Meet The Leader

Chapter 570: related to me

Chu Xiu did not take the initiative to tell Lu Fengxian that his other identity was Lin Ye, who belonged to the Hidden Demon, but Chu Xiu also never hid this.

Since the last time Chu Xiu was seriously injured, Lu Fengxian had already vaguely guessed Chu Xiu's identity.

After all, what happened last time was a bit big, and Chu Xiu just happened to 'retreat' to permanently damage his Primordial Spirit. There is no such a coincidence in the world.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Xiu appeared as Lin Ye, and Lu Fengxian was almost certain that he was Chu Xiu.

And those people present at this time saw Chu Xiu coming, but they all began to pause and withdraw their hands, and looked at Chu Xiu with fearful eyes.

Before, they were not afraid of Yan Feiyan, because Yan Feiyan was only a female class, and she was famous because of her status, not because of her strength.

As for Lu Fengxian, although they were a little wary, they were not too serious, because after all, Lu Fengxian had just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and his record on the Dragon Tiger Ranking was not that strong.

But the Lin Ye in front of him was different. This was the existence that forced Juyi Zhuang Nie Renlong to take out the position of the villa owner in exchange.

In Beiyan and his party, countless masters of Juyizhuang died in his hands, and countless masters of loose cultivators in Beiyan land also died in his hands.

In the end, everyone even heard that Nie Renlong was so angry that he even asked Qinglong to take action, but he failed to kill him.

This Lin Ye deserves to be a hero cultivated by the hidden demon lineage. His strength is terrifying enough, and it is enough for them to be afraid.

But just when they were about to say something, Chu Xiu spoke first.

"This is a magic tower."

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, what do you need to say? An idiot can see that this style of architecture is of course not from Taoism and Buddhism.

"If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only one who belongs to the magic way, so this magic tower has a fate with me, it should belong to me, and everyone should be gone."

Everyone present was stunned. No one expected that Lin Ye would say such a thing.

Cheng Yuandong from Cangjian Villa immediately sneered: "Lin Ye, are you an idiot yourself or are you treating us as idiots?

You have a destiny with this magic tower, and I also said that this whole Xiaofantian has a destiny with me!

If you think that you are the little celestial master Zhang Chengzhen, if you want me to retire in one sentence, you are not qualified enough just based on your record! "

It is generally accepted by the world that the little Tianshi Zhang Chengzhen already has the strength comparable to most martial arts masters. If Zhang Chengzhen is here, if he has to be domineering once, plus the prestige of the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain, it is really possible. Yan scared off dozens of people.

But obviously, whether Chu Xiu used his original identity or Lin Ye's heavy identity, it was far from achieving this effect.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Then you mean to rob me of something?"

The brows of everyone present were wrinkled. What does Lin Ye mean by this, cultivating magic arts has ruined his brain?

However, before everyone could react, Chu Xiu had already stepped out. The turbulent demonic flames around him were soaring to the sky, and a fist fell, and the boundless demonic flames were wrapped in pale golden qi and fell, making Chu Xiu look like a **** and a demon.

Standing in front of him, a Martial Artist of the Oneness of Heaven and Man suddenly felt a strong pressure like a mountain.

In the face of such a powerful force, the warrior who bears the brunt wanted to escape, but Chu Xiu's punch had already blocked all the positions around him that could be avoided, making it impossible for him to escape and avoid it!

That martial artist can be considered a decisive decision. Seeing that the escape position is blocked, he does not retreat but advances. The rich blood energy around his body erupts, merges into the Gang Qi, and bursts out his ultimate strength to resist Chu Xiu's punch.

But unfortunately, he still underestimated Chu Xiu's current strength.

A punch fell, and the powerful fluctuation caused the earth to tremble twice, and a cloud of blood mist burst out, and the warrior was directly killed by Chu Xiu on the spot!

Just now in the Lingbao Temple, Chu Xiu made up for the foundation of his own dao sect through the few words in the diary. This not only healed the hidden dangers of Chu Xiu's primordial spirit, but also improved his martial arts foundation and realm. one step.

Chu Xiu, a fellow practitioner of the Three Veins of Buddhism and Demons, is like the three sides that make up a bucket. Which side is the lowest and which side is the lower limit of the bucket.

And now Chu Xiu has filled his lower limit, so his strength has naturally skyrocketed a lot.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said indifferently: "I am a person in the magic way to do things more simply and neatly, since you want to steal my things, you can only kill you.

I gave you the opportunity just now to let you go by yourself. Now that you don't leave, that's fine, I'll send you on your way in person! "

If it was replaced by a group of rabble, Chu Xiu's first punch would be able to scare off many people.

However, these people are either the young heroes of various factions, or they are the elites of the major martial arts forces, and their quality is not comparable to those of the rabble.

