Meet The Leader

Chapter 586: journal

In the dimly lit hall, there was only a headless statue of Tianzun, and the whole scene was a little weird, but Chu Xiu didn't care.

The most terrifying are always the living, not the evil spirits.

Chu Xiu searched back and forth in the main hall of the Taoist temple, and found nothing of value. Maybe there was before, but now it has been completely covered by dust.

No one knows the origin of Xiaofantian, but in the past thousand years, Xiaofantian began to appear frequently. Of course, it may have appeared before, but no one paid attention.

It was only in the past thousand years or so that Xiaofan's various laws in the day were understood by everyone, and he began to enter it in an organized manner.

The various relics in Xiaofantian are all handed down from ancient times, and the most precious of them are naturally some of the ancient exercises, just like Chu Xiu's Great Compassion Fu of Heaven and Earth.

It's just that the main hall of this Taoist temple was badly damaged, and there was nothing good in it.

Bypassing the main hall, Chu Xiu entered the back house of the Taoist temple, which was even more severely damaged. Chu Xiu dug up the collapsed courtyards and found nothing.

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Xiu secretly thought that he wouldn't be so unlucky, would he?

According to historical experience, Xiaofan Tiantian's relics are still relatively rich in collections, and there is almost no situation where people will return empty-handed.

At this moment, Chu Xiu pushed open the last room in the back house. There was no damage here. It seemed to be the residence of a disciple in this Taoist temple. There was a booklet on his desk, which was relatively well preserved.

Chu Xiu took a look at its material. Although it was just ordinary paper, it seemed to be soaked with the juice of some exotic flowers and plants, so it could remain immortal for thousands of years.

Picking up the booklet and flipping through it, it was not a martial arts secret book, but a diary.

The warriors on the rivers and lakes seldom have the habit of keeping a diary, because most warriors from sects and noble families live relatively boring lives, and there is nothing to record except for training all day long.

And the person who wrote this diary seemed to be a little talkative, and all trivial things were written in it, but Chu Xiu was quite interested in reading it.

Through this diary, Chu Xiu also learned that this Taoist temple was called Lingbao Temple, and the person who wrote the diary was a direct disciple of Lingbao Temple, and most of what was recorded in the diary were some interesting events in the Taoist temple.

"Today, the second senior brother went to peek at Widow Wang's bath in the east of the village and was found by the master. He was fined to copy the "Lingbao Sutra" a thousand times. , why don't you peek at the prettiest little girl in the village? Senior brother also said that adults look at their bodies, and children look at their faces, anyway, I just feel that little flower is the prettiest girl."

"Today, the master caught a white tiger, a spirit beast, and said that he wanted to skin it and give it to the head of Ling Xiaozong as a gift. The tiger meat made by Uncle Cui Wen in the kitchen at noon was really unpalatable, and the second senior brother secretly managed that Uncle Cui Wen was coming. Tiger whip, hum, I knew that the second senior brother will eat alone again, and the best food on the white tiger must be the tiger whip!"

"Haha! Today, the third senior brother taught me the Yimu Changchun Art. I learned it in the morning. I also used the seeds to induce a dog's tail flower in front of the little flower girl. The little flower girl is very happy. I want to kiss her, but the little flower girl I left angrily, and said I was bad. It shouldn't be, the second brother gave Widow Wang a flower, and started to Prince Widow, Widow Wang was happier, why is the little flower girl angry? Could it be that the dog's tail flower is not good-looking? Alas, women are so hard to understand."

"Senior brother stepped into the real dan realm today, and condensed thirty-six spiritual treasures. The master said that he has achieved a small amount of martial arts and has the qualifications to walk the rivers and lakes. I envy the senior brother, when will I be able to condense the true elixir? What? It will probably take a long time. After all, the elder brother in Guanli is the hardest worker. The elder brother is practicing while we are playing, and the second elder brother is still practising when the second elder brother is watching Widow Wang taking a bath."

Originally, Chu Xiu still read this diary very happily, but when he saw this article, Chu Xiu was shocked.

The senior brother in this diary should be a disciple of the younger generation, but he actually stepped into the real alchemy realm and became a master of martial arts. Even so, his master said that he had a small achievement in martial arts and was qualified to walk in the rivers and lakes. What is this Taoist view? In ancient times, he was famous and famous, or was the level of martial arts in ancient times really so terrifying, and the master of martial arts was considered a small success?

However, according to Chu Xiu's thinking, it should be the former, because Shui Wu and others have said that the weather in ancient times was strong, and the average level of warriors was indeed stronger than now, but it was not stronger than this outrageous degree. At the very least, at their peak, Shui Wutong should be somewhere between the real Dan realm and the real fire refining spirit realm.

The level of martial arts in the ancient times was somewhat different from that of today. At least in the ancient times, the real pill realm was just the real pill realm, but no one would call the warriors in the real pill realm a martial arts master.

Chu Xiu continued to read, but the next content made him even more interested.

