Meet The Leader

Chapter 573: Demon God Unparalleled

ps: Thanks to the leader for another leader's reward on the tricky night, great praise ^_^

Lu Fengxian did not admit defeat, so Zong Xuan could only beat the opponent to admit defeat.

This record of the Great Wisdom Deming King Seal was used by Zong Xuan when he was fighting against Chu Xiu in the past. Even Chu Xiu could only barely resist it. With Lu Fengxian's current strength, if he forcibly shook it, it could only result in a serious injury.

King Dawei Deming oppressed the heaven and the earth, and the powerful force caused a strong coercion to appear in the space. Before the printing method arrived, the ground around Lu Fengxian was already deep down several feet!

Just when everyone thought that Lu Fengxian would definitely lose this time, Lu Fengxian took out another Fangtianhua halberd from the space secret box.

The Fangtian painted halberd was about ten feet high, and the black magic energy wrapped around the black halberd body.

Unparalleled God Soldiers!

Lu Fengxian's hands were on Wushuang's, and his eyes became red in an instant, and the eyes of the glass dragon on Wushuang's body turned red and dazzling like Lu Fengxian's.

A halberd fell, a simple extreme blow, but it burst out with a palpitating power.

With a loud bang, the Great Weed Deming King, cast by the glazed Buddha light, began to shatter. The Buddha light was swallowed up and covered by the demonic energy, and finally shattered, and even Zong Xuan was smashed back by more than ten steps!

Everyone present was silent for a while, and their eyes looking at Lu Fengxian were full of horror.

Lu Fengxian actually smashed Zong Xuan back with a halberd!

This situation made everyone present doubt their own eyes.

Is the power of the Jiuzhuan Divine Weapon really that strong?

However, everyone present was not mediocre, and after a moment of stunned they could see that Lu Fengxian's condition was not very good.

Shenbing Wushuang is indeed very strong, but if using Shenbing Wushuang without any burden and consumption, then Lu Fengxian would have used it long ago, so why bother holding the treasure he used before?

Nine-turn magic weapon, especially the magic weapon Wushuang left by Lu Wenhou is really too expensive.

Just now, Lu Fengxian only took out a halberd, but his face was already turning pale.

Although Lu Fengxian's face was very pale before, but now it is a kind of morbidly pale.

Zong Xuan rubbed his arms, looked at Lu Fengxian, and said in a voice without the slightest emotion: "Why don't you admit defeat? You won't be able to last a few times with such a powerful attack."

Lu Fengxian held Wushuang and said solemnly, "I just want to see where my limits are!"

Zong Xuan said: "But after you see your limit, you may be injured. In Xiaofan's day, you know what injury means."

Lu Fengxian didn't speak, he just pointed at Zong Xuan with Wushuang in his hand.

Zong Xuan nodded and understood what Lu Fengxian meant, and his body was crushed again. The Buddha's light behind him shone, condensing the Buddha's dharma image of a hundred-zhang-sized King of Medicine Master. It was merciful, solemn, and extremely solemn. Glass-like, incomparably dazzling!

This kind of power is not to mention a martial artist in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, even a weaker martial arts master can't reach this level, one can imagine how powerful Zongxuan's strength is.

In the face of this kind of power, Lu Fengxian's body was full of demonic energy, holding a divine weapon, and the Demon God's Wushuang Halberd was unleashed by him. In an instant, the situation changed, and the boundless demonic energy was surging, setting off Lu Fengxian at this time, like a **** and a demon, violent and violent. Incomparable!

Right now, Shui Wutong is not here. If they see Lu Fengxian's current scene, they will be more loyal to him, and they will think that Lu Fengxian is the reincarnation of Lord Wenhou.

Not for anything else, just because the appearance of Lu Fengxian now is too similar to the former Lu Wenhou.

If the previous Lu Fengxian was only 80% similar to Lu Wenhou, but now Lu Fengxian, who used the magic weapon Wushuang, and then used the Demon God Wushuang halberd to fight and fight, is almost 90% similar to Lu Wenhou.

Jiuzhuan Divine Soldier is equipped with the Demon God Wushuang Halberd. Lu Fengxian, who looks like a demon, is fighting fiercely with the Medicine Master King Buddha Dharma after Zongxuan. The ground under the person's feet was almost smashed, and the Buddhist image of the Medicine Master was completely shattered, but Lu Fengxian's complexion was like a blank sheet of paper, and the hand that held Wushuang began to tremble, and it was already over-exhausted.

Zong Xuan's expression is still extremely indifferent, there is no change in half, and even his consumption is not too big.

This is where Zongxuan is truly terrifying, and he had already discovered it when Chu Xiu fought Zongxuan last time.

Zongxuan's terror does not lie in his powerful physical body, nor in his superb Ming Wang seal, but in Zongxuan's strength.

When you try your best, but in the end you find that the other party still has enough power, how desperate it is.

However, although Zong Xuan's expression was indifferent at this time, there was still some shock in his heart.

Lu Fengxian's strength is far inferior to himself.

But Lu Fengxian has a toughness in him, no matter how he can't bend or break, the stronger he gets.

