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Chapter 563: Ancient Secret

In Chu Xiu's view, the so-called Xiaofantian's key was an irregular stone without any energy on it. It was strange because the stone was too hard.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu just tentatively pinched it, but when he found that it couldn't be pinched, he tried it again with his qi, but there was no response.

In the end, Chu Xiu even used Tianmowu to stab the stone twice, and it didn't leave any scratches, which was very scary.

After thinking about it with the stone in hand, Chu Xiu got up and went to find Lu Fengxian.

The matter of Xiaofantian is a secret to other loose cultivators, but it is not a big secret to some major factions who are qualified to enter Xiaofantian. Naturally, Chu Xiu will not hide it from Lu Fengxian.

After talking about Xiaofantian, Chu Xiu took out the stone and asked Shui Wutong, "Have you heard of Xiaofantian in ancient times? Have you ever seen this thing?"

The four of them all survived from the ancient times, and they should know much more than the current warriors.

Shui Wuxiang shook his head and said: "When I was banned, the ancient catastrophe had not yet begun, so what happened in the last period of time, I don't know.

But I can guarantee that there was absolutely no such thing as Xiaofantian in ancient times. "

When he said this, Shui Wuxiang was suddenly stunned. He picked up the stone in Chu Xiu's hand and looked at it carefully: "Is this thing invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and Gang Qi can't be destroyed?"

Chu Xiu nodded.

Shui Wuxiang murmured: "I said why is it so familiar, if I guessed correctly, this thing should be a fragment of the Fantian Boundary Monument, but how can the Fantian Boundary Monument be broken?"

"Fantian Boundary Monument? What is that?"

Shui Wuxiang said: "Fantian Boundary Monument is Fantian Boundary Monument, no one knows what it is, you mention the three words Xiaofantian, and the material of this stone, then I think of Fantian Boundary Monument.

In ancient times, there was a stone tablet on the top of Tiancang Mountain, the highest peak in the West Pole, with the three characters Shangfantian written on it.

However, I don't know who erected the stele, and there was no power fluctuation in it, and no one could even figure out what Shangfantian meant. Over time, this stele was called the Fantian Boundary Stele.

And in ancient times, countless people have tested this mortal heaven monument. Although there is no energy fluctuation in it, it is so strong that even divine weapons can't leave a scratch on it, and countless powerhouses take action on it. Tried it, still to no avail.

Now the stone in your hand is exactly the same color as the Fantian Boundary Monument, plus its characteristics, I am almost certain that this stone is part of the Fantian Boundary Monument.

However, things like the Heaven Boundary Monument can be broken. After I was sealed, what happened to this world? Is the so-called ancient catastrophe really so terrifying? "

Chu Xiu touched the stone in his hand. It seemed that the secret of this ancient period was beyond his imagination, and even Shui Wuxiang, who was banned from ancient times to the present, couldn't figure it out.

"By the way, where is Cangtian Mountain at the top of the Western Pole? Why haven't I heard of this place?" Chu Xiu asked suddenly.

Shui Wuxiang said: "After the ancient catastrophe, the landscape of the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes. At least the current world is different from the world in my memory, and I can't find a few similarities at all.

According to the location, the location of Tiancang Mountain should be where the two Kunlun Mountains are now. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and at this moment, Lu Fengxian, who had been silent for a while, suddenly took out a stone from the space secret box. It was exactly the same color as the stone in Chu Xiu's hand, but the shape was different.

"Is this thing the same as the key in your hand, Brother Chu?"

Chu Xiu was taken aback and said, "Brother Lu, where did you get this thing?"

Although Xiaofantian has been opened every 30 years, now its rules, entry methods, and various taboos have been figured out by outsiders, so this key is almost concentrated in the hands of some top forces in the rivers and lakes, and is divided by everyone. , very few are left out, but now Lu Fengxian has found one.

Lu Fengxian scratched his head and said, "When I was in Xichu, I was resting on the side of the road at night when I saw a group of people chasing and killing another person.

Originally, there is no right or wrong in this kind of vendetta, and the person being chased did not ask for help. Naturally, I was too lazy to take care of it.

But that group of pursuers wanted to kill me, so I simply killed them all.

But the person being chased was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Before he died, he handed this thing to me and died without saying anything.

I couldn't figure out what this thing was, so I kept it all the time. I didn't expect this thing to be a treasure. "

Hearing Lu Fengxian say this, Chu Xiu was also a little speechless.

Lu Fengxian's luck is really terrifying. People are sitting at home, and treasures come from the sky.

Luck is something that can't be seen or touched, but in Lu Fengxian's body it seems to be real, and it is really terrifying.

Shui Wu and others are very happy. In their opinion, it is definitely their luck that their lord has such luck.

In the old days, the reason why Lu Wenhou was defeated and killed, and the true spirit was banned, was actually due to bad luck.

