Meet The Leader

Chapter 579: The power of magic

Chu Xiu's temper has never been good, and it is not his habit not to retaliate when someone is scolded.

Besides, he is now appearing as a Demon Dao, not arrogant, not arrogant, can he still be called a Demon Dao?

Under the pressure of Chu Xiu's murderous intention, although the three young warriors of pure Yang Daomen were trembling, they still held their heads high, showing an unyielding attitude.

These three people kept shouting to eliminate demons and guards. In the eyes of others, this disciple of Chunyang Daomen seems to have a sick head, but in fact, for the disciples of Chunyang Daomen, it is their belief. An instilled idea.

Speaking of which, Chunyang Daomen will have such paranoid thoughts, not only because of the character of their several generations of headmasters, but also because of the status of Chunyang Daomen itself.

In the past, Chunyang Daomen was the head of the world's Daomen, and even the leader of the righteous way. Others could ignore things like the demon and guard Dao, but they had to care, and they had to use this method to maintain their status.

It's a pity that this river and lake is not black and white. In addition to forming more grudges with the magic line, Chunyang Daomen does not do much good for Chunyang Daomen itself.

It was as if they were here to provoke Chu Xiu. Chu Xiu was not a Taoist from Guangning and would be accustomed to them.

Seeing that Chu Xiu seemed to be about to kill someone, the Daoist from Guangning over there couldn't care less about breaking the line, and quickly said: "Little friend Lin, give me a face for the old Daoist, these three juniors from Daomen are not sensible, so you don't need to be serious.

They don't know what's most important in this Xiaofan day, don't you know? Killing them won't do you any good except offending Chunyang Daomen. "

Guangning Taoist can really be said to be a good old man.

What happened this time is that Chunyang Daomen made a mistake and took the initiative to die. Guangning Daoist Congress can be regarded as invisible, just continue to break the line.

Moreover, he had mentioned these three disciples of Chunyangmen before, let them keep a low profile and not cause trouble, but they didn't listen.

Therefore, even if Daoist Guangning turns a blind eye, he can be considered to be benevolent and righteous.

In the end, Daoist Guangning still spoke to them, which was kind enough.

But the Daoist of Guangning was kind, but the three pure Yang Daoist warriors were not appreciative, and one of them said angrily: "Senior Guangning, you don't kill the murderer of this demonic way, and you call yourself a little friend, how can this be? What can my righteous sect be able to do?

Although my strength is low, I am not afraid of death. If this demonic murderer dares to move me, the elders of my pure Yang Dao sect will naturally avenge me! "

Chu Xiu now knows why Li Feilian, who was fourth in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, and that low-key guy, killed the genius of Chunyang Daomen.

These guys simply don't leave any steps, and they have to push things into an endless situation.

Just now, Daoist Guangning has already spoken to make peace. He is a senior in Jianghu, and he is completely equal to Chu Xiu. In terms of face, everyone can pass it. Besides, now only he can break the formation in this valley, and Chu Xiu doesn't want to. Rip his face.

So as long as these three people are soft, Chu Xiu will just teach them a lesson, and they will still save their lives.

But now, these three people are clearly forcing Chu Xiu to kill them.

Looking at the Daoist Guangning, Chu Xiu said in a hoarse tone: "Daoist Guangning, you are a sensible person, this is not the battlefield of the battle between the righteous and the devil, and I did not take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, if I can't stand someone who wants to die, then I can't blame me.

Someone pointed at my nose and wanted to kill me to eliminate the demon guard. If I don't even let a fart, what is the majesty of my demon? "

As soon as the words fell, Daoist Guangning's expression changed suddenly, he even clenched the Dao sword in his hand, and quickly said: "Wait..."

But unfortunately, it was too late. Chu Xiu didn't need so much effort to deal with the three warriors from the Five Qi Dynasty.

With a wave of one hand, the spiritual power turned into twisted strings. With Chu Xiu's plucking, the sound of the soul-suppressing piano burst out in an instant.

Now Chu Xiu's spiritual power has even surpassed the existence of most martial arts masters, and it is simply crushing to deal with three martial artists of the Five Qi Dynasty.

In an instant, fresh blood flowed from the seven orifices of the three pure Yang Daomen warriors, and the pure Yang Qi that protected their bodies did not even resist the slightest effect, and they were already penetrated by the powerful spiritual force.

The three pure Yang Daomen warriors lay down on the ground together, and they didn't even utter a miserable cry. Everyone who saw this scene felt cold in their hearts.

One was shocked by Lin Ye's wicked murder method.

Spiritual attacks have always been the most difficult to defend against. The Yuan Mystery Law is always a minority in the arena, but once it is cultivated to the Transformation Realm, its power is also very terrifying, just like the Nancang Xiahou Clan.

Xiahou's divine art was simple and direct, and powerful and domineering, but at the moment, Lin Ye's Primordial Mystery Art had a strong demonic color, and it was very evil.

