Meet The Leader

Chapter 569: Dark Tower

Chu Xiu is very interested in the secrets of ancient times, and I believe many people are also interested.

But right now in Xiaofantian is not the time to study these, Chu Xiu is also a very realistic person.

No matter how interested he is in these things, it is not as important as getting the benefits right now.

So Chu Xiu directly put the diary into the space secret box and walked out of the Taoist temple.

Originally, Chu Xiu was going to leave directly. When he saw the bodies of the Xiahou family and the Lu family on the ground, Chu Xiu slapped his head and suddenly thought of something. He immediately went to search the bodies and took the Xiaofantian key on the body. hold in hand.

In fact, Chu Xiu rarely did things like search for bodies before. One was because most of the people who died in his hands were weaker than him, and there was nothing good about him.

And stronger than him, there are no good things from a loose cultivator background, and there are limited good things from a sect background.

For example, the disciples of some major sects, except for some frequently used things, most of the medicinal herb resources will be placed in the sect, and they will not carry swagger with them. In the mind, even if someone will carry it with them, they will only carry one volume of the exercises, not all of them.

In order to prevent the loss of the exercises, the major sects are all disciples who have reached a certain realm before they can receive the exercises of the corresponding realm. What they are afraid of is the loss of the exercises.

Even if a copy of the exercises is taken away, it will not be of great use. If someone can deduce all the complete exercises through a single volume, then this person must be a top figure in the arena, and the exercises in his hands are definitely It is 10,000 times stronger than the power technique that was taken away. Since this is the case, what is the point of him doing this?

So don't look at the people who Chu Xiu killed, but the treasures he took are really not many, and now this Xiaofantian's key is something incredible.

If you were killed in Xiaofantian, the key was naturally obtained by other people, so every time you entered Xiaofantian, the number of people in each sect was different.

The last time you had five keys, but four people were killed this time, but none of you were killed. Then the next time you enter Xiaofantian, you will only have one, which means the weakening of a power.

Therefore, strong sects have more and more keys, while weak sects have fewer and fewer keys.

Now Chu Xiu has found nine keys, which is quite rewarding. Of course, he also broke the rules.

Xiaofan Tiantian everyone's default rule is to compete for resources first, no one will take the initiative to kill people, and the main purpose is to seize the key.

It turned out that Chu Xiu was better. After he appeared as Lin Ye, he started to slaughter without saying a word. This was obviously against the rules. Of course, from the beginning, Chu Xiu decided to appear as Lin Ye, and he didn't plan to keep it. rule.

At this time, in the east, a hundred miles away from Chuxiu, a pitch-black magic tower with a height of 100 meters stood leaning on the ground.

Although this magic tower looks damaged, it is obvious that this 100-zhang-high magic tower is not an ordinary thing. At this time, dozens of warriors of the unity of heaven and man are competing for the first floor of the magic tower.

These dozens of warriors even divided into dozens of factions. The two of them are only a few of the same faction, and there is no possibility of joining forces. So when they saw such a magnificent relic in front of them, they couldn't help it. They began to fight fiercely.

One of these people was Lu Fengxian, but even though Lu Fengxian was not weak, he still failed to break out of the siege.

In fact, among these warriors who have entered Xiaofantian, there are not too many young warriors such as Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian. Most of them are not too young, but not too old. Martial Artist.

Although they couldn't compare with Chu Xiu and Lu Fengxian in terms of age and potential, they also had the potential to become martial arts masters in the future, and in terms of power accumulation, they were not much weaker than the younger generation of Junjie.

There are even a lot of warriors of the level of the unity of nature and human beings like Mr. Lu in the past.

So even if Lu Fengxian had already stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and still had the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon and the Demon God Wushuang Halberd, he would still be unable to defeat these people for a while and come out on top.

He still has another trump card, and that is the magic soldier 'Wu Shuang' that belonged to Lu Wenhou in the past.

It's just that Wushuang is a rank nine divine soldier, and has been injected with too much power by the former Lu Wenhou, which makes Lu Fengxian's use of Wushuang somewhat difficult and consumes too much.

Therefore, Wushuang was only used by Lu Fengxian as a trump card.

Among these warriors present, Lu Fengxian is one of the strongest, and he is also the one who has been targeted the most, and like other young heroes of the younger generation, he has also been targeted. There are other reasons why other schools want to suppress the opponent. For example, Yan Feiyan is.

Yan Feiyan has not yet reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, she is still in a state of dynamism, but relying on the swordsmanship of the Yuenu Palace and some trump cards in her hands, she is not afraid of ordinary warriors of the unity of heaven and man.

It's just a pity that Xiaofan has no ordinary martial artist in the unity of nature and man, who is qualified to enter here, either with potential or strength, so Yan Feiyan's fight is also very difficult.