All kinds of coincidences made him the enemy of the world. If Lu Wenhou did not die, then he would be truly invincible.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "Since Brother Lu, you also have the key, then it just so happens that we are all here waiting for news together. I'm afraid the day when Xiaofantian opens is not far away."

Xiaofantian opens every 30 years. Although there are some differences in the specific time, the difference is only a few days.

Therefore, every time during this time, the wind media of the major sects and Fengmanlou will pay great attention to the troubles on the rivers and lakes. Once an abnormality is found, they will immediately send people to investigate.

At this time, in an ordinary dense forest on Shangmang Mountain in Weijun, the whole mountain suddenly opened and twisted, and a large amount of spiritual energy burst out, making the dense forest on Shangmang Mountain appear even denser at this time.

The changes in Wei County quickly attracted the attention of many people, and the first to get the news was the Canglan Sword Sect, the largest local sect in Wei County.

At this time, Dou Guangchen, the eldest disciple of Canglan Sword Sect, was reporting this matter to Liu Gongyuan with a look of excitement.

Everyone knows that in the first three hours of Xiaofantian opening, anyone can enter, even an ordinary person can enter.

This is something that depends on luck.

In the history of the rivers and lakes, there are many loose cultivators who caught up with Xiaofantian and started not far away from him, and then they were accidentally involved in it, and finally got the legend.

This time Xiaofantian opened around Canglan Sword Sect, this is simply a great opportunity given to them by Canglan Sword Sect!

However, compared to Dou Guangchen, who had an excited look on his face, Liu Yuanyuan didn't have the slightest expression on his face. He still held a stone in his hand, which was also Xiaofantian's key.

With the current strength of Canglan Sword Sect, it is already very good for them to have a key.

Liu Yuanyuan has also entered Xiaofantian, but the world only knows that there are opportunities in it, but they don't know that there is no blessed land in the world. There are many opportunities in Xiaofantian, but the crisis is ten times more than the opportunity or even hundred times.

Liu Yuanyuan was already old, and it would not be of much use to enter Xiaofantian again, so he planned to leave this Xiaofantian key to Shen Bai.

As a result, Shen Bai has been abolished, and he is still living and dying in the secret place of the Canglan Sword Sect. Now he does not know whether he is alive or dead, but as a result, Xiaofantian just happened to appear in Weijun, which is really ironic.

Dou Guangchen, who was on the side, saw that Liu Yuanyuan did not speak, he quickly said: "Master, quickly order all the disciples of my Canglan Sword Sect to enter Xiaofantian, this is God's favor for my Canglan Sword Sect and give me Canglan Sword Sect. Lan Jianzong's chance!"

Liu Yuanyuan shook his head and said, "I can't all enter."

Dou Guangchen was stunned and said, "Why?"

Other sects have to rely on the key to enter it, but even a sect of the level of the Daguang Temple, there are not many keys.

Other forces can even fight for a key, just to seek the qualifications of a Xiaofantian. Now their Canglan Sword Sect can obviously enter the entire sect, why Liu Yuanyuan does not agree?

Looking at Dou Guangchen, Liu Yuanyuan sighed: "Don't be blinded by Everyone mentions Xiaofantian and only mentions the opportunity, but who has thought about it? Dangerous?

Those who can enter Xiaofantian are all masters and powerhouses of both the right and the devil, or the outstanding figures on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, even the martial arts masters are at risk of falling.

Some opportunities are not strong enough for you, let alone take them away, it is possible to die for them.

And in Xiaofan days, the real danger is not the traps inside, but the people!

Xiaofantian has been opened so many times, and there are countless Loose Cultivators who accidentally entered it, but how many can really come out with a chance? Countless!

If my Canglan Sword Sect devotes all the strength of the sect to enter it, believe it or not, I won't say whether I can get a good chance or not, and if I can survive, there will even be no one in a hundred! "

But Dou Guangchen was still unwilling to say: "But the opportunity is ahead. If you are afraid of danger, the disciple will be unwilling!"

Liu Yuanyuan sighed: "Forget it, then you can bring people into it, but you have to explain the dangers to other disciples, and if you are willing to enter it to fight with you, then enter Xiaofan Heaven, if you don't want to, just stay with me in the Canglan Sword Sect and leave a legacy of incense for the sect."

Dou Guangchen was stunned and said, "Master, aren't you going?"

Liu Yuanyuan shook his head and said, "I'm too old and can't move anymore. The fierce competition for Xiaofan in the day is absolutely beyond your imagination. Although I'm not afraid of death, I want to protect the last ray of hope for the Sword Sect of Canglan."

With that said, Liu Yuanyuan turned his gaze to the back mountain, where Shen Bai closed his life and death.

There is the last hope of his Canglan Sword Sect, but it is a hope with an uncertain future.


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