The second thing they were shocked by was the way Lin Ye acted.

In recent years, the magic way has been on the decline. Everyone has always heard that a righteous genius killed an evil demon and an outsider, and was praised by the people of the rivers and lakes. It is rare to hear that an outstanding disciple of which school was killed by the magic way.

It seems that apart from the domineering power displayed by the Moon Worship Cult during the battle between the Fuyu Mountain and the Demons, there is rarely such a tough time in the Demon Dao.

As a result, now this Chu Xiu has simply killed the three outstanding disciples of the younger generation of Chunyang Daomen, which is really decisive.

A handsome disciple of Chunyang Daomen, who had reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, was nailed to death by Li Feilian. This time Xiaofantian, Zhenyangzi brought four more young disciples. After Xiaofantian, how could any of them be? There will be one or two who will step into the realm of heaven and man.

The result is good now, four people were directly killed by this Lin Ye, and Chunyang Daomen was afraid that he would vomit blood this time.

Seeing that three disciples of the Pure Yang Daomen were killed in front of him, Daoist Guangning also showed a touch of anger in his eyes.

The Daoist sect was in the same breath, and these three were all descendants of his Daoist sect, but they were killed in front of his eyes. No matter right or wrong, the Guangning Daoist obviously couldn't keep silent.

Seeing Daoist Guangning's actions, Chu Xiu put his hand on the hatred knife behind him, and said lightly, "Daoist Guangning, everything in this world must be reasonable.

You open your mouth to find a step down, and I will give this face, but these three idiots have already said their words to death, what do you want me to do?

Man, now that I've killed it, if Daomen wants to trouble me, then I'll go along with it, to say something arrogant, Martial Dao Master, I've played against him, but it's not one or two! "

Some people who had participated in the Black Magic Tower suddenly thought of the previous battle. The first virtual tour of the Bodhidharma was severely damaged by the seven strange magic knives behind Lin Ye.

None of the people present knew the cost of using the Seven Devils. Anyway, in their opinion, Chu Xiu's deterrent power was basically similar to that of a martial arts master.

Just as the swords were drawn, Huangfu Weiming took the Daoist Guangning's hand and said in a deep voice, "Daoist Guangning, don't be impulsive, you also said that when you enter Xiaofan days, everyone is not a demon guardian. Now, the people of Chunyang Daomen are courting death by themselves. You have done your best, and now you still want to get in with yourself?

Listen to my advice, let's forget about this matter. Lin Ye is a handsome figure cultivated by the hidden demons. Don't treat him as an ordinary junior.

As you know, the strength of Xu Xing, a vajra Buddha flame to suppress demons and punish evil, adds three points to the power of martial artists who practice magic, but in the end, Xu Xing was severely injured by this kid's magic knife.

Even if you don't want to be yourself, think about your true martial arts.

Once you get rid of the problem in Xiaofan days, then the two young people of your Zhenwu Sect will have no support. "

Yu Chi Feng didn't add fuel to the jealousy this time, just comforted him: "That's right, old man, you have to calm down. Even if you really want to do something to that kid, there will be opportunities later, so don't be in a hurry."

Of course Huangfu Weiming and Yuchi Feng were not so Everything was for the sake of Daoist Guangning. They held Daoist Guangning just because they were afraid of a fight between Daoist Guangning and Lin Yezhen. You can't get into such a valley.

In a place where such a complete formation can still be preserved in the ancient catastrophe, there must be no shortage of good things.

Daoist Guangning is not a person from Pure Yang Daomen, he can still listen to persuasion.

In the end, Daoist Guangning let go of his hand holding the Dao sword, turned around and went to break through the formation without saying a word.

Everyone present was relieved when they saw this scene. After all, now that Daoist Guangning has opened the formation, they can still go in and drink soup.

If Guangning Daoist and Lin Ye fought to the death, they would only be able to watch the fun, and they wouldn't even be able to drink the soup.

There was only Lu Fengxian who secretly wiped away the cold sweat.

Brother Chu is a bit too fierce. It seems that after he appeared in the identity of the devil, his behavior has become closer to the devil. No, it should be said that he is more radical than the devil.

Daoist Guangning turned around and continued to decipher the formation. About an hour later, the formation restriction in front of the valley made a light sound, and the rays of light suddenly glowed.

The eyes of everyone suddenly lit up, and the formation was unraveled!

As the formation was unraveled, some changes took place at the entrance to the valley.

The entire entrance became like a layer of ripples on the water surface. Daoist Guangning took the lead and stretched out his hand and went directly through the ripples. There was nothing unusual, so he stepped directly into the ripples on the water surface.

When Yu Chifeng and others saw this, they also stepped into it. After the ripples on the water surface, a fragrant fragrance rushed to their faces, but what appeared in front of everyone was a scene of birds singing and flowers, as beautiful as a paradise.


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