In particular, there was a martial artist from the Hidden Sword Villa who aimed at Yan Feiyan very much.

Don't think that there are no disputes between the five major sword factions, in fact, the disputes between the five major sword factions are the biggest.

Killing people in public would be a shame, but this kind of suppression in group battles is not a problem.

Yan Feiyan gasped, looked at a middle-aged man in front of him and said coldly, "Cheng Yuandong, you are a senior in Jianghu after all, but you are targeting a weak woman here, don't you feel ashamed?"

Cheng Yuandong laughed loudly and said, "If I target others, I would definitely be embarrassed, but Miss Yan, you are not a weak woman.

The Lin Palace Master of your faction has always embarrassed me in Cangjian Villa, but the Villa Master has instructed me to take good care of the junior sisters in Yuenu Palace after entering Xiaofantian! "

Lin Fengya, the lord of the Yuenu Palace, was not so good-tempered. There was not much preferential treatment for women in the arena except for their reputation.

Lin Fengya has offended many people because of her personality. Those people may not know her in person because she is a woman, but now it is time for revenge.

The long sword in Cheng Yuandong's hand brought bursts of sword light, and one person and one sword even condensed into a small sword array, which was completely crushed by force, and the suppressed Yan Feiyan was miserable.

Just when Yan Feiyan was about to be unable to stand it, Fang Tianhua halberd, which was so powerful, attacked from the side, and with a loud bang, directly repelled Cheng Yuandong.

Shaking his numb arm, Cheng Yuandong looked at the visitor with a deep fearful look: "'Little Wenhou' Lu Fengxian!"

Although 'Little Wenhou' Lu Fengxian is not as famous as his close friend Chu Xiulai, how could it be a simple character who can rank in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger List?

Moreover, this son still has the inheritance of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou, which is not easy to match.

Cheng Yuandong looked at Yan Feiyan with a strange smile and said, "The Yuenu Palace has no male disciples, but at this critical moment it is still up to men.

Miss Yan's charm is really great. Formerly, Ying Bailu, the heir of Shang Shui Ying's family, is infatuated with you, and now there is little Wen Hou Lu Fengxian who is a hero to save the beauty, tsk tsk, can't afford it, can't afford it, fight again Going down, will even the monk Zong Xuan be moved by you? "

After finishing speaking, Cheng Yuandong turned around and left. Anyway, he didn't plan to kill Yan Feiyan. Now that Lu Fengxian was coming, he also retreated.

However, at this time, Yan Feiyan was flushed by Cheng Yuandong's anger, and what he said just now was simply a mockery of himself, and he would rely on showing off his looks to find a man as a backer.

Yan Feiyan's concentration was not bad, but at this time she was also buoyed by Cheng Yuandong's anger.

But after calming down, Yan Feiyan still saluted Lu Fengxian, "Thank you, Young Master Lu, for saving me again."

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "Miss Yan, you don't need to be polite, and you don't need to pay attention to what that person said just now.

There are many right and wrong for women to roam the rivers and lakes. If they only listen to their words, then there is no need to do anything.

No matter what others Just being yourself is enough. "

Yan Feiyan nodded, but still sighed.

Seeing that Yan Feiyan was not in a good mood, Lu Fengxian changed the subject and asked, "Miss Yan, how many people came from your Yuenu Palace this time, Xiaofantian? You didn't go to meet them?"

Yan Feiyan shook his head and said, "There is no need to meet, I am the only one here."

Hearing this, Lu Fengxian was shocked and said, "Just you? Even your master didn't come?"

According to Lu Fengxian's thoughts, although the strength of the Yuenu Palace generation is not good, it still has some background. How could there be only one key? It shouldn't be.

Yan Feiyan saw what Lu Fengxian meant, and explained: "The teacher's injury has not healed yet. Last time I asked Mr. Lu for your favor. Although I invited Feng Buping Fengshen doctor to diagnose and treat the teacher, it will take some time to recuperate. Just do it.

The competition in Xiaofan is fierce, and we junior warriors have already fought so fiercely that the battle between martial arts masters will definitely be worse.

Therefore, this time Xiaofantian's opportunity, Master simply gave up, and the other disciples of my Yuenu Palace are not able to take the stage. When entering Xiaofantian, I am afraid that they will only give keys to others, so there is no such thing. Come. "

Lu Fengxian nodded in understanding.

This is the first time he has entered Xiaofantian, but he has also seen the fierce competition here. Even Yan Feiyan's strength cannot be preserved, let alone other weaker warriors.

At this moment, a wave of demonic energy came from a distance, and Chu Xiu's figure appeared in the field, causing a commotion.

But when Lu Fengxian saw Chu Xiu appearing as Lin Ye, a strange look appeared in his eyes, obviously thinking of something.


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