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Chapter 564: The strong gather

The Wei County of the Yan Kingdom has never been considered prosperous.

In the past, Wei County was the State of Wei, a vassal state of the Eastern Qi.

After Wei State was destroyed by Yan State, because the entire Wei County, whether ordinary people or martial arts sects, were hostile to Beiyan, and Beiyan could not slaughter the entire Wei County, so Wei County has always been like this. In the zone of no care, it developed on its own.

In normal times, the land of Weijun rarely sees warriors from Dongqi and Beiyan coming, but with the opening of Xiaofantian, all the major factions come to hear the wind and enter it with keys, and some warriors although They didn't enter, but they were all waiting outside.

The world mentioned that Xiaofantian only knew the chance, but he also did not forget the danger.

In case the martial artist who came out of it was seriously injured and dying, they would have to go to the rescue in time.

When Guan Siyu and Chu Xiu came here, Xiaofan had already gathered countless warriors in the world. There were people from the major factions who were in charge of responding, and there were some people who, although they were not qualified, wanted to watch the fun outside.

After arriving, An Liunian said coldly, "I'll go first."

After speaking, An Liunian stepped out directly, stepped into the twisted forest in front of him, and disappeared into it.

Everyone who enters Xiaofan will be randomly sent to a place, so there is no need to enter it together.

Xiaofantian will exist for ten days, and after ten days, Xiaofantian will disappear in the space, and everyone will be excluded.

And entering Xiaofantian will also have some restrictions, such as strength.

There is no lower limit for the warriors who enter Xiaofan days, but there is an upper limit.

As long as the powerhouse of the real fire refining **** realm enters it, it will inevitably be suppressed by the rules of Xiaofan within the day, and the power of heaven and earth will continue to crush it.

Therefore, once the powerhouse of the real fire refining **** realm enters it, it is almost impossible to move a step, and can only rely on its own strength to resist the surging power of heaven and earth, which is simply a waste of effort.

Therefore, after trying it a few times, the powerhouse of the real fire refining spirit did not try again, but left the opportunity to others.

But this is not bad. After all, the power of the real fire refining the gods is there. If there is a strong person in the real fire refining the gods, then the entire Xiaofantian can only become a top sect such as the Daguang Temple or the Moon Worship Cult. In the battlefield where the door is fighting, the rest of the sects that do not have the real fire to refine the gods even struggle to drink soup.

Before he came, Guan Siyu had already given Chu Xiu a booklet, which contained the descriptions of some of the geographical locations and some dangerous crises of Xiaofantian from the major factions over the years.

However, this thing is not very useful. The outside world is changing, and Xiaofan's world is also changing within the day. Even the terrain inside does not know why, but it is also changing all the time.

Thirty years have passed now, and no one knows what has become here.

At this time, when those outsiders saw Chu Xiu and Guan Siyu coming together, they immediately caused a commotion.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is very low-key outside, but Guan Siyu's reputation is actually not small. As the successor of Chu Kuangge, there are almost no people who don't know Guan Siyu.

And Chu Xiu is the fourth best character on the Dragon Tiger list, and he will definitely be one of the protagonists who enter Xiaofantian this time.

It's just that Chu Xiu has offended a lot of people in the arena, and his reputation is not very good, so his appearance only caused some commotion, but no one came to talk about romantic relationships.

Guan Siyu said solemnly to Chu Xiu, "Will you enter it with me later, or wait for your friend?"

Guan Siyu was talking about Lu Fengxian. Before he came, Lu Fengxian had already stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man with the power of Lu Wenhou's true spirit fragments, but he still had to consolidate his realm, so he didn't set out with Chu Xiu, but he could be in time within a day or two. come over.

It's just that Lu Fengxian is not from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Of course, Guan Siyu will not waste time waiting for Lu Fengxian.

Regarding the fact that Lu Fengxian had the key, Chu Xiu didn't hide Guan Siyu. With Guan Siyu as a person, he would not disdain to **** Lu Fengxian's key.

Moreover, since the last battle of the Dong family in Gaoling, all Jianghu people have heard that Emperor Chen Qing of the World Alliance has a lot of eyes on Lu Fengxian, the young Wen Hou, and he can be regarded as half of Lu Fengxian's backing. Those who want to touch Lu Fengxian must also Measure your weight.

Chu Xiu said, "I have to wait for Brother Lu for a while, so the Hall Master should go in first."

Guan Siyu nodded and said, "Okay, hurry up, Xiaofantian's opening is only ten days, don't waste it.

Remember, although you now have the strength to rival the martial arts masters, you are qualified to enter the martial arts masters of Xiaofantian, even if the opponent is a loose cultivator, there is no weaker.

When you encounter a martial arts master, hide if you can, don't be too inflated, and regard your opponent as a martial arts master. "

Xiaofan is no better than others in the day. Chu Xiu's rivals are only those of the younger generation, and the warriors under the realm of martial arts masters.

Guan Siyu was also afraid that Chu Xiu would provoke some martial arts masters because of his blood, which was like courting death.

Chu Xiu nodded, and after Guan Siyu entered Xiaofantian, Chu Xiu stood there alone and waited.