Chu Xiu took the lead, but this move not only did not make everyone flinch, but made them angry at Chu Xiu's domineering behavior.

So even if someone roared: "The devil dares to be so arrogant, it is simply lawless!

Come on, everyone, first behead this demonic murderer, and then fight for the black magic tower together! "

Dozens of warriors of the unity of heaven and man came together, and there was not a mediocre generation. Even an ordinary martial arts master would feel a little tricky and timid, but Chu Xiu was not afraid.

It's not that Chu Xiu is swollen, but that the martial arts of his Demon Dao lineage are best at this kind of group battle scene!

Yan Feiyan, who was standing aside, also wanted to make a move.

Although she was suppressed by Cheng Yuandong before, she was still a disciple of the Yuenu Palace after all, and she also had a share in the Dao of Demon Elimination. Otherwise, after she went out, the warriors on the rivers and lakes might not necessarily say anything about her.

But before Yan Feiyan could make a move, Lu Fengxian stopped her in time.

"Miss Yan, if you believe me, then don't take action, otherwise I won't be able to save you."

Yan Feiyan pointed at the field and said in surprise: "Then Lin Ye is acting crazy, and he dares to attack dozens of people with one enemy, even a martial arts master will not feel good, he is almost certain to die.

Brother Lu, you are neither righteous nor demonic right now, but as long as you follow me and kill a few demonic murderers in Xiaofan days, when your reputation spreads, you will have more prestige in the arena. People like Chu Xiu have a bad reputation around them. "

Lu Fengxian pondered for a moment and said, "I, Lu Fengxian, don't follow the right path, nor do I take the wrong path, I only follow my own path, and I don't care what others say.

As for Lin Ye, I can only say that the other party is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than me. I'm not exaggerating. Miss Yan, you'd better think twice. "

Hearing Lu Fengxian say this, Yan Feiyan's expression changed slightly.

Although she didn't have many contacts with Lu Fengxian, she was someone who knew Lu Fengxian relatively well.

Lu Fengxian is a very proud person, and there are very few people in this world that can make him admit that he is inferior.

Moreover, Yan Feiyan knew about Lu Fengxian's strength, but now Lu Fengxian said that Lin Ye was ten times or even a hundred times stronger than him. How strong was Lin Ye's strength?

However, Yan Feiyan quickly saw how strong it was.

In the face of the warriors who rushed up, the mental power in Chu Xiu's mind had condensed into the essence, and turned into a lyre.

The melodious sound of the piano spread, but in the ears of the warriors present, they seemed to be pierced by the magic sound. There was blood flowing from the ear orifices.

Previously, Chu Xiu used the soul-suppressing Netherworld song to deal with the people of the Xiahou family because they were using their own mental power, so Chu Xiu was able to let the other party's mental power backlash, and let the other party collapse on his own without having to do it himself.

So now Chu Xiu's soul-suppressing ghost song can't kill so many people, but his method of killing is not only this one!

Just when everyone was shaken by the soul-suppressing Nether Qu, Chu Xiu formed a seal on his hands, and instantly boundless magic energy wrapped part of his spiritual power and condensed into a human form toward the front of a warrior who was in the realm of the unity of heaven and man. Rush to The martial artist of the unity of heaven and man wanted to burn his blood to fight for his life, but before he could make any move, the boundless spiritual power network had already taken him away. Shrouded, pulling his Primordial Spirit abruptly, causing the warrior to let out a mournful cry of pain.

Pull the silk soul net!

Being pulled by the Silk Soul Net like this, the black human figure directly infiltrated the opponent's body. In an instant, the martial artist of the unity of heaven and man was motionless, and his eyes were full of dull expressions.

This is the soul-snatching and soul-moving among the nine types of soul-snatching.

First pull out a part of the other party's primordial spirit with the soul net, and then use his own spiritual power to seize the soul and move the soul, making the other party a puppet completely.

Moreover, Chu Xiu also discovered that the characteristics of this move are somewhat similar to those of Heaven and Earth Destruction and Movement of Souls. I don't know if the Kunlun Demon Sect founder who created this Soul Destroyer Great Ninth style learned from Heaven and Earth Destruction and Movement of Souls. Dafa.

But this is not the time to think about this. Under the control of Chu Xiu, the warrior turned around and killed the person behind him. He was not dead, and he still kept his fighting instinct, and he was not afraid of death. Fighting for his life, in a short period of time, he had already exchanged two people at the cost of serious injury, completely disregarding his own injury, and did not let everyone take a step closer to Chu Xiu.

But he is only one person, obviously he can't take care of it. Just when he found that his pressure was getting bigger and bigger, Chu Xiu also felt that this body was running out of oil, so he directly controlled the martial artist to self-destruct!

There was a loud bang, and the blood mist scattered in the sky, and several warriors in the front had been seriously injured by the shock of vomiting blood!


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