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Chapter 572: Fengxian fights Zongxuan

Lu Fengxian suddenly jumped out to challenge Zong Xuan, which was indeed beyond the expectations of many people.

Lu Fengxian obtained the inheritance of the demon **** Lu Wenhou, ranking in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. He is indeed somewhat famous in the arena, but compared with Zong Xuan, the two are still one in the sky and the other in the ground.

The most important thing is that now Lu Fengxian took the challenge when Zong Xuan was preparing to deal with Lin Ye. The people present did not immediately doubt the relationship between Lu Fengxian and Lin Ye, but in their opinion, Lu Fengxian was somewhat indifferent.

Maybe it was because he suddenly went from a penniless loose cultivator to the top ten on the Dragon Tiger List, and also got a great opportunity and inheritance, which caused Lu Fengxian to swell a little, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west, so he immediately saw Zong Xuan. began to challenge.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the rivers and lakes, and it is Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan who encounter this kind of thing the most. There are even some penniless little people who follow their **** all day long and want to challenge these two people, imagining that they can defeat them. The strongest of the younger generation in the arena today, famous all over the world.

This Lu Fengxian looked at a very sober person, why is he still on top now?

Yan Feiyan looked at Lu Fengxian and frowned. She wanted to stop her, but Lu Fengxian had already spoken, and it was too late.

Although Yan Feiyan didn't spend a lot of time with Lu Fengxian, in her opinion, Lu Fengxian should not be the kind of person who is addicted to fame and fortune, nor is he a martial arts idiot who wants to recklessly challenge when he sees a master and a strong person.

He is now speaking out to challenge Zong Xuan, some of which are too indifferent and will have a very bad impact on his reputation in the arena.

At this time, Xu Xing, who was one step ahead, had already dealt with Chu Xiu.

Seeing Lu Fengxian stand up to challenge Zong Xuan, Chu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Lu Fengxian should have recognized his identity.

Chu Xiu remembered this feeling, but now is not the time to talk about this, Chu Xiu didn't even look at Lu Fengxian, pretended to be a stranger with him, and directly greeted Xu Xing.

The flames of Buddha's flames roared around Xuexing's body, and the hot power burst into countless rays of light. As Xuxing's punch fell, the flames of anger were soaring to the sky, illuminating the eternity!

Chu Xiu's figure is not retreating. He killed so many warriors before, and absorbed their blood energy with the magic blood method. At this time, facing Xu Xing, the magic energy and blood energy in Chu Xiu's whole body have been integrated into one, a punch. Booming out, it is also a monstrous flame of magic, and the murderous intention is ups and downs!

On one side is the evil black-red magic flame blood, and on the other side is the glorious Buddha flame that shines through the ages.

Two completely different forces collided. Although Chu Xiu's realm was much worse than Xu Xing's, his power was not bad at all.

The expressions of everyone present changed again.

Co-author that Chu Xiu hadn't made a full effort before, and if he had used such power just now, they wouldn't say they were completely wiped out, but they would definitely kill a few more people.

At this time, when Zong Xuan saw Lu Fengxian stand up to challenge, the brilliance in his eyes shone, and he paused, as if he was thinking.

After a while, Zong Xuan spit out a word: "Okay!"

As soon as the words fell, Zong Xuan had already punched Lu Fengxian, and in the boundless Buddha Light, Gang Qi suddenly exploded, and the fist was like the top of Mount Tai. Wherever he passed, everything was broken!

For Zong Xuan, two people besieging one Lin Ye, he has no interest at all.

If it weren't for Xu Xing but his elders, who ordered him to take action, Zong Xuan would never do it.

So now seeing Lu Fengxian's challenge, Zong Xuan agreed without hesitation.

Holding the Fang Tianhua halberd tightly in his hand, Lu Fengxian was neither sad nor happy, and even had a faint hint of excitement in his heart.

In fact, Lu Fengxian is not that kind of martial arts character who likes to challenge others everywhere and play against others. His fighting spirit and killing intent were far inferior to Chu Xiu's.

Although Lu Fengxian stood up this time mainly for Chu Xiu's relief, but being able to fight against the legendary 'King Ming' Zong Xuan also made Lu Fengxian a little excited.

At this time, facing Zong Xuan's unparalleled punch, Lu Fengxian's body was surrounded by black magic energy, but it was not as monstrous as Chu Xiu's, but extremely pure, just attached to his body and square. Above the sky painted halberd.

Fang Tianhua halberd slammed down, and his majestic momentum rose to the extreme for a while. On the crescent blade of the halberd, the edge made other warriors watching the battle feel dazzling.

The physical body collided with the Baobing-level Fang Tianhua halberd. In the collision of pure power, the Buddha light silenced the demonic energy around Lu Fengxian. The Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand flew upside down, and he retreated more than ten feet before barely stopping.

Looking at Zong Xuan, Lu Fengxian's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

What a powerful force!

Lu Fengxian is known for his strength. He has not specially practiced body training exercises before, but because Lu Fengxian is born with divine power, his own strength is not inferior to some martial artists who have practiced body exercises.

