Meet The Leader

Chapter 574: greedy!

Perceiving the fluctuations of the magical energy on the Black Magic Tower, Chu Xiu did not stop at all, and rushed straight up.

Xu Xing also noticed the wave of demonic energy, and he couldn't help snorting coldly, chasing after Chu Xiu, and his expression was also a little embarrassed and angry.

Originally, he thought that it would be easy for him to deal with the juniors of this demonic way, but he did not expect that the juniors of this demonic way would be so strong. Although his background was not as good as that of a martial master like himself, his explosive power was already able to fight him head-on. .

Moreover, the other party is also good at secret techniques of speed, and his speed is not slow at all, which makes Xu Xing unable to catch the other party for a while.

At this time, Xu Xing also felt the fluctuations from the top of the Black Devil Tower. This junior Demon Dao wanted to get something in front of him, it was just wishful thinking!

Chu Xiu's body was filled with qi, and he directly shattered several floors, and finally came to the first floor that exudes magical energy fluctuations.

This floor is different from the floors below. In the floors below, each floor is either an alchemy workshop, a secret room, etc., or that floor is a row of houses, as the residence of warriors.

This floor looks like a residence, but this residence occupies the entire floor. Obviously, the owner of this floor is very unusual and should be a big man in the Black Magic Tower.

At the very end of this floor, seven knives hang on the wall.

These seven knives are placed in seven black leather scabbards that are connected together for easy carrying and access.

It was the leather scabbard that exuded demonic energy just now. At this time, the distance was even closer. Chu Xiu could even feel the cold demonic energy emanating from the leather saber scabbard, which was obviously not an ordinary quality.

In an instant, Chu Xiu came to a conclusion, the scabbard was not of ordinary quality, and the knife inside the scabbard was definitely not of ordinary quality!

Under the wall is a desk, and there are messy animal skin books on the desk.

Some warriors in ancient times used to use these animal skin books to write some exercises and other things. Some of these animal skins were made from the skins of spirit beasts or vicious beasts. After processing, they could be guaranteed not to rot for thousands of years.

Without any hesitation, Chu Xiu directly grabbed the seven knives and the animal skin book on the table.

But at this moment, a hot Buddha flame slammed down behind him, Xu Xing had already appeared behind him, and a powerful punch smashed directly into Chu Xiu's back.

This punch came too fast and too fierce, Chu Xiu didn't have time to grab the seven knives, and could only choose to temporarily turn around to resist Xu Xing.

Blood energy and demonic energy burst out, and Chu Xiu wanted to use the power of Xuxing to take the opportunity to grab the sword.

But Xu Xing is an old river and lake no matter what, how could he make the same mistake a second time?

At the moment when the power erupted, Xu Xing squeezed the seal with his hand, and there were several loud noises in his mouth, shaking, screaming, thundering, banging, and Chu Xiu's blood was boiling with a loud noise, and his figure couldn't help but sigh. stagnation.

The secret technique of Daguang Temple, the nine-transformation lion's roar!

This nine-transformation lion roar Chu Xiu has experienced, but it is only one of the tricks.

But now that Xu Xing made a move, Jiu Bian used four changes in an instant, and the shocked Chu Xiu was a little dazed.


The vain walk falls into the sky, the Buddha's flame rises, and the Bodhi tree evolves from the Buddha's flame. Countless powers of heaven and earth linger around the Bodhi tree and come to suppress Chu Xiu!

Buddha flames purify the world, Bodhi suppresses demons!

The powerful pressure suddenly hit, this is a memory of the martial arts master, even Chu Xiu noticed an extremely strong sense of crisis.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's whole body was burning with blood and blood, and the boundless blood and energy poured into the slaughtering demon Buddha, making the magic knife in the hands of the slaying demon Buddha unexpectedly change to a blood-red color at an unknown time.

This is not a simple killing demon Buddha, but a change of the combination of the blood-turning sword and the killing demon.

During the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Chu Xiu obtained the blood-turning sword, but many people saw it with their own eyes. Unless Chu Xiu was sure to kill Xu Xing on the spot, he would not be able to use Chu Xiu in front of Xu Xing. Blood God Knife.

However, Chu Xiu's attainment of the Demon Blood Dafa and the Blood-turning Divine Sword is also not low, and the martial arts are ever-changing, why should it be superficial?

At the moment, Chu Xiu is also using the blood-turning sword, but whether it is used by himself, but combined with his own law, unless a warrior who has also practiced the blood-turning sword comes, no one can tell.

The evil killing demon Buddha was slashed out, and the blood-colored long knife tore everything apart. Even if the Buddha's flame was boiling violently, it was directly slashed by the blood-colored magic knife!

In the **** light, the Bodhi tree was cut off by the knife, and after the rising blood mist, Chu Xiu's complexion was slightly pale, but his figure did not stop, and went straight to the seven knives.

Xu Xing was just pushed back by the blood-turning sword. At this time, he watched Chu Xiu go straight to the seven knives. Even when Xu Xing snorted coldly, he squeezed a strange seal with both hands, and the surrounding gang The qi was burning violently, and the connected heaven and earth vitality began to be ignited.

The boundless Buddha flame distorted everything, and the entire layer of the magic pagoda was ignited in an instant, forming a boundless fire field in a radius of 100 meters!