"Senior brother stepped into the real alchemy realm and seemed to have stimulated several other senior brothers. The second brother stopped secretly looking for Widow Wang, and began to practice at night. The third brother stopped studying those messy martial arts formations, and concentrated on practicing. They are all working so hard, and I should work hard too!"

"Today, Master talked about the unity of heaven and man. He said that in order to recognize the world clearly, we must recognize ourselves first. The gathering of three flowers on the top is an illusion, and the clouds under our feet are not real. Cultivation is about cultivating yourself, if you can't see through yourself, how can you See the world clearly..."

This paragraph was written for a long time. Fortunately, the owner of this diary was a talker, so he wrote almost every word of what his master said on the diary, which made Chu Xiu almost fascinated.

Chu Xiu has always been born in the wild, and without the guidance of his master, the martial arts he pursues is only the way of fighting, but it is slightly weaker in the core origin of martial arts.

Chu Xiu, a fellow practitioner of the three schools of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons, can match his own xinxing foundation, only the magic art is in the lineage, and Chu Xiu does not need to be taught by others.

Some things in Buddhist martial arts, Chu Xiu also completed some things when he accepted the inheritance of Master Tan Yuan, only the martial arts of this sect, Chu Xiu studied less, but even less understood.

The only time that Chu Xiu had an understanding was when he passed by Shuiyunguan when he went to participate in the Divine Armament Conference, and listened to the Taoist Master Xuancheng of Shuiyunguan talk about the way of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm.

And the master of the owner of this diary is also the spectator of this Lingbao Temple. He is obviously a Taoist master, and his understanding of the Taoist line has reached the point of returning to the basics.

What was recorded in this diary was only his master's insights on some Taoist principles, not exercises, but for Chu Xiu, there was a feeling of empowerment, which made Chu Xiu's whole body begin to boil. A wisp of infuriating energy swayed and stirred, and Chu Xiu's whole body fell into a strange state.

An ethereal aura lingered around Chu Xiu's body. The Emperor's Wang Qi technique was used unconsciously, but instead of looking at others, he looked at himself.

The Three Flowers Gathering on the Top is an illusion, and the clouds under your feet are not real.

A big dream must eventually wake up, without roots and boundless roots.

The Dao is the most logical, ethereal and nothingness, and only oneself is the most real existence.

From the Three Flowers Gathering Top Realm to the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm, Chu Xiu re-examined the two realms that were most important to him.

The momentum on Chu Xiu's body also fell from the unity of heaven and man to the five qi Chaoyuan, then fell to the top of the three flowers, and finally began to climb again to the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but the momentum was more solid and profound than before. , and the hidden danger above his primordial spirit has been completely filled!

The genius doctor Feng Buping said that Chu Xiu either broke through the martial arts master, or relied on spiritual medicines and exercises. As a result, now Chu Xiu did not use these three methods to repair the hidden danger, which has to be said to be a kind of good fortune.

The temporary increase in strength that this diary brought to Chu Xiu is simply stronger than that of a single exercise.

The diary was almost finished by Chu Xiu, but the last few articles recorded in the diary made Chu Xiu feel horrified. What happened in the ancient catastrophe?

"Senior brother came back and brought the news of Sanqing Palace. Master's face was ugly, and the other senior brothers were also very flustered. What happened?"

"The earth dragon turned over and Qinggang Town was completely and the outer flint smashed into the village, but was defeated by Master's Lingbao Xiaguang, and everyone in the village came to thank Master, saying that Master is alive Immortal, but Master's face is still ugly."

"Master said, 'The robbery' has already begun. Lingbao Temple is sheltered by the incense of one party. When the catastrophe begins, it must shelter other people. Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother... They have all gone, and I want to go too. , but the master said that I was still young, and going there would only cause trouble."

"Dead! The second senior brother is dead, and before he died, he asked me to hand over the relic to Widow Wang."

"Senior third brother also died. Before he died, he said that he would give me the general outline of the five-element formation that he finally researched, but I don't want to learn the formation! Brother third, can you come back to life and teach me personally?"

"The fourth senior brother who loved to eat meat died, and the fifth senior brother who always liked to drink alcohol also died. Why are you all dead!?"

"Master... is dead, why!? Why!? Why!?"

"Senior brother came back and lost his arm. He said we had to leave, because Lingbaoguan sheltered one side, and because master died, so Sanqing Palace gave Lingbaoguan two places to leave, but why only two places? ? Why do we only have two places after so many people died? I don't want to go!"

"I still have to go. The senior brother asked me if I wanted to leave a secret box and leave a trace of incense for the Lingbao Temple. I refused. The incense of the Lingbao Temple is on the senior brother, on me, not on those exercises. ."

"I'm leaving...bye, little flower girl..."

Closing the diary, Chu Xiu let out a long breath.

There are too many details in this diary. What exactly is the ancient catastrophe? Where is Lingbaoguan going? These things are all a mystery, a mystery about the ancients.


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