In fact, Chu Xiu was not only waiting for Lu Fengxian, but also Xie Xiaolou and others.

Chu Xiu's popularity in the rivers and lakes is not very good, but he is not to the extent that he is enemies on all sides.

After Xie Xiaolou and the others came, Chu Xiu could join hands with them, discuss several places, and find an opportunity to gather together after entering Xiaofantian.

This is also the experience summed up by the major sects over the years.

Because the rules of heaven and earth are different from the outside world, Xiaofan can't use things such as communication jade slips.

And because of its changing terrain, there is no iconic location. The major factions can only use stupid methods to directly set up several gathering locations in one direction, and then rush to those locations after random transmission. If no one gathers, go all the way, anyway, at the end, everyone will gather together.

Chu Xiu waited here for less than half a day, and people from various sects came here one after another.

On the Buddhist side, people from the Subhuti Temple had already entered it before Chu Xiu came. I heard that it was two old monks and a middle-aged monk, and there were no young people.

This is very normal for Subhuti Zen Institute. The practice of Dharma in Subhuti Zen Institute is very demanding on their own Buddhist practice. Young disciples are still reciting Buddhist scriptures in the Zen Institute. The disciples of Subhuti Zen Institute are qualified to roam the world. Most of them are not too young.

Because the Daguang Temple is far away in the extreme north, no one has come yet. Instead, all the people from the Taoist sect have come first.

Chunyang Daomen came from an old Taoist priest and four young Taoist priests.

The old Taoist brushed the sword in his left hand and the sword in his right hand. He was dressed in pure Yang Gang and was unstoppable. Although he was old, he was as dazzling as the rising sun.

On the other hand, although the four young people have the strength of the Five Qi Dynasty, they seem a little immature.

The pure Yang Daomen is the standard Daoist orthodoxy. The pure Yang Gangqi of Taoism is magnificent and powerful, and it kills evil and suppresses demons, and its power is famous in the world.

As long as there have been major events such as killing demons over the years, Chunyang Daomen's actions are indispensable, and they are not afraid of death, which is very admirable.

In addition, on weekdays, Chunyang Daomen is also a bit low-key, so it is not disgusting, except for the fact that the character is stubborn and reasonable, the reputation of Chunyang Daomen on the rivers and lakes is really good.

It's just that a few years ago, after the talented Junjie of the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen was nailed to the sixth by the current Dragon and Tiger list and Li Feilian, who was previously ranked fourth in the Dragon and Tiger list, the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen was somewhat stabbed to death. Broke down.

The practice of Chunyang Daomen is originally the most fundamental, and the cultivation is slow, so it is not easy to cultivate the younger generation of disciples. Now that one has died, it is very time-consuming to cultivate a disciple who can stand alone.

After the old Taoist came, the people in the surrounding martial arts greeted the old Taoist one after another, calling him Taoist Zhenyang.

The background of this old Taoist is not small, but he is Zhenyangzi, one of the six real people of the Tiangang Hall of the Pure Yang Daomen.

The Tiangang Hall of Chunyang Daomen is a large array of Tiangangs, which enshrines the tablets of the ancestors of Chunyang Daomen, as well as the secret book of Chunyang Daomen "Chunyang Daojing", which can be said to be the most important place in the entire Chunyang Daomen.

Usually, the Tiangang Temple is guarded by six martial arts masters, who are called the six real people who protect the temple, and Zhenyangzi is one of them.

After looking around for a week, Zhenyangzi said solemnly: "Everyone, have you seen the gang of perpetrators from the Demon Sect? Xiaofantian opens, and the gang of demon cubs may not be able to sit still anymore, old man. It is not the first time that I have entered this Xiaofantian, this time I did not come here to seize the opportunity, but to kill a few demonic murderers to loosen my muscles!"

Someone present immediately complimented: "As expected of Taoist Zhenyang, he really hates evil! It is estimated that the guys from the devil's way heard your reputation, and they were too scared to show up."

Chu Xiu squinted at the real Yangzi. When it comes to their attitude towards the demons, Daguang Temple and Chunyang Daomen are almost the most radical. They can't rub a trace of sand in their eyes, and they almost have to do it when they meet.

It's just that in Chu Xiu's view, the practice of Chunyang Daomen is a bit stupid.

Daguang Temple dares to do this because Daguang Temple has strength. Although Chunyang Daomen is not weak, it is inferior to Daguang Temple.

As a result, for so many years, Chunyang Daomen is still going its own way. There are many warriors who died in the fight with the magic way. Even the people in the magic way have some headaches when they see the warriors of the Chunyang Daomen. These guys are just like a tendon. Unless you can't beat it, or you will never die if you meet.

But at this moment, a voice came with a sneer: "Zhenyangzi, the toad is yawning, it's so loud! I'm here, you can kill it if you have the ability, you are the one of the six real people who protect the temple. Have you forgotten how Chang Qingzi died? I don't know what it is!"

A middle-aged man wearing a white cloud-patterned robe and a high white jade crown with a pale complexion stepped down from the top of the dense forest. His aura was extremely powerful, and the devilish energy even dyed the clouds above his head.


Immediately below, someone exclaimed, and it turned out to be Yun Zhongjun, one of the nine gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult!


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