter countless times, and he will never make such a mistake again!

Looking at Fang Sha's punch, Chu Xiu's mouth showed a smile, and it was also followed by a punch, instantly condensing the killing intent, stepping into the ecstasy killing realm, and it turned out to be the world's absolute annihilation. Kill the fist!

Everyone present raised their eyebrows at the same time. Is Chu Xiu provocative?

Everyone knows that Chu Xiu is proficient in the killing of the world, but the killing of the world is only one of Chu Xiu's many exercises, not his famous stunt.

And Fang Sha's Heaven and Earth Destruction Forgetting Self Killing Fist is his real famous martial arts.

Chu Xiu had so many exercises that he didn't use, but he had to use the Heaven and Earth Destruction Ecstasy Fist, which could easily be thought of as a provocation.

However, when Chu Xiu threw this punch, everyone realized that it seemed that Chu Xiu's punch was somewhat different from Fang Sha's punch.


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