Meet The Leader

Chapter 566: gather together

The most dangerous in Xiaofantian is not those crises in the secret realm, but people.

There are two ways of righteousness and demons, and it is inevitable that the forces of all parties will fight to death inside, but everyone is relatively restrained in the outside world, like Zhenyangzi, who is desperate to see people in the demonic way, and it is always in the minority. .

After Yun Zhongjun and Zhang Chengzhen tried each other for a few words, they directly brought their respective disciples into Xiaofantian.

After the two groups had left, everyone present sighed, Zhang Chengzhen, the little celestial master, lived up to his reputation!

Although Zhang Chengzhen didn't make a move just now, everyone saw Zhang Chengzhen's bearing.

This time, the leader of the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain should be Zhang Xiling, but as soon as Zhang Chengzhen appeared, everyone present almost forgot about Zhang Xiling, thinking that Zhang Chengzhen was the one who led the team from the Tianshi Mansion this time.

This is a radiant existence, as long as Zhang Chengzhen is there, it is enough to hide the brilliance of anyone.

Chu Xiu waited here for a long time, and a lot of sects came, and there were some masters from loose cultivators who also held a small number of keys in their hands.

However, most of these people are relatively safe, and after they came, they directly entered Xiaofan's day without any delay.

Chu Xiu also saw people from the True Martial Sect. As one of the three major gates, the True Martial Sect was extremely low-key. There were only three people here, only one Martial Dao master and two martial artists of the unity of heaven and man. This can be regarded as a comparison. Strange.

However, the Zhenwu Sect has always been low-key, but no one in the arena dares to ignore the Zhenwu realm. Even though the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion is now the leader of the Taoist sect, it must also respect the Zhenwu Sect.

Because Zhenwu taught an immortal Ning Xuanji, who broke the Kunlun Demon Sect that swept the whole world.

In the old days when the Kunlun Demon Sect was dominating the world, if Ning Xuanji had not been born, fought against Dugu and I, and finally both disappeared, then it is estimated that the world is still in a situation where the flames of demons are still overwhelming, and the righteous path is fading.

So no matter what the current strength of Zhenwu Sect is, at least with the aura of Dugu and I, the status of Zhenwu Sect is still there.

After the evening, Chu Xiu also saw people from the Phaseless Demon Sect coming, and the people who led the team were Mr. Lu and two warriors who were united by nature and man.

Mr. Lu also saw Chu Xiu, and the eyes of the two sides met, and they swept away like passers-by, and then Mr. Lu led people into Xiaofan Tiantian.

After the evening, Lu Fengxian finally arrived with Shui Wuxiang and the others.

"Brother Chu, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's okay, Xie Xiaolou and the others will not be able to arrive until tomorrow, but you missed a few good shows."

Lu Fengxian said in surprise: "Oh? What a good show?"

"Yun Zhongjun of the Moon Worship Cult and Zhen Yangzi of the Chunyang Daomen fought several tricks, and the nine great gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult really don't have mediocre people.

And Zhang Chengzhen, the little celestial master, also arrived. "

Lu Fengxian asked curiously, "What kind of person is Zhang Chengzhen, the little celestial master?"

People who have never met Zhang Chengzhen are always curious about Zhang Chengzhen. After all, the reputation of the other party in the arena is a little too loud. Lu Fengxian has heard Zhang Chengzhen's name countless times in the rivers and lakes.

Chu Xiu pondered: "It's hard to say, but it is suitable to describe it in four words, that is, it is worthy of the name."

True to the name, these four words are not too high-level praise language, but when I think of the rumors about Zhang Chengzhen on the rivers and lakes, these four words are very terrifying.

Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian sat cross-legged on the ground chatting, and in the early morning of the second day, Chen Qingdi finally came with Xie Xiaolou.

Seeing that Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian were waiting for him here, Xie Xiaolou was surprised and hurried over and said, "Brother Chu, Brother Lu, I'm sorry for being late, my master only has one key, in order for me to enter the school too. Fantian he went to buy another key."

It is not unusual for Emperor Chen Qing to have only one key in the world just after the rise of the World Alliance, but it is very rare that the key is still available for purchase.

Chu Xiu said with a strange expression: "Is this thing really someone will sell it to you?"

Xie Xiaolou said: "The guy didn't plan to sell it at first, but later my master insisted on buying it, and the other party could only sell it."

Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian glanced at Emperor Chen Qing's back, co-authored is a strong buy and a strong sell? But this kind of thing is also in line with Chen Qingdi's style.

Seeing the expressions of Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian, Xie Xiaolou hurriedly said, "My master is very disciplined, the one who holds the key is only a small family, and there was an ancestor of a martial arts master in the family, but he has passed away for several years.

They hold the key in their hands. Many people know that Xiaofantian is now open. If it wasn't for my master, it is estimated that his key would have been stolen long ago.

And that little family is very weak. Even if they enter Xiaofantian, they probably won't get anything good. The price that my master gave them is not low, so they didn't suffer. "

Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian looked a little weirder when they heard the words. Does Emperor Chen Qing behave? He only talks about his own rules.

Xie Xiaolou said hello to Chen Qingdi, and he himself waited here first, and Mo Tianlin would come over in a while.

