Meet The Leader

Chapter 576: 7 love

Lu Fengxian suddenly had a very strange feeling that Chu Xiu changed his identity, and even his temper and way of doing things changed.

Although Chu Xiu used to do things without compromise, he was not as simple and rude as he is now, domineering and direct.

Lu Fengxian quickly shook his head and said, "No need, I still have weapons here."

With that said, Lu Fengxian actually took out the five-pole Fangtian Huaji from the space secret box. The rank was not weak, and they were all rank five or six treasure soldiers.

Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment and said, "Where did you get so many Fang Tianhua halberds?"

Lu Fengxian scratched his head and said, "It was all given to me by Senior Chen of the World Alliance.

There are quite a few Fang Tianhua halberds in the arsenal of the Tianxia Alliance, but there are not many of them in the Tianxia Alliance who use Fang Tianhua halberds, so Senior Chen sent them all to me.

Originally, I wanted to refuse, but Senior Chen said that there is no possibility to take back what he sent out, so I could only accept it. "

Hearing this, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head, but Emperor Chen Qing really valued Lu Fengxian. Those who didn't know it thought that Lu Fengxian was his own disciple and Xie Xiaolou was an outsider.

"By the way, Brother Chu, you have always been prepared to act as a demon from now on?" Lu Fengxian asked.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "In Xiaofan days, the identity of the devil is much more useful than the identity of the righteous, and the relationship between you and me is unknown to others, although we can't join forces openly, but in the chaos , but we can help each other secretly, just like we did just now."

In fact, Lu Fengxian's move just now was a little dangerous. If there was no Zongxuan, but another martial arts master, Lu Fengxian's actions would easily be suspected by others.

A newly promoted Dragon Tiger Ranking expert suddenly jumped out to challenge the martial arts master. Either his head was flooded or he had no plans.

And because of Zongxuan's second position on the Dragon Tiger List, he was not less challenged. At this time, it was normal for Lu Fengxian to stand up to challenge, so that he would not be suspected.

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll take the first step, you and I will be open and dark, and we will act at the end of the day."

After negotiating, Lu Fengxian left without delay.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu still had to avoid appearing at the same time during Xiaofan's day, one after the other.

After Lu Fengxian left, Chu Xiu took out the animal skin book he had obtained before and looked at it carefully while recovering his mental power that had been used up.

In fact, now Chu Xiu wants to study the seven magic knives, but that thing is a bit too evil.

The shapes of these seven magic knives are exactly the same, and the hilts are equally long and narrow. The only difference is that different patterns are engraved on the hilt, which seems to be text, but Chu Xiu did not see it. a text that has passed.

Therefore, after observing it once, Chu Xiu did not continue to study the seven knives, but read the animal skin book carefully. After reading the entire book, Chu Xiu also let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes were faint. Showing a touch of excitement, he has found a treasure this time, although it is a very troublesome treasure.

This book is not a practice method, but a handbook that records the ins and outs of these seven knives.

The person who forged them in the past was the top of the Black Magic Tower. He didn't know his name, but what he was best at was not martial arts, but all kinds of messy things such as refining tools.

The master craftsman of the Black Magic Tower once accidentally obtained a fragment of a supreme sword technique, only one style.

This powerful swordsmanship has the power to destroy the world in ancient times. It is divided into seven styles. However, everyone who learns this swordsmanship will not end well. It seems that this swordsmanship is innate. With a curse, none of its descendants will die.

The master craftsman of the Black Magic Tower is not good at martial arts, and he has no interest in this practice, and he has not practiced the only one. These seven magic knives were refined.

The mighty power of the Xeon Sabre is astonishing, and it evokes the power of heaven and earth, and the master refiner of the Black Magic Tower obviously does not have that strong power, so he has taken a different approach, not integrating the power of heaven and earth into the blade, but incorporating the power of heaven and earth into the blade. The seven human emotions, greed, hatred, ignorance, hatred, love, hatred, and desire are integrated into them.

Human power cannot be compared with the power of heaven and earth, but once a person's emotions are brought to the extreme, their power is also extremely terrifying.

Just like the greedy knife that Chu Xiu used before, that greedy emotion directly eroded Chu Xiu's will, swallowed everything, and was extremely terrifying.

However, what is even more terrifying is the process of refining the seven knives by the master refiner of the Black Magic Tower in the past.

What these seven magic knives need to incorporate is people's interests, so the most important material is people!

There is a record in the notes that the master of the black magic tower used the power of the black magic tower to capture countless people, and screened out the 99 people with the strongest greed, as well as the other six emotions.

