Meet The Leader

Chapter 567: kill!

Chu Xiu didn't pay attention to Lin Kaiyun's affairs. In the arena, there are many people like Lin Kaiyun who can't handle it clearly.

Sword King City dominates the Western Regions, and his work is inherently domineering. In the entire Sword King City, only Fang Qishao is an alternative.

Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian and the others did not continue to delay time, and they also followed into Xiaofan's day.

As soon as he stepped into Xiaofan's day, Chu Xiu immediately noticed a strong heaven and earth vitality.

Moreover, this heaven and earth vitality is not ordinary, it is just like the essence, it actively flocks into Chu Xiu's body, and even makes Chu Xiu's cultivation level rise faintly.

Chu Xiu also had to admit that this Xiaofan Tiantian was really a treasure, even if he didn't get anything, as long as he could get out alive, it would be considered a gain.

After looking around for a week, there was no one beside Chu Xiu. It seemed that everyone was really randomly teleported to other directions.

However, Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian and others had already discussed it before. No matter what location they were teleported to, it was just right to move towards the east. Anyway, there was always a chance to meet them along the way.

While walking, Chu Xiu carefully observed the scenery of Xiaofan Tiantian.

The whole Xiaofantian gave Chu Xiu only two words, that is: desolate.

There are huge trees towering into the clouds everywhere, but the ground seems to be the ruins of a giant city. You can still see some traces, some like cities, and some like sect ruins, but at this time, most of them have been fragmented. , some are even buried deep in the ground.

Along the way, all kinds of rare and exotic fruits on the road are almost easily seen under the urging of the rich heaven and earth vitality.

But at the current level of Chu Xiu, he only picked some rare elixir above rank six.

The elixir that was lower than Rank 6 was of little use for the current Chu Xiu, so after taking off these elixir, Chu Xiu also threw it directly into his mouth.

It's not that Chu Xiu doesn't want to use these elixir for alchemy, but that these elixir in Xiaofantian are quite special. Once they leave Xiaofantian, their aura dissipates very fast.

Perhaps this is also related to the abundance of spiritual energy within Xiaofan's day. As long as it is a spiritual medicine that leaves Xiaofantian, the spiritual energy will dissipate within ten days and completely wither.

Ten days was too late for the alchemist to refine the elixir into elixir, so everyone could only take the refining on the spot within Xiaofan days.

At this moment, there was a sound of fighting in front of him. Chu Xiu leaned over to take a look. There were still quite a few people in front of him.

Among them, several warriors of the unity of heaven and man gathered into a faction, guarding in front of a seemingly collapsed palace.

The rest of the warriors are somewhat uneven, with the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and the realm of five qi Chaoyuan, all of which are blocked outside.

One of them said angrily: "You Xiahou and Lu family are going too far. Everyone found this place together, but you two want to betray your trust and monopolize this place, so shameless?"

There were actually two people guarding the gate of the ruins, one was the Xiahou Clan in Nancang, and the other was a member of the Gaoping Lu Clan, a great family in Eastern Qi.

One of these two families is in the south of Dongqi, and the other is in the north of Dongqi. The spheres of influence between them are very different, and the two families are still relatives by marriage, so it is natural to unite together at this time.

The other warriors were alone, and none of them took the lead. Of course, they couldn't compete with the Xiahou clan and the Lu family.

One of the Xiahou Clan's warriors said indifferently: "If you want to face, my Xiahou Clan will not be able to reach the current strength.

Ladies and gentlemen, I advise you to save some energy. Xiaofantian is so big, why are you fighting for the same ruins with us? If you have that time, you might as well find another place to explore. "

At this moment, Chu Xiu also came out of the dense forest. When the others saw Chu Xiu, they immediately turned their eyes to Chu Xiu.

After all, Chu Xiu is the fourth young hero on the Dragon Tiger List. He is a powerful figure with a record of killing martial arts masters. When he saw Chu Xiu coming here, the Xiahou family and the Lu family immediately became vigilant and focused all their attention. Put it on Chu Xiu.

The warrior of Xiahou Clan even said coldly: "Chu Xiu, this is not a place you can covet, the two martial arts masters in your Guanzhong Xingtang are not there, you and I don't violate the river water, and now leave, everyone will be Nothing happened."

When it comes to the degree of fear, the dozen or so warriors present are not as good as Chu Xiu. Now the people of the Xiahou clan and the Lu family are afraid that Chu Xiu will bring those warriors together to deal with them.

It's just the unexpected person, Chu Xiu just nodded when he heard the words, with an "oh", he turned around and left.

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, both the Xiahou family and the Lu family were stunned. When did Chu Xiu speak so well?

You must know that Chu Xiu did not have any good words in the rumors on the rivers and lakes. It is recognized that this Chu Xiu is extremely arrogant and arrogant, and is extremely tough. Now this does not seem to be Chu Xiu's style.

