Meet The Leader

Chapter 577: Swallow the sky and destroy the earth 7 limits

ps: Thanks to the book friend 20180401074828275 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Chu Xiu has seen this kind of backlash with exercises, and Chu Xiu has also seen weapons backlash.

But at the moment, Chu Xiu just glanced at the words above, and was immediately attacked by the power in it. This kind of thing was unheard of.

The backlash is so powerful, what level is this practice? Is it the Supreme Cultivation Technique or the legendary peerless magic technique?

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Chu Xiu's newly recovered mental power was condensed by him again, and he also turned his attention to the sword technique again.

Chu Xiu just didn't check it for a while, and was suddenly attacked and backlashed. He never thought that a scrap of swordsmanship would have such power.

At this time, Chu Xiu condensed all his spiritual power. If he couldn't even see a fragment of the sword technique, then this technique would be too perverted.

At the moment when Chu Xiu's eyes turned to the exercise, a desolate and simple atmosphere like a flood poured into Chu Xiu's mind, majestic, but at the same time extremely violent.

At the same time, countless information also poured into Chu Xiu's mind. If Chu Xiu's current mental strength is strong enough, even comparable to a martial arts master, just like this can directly damage Chu Xiu's spirit.

At this time, Chu Xiu couldn't see anything else, and there was only a vision that kept reappearing in his mind.

It was a blurry figure like a **** and a demon, holding an evil war sword that seemed to be made of white bones. The mountains and rivers are shattered, this is the ultimate strength!

It's a simple knife, but what it contains is a rule, a rule of strength, a rule that Chu Xiu can't understand.

Put away the Astral Qi, the exercise method was hidden in the animal skin notes again, but Chu Xiu's complexion was already pale at this time, and the mental power that had just recovered was completely overdrawn.

This is a very terrifying sword technique, so terrifying that although Chu Xiu has read it, he is not even sure whether he can successfully cultivate it, because some of it has exceeded his understanding.

Some of the artistic conceptions in this sword technique are somewhat close to Chen Qingdi's martial arts, but Chu Xiu can understand Chen Qingdi's martial arts, and he can even comprehend some things that belong to him, but now this sword technique However, Chu Xiu really didn't even have the confidence to cultivate.

Xiaofan is not a place to practice for the time being, and Lu Fengxian should have walked some distance at this time. Chu Xiu also quickly replenished his mental strength and was ready to set off.

The seven magic knives were carried behind Chu Xiu's back. Although these seven knives are very dangerous, with Chu Xiu's current strength, it is not a problem for him to use the hatred knife. Not a problem.

But now Chu Xiu doesn't have much certainty about what the other five knives are.

Just when Chu Xiu was recovering his strength, Lu Fengxian had already walked a long way. He didn't know that something went wrong with Chu Xiu. He thought that Chu Xiu was secretly following him.

At this time, waves of power waved in front of him, so powerful that even Lu Fengxian was very heartbroken. When he walked over to see it, it was a valley, but there were dozens of people gathered in the valley, and three of them were martial arts masters. .

The arrival of Lu Fengxian attracted the attention of some people. Some of these people had experienced the battle of the Black Devil Tower just now, but they did not participate in the search for the ruined Black Devil Tower, so when Lu Fengxian and Chu Xiu regained their strength , they have already come here.

This group of people had been promoting the battle before. Although the main point was that Lin Ye, the martial artist of the Dao Dao, had seriously injured the first virtual walk of the Dharma Academy of Daguang Temple, Lu Fengxian was able to follow the sect with the cultivation base that he had just stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man. Xuan Zhan's appearance is also very amazing.

So seeing Lu Fengxian coming at this time, there was even a slight commotion in the field.

"Brother Lu, I didn't see it. You are so fierce. Give advice another day. Don't worry, don't be merciless. The more brutal the better." Luo Feihong came over and looked at Lu Fengxian with a strange expression.

Compared with Chu Xiu and the others, Luo Feihong was actually the last Lu Fengxian she knew, so she was still a little unfamiliar with Lu Fengxian.

At the beginning, Luo Feihong just felt that this person is very good, and he will not suffer as a friend. The second feeling is that he is a little jealous. What is a man so good-looking for?

Although Luo Feihong doesn't act like a woman most of the time, she is actually a woman and a beauty, so she is a little concerned about this kind of thing.

As a result, now she actually heard that Lu Fengxian had beaten Zongxuan with dozens of tricks, and even used the unparalleled magic weapon to repel Zongxuan. This kind of record was even enough to make Lu Fengxian rise a few places on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking.

Lu Fengxian smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Luo, stop making trouble."

Luo Feihong patted Lu Fengxian's chest and said, "Who is making trouble with you? I'm telling the truth, and don't call me Miss Luo, just call me Feihong, I'm always a girl, I sound awkward, now you Call me girl, what do you call me when I get married in the future? Wife or young woman?"