Just like when Lu Fengxian was hunted down by Juyi Village in the past, although the people who came were stronger than each other, Lu Fengxian was still able to break out of the siege, even if he had been seriously injured to the point of extreme, as if he could not be beaten to death.

At this moment, a loud noise came, which directly interrupted the battle between Lu Fengxian and Zong Xuan. Everyone looked behind them subconsciously. Descended one level and leaned a little more.

When Lu Fengxian and Zong Xuan fought, there was no idle time between Chu Xiu and Xu Xing. They were fighting, and they even hit the inside of the Black Magic Tower.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu and Xu Xing fought several tricks. The martial arts master of Xu Xing's level is indeed not a match for the current Chu Xiu, even if Chu Xiu's strength has improved greatly after his epiphany.

However, he was a little unwilling to let Chu Xiu escape like this.

If Lu Fengxian hadn't stood up to stop Zong Xuan, Chu Xiu would definitely have used a secret method to escape. Zong Xuan and the first seat of the Great Bright Temple, even if Chu Xiu swelled again, it would not have swelled to this level.

But now Lu Fengxian has stood up and tried his best to block Zongxuan for him. If Chu Xiu didn't get some things and left, he would be too sorry for Lu Fengxian's shot.

Therefore, after resisting the two moves of the imaginary line, Chu Xiu's speed exploded to the extreme, and escaped into the black magic tower.

Before, everyone was fighting at the door of the Black Magic Tower, and no one entered it, so after Chu Xiu entered it first, he immediately looked around to see if there was anything good.

This Black Demon Tower should have been the headquarters of a Demonic Sect in the past. The first floor was the lobby. At first glance, it had been dilapidated to the extreme. There were signs of decay and collapse everywhere, and there was nothing of value.

And just after Chu Xiu looked around for a week, Xu Xing immediately chased after him.

Chu Xiu frowned, why is this old monk so fast?

As soon as he saw Chu Xiu, Xu Xing shouted angrily: "Demon Dao thief, if you can't escape, give me death!"

The voice fell, Xu Xing squeezed the fist mark, and the **** Buddha mark burst out from the golden Buddha flame, heading straight for Chu Xiu's suppression.

But at this time, Chu Xiu didn't want to be **** Xu Xing. His figure went straight to the second floor, and at the same time, the killing demon and Buddha burst out, blocking the fist mark, and suddenly a violent fluctuation of power burst out.

As the power exploded in the tower, the first floor, which was already rotten, slammed and shattered completely. This was also the scene that everyone had seen before.

Chu Xiu had already reached the second floor at this time, but Xuxing below was buried in the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiu's brows furrowed even deeper. The degree of decay of this Black Magic Tower seems to be beyond his imagination. Does this mean that most of the things in it are already decayed?

For most of the sects that can go on the stage, their sects must be guarded by a formation. Even if there is no formation, they will reinforce the formation in some key buildings, such as the lobby and the Tibetan scripture building. to avoid accidental damage.

With a tower of the size of the Black Devil Tower, it must be reinforced with a formation, and it is impossible to shatter a layer of it with just one move.

Obviously, at the time of the ancient catastrophe, the black magic tower had suffered heavy losses, and the internal formations were all dead, and now it is fragile.

And without the protection of the formation, will some of the medicine pills, exercises and other things in the Black Magic Tower also decay? This is also very possible.

At this moment, Xu Xing, who was buried below, roared angrily, and the rubble and tiles around him were shaken into powder by and killed Chu Xiu directly.

There was no delay on Chu Xiu's side. He went to the third floor without any good things on the second floor. He really couldn't escape, so he made a move with Xu Xing and continued to escape after resisting the opponent temporarily.

Therefore, everyone in the outside world can clearly see that the black magic tower is collapsing and shattering layer by layer, and the speed is so fast that it is like self-destruction. Inside is already half gone.

At this time, in the tower, Chu Xiu, who fled and searched upwards, did not gain much.

On the upper floors, there are residences, quiet rooms for practicing, and places such as the pharmacy and pharmacy, and even the library.

As a result, most of the things were indeed rotten. All the treasured elixir in the pharmacy turned into fly ash, and there were some elixir lying there. Chu Xiu didn't have time to open the lid to check it, so he just waved his sleeves, all of them. Pack in the space secret box and continue to escape.

The Book Collection Pavilion was even more disappointing to Chu Xiu. The building was already empty. It seemed that 90% of the contents were removed in a hurry. The only remaining books were also rotten. Wait until Chu Xiu entered the Book Collection Pavilion. After that, a strong wind blew, and the books scattered on the ground instantly turned into fly ash.

"Magic thief! Die!"

At this time, there was also a roar of Xu Xing from behind Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu snorted coldly, and the demonic qi and blood all over his body exploded, a punch slammed out, a powerful force collided, and another floor collapsed, and Chu Xiu's figure was also blown away.

However, Chu Xiu took advantage of this strength to take advantage of the situation to get to another level.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly sensed that at the moment when his demonic energy erupted, something on the upper level was also sensing his demonic energy, releasing a wave of fluctuations!


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