However, the other warriors had to retreat when they saw Chu Xiu.

As the warriors of the Xiahou Clan said, before there is no clear treasure, it is better to find other places than to fight for a relic here.

After seeing everyone leave, the Xiahou family and the Lu family were also relieved.

The people of the Lu family wondered: "The rumored Chu Xiu in Jianghu is not an easy match, and the other party will retreat? Haven't your Xiahou family dealt with that Chu Xiu, is there any fraud?"

The martial artist from the Xiahou Clan waved his hand indifferently and said, "No matter how strong Chu Xiu is, he is not a true martial arts master. Right now, there are several masters of the unity of heaven and man here, and he is also very jealous.

Instead of fighting with us, it's better to save some energy to find other ruins. Don't worry, we can explore them with peace of mind. What we get afterward will be divided into 50% and 50%. With the relationship between our two families, we can talk about it at that time. "

At this moment, from the other side of the dense forest, a man dressed in black, surrounded by demonic flames, and wearing a black iron mask with an expressionless face walked out of the dense forest.

The moment they saw this person, the expressions of the Xiahou family and the Lu family suddenly changed, it was the Lin Ye from the hidden demon lineage!

They may have been a little unfamiliar with this name before, but as the matter of Juyi Village spread throughout the rivers and lakes, the name of the magic Dao Junjie Lin Ye, who was valued as the owner of the Juyi Village, also spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

The other party is also not easy to match, so the people of the Xiahou family still want to tell him what he said to Chu Xiu just now, so that the other party can retreat.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Ye had already started.

The boundless demonic energy enveloped them, and the blood of everyone began to boil, causing the few warriors who were in the unity of heaven and man to groan.

Xiahou Clan's warriors had their primordial spirits shining with golden light, but before they could do anything, Lin Ye waved his hands, and a powerful spiritual force burst out. The invisible primordial spirits condensed into the shape of a lyre. , In an instant, the magic sound pierced my ears, the soul-suppressing ghost song!

A wisp of invisible sound waves poured into the minds of the Xiahou Clan warriors, the first breath shattered their mental power directly, and the second breath time made their mental power backlash.

When it was time for the third breath, these warriors of the Xiahou clan showed expressions of enjoyment on their faces, but there was a large stream of fresh blood flowing out of the seven orifices, and they fell to the ground and died!

The warriors of the Lu family were just about to rush up, but when they saw the tragic state of the Xiahou family, they were instantly terrified and prepared to turn around and flee.

This Lin Ye is simply devilish, without a word, he will kill when he comes up!

This time, the Xiahou clan and the Lu clan also have martial arts masters to enter. They must report this matter, and even unite with the orthodox sect to strangle this devil!

But before they could escape completely, they watched Lin Ye's demonic energy swept up behind him, strands of blood seeping out from the bodies of those Xiahou Shangwu practitioners and blending into the demonic energy around Lin Ye.

In an instant, an evil Buddha with demonic energy and blood color intertwined appeared behind Lin Ye, holding a demonic sword, smashed down, **** energy surged into the sky, and the demonic might was monstrous!

Killing Demons!

Killing a person with one knife, no matter if it is any qi or a, under this knife, everything is dead. In less than ten breaths, there is no one alive in the entire field!

After restraining his qi, Chu Xiu calmly stepped into the ruins.

Only now did Chu Xiu realize that the identity of the devil is more useful.

Don't listen to so much nonsense, kill if you want, anyway, it's already a magic way, how can it be worse?

If you don't agree with one word, you can directly do it. In the face of absolute strength, it is undoubtedly the fastest to solve the problem with the knife and fist in your hand.

It's just that the people from the Xiahou family and the Lu family are unlucky.

The two of them are all young warriors of the unity of heaven and man, at least those who have the possibility to step into the realm of martial arts masters in the future.

If they were not killed by Chu Xiu, these people had experienced the tempering of the spiritual energy in Xiaofantian, and if they found some spiritual medicine resources in Xiaofantian, the probability that they could become martial arts masters in the future would almost reach 30%.

Don't look at this probability is not high, but in fact, in the rivers and lakes, the probability of a martial artist in the unity of heaven and man becoming a martial arts master is not even one-tenth, and a few tenths are almost the same.

It can be said that Chu Xiu almost killed two or three martial arts masters this time, and the Xiahou family and the Lu family suffered a big loss this time.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chu Xiu. After solving these people, Chu Xiu also stepped into the hall of the ruins.

Looking at the exterior of the ruins, it should have been a Taoist temple, and the area is not small.

Chu Xiu stepped into it, and he was greeted by a headless statue of Tianzun.

The entire hall collapsed in half, and it looked slightly dark. Coupled with the headless statue of Tianzun, the whole scene was a little weird.


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