Lu Fengxian was stunned for a moment. It seemed that it was normal to be called a girl, okay? Besides, after marriage, of course, she would be called a madam. Who would call it that? What is Luo Feihong thinking about all day long?

And there was one more sentence that Lu Fengxian didn't say. With Luo Feihong's character, he wouldn't think that Luo Feihong would get married.

Seeing that the topic became more and more crooked, Lu Fengxian pouted in the direction of the valley and said, "What are you all waiting for?"

Luo Feihong shrugged and said: "There is a restriction there, and several martial artists in the unity of heaven and man can't open it.

Finally, a few martial arts masters came. They are studying to open the ban. We weaker warriors can only stand here as a crowd, and then go inside after the ban is opened to see if we can drink soup.

By the way, Brother Lu, have you seen Chu Xiu and the others? "

Lu Fengxian hesitated for a moment and said, "No, but if we follow the direction we planned before, we will definitely meet Brother Chu and Brother Xie."

Lu Fengxian was also a little unsure how much Chu Xiu trusted Luo Feihong, so he didn't tell the truth.

Moreover, it is not suitable for telling the truth in the public right now.

Luo Feihong did not doubt either, she and Lu Fengxian stood here chatting while waiting for the martial arts masters to join forces to lift the restriction.

At this time, in front of the restriction in the valley, the three martial arts masters were all studying the restriction, but in fact only one person, an old Taoist priest of Zhenwu Religion, did it.

Almost all of the three sects of Taoism are good at the formation method. The old Taoist priest of Zhenwu Sect has gray hair, a wrinkled face, and a sleepy appearance. He is slowly combing the formation pattern there, and his slow look can be seen. Beside him, a strong man in battle armor, with a majestic figure and a beard, was anxious.

"I said the old way of Guangning, can you hurry up? If you continue to linger, everyone else has searched the entire ruins, and you are still here to break through!"

The martial artist who spoke was a martial arts master from the White Tiger Hall, "Blood Lie" Yu Chi Feng. His status in the White Tiger Hall was not low, and he was a master second only to the chief hall master of the White Tiger Hall.

Moreover, now that Baihutang is cooperating with the Eastern Qi court, Yu Chifeng has also taken the position of a general in the Eastern Qi military. Of course, his general is only a name, and he does not even have a single soldier.

The old Guangning Daoist stopped his hand slowly, and then raised his head slowly, as if something was brewing, Yu Chifeng looked anxious, just when he couldn't help but want to urge, that Guangning The old man said slowly: "I think I'm slow, you can do it, this forbidden formation is self-destructing. Once the force exceeds the load of the formation, the guardian formation will immediately become a self-destructing formation. When everything inside is destroyed, don't blame me."

After such a long time, the old Guangning Daoist squeezed out such a sentence, and almost choked Yuchi Feng to death.

At this time, standing beside the two of them, a middle-aged man in a golden robe said, "I said Yuchifeng, don't disturb the Guangning Daoist. The more you talk, the slower he will be."

This middle-aged man is Huangfu Weiming, the head of the Huangfu family in Pingyao, Yanxi, but he is not very famous in the arena.

The Huangfu clan was also brilliant before, and even at its most ranked second only to the Shangshui Ying clan among the nine great aristocratic families.

However, in recent years, the Huangfu family has declined a bit, but the cleverness of the Huangfu family is that although it has declined, it is also very low-key, never causing trouble, just in a corner of Yanxi, waiting for its own strength. To grow, then start to expand.

Yu Chi Feng stood there dejectedly and did not speak, of course it was useless for him to say.

In Xiaofantian, those warriors who were in the realm of the unity of heaven and man were beaten to death. In fact, as long as there is no major enmity between them, as long as there is no major enmity between them, there are usually more ways to cooperate, but they can't fight. .

Because most of the martial arts masters have experienced Xiaofantian at least once, and they have entered one of them as early as before they became masters, and the second time they can get something less, so Not so aggressive.

Right now, these three people, Zhenwu Sect is in Eastern Qi, and they are enshrined as the state religion by the Eastern Qi royal family. In face, they will not fight.

And Yanxi Pingyao Huangfu's family has always been low-key and has no major grudges with both parties, but the three of them can coexist peacefully.

After another half day, more and more warriors gathered in the valley, and everyone was waiting for the ruins in the valley to open.

Neither the Daoist Guangning nor Huangfu Weiming were the kind of domineering people, so they did not expel these warriors, and neither of them would speak, and Yuchi Feng would naturally not speak either.

At the same time, Chu Xiu also rushed to the valley, and when everyone present saw Chu Xiu, they immediately talked in a low voice.


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