Using human blood and human soul as the material, it is integrated into the seven magic knives, so that the seven magic knives are completely integrated into the seven emotions, which can be called extremely domineering. will hurt others.

Therefore, these seven magic knives are not considered magic weapons, because they are already filled with the extreme emotions, and they cannot give birth to artifact spirits at all.

But its power is incomparably powerful, at least far surpassing almost all treasures. Even Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance is only stronger than it is, and cannot be compared with him in power.

At the end of the notes, the master craftsman of the Black Magic Tower made this scabbard with the skin of the dragon, soaked in the demon blood of the strong, and used it to suppress the seven demon knives, otherwise no one could touch this thing at all. .

And he is also preparing to join forces with several masters of the magic path of the Black Magic Tower to create a magic art to match the seven magic knives.

After all, the side effects of these seven magic knives are really too great. Although their power is amazing, once they use them to hurt others, they will also be affected by the extreme emotions in them. Easing suppression.

It's a pity that at the end of the notes, something urgent seems to have happened, the record has a fault, and there is no more later.

According to Chu Xiu's guess, it should be about something like the ancient catastrophe, which caused the research to be interrupted.

Chu Xiu touched his chin and looked at the seven magic knives with a strange look in his eyes.

This is definitely a good thing, not a magic weapon, but it is better than a magic weapon.

It’s just that the side effects are a bit big. If you are not careful, your mind will be affected by that emotion, and you will fall into madness at light, and even the most important one will be destroyed!

That's why the master craftsman of the Black Magic Tower wanted to temporarily seal it up and use it after researching the matching exercises.

There is no cultivation method right now, so Chu Xiu can also forcefully use it and try it, and suppress it in the simplest and rude way.

Chu Xiu had used the greedy knife before, but at that time Chu Xiu's mental power had been exhausted, so he had no resistance, but in the end he still relied on the power of the glazed golden thread Gu to regain his sobriety.

Now that Chu Xiu's mental power has recovered, and he still has the Glazed Golden Thread Gu as his trump card, he can use these seven magic knives when he is about to fight. As long as he doesn't use it continuously, it should be fine.

So at this time, Chu Xiu was calm, his hand slowly held the hilt of the greedy knife, and he slowly pulled it out tentatively.

In an instant, an extreme greed enveloped Chu Xiu, and instantly made Chu Xiu's eyes turn red.

But at that moment, Chu Xiu's mental power exploded, and Chu Xiu exerted the magic of reincarnation of inner demons and the magic of destroying and moving the soul to the extreme. Only then did he forcefully suppress the greed.

The greedy sword let out a long cry, as if resisting, but under the pressure of Chu Xiu's mental pressure, he finally gave in completely.

Putting the greedy knife back into the scabbard, Chu Xiu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The mental power required to suppress this knife is too great, even he can't bear it.

Without the use of matching exercises, Chu Xiu could only use the most brutal method to suppress According to the rune recorded on the handbook, Chu Xiu found the hate knife and pulled it out. In an instant, extreme negative emotions erupted, hating the sky, hating the earth, hating others, hating myself, hating! hatred! hatred!

This time, Chu Xiu was not eroded by the hatred, but calmly put the hatred into the sheath.

Previously, Chu Xiu had cultivated the three swords of Abi Dao to the extreme level. Although this sword technique was a magic way, the extreme emotion contained in it was also hatred.

Perhaps Chu Xiu was used to the power of suppressing the three swords of Abitao, so at this time, it would be much easier for Chu Xiu to use the hatred sword, which had the same origin as the power of the three swords of Abitao.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and carefully groped for it on the note.

It was written in the handbook that the master of the black magic tower was inspired to refine the seven magic knives because he obtained a residual move of the Xeon sword technique.

So where is the residual trick now?

According to habit, the disabled move will definitely be placed in a position where he can often see it, so it is very likely to be caught in the notebook.

But in case the crippling move was placed elsewhere, would he have to go back to the Black Devil Tower? I'm afraid that place has already been searched empty.

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly paused. On the cover page of the note, Chu Xiu felt a slight sense of strangeness. True Qi poured into it, and a blood-colored picture appeared faintly from the cover page. It is extremely ancient, and even some places are about to be broken, so the master of the black magic tower will enclose it in the handbook for preservation.

The quaint font above vaguely emerges, the name is: Swallowing the sky and destroying the earth!

Chu Xiu's eyes slid down, he just glanced at the sword technique, and in an instant, a mouthful of blood spurted out!


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