Meet The Leader

Chapter 580: Huang Quan, Nai He, 3 students

Most of the scenes in Xiaofan Tiantian were extremely dilapidated, just like the Lingbao Temple that Chu Xiu had been to before, and the Black Magic Tower, which were all in ruins.

But now the valley is extremely well-preserved, with small bridges and flowing water, birds chirping and flowers fragrant, it looks like a fairyland at all.

However, there is a layer of mist in this valley, which makes it difficult for everyone to see what is in front of them, but they can still see the pavilions and pavilions in the distance.

Everyone present was instantly refreshed, such a complete relic is extremely rare in Xiaofan's day, the more complete it is, the more benefits it proves. This time, they have found a treasure.

Thinking so, everyone also walked towards the valley, and what they saw was a small bridge and a small river only a few feet wide.

However, the water in the Hehe River is a little turbid, and it is impossible to see what is in it.

The small bridge was extremely delicate, covered with various runes, and there was a large stone beside the bridge.

The Daoist Guangning who was walking at the front stared at the rune on the bridge and frowned, and did not continue to move forward.

Yuchifeng and Huangfu only knew that Daoist Guangning must have found something, so they did not urge them.

However, the small bridge is a bit too delicate, it can only accommodate one person to pass, and the two people are a little crowded, so although the warriors in the back are anxious, they dare not let the three people in front move away and pass by themselves.

Chu Xiu had this ability. He secretly used the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique to look at the small bridge and the river. His eyes suddenly filled with strange colors, and his figure didn't move, he just stood honestly behind the three of them.

However, some of the people present couldn't wait any longer. This small river was only a few feet wide. For experts in the realm of harmony between man and nature, they could cross it with a single jump.

So one of the warriors present couldn't help it, and as soon as he moved, he directly stepped over to the other side of the river.

However, just when his figure came to the middle of the river, something unexpected happened.

The originally turbid river water has now turned a sinister yellowish brown, greasy like a slurry, exuding a disgusting smell.

Some people present have smelled this smell, which is the stench of corpses!

What the **** is the yellow-brown river water with the smell of corpse, no one dares to imagine this. What really makes people feel frightened is that a vortex suddenly rises in the river, and more than a dozen evil spirit-like things emerge from it. gushing out of the river.

These things were gray and white, as if they had been starved for hundreds of years, leaving only a layer of skin attached to the skeleton.

However, their bodies were slightly transparent, and their bodies were covered with the yellow-brown corpse water, and they could still see the dark bones through the transparent bodies!

Posted by these evil things, it is useless to let the martial artist of the unity of heaven and man release his own qi. In less than a breath, he will be entangled by these evil things, and then forcefully was dragged into the tawny river of corpses.

The corpse water was surging, and in the tragic howl of the warrior, his body was corroded and melted by the corpse water, and it also became transparent, but the bones inside had not turned black, but his appearance was already similar to those of those Evil is exactly the same.

After a while, the warrior was completely assimilated, and like those evil spirits, he waited for something to sink into the water again. The yellow-brown corpse water was hidden under the river surface, and the entire river surface became the same as before, slightly turbid, but quiet. Incomparable.

But everyone present took a step back in unison, and there was an extremely frightened look in their eyes.

Under the seemingly serene river surface, there are such evil spirits hidden!

Ninety percent of the people present were from big families and sects, and they were all people who had seen the world.

But like the river in front of you, there are some evil spirits in it. What the **** is this?

Chu Xiu was silent on the side. In fact, he had just checked it with the emperor's qi technique, and he had already discovered that something was wrong.

There are formations in this river that are prohibited and blocked, and even if Chu Xiu uses the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique, he will not be able to see the detailed scenes.

However, Chu Xiu could see that there were very powerful negative emotions and extremely strong spiritual power hidden in this river, so he was also cautious and did not make a move.

Yu Chi Feng said solemnly, "Old Daoist, what kind of ghostly things are these?"

The scene just now made Yuchi Feng terrified. He couldn't see through the details of those evil spirits, but the mental fluctuations revealed by some of them were not inferior to those of martial arts masters!

Daoist Guangning said solemnly, "Have you ever heard of Yellow Springs Water, Naihe Bridge?"

Yu Chi Feng was startled, his voice changed a bit.

"What did you say!? This river is Yellow Spring, and this bridge is Naihe Bridge? Could it be that we are in the underworld?"

Everyone present was also cold after hearing this.

This kind of thing that only exists in legend suddenly appears in front of your eyes, even Yu Chi Feng, the martial arts master, can't keep calm.

Daoist Guangning rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't be surprised, I'm just asking if you've heard of it before. Who told you that this is Yellow Springs Water, Naihe Bridge?"

Yu Chi Feng said angrily, "Why didn't you ask?"

Daoist Guangning said solemnly: "Although this place is not the Yellow Spring Water and the Naihe Bridge, it is imitated according to the legendary Yellow Spring Water and the Naihe Bridge.