Later, Lu Fengxian practiced the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon, and his own strength increased several times. As a result, when facing Zong Xuan, he was still invincible.

However, this is excusable. Lu Fengxian has only just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and it has not been a long time to cultivate the golden body of Jiuxiao.

However, Zong Xuan has been tempering in this realm for several years, and he is the only existence in Daguang Temple who has successfully cultivated the alchemy body of the Baoyueguang King Liuli in recent years.

One punch sent Lu Fengxian flying, Zong Xuan's face did not show the slightest expression, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes that were covered by the Buddha's light.

This Lu Fengxian was weaker than he imagined, much weaker than Chu Xiu, who had fought with him to let him go all out.

Zong Xuan was very impatient with the existence that was not qualified to be his opponent.

After the punch fell, Zong Xuan no longer had the mind to entangle with Lu Fengxian. He squeezed the seal and smashed it down with a bang. King Ming suppressed the prison and punished the evil!

The seal of the King of Suppressing Prison!

Facing the mighty seal of the King of Suppressing Prisons, Lu Fengxian roared angrily, demonic energy poured into his body, a hint of scarlet color appeared in his eyes, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand danced. There are countless changes in the halberd method, which opens and closes, and the thirty-six halberds merge into one, like a god, like a devil, and smashed down!

During the collision, the ground beneath Lu Fengxian and Zongxuan’s feet shattered, and a powerful force came out. Zongxuan didn’t move, and Lu Fengxian didn’t move either, but his tiger’s mouth was already cracked, and there were bloodstains. But Lu Fengxian still did not take a step back.

Demon God Unparalleled Halberd!

This is the supreme halberd method used by Marquis Lu Wen to traverse the world in the past.

Jiuxiao refining the devil's golden body is only the foundation. If there is no strong physical body to make a base, then the cultivator is not even qualified to use the devil's unparalleled halberd.

Seeing that Lu Fengxian was able to block his seal of the King of Suppressing Prison Ming, Zong Xuan couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, what surprised him even more was that Lu Fengxian's tenacity was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Although Lu Fengxian resisted and did not retreat, in fact, Lu Fengxian was clearly at a disadvantage now.

But in the face of Zong Xuan, Lu Fengxian took the initiative after blocking the opponent's seal, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand danced with violent demonic energy. As soon as the halberd fell, Lu Fengxian could feel that his own power was burning frantically, but at this time his eyes were already infiltrated with black and red demonic energy, and he did not lose his mind, but his fighting spirit was unparalleled, like a **** like a demon.

Demon God Wushuang Halberd was used to the extreme by Lu Fengxian. Although the consumption of each blow was extremely huge, its power was equally powerful. It was not easy to be able to fight against Zong Xuan for more than ten moves without defeat. .

However, after more than ten moves, Lu Fengxian clearly showed a dejected attitude.

The consumption of Demon God Wushuang Halberd is really too high. The power of this Halberd Technique is extremely powerful. People with insufficient strength are not even qualified to use it. Lu Fengxian has it, but each of his Halberds is equivalent to using one halberd. He has just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and he can't support this kind of consumption for long.

The moment he saw Lu Fengxian's slump, Zong Xuan's figure suddenly improved. After he took Lu Fengxian's halberd, he actually held Lu Fengxian's Fang Tianhua halberd with both Boundless Buddha light filled his arms, and at this moment his arms even turned into the color of transparent glass, and he could even see the bones like diamond and white jade.


With a low voice from Zong Xuan, he actually crushed the Fang Tianhua halberd in Lu Fengxian's hand!

The Fang Tian Hua Ji in Lu Fengxian's hand was given to Lu Fengxian by Emperor Chen Qing. Although it was not a magic weapon, it was also a rank six. Its power was not weak, but it was not as good as Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance.

As a result, in front of Zong Xuan's physical body, the sixth-rank treasured soldiers could be crushed by him, one can imagine the horror of his physical strength.

The weapon was destroyed, and Lu Fengxian was blown away by the powerful force, and a strand of blood flowed out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help shaking their heads.

Before, they thought that this Lu Fengxian was too inflated, and even dared to challenge Zong Xuan, but now it seems that this Lu Fengxian really has two brushes, and he was able to fight Zong Xuan to this extent.

But it is a pity that Zong Xuan is still the Zong Xuan who ranks second in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. His strength has exceeded the limit that can be achieved by the unity of nature and man. Lu Fengxian will definitely lose. Zong Xuan's killing with a seal is already glorious enough.

Looking at Lu Fengxian who was vomiting blood, Zong Xuan did not continue to shoot, but just said with a blank face: "Admit defeat?"

Lu Fengxian was only challenging, not fighting to the death, so Zong Xuan didn't show any mercy during the battle, and he didn't kill anyone.

As long as Lu Fengxian admits defeat now, Zong Xuan will not continue to shoot.

But Lu Fengxian shook his head decisively.

Seeing this, Zongxuan didn't hesitate for a bit. He squeezed the seal of King Ming of Dawei Deming in his hand, and the law of King Ming was condensed behind him.


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