Moreover, the fire area is still shrinking. Every zhang, its power becomes stronger. Moreover, this magic flame has the characteristics of suppressing demons and killing evil spirits. Within this fire area, once Chu Xiu uses his magic power , he will be repressed exponentially!

Xu Xing's complexion is also a little pale, even if he is a martial arts master, it is a bit difficult to set up such a powerful fire field at this time.

However, the Martial Dao Zhendan in his body has been continuously attracting the power of heaven and earth into himself, supplementing his own strength.

The explosive power of this Demon Dao junior in front of him is indeed astonishing, but what Xu Xing did is even more straightforward. He directly ignited this layer of demon towers and destroyed all these demon Dao things. Let’s see how you can take them!

There was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, this old bald donkey was extremely difficult to deal with.

Seeing that the fire domain had already attacked, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal, and in an instant his mental power was almost completely evacuated, leaving only a trace.

The feeling of being overdrawn in mental strength is very uncomfortable. At present, Chu Xiu has finally made up for the hidden dangers in his Primordial Spirit, but in the face of the difficult old monk Xu Xing, he still has to use all his strength.

The majestic and invisible spiritual power lingered in the void, condensed into an invisible arrow, took Chu Xiu's mind as the bow, and shot towards Xuxing!

This is the soul-killing arrow in the nine great ways to capture the soul. Its power is extremely simple. It is to explode one's own spiritual power to the extreme, use the soul to destroy the soul, and destroy the opponent's primordial spirit.

In fact, most of the Jiumen Yuan Mystery Techniques among the Nine Great Soul-snatching Forms are biased towards the evil type, like the Silk Soul Net and the Soul-suppressing Netherworld Song. Only this Soul-destroying Arrow is simply fierce and direct to the extreme. Although it is a mysterious method, it is like a martial art of close combat, violent and fierce.

As soon as the soul-killing arrow came out, there was a silent whistle. Although Xu Xing couldn't hear the sound, he could feel a powerful primordial divine pressure attacking him.

Xuxing squeezed the handprint of the Medicine Master Wangfo, and the glazed golden light protected the body, and at the same time wanted to dodge.

But just as he made a move, he felt a qi machine locked on him, and the trajectory of the soul-killing arrow changed in advance, almost synchronizing with his dodging movements, which was very strange.

Chu Xiu still had a trace of spiritual power when he cast the soul destroying arrow.

And this trace of spiritual power is what Chu Xiu used to perform the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique.

When using this kind of exercise, it is used in conjunction with the emperor's qi technique, it is simply a lore, and the power is multiplied.

After changing his shape several times in a row, Xu Xing finally gave up.

No matter how he dodged, the arrow was like a maggot attached to his bones, clinging to him.

At the moment when the soul destroying arrow was approaching, Xu Xing roared, the glazed golden light flourished, and the blood was surging, resisting the primordial spirit with an arrow.

But now Chu Xiu's spiritual power is no less than that of a martial arts master, and even stronger than a martial arts master like Xu Xing who has not practiced the Yuan Mystic Law.

The arrow that condensed all of Chu Xiu's spiritual power collided with the glazed Buddha light and tore it apart in an instant.

The strong energy of qi and blood failed to completely stop the arrow. The power of the soul-killing arrow burst out, and the spiritual storm swept through. Xu Xing groaned suddenly, his face turned pale, and even his eyes briefly lost focus. , this is clearly the manifestation of Yuanshen's trauma.

After a few breaths, Xu Xing finally came over. Although there was still a sharp pain in his head, Xu Xing still wanted to shoot, but it was already too late at this time~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The time to count interest is very short, but it can do a lot of things.

Those Buddha Flame Domains did not have the strength to support them, and they would no longer expand. Chu Xiu also successfully obtained the seven knives and the animal skin book.

When Xu Xing came back to his senses, their layer could no longer withstand this powerful force and collapsed directly.

Seeing that Chu Xiu actually got the seven knives in front of him, Xu Xing even snorted coldly, ignoring the sharp pain in his mind like a knife, and punched Chu Xiu again.

Although his mental power was hit hard by the soul-killing arrow just now, he didn't need mental power to walk in vain, and with his perseverance, he could completely suppress the severe pain of his mental power trauma.

Holding the series of scabbards, Chu Xiu subconsciously clenched the hilt, and a cold glow appeared in his eyes.

Lin Ye's identity has never been used in swordsmanship, and Chu Xiu is also worried about exposure.

However, since he has obtained seven seemingly extraordinary magic knives at this time, as long as he does not use the signature martial skill of Abitao's three knives, he is not worried about being seen through.

Holding a long knife in his hand, Chu Xiu pulled it out, but the moment the long knife was just unsheathed, Chu Xiu's expression suddenly changed.

A force came from above the long knife and left the scabbard. The long knife seemed to have untied the seal. In an instant, a strange breath burst out. It was not demonic energy, but a kind of obsession, greed! Greedy greed!

At the moment of holding the long knife, Chu Xiu's will was instantly covered by this greed, his eyes became red, and endless greed shrouded it. At this moment, Chu Xiu wanted to have everything and wanted to To devour everything, the sword cut down, and the vitality of heaven and earth within a hundred meters around it was even absorbed, and it was all swallowed up by the long sword!


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