However, after waiting for a few hours, the people from the Mo family did come, but only the head of the Mo family came, but there was no sign of Mo Tianlin.

The three looked at each other and said nothing.

Obviously, Mo Tianlin couldn't come, he didn't have the key.

The Mo family is also one of the nine great families, but now it seems that the background of the Mo family is worrying, and the entire Mo family has only one key.

But Mo Tianlin didn't come, but Luo Feihong came.

"I said, aren't you all waiting for me? Haha, this girl is very moved, but it's impossible to make a promise."

Luo Feihong was wearing a pure white samurai uniform, which outlines a concave and convex figure, but his heroic spirit is better than before, and he also has a cheerful smile on his face, which is more gloomy than when he was forced to marry by the Luo family. Much better, apparently she's out of the shadows.

Seeing Luo Feihong, Chu Xiu said in surprise: "How did you come?"

After Luo Feihong left the Luo family, he could only be regarded as a loose cultivator. Of course, even if Luo Feihong was in the Luo family now, the Luo family would not give Luo Feihong a chance to enter Xiaofantian.

"It's the key that Master Mo Yezi gave me."

Luo Feihong shrugged and said, "Master Mo Yezi is a great master of refining, and his collection is definitely deeper than you think.

Master Mo Yezi just let me go into Xiaofantian to see, if there are some rare ores and other things in it, it would be good to bring it to him. "

Chu Xiu nodded, Mo Yezi almost regarded Luo Feihong as his own daughter, Xiaofantian's key was really of little use to Master Mo Yezi, so it was normal for Luo Feihong.

Now that Mo Tianlin didn't come, Chu Xiu and the other four planned a location after chatting for a while, so they could gather there.

Just when Chu Xiu and others were about to enter Xiaofantian, a hateful voice came from behind Chu Xiu.

"Chu Xiu!"

Chu Xiu looked back, and saw a team of warriors in white clothes and holding long swords walking straight. Among them were Chu Xiu's old acquaintance Fang Qishao, and there were also swords that Chu Xiu had seen in the battle between the demons on Fuyu Mountain. The first seat of the King City-shaped Sword Hall, the 'invisible sword' Bai Qian.

As for the guy who was looking at Chu Xiu with hatred, it was Lin Kaiyun, a young man who was second only to Fang Qishao in Sword King City.

In the past in Guanzhong's execution hall, this Lin Kaiyun was defeated by Chu Xiu on the spot, causing his mood to be destroyed, and he has been in a state of slump since then.

To be honest, it was the first time that Chu Xiu had seen someone as fragile as Lin Kaiyun.

As a martial artist, ups and downs, wins and losses are all normal things. What Lin Kaiyun said plainly was that he couldn't afford to lose. Chu Xiu had long forgotten about such a role, but Chu Xiu didn't expect that he would still be able to. See each other again.

This Lin Kaiyun seems to have recovered from the previous blow, and even his strength has been improved to the Five Qi Dynasty, but there is still a lot of distance from Fang Qishao.

Glancing at Lin Kaiyun, who was facing him with hatred on his face, Chu Xiu greeted Fang Qishao, "Brother Fang, long time no see."

Fang Qishao shrugged and said, "It's been a long time, and congratulations to Brother Lu for stepping into the realm of harmony between man and nature."

Lin Kaiyun saw that Chu Xiu was chatting with Fang Qishao on his side, and Lin Kaiyun's face was already black with anger.

"Senior Brother Fang! This fellow is Chu Xiu! In the past, Chu Xiu had a grudge against my Sword King City! You don't draw a clear line with him, but now you are talking and laughing here, what do you mean?"

In the eyes of outsiders, or in the eyes of acquaintances such as Chu Xiu, Fang Qishao is very reliable except for his own strength. Fang Qishao's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly: "Draw a line? Lin Kaiyun, are you still awake or have slept too much, who gave you the qualification to talk to me like this?

It is you who has a grudge with Chu Xiu. If you want to seek revenge from death, I will not stop you. For the sake of the same family, I will remind you not to seek death.

Now you still want to provoke me to help you, do you take me for a real idiot?

Solve your own grievances by yourself, don't involve anything in the Sword King City, the reputation of the Sword King City will be corrupted by people like you! "

Fang Qishao, who had always seemed very unreasonable, suddenly became angry at this time, but the scene was unusually depressing.

Bai Qian frowned and said: "Okay, Lin Kaiyun, don't make trouble, this time I'm giving you a chance not to cause trouble, but to let you enter Xiaofantian to find opportunities."

Seeing Bai Qian speak, even if Lin Kaiyun is not satisfied with Chu Xiu, he can only bear it.

Fang Qishao waved to Chu Xiu and the others casually, and followed Bai Qian into Xiaofan Tiantian.

After walking a certain distance, Bai Qian said in a deep voice: "Seventh Young Master, then Chu Xiu is not someone who is easy to follow, and his people are not walking the right way. But he is your junior brother after all, and the future of my Sword King City."

Fang Qishao lazily put the long sword in his hand behind him and said, "What is the right way and what is the wrong way? Whoever walks fast and walks far is the right way.

There are not many people in this arena that can catch my eye. If they can't be friends, they can only be enemies.

As for that guy Lin Kaiyun, with all due respect, if the future of Sword King City relies on this kind of thing, then Sword King City will have no future. "


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