There are countless evil corpse qi condensed in this river, and a formation is also set up. As long as someone falls into this river, they will immediately be drained of all vitality by the yellow spring water full of corpse qi. It will not dissipate, but will attach to the remnant body and be assimilated into one of the evil spirits.

I have never heard of such a strange formation. In the entire river, only the small bridge engraved with the rune of understanding spell is safe. "

Yu Chi Feng suddenly realized, he suddenly pointed at the stone and said, "Then this stone is the Sansheng Stone?"

The Taoist Guangning nodded and said, "It should be, but it should be a rare treasure, it was refined by a master craftsman combined with some strange methods of a fortune teller, combined with the runes on the Naihe Bridge. Strength can calculate the origin of people's past lives, but it should be impossible to calculate such things in the future.

Even if it is a powerful fortune-teller master to deduce the future, even if it is a small matter, it will consume his own efforts and life.

This is just a man-made magic weapon, it can only be seen as a lively, don't take it seriously. "

Saying that, Daoist Guangning took the initiative to walk over and put his hand on the Sansheng Stone, and a shimmer of light immediately enveloped it, but it disappeared after a while.

Yu Chi Feng asked suspiciously, "Old Daoist, what did you see?"

The Daoist Guangning smiled and shook his head: "Sure enough, I can't see the future, but I saw a monk. Could it be that I was a monk in my previous life?"

Although Dao and Buddha are both sects of the right way, but Dao and Buddha are incompatible, even the old and good character of the Daoist in Guangning will not look good after seeing the monk of Daguang Temple, and even his attitude is better than that of Chu Xiu, the devil The warriors are poor, but it is conceivable to know how big the enmity between the Buddhas is.

In the absence of the threat of magic, the conflict between Taoism and Buddhism is the most.

So if this Guangning Taoist was a monk in his previous life, it would be interesting.

It's just that Daoist Guangning said that this kind of thing is just a magic weapon, and it can't be regarded as real. After all, no one dares to say that they completely believe in the past life and the future, such as reincarnation.

Yu Chifeng also went over to touch the stone, but then he shook his head and said, "This thing is really wrong, how could Lao Tzu be a scholar in his previous life?"

After he finished speaking, he followed Guangning Daoist to the Naihe Bridge and walked across the river.

The people behind also stepped into it one by one, and they all touched the Three Lives Stone by the way.

Don't care if this thing is accurate or not, it's always okay to watch a happy one.

When it was Lu Fengxian's turn, his expression was a little strange.

Luo Feihong said strangely: "Brother Lu, who did you see?"

Lu Fengxian scratched his head and said, "I saw myself. I was standing here wearing a battle armor, but I couldn't see my face clearly."

Luo Feihong rolled his eyes and said, "No, I think you should see Lu Wenhou.

Didn't everyone say that you were the reincarnation of Wenhou? Maybe you were really Lu Wenhou in your previous life? "

Lu Fengxian shrugged, he didn't know either.

You must know that he saw with his own eyes that the true spirit of Lu Wenhou was shattered and finally merged into his body. If he said that his previous life was Lu Wenhou, then who was the true spirit fragment that merged into his body?

Lu Fengxian didn't take this kind of thing seriously But after Luo Feihong touched the Three Lives Stones, her complexion turned a little red.

Lu Fengxian asked strangely, "Who was your previous life?"

Luo Feihong didn't say anything, just pushed Lu Fengxian and said a little angrily: "Why do you ask so much? Don't you know that women can't tell some secrets? Let's go, don't waste time."

Seeing Luo Feihong's appearance, Lu Fengxian was even more curious, but his character was indifferent. Since Luo Feihong didn't say anything, he didn't ask questions.

Chu Xiu stepped onto the Naihe Bridge following the position of the group behind Lu Fengxian.

Everyone else was very interested in the Three Lives Stones, but Chu Xiu felt a little indifferent.

Others don't know who their past lives are, but Chu Xiu does.

But when he got to Sanshengshi, Chu Xiu also touched the Sanshengshi subconsciously, and a faint light shrouded Chu Xiu, but what appeared in front of him was not what he thought, but his previous life, Lin Ye. The appearance is not the appearance of other things, but nothing!

What appeared in front of Chu Xiu's eyes was nothing but nothingness.

This also makes Chu Xiu feel a little strange. No matter if it is true or false, why do various characters appear when others touch the Three Lives Stone, while himself is nothing? Is it because of his own crossing?

However, Chu Xiu didn't pay too much attention to this matter, but the others in the back saw that Chu Xiu had been staying for a long time, and they were quite critical. Of course, they only dared to discuss in secret.

Chu Xiu didn't take it seriously, he turned around and was about to leave, but when he just turned around, a crack appeared on the Sansheng Stone, and there was no spiritual